Nine Heavens

Chapter 2604

"Hehe, the ancestors of this wave are also very confident that our bright world will definitely win. Now we have nothing to be afraid of. Nothing can be destroyed.

We are also the body of the Pound Universe. Even if the Heart of Darkness detonates and annihilates us, we may freeze for a while, but the light of the Soul Universe will move, and it will not take long for us to be flexible.

We have walked along the way and defeated countless heresies created by the dark metaverse, and now we have finally come to the entrance of the dark metaverse, the heart of darkness. Please believe in ourselves, the department will definitely overcome the baptism of darkness and darkness in the heart of darkness, and finally devour them , broke into the Dark Metaverse! "

"Third brother, what you said is great, we will surely win. But, then again, we suffer in the world, human immortals suffer, cloud immortals suffer, heavenly immortals suffer calamity, and immortals fight against darkness.

Until now, it is unbelievable that the Supreme Occupation God, the source of all this turned out to be the dark heart of the Beast God Wu Zhou and these dark evil gods!

This time we will not die, it is the death time of these hateful dark evil gods! "

"Maybe it's not that simple, great fortune, trillions of gods are born, only light is not dense, only darkness is not wise.

In the possible final outcome, darkness will never die, and light will never die! "

"Hiss! Dahui, the ancestor of Langyuan, thought that such remarks seemed impossible. The coexistence of light and darkness, it stands to reason that it is either bright or dark, they will not coexist no matter what.

However, what we cannot understand is that our existence is the most direct proof of rebellion.

Our souls have divine wisdom, bright eyes, and physical energy are all light, but the essence of our bodies is an indisputable fact of darkness and concentration.

If we want to completely eliminate darkness, then we should also eliminate our own, which is obviously impossible.

Conversely, ignorance is not darkness. If the dark Yuanjie wants to completely destroy the light, then they also need to destroy their thoughts and wisdom, which is impossible.

Therefore, the Xuanmu Daxiao is in favor of the theory that the light and darkness of the ancestors of Langyuan will eventually coexist. "

"I cut it! Two human gods, you are talking about wool, it is a mess.

This star dragon is so confused, according to what you said, the light can't beat the darkness, and the darkness can't beat the light, so let's just toss a fish and do nothing! "

"Shut up your Xingguang mouth, this is anthropomorphic theory, when did you talk about it, and you are yelling nonsense.

Why don't we fight? Seeing that the demons in the dark metaworld are about to detonate the heart of darkness and kill us.

My San Yuan Shenlong thinks, whether it is our light world or the dark Yuan world, no one is strong, as long as we are friendly with each other.

Just like you and me, if we care and love each other, everything will be fine. "

"Damn! Just like us, shit! Last time we had a quarrel, you tore down my Dragon Palace and haven't repaired it for me yet, causing me to sleep on the mountain, so it's safe and sound!"

"Why, do you blame me? You think that my star dragon is full and full. If you hadn't stolen my delicious star first and gave it to my sister, why would I do that!"


"Stop, there are really two of you, what time is this, and you two are still in the mood to quarrel.

However, third brother, what they are yelling about seems to have some truth. The theory of safety that San Yuan Shenlong said just now seems to be true.

When we are in the human world, when the forces of yin and yang are equal, isn't the sky and the earth peaceful? "

"Damn it, what master, it's not a good thing to turn your elbows out!"

"Well, Star God Shenlong, what were you muttering just now?"

"No, no. Let me tell you that my Star Dragon's teeth hurt so much recently, it's like biting off something, especially the dragon scale to relieve the pain!"

"Sneeze, cry... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Supreme Occupation God, Supreme Occupation God, I, the Sanyuan Shenlong, don't even know what you think, how do you get along tacitly with a sword like his! "

"Hmph! That's the business of our master and servant, are you in charge!"


In the distant darkness, the Nine Generals of the Men's Family heard the discussions of Langyuan Renzu and other gods, and the constant quarrel between Sanyuan Shenlong and Xingchen Shenlong.

Men's Nine Generals originally wanted to contact Langyuan Renzu to tell them about Qixiang Zhoushen, Tianlang Zhoushen, Liu Qian, Liu Xiaoluo, Xiaoxiao Lian'er and Xiaolongnv.

But curiosity got the better of them, and they listened so engrossed that they didn't do this all the time, but continued to listen to the words of the gods.

"Third brother, in your opinion, in the ancient universe, did light come first or darkness first, and who gave birth to whom?"

Song Zhen ignored the bickering Star Dragon and San Yuan Shenlong at his feet, and suddenly asked Liu Qianlang.

"This question is very difficult to answer. Ben Langyuan Renzu has thought about this question for countless eons, but he has never had a convincing explanation.

If it is said that Mr. Darkness, the light splits out, it is indeed the case in our primordial divine universe.

In the primordial universe, there was infinite darkness at first, and then suddenly the divine universe changed, the light collapsed and the face flashed, the stars appeared, and then everything after birth. That's typical darkness breeds light.

But when we entered the anti-Ming fairyland world, according to what we knew, it was just the opposite.

In the original Wuji Universe, there was only the light faction, only the god of light, but later the world of light gave birth to the emperor of the black mandrill, which is another typical proof that light breeds darkness.

From this point of view, we can't explain the problem of who appeared first and who came later. But one thing we can be sure of is that to a certain extent, they can indeed coexist and even germinate with each other! "

Liu Qianlang's voice said.


"You human beings are really boring, what do you like, why do you care about these things, I was born to be happy, as long as we are happy, we will be rampant if we don't die, why bother.

I think about things I don't understand all day long as knowledge, and treat nonsense about natural principles as science, isn't it annoying! "

"Damn, if the Sanyuan Shenlong wants to say who he admires, then I, the Star Shenlong, will admire you. What you said is brilliant!

In fact, I have been thinking in my heart that there is something wrong with the evolution of this universe. Since we have bred such a divine weapon and dragon, why do we have to co-exist with an ignorant master?

I even suspect that the man above who is divining me all day long is stealing my wisdom, he is so smart. "

"Well, what you said makes sense. I found that Master Langyuan Renzu kept getting smarter, but why did my Sanyuan Shenlong become more and more stupid!"

The two dragons yelled for a while, the loud voice became quiet, and the low voice became silent, and the sound transmission mode of soul thoughts was turned on.

"Ha ha……"

But they didn't know that Liu Qianlang was a master of soul arts, and Liu Qianlang could hear what they said clearly.

Liu Qianlang didn't care either, and his mind was always on the miraculous crimson fire burning Shengtian Fenghu in front of him.

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