Nine Heavens

Chapter 2612 Great Realm Shenyang

"Hehe, yes, it's all over! However, as a teacher, I really miss that resolute prodigal son on Cangya under Qingtianbai!"

Behind Empress Nuwa, Dumojian Zu, Peixian, Zhong Zhan and Prince Jiebo quietly appeared. Dumojian Zu sighed as he looked at his now white-haired and infinitely powerful lover.

"Your apprentice is promising now, but senior brother, we suffered a lot when we were teased by this evil black mandrill.

Now we can finally do the math. "

Zhong Xing received the words of the Demon Sword Ancestor, and with his deep eyes, he swept towards the sky, looking for the existence of Hei Drill, and said, still in his arms.

"Haha...look at you, the God of Eternal Years, the matter has passed, can't you let it go.

Although we have experienced a lot of pain in the distant beginning, everything has disappeared.

Hongshen thanked Zhou and ordered the god to be in power. It was a pity in the past, but it is also a blessing in the present.

Our few original immortals of the Wuji Universe will be carefree from now on, flying freely in the Wuji Universe, which can be called infinite blessings. "

Demon Sword Ancestor was still wearing a white robe fluttering, white beard fluttering, with Jietong whisk in his arms, he smiled easily and said.

"Hehe, the second brother is just talking about it, the elder brother taught me a lesson.

Our three brothers and sisters have gone through countless calamities, and we can still be reunited together. The three apprentices have excellent public morals, and we should be satisfied.

What's more, there is also a bosom friend, Nuwa, who can communicate with each other in the universe and talk about fate.

Empress Nuwa, do you think this is the case? "

Zhong Xing laughed after hearing Du Mojianzu's words.

"The three primordial Gods of God of War, the Sword of Rescuing Demons, the Time of the Dead, the Immortal Instrument of Peixian, and my Nuwa's creation of spirits, have enjoyed the peace of the universe from now on. It's really lucky, lucky."

Empress Nuwa smiled, nodded and looked at Liu Qianlang and said.

"The four sages and Junior Brother Jiebo are willing to come to the Promise God, which really makes Ben Langyuan Renzu infinitely happy.

In Langyuan's life, everything in Langyuan Shenmen was bestowed by the four gods, and this Langyuan Renzu can still receive guidance from you in the future, so he is the greater Hongfuer! "

Before Liu Qianlang passed on the news to the four original gods, he was very nervous at the time, not knowing whether they would come to meet and have a future together.

Now at the critical moment of Wuji Zhou's death, they suddenly appeared, obviously advancing and retreating with him, which made Liu Qianlang extremely grateful, so he said so.

"Hehe, there will be many opportunities for us to talk freely in the future, and it's time for you to show your true bright five yuan.

Brightness and eternity are the beautiful background of Wuji Universe, and all kinds of colors will eventually be gorgeous in every corner of Wuji Universe.

The years of black mandrill demons bullying and poisoning the infinite universe, let it disappear, Langyuan Renzu, what do you think? "

Ancestor Du Mojian was surrounded by the miraculous furnace for casting swords, and he was talking wildly.

"Hehe... my disciple's small thoughts will never escape your old man's eyes.

Well, Qianlang will use the light five-element array to swallow the darkness and restore light, capture the black mandrill, and subdue the nine demon gods. "

Liu Qianlang looked at his mentor, recalling in his mind the Master Jietong who his mentor once incarnated, and he nodded in reverence in his heart.

"Sister Juan, from afar, just come back, a dark and evil, bright and chaotic demon god, just play with him for a while.

You rest for now, let Ben Langyuan Renzu deal with him. "

Liu Qianlang looked around Erdu Demon Sword Ancestor, Peixian Sword Mother, Nuwa Empress and Prince Jiebo, and nodded in tacit understanding.

Then, Liu Qianlang turned around, resting the sun and the moon in his hand, and his soul thought transmitted the sound to the area of ​​the heart of darkness far away.


Liu Juan and Cheng Yuanfang were fighting with the nine demon gods at the moment, and suddenly heard Liu Qianlang's call, and they responded at the same time, and they were back to Liu Qianlang's side in the next second.

Cheng Yuanfang, the God of the Sky Wolf, still stands firmly on top of the pitch-black Wolf Fort, holding the azure blue Evil Punisher Bow in his hand.

God Qixiang Zhou held the bright red Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal in his hand, floating on the blood refining ancient handkerchief in a heroic and heroic posture.

"Junior Liu Juan has seen the four primitive gods and Prince Jiebo!"

"Junior Cheng Yuanfang has met all the gods!"

Liu Juan and Cheng Yuanfang didn't need Liu Qianlang's introduction, but used the magical skill of reading eyes to know all the information about the visitor from Liu Qianlang's eyes, and greeted each other one after another.

"Well, hehe, hello to you all. The Four Spirit Boys back then are now so powerful that they are really a blessing from the Bright God Realm.

I'm afraid I'm very tired from teasing the Nine-Part Demon God just now, so I'd better take a rest for a while. "

Sword Ancestor Du Mo looked at the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God and the Qixiang Zhou God from left to right, and said with a smile.

"Yes! Thank you Du Mojian Zu for your concern!"

Liu Juan and Cheng Yuanfang thanked in unison, and then retreated silently under the smiling eyes of the five primitive deities.

Liu Qianlang took a deep look at her sister and Cheng Yuanfang, and then Talong floated in front of the gods, facing the nine demon gods.

"Oh ha ha!"

"Guangming son, the demon gods of the nine tribes haven't fought you three times before, why did you escape back, are you afraid of death or are you afraid of death?"

The Nine Demon Gods couldn't help being complacent and laughing mockingly when they saw the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God and Qi Xiangzhou Zhou God suddenly abandoning the battle and fleeing.

"Hmph! Nine Parts Demon God, you heard clearly, it's not my two Gods of Light who are afraid of you.

But our God of Light has always been benevolent, and couldn't bear to slaughter your newly born nine demon gods, so we fought with you for a long time just now, and our original intention was not to kill you.

Erzhou's body is full of light and divine energy, except for the dark and evil principles of building a body, the essence is still good.

Therefore, the two gods of light leave you the opportunity to abandon evil and turn to good. I hope you will abandon the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm and accept the changes made by Ben Langyuan Renzu, otherwise..."

Liu Qianlang stepped on the head of the bright red three-origin dragon with a length of trillions of miles, approached thousands of miles, and shouted loudly.

"Cut, I'm screaming!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, the Nine Demon Gods couldn't help but chuckled, and then said:

"Ridiculous! How orthodox this Nine Parts Demon God is, how could he accept your dirty suggestion!"

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang stopped talking, but suddenly raised the sun and moon held in both hands to the infinitely dark sky above his head.

The bright red sun shines in the east, and the blue moon hangs in the west.

Then, the Wuji Universe, where all the light was swallowed up by the so-called dark magic in the heart of darkness, lit up again in an instant.

"No! No! No! This is impossible. The heart of darkness is infinitely rich in darkness. It can only swallow infinite light. How can it swallow darkness back!"

The Nine Demon Gods saw Liu Qian flying wildly with white hair, and his white robes were vast, but he waved his hands to the sky, and the sun and moon rose, restoring the light to the infinitely dark Wuji Universe, and screamed in disbelief.

"Hehe, you only know the infinite and rich darkness in the heart of darkness, but you ignore the infinite and rich light in the world of light.

The divine power of light contained in Dajie Shenyang and Zhihong Zhanyue can be said to be tens of thousands of times the dark evil energy you said.

This is not called swallowing darkness, the infinite universe is originally infinitely bright, and the rising sun and moon are originally the source of light in this infinitely ancient infinite universe.

How can they not restore the light of the infinite universe when they go up into the sky! "

Liu Qianlang smiled calmly, looked at the nine demon gods under the sun and the moon, and said unhurriedly.

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