Nine Heavens

Chapter 2623 life factor

"Okay, remember. Master, can you tell me what is the meaning of soul god chasing the way? I don't quite understand."

Sanyuan Shenlong asked.

"Of course. The so-called soul spirit chasing the way is a form of parallel life movement between the entity and the soul mind relative to the real body entity.

After pondering, practicing and summarizing the long journey of immortality, Renzu Ben Langyuan now has an insight into the three ways of life operation.

One is the operation method of soul thoughts controlling the physical body, which is just like the life and death process of human beings in the mortal world.

The second is the life operation mode of pure soul thought operation. This method is the operation method of the pure soul after inheriting the decay of the human body in the Mortal Realm.

Because of the existence of this way of life operation, all kinds of life and flesh in the mortal world have evolved to a higher level of life existence form - soul life after death.

There are basically two future directions for the life of soul thoughts. One is to find a new physical carrier in the human world and become a human physical life again.

If it is this kind of soul thought life, it does not evolve much in terms of divine wisdom, but it can retain the human family relationship for a long time.

The second is that the life of soul thoughts is no longer lingering in the human race, they have moved to the higher life above the human realm in the mortal realm, and entered the time and space of spiritual life.

Then continue to practice divine wisdom in such a time and space. The time and space where spiritual life exists does not need the physical body of Mortal Realm, but only exists in the state of pure spirit and soul.

However, when a spiritual life has cultivated to a certain level, if a certain spiritual life wants to, he can create various spiritual entities that he is satisfied with.

The real body of spiritual life at this time is the world of real immortals in our true sense. In fact, in other words, life does not exist in the process of life and death regardless of the life and decay of the human body. As long as a soul-conscious life is formed in the universe, if it is not destroyed by special forms of the universe, it is actually a death. forever.

The primordial spirit and soul we often refer to actually refer to spiritual life. However, it needs to be explained that soul thoughts are also destroyed by special time and space divine powers or interfered with by different spiritual beings, leading to complete decline.

For the former, for example, we have heard the cosmic god explosion mentioned more than once by the God of Darkness.

Because the too powerful cosmic divine energy suddenly strengthened, the divine energy of countless spiritual beings themselves was too weak in comparison, and was swallowed by the infinitely powerful cosmic explosive divine energy, leading to the fall of the ego.

This state is like a sea swallowing a river in the human world. No matter how magnificent the river once was, once it is swallowed by the waves of the sea, the river that once existed will end its existence as a river.

You may ask, after such a change, has the river evolved or died out?

This question should be understood in this way. As the former life of the river, he has indeed perished and ceased to exist.

However, it doesn't mean that there is no trace of it, but it has become a part of the life of the sea, and it has become the life factor of the life of the sea.

At the same time, apart from the special circumstances like the cosmic explosion, there are also struggles between different soul thoughts and spiritual life forms, which lead to the death of a certain soul thought life.

For example, we have just passed the struggle between the immortal gods of the light and the immortals of the anti-Ming world. It doesn't matter whether we are in the bright fairyland world of the infinite yang universe or the immortal realm world of the infinite yin universe.

In the complex struggles and changes in the past and present, there are countless gods and gods who miss their lives, because of the struggle with each other, this is the best proof.

The third is that the physical body is constantly getting stronger, the soul is constantly upgrading, and the most domineering life form is constantly evolving, just like us today.

As long as there is no active struggle between the life forms of our body and soul fusion, it will naturally exist, and it will be truly eternal.

These three forms of life are both different from each other and related to each other. The fundamental difference between them is that the amount of divine energy contained in life forms is different.

The most prominent thing about physical life is the bit of divine power contained in the physical body. Before it becomes corrupt, it can only become a carrier for soul nourishment and stay in a short period of time.

And a pure spiritual life can be said to be an independent soul life that is separated from the physical body.

However, the life of the soul is not yet stable. After leaving the carrier of the physical body, it needs to grow itself quickly, so that it can seek a new physical body and ascend to a new space-time of the universe with better divine power.

Soul thoughts that have the ability to break into the new time and space, through continuous strength, wisdom will become stronger and stronger, understand the connection between the gods of the universe and themselves, and think that they can control the process of their own germination and evolution.

If you want, you can recast any fairy body you want, it can be human, it can be birds and beasts, it can be flowers and trees, and you can do whatever you want.

The relationship between the three life forms can be roughly divided into three directions and trends. One is that a life form has never lost its physical body or soul in the middle of the evolution process, and has been successfully evolving and continuously ascending.

Such a life form is like me and the Supreme God.

Another kind of life trajectory is that it experienced a short-term decline during evolution, and later was able to barely guarantee the integrity of its own independent soul. For example, the poetic style of the moon and the queen of the moon.

The last type is the one that fell due to various reasons during the evolution of life and was swallowed by the great gods of the universe or the gods of other people's lives. There are countless such life forms, just like the various extinctions we have seen on the road to immortality. "

When Liu Qianlang said this, seeing the woolen face of Sanyuan Shenlong, he paused for a while, intending to let him understand for a while.

The Sanyuan Shenlong was silent for a long time, the dragon's eyes brightened and dimmed, and then said:

"So that's the case, but what does this have to do with the Soul God Zhudao I asked?"

"Nature is closely related. Each life form has its own unique way of operating and the scope of its ability to operate.

Due to the limitation of their influence, the range of various lives in the mortal realm of the human race can only operate in the mortal realm where the divine power is extremely weak.

Moreover, the way of operation and the wisdom of operation are all extremely simple reproduction and labor, and most of their destinations are flesh and blood, and their souls wander.

Only a very small number of intelligent and transcendent physical souls break away from the physical body, penetrate the magical mechanism of life, and begin to evolve into the high-level life form soul soul life world.

In the Soul Mind Life Universe Realm, there are mainly various forms of activities such as continuing to practice in the Immortal God Realm, and even fighting for hegemony.

As far as individual soul thoughts are concerned, the way they operate is because of the vastness of the fairy universe, and the transmission of messages and spiritual actions at the spiritual level have obviously become the mainstream.

Just like in our daily life, the form of communication among the gods in Langyuan Shenmen, the sound transmission of soul thoughts, is a typical operation mode of soul thoughts life.

In addition, our physical body does not move, the soul wanders in the void, etc. The practice of soul thoughts leaving the body is the same. "

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