Nine Heavens

Chapter 2626 Concentrated Matter Boundary

Liu Qianlang stared deeply at one familiar face after another, and finally his eyes stopped on a group of figures looking up at him.

This figure is headed by her elder sister Liu Juan, whom she has admired since she was a child, and behind her are her ten beloved wives who have shared weal and woe.

Afterwards are the brothers Sirius Zhoushen, Yangshen Ouyang Langlong, Moon Queen Shifeng, Supreme Divination God, Dark Emperor God, and Huanfeng Dragonshen.

Finally, there are the beloved disciple Yaya, the beloved son Liuyun, the beloved daughter Tianling and the sisters, and the beloved nephew Danrou, Liusha, Xiaolongnu and so on.

"Dear ones, for now, Qianlang and Qiqi, the San Yuan Shenlong have gone to the Dark Yuan Realm. What's going on in the Dark Yuan Realm, maybe we won't be able to communicate with each other for a long time, please take care."

Liu Qianlang looked at his relatives and said silently in his heart.


"Qiqi, don't blame me, okay, it's not that I really don't want to talk to you, I thought that before you returned to Qinhuashen Wuzhou, you would never wander into the gate of God again.

I know that it is very dangerous for you to go to the dark metaworld, you must protect yourself and Renzu Langyuan, Xiaohongdian will wait for you to come back. "

Just as Liu Qianlang looked down at Langyuan Shenmen's relatives affectionately, he suddenly heard a familiar cry.

Looking for the sound, Liu Qianlang saw Xiaohong Dianxue Lianhong spreading her wings and chasing after the ninety-nine and eighty-one soul gangs she had arranged.

"Qiqi, don't get excited, don't respond through voice transmission!"

Liu Qianlang looked sideways and saw Kiki's eyes sparkling and his lips opening and closing to speak, so he hurriedly reminded him.

"Yes! Father Lang'er! Huh..."

With tears streaming down her face, Qiqi reluctantly said.


"Xiao Hongdian is really stubborn, to ignore you for hundreds of millions of years because you left the Langyuan Shenmen.

In fact, there is no one in Langyuan Shenmen who doesn't know how much she cares about you. We have never seen her smile when you were not in Langyuan Shenmen. "

Sanyuan Shenlong looked up at Qiqi with tears in his eyes, and sighed.

Qiqi was speechless and just wept silently.

"Qiqi, don't be sad, it's great that someone cares about us! Let's work together to get back Guangming Wuyuan, and our family members will be reunited again."

Liu Qianlang comforts Qiqi.

"Well, Daddy Lang'er, Qiqi understands, it's good that we have someone who cares about us. Qiqi loves me so much, Xiaohongdian used to be so good to me, but I made her sad once, Qiqi is sorry for her!"

Kiki choked up.

"It's not that Qiqi is ruthless. In the final analysis, it's all good luck. Little Hongdian is not unreasonable. It's because she cares about you and is afraid of losing you, that's why she did that."

Liu Qianlang raised his hand and patted Qiqi's head gently.

"Qiqi understands that it is because of this that Qiqi feels even more heartbroken! However, Father Lang'er, don't worry, Qiqi is not confused and knows what to do at this moment.

Father Lang'er, let's continue on our way. Let's leave your soul world as soon as possible, so as not to make her sad. "

Qiqi couldn't bear to see Xiaohong running away in tears, so she begged Zu Liu, the prodigal person, to lead the way.

"Okay! Sanyuan Shenlong, let's increase the flying speed of the soul world to the limit of instant escape, and Ben Langyuan Renzu also recites the pure heart flying mantra, and we will soon enter the dark metaworld."

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, then withdrew his expression, stopped staring at his Langyuan relatives, closed his eyes, his white hair flew wildly, and began to gather his spirit and soul, chanting endlessly.

"Yes, my lord!"

The Sanyuan Shenlong simply responded, and then the phantom dragon suddenly bowed and stretched, and disappeared in the original Liu Qianlang Soul Realm area in an instant.

After an inexplicable time.

Liu Qianlang, Qiqi and Sanyuan Shenlong suddenly felt their eyes go dark, and suddenly entered an infinite dark dense realm.

"Qiqi, the divine dragon of three fates, quickly return to the original body!"

At this time, Liu Qianlang suddenly stopped singing, opened his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

However, Qiqi and Sanyuan Shenlong still kept their original speeding state, and they didn't hear Liu Qianlang's words at all.

"Qiqi! Three Fate Dragons! Quickly return to the original body!"

Liu Qianlang shouted again.

Qiqi and Sanyuan Shenlong are still the same, and continue to maintain their original state, and even their expressions from a long time ago have not changed.

In the dark dense world, Liu Qianlang took a closer look at Qiqi, the Sanyuan Shenlong and the surrounding dense realm environment with the help of a hundred thousand weak physical powers, and then he had an epiphany.

It turns out that in this kind of dense world, the sound of light and divine power cannot be transmitted at all, and then Liu Qianlang tried to transmit the sound with soul thoughts:

"Hurry up and return to your body, otherwise the dense darkness here is too strong, and our misty Cheng ring will lose its effect if it is not applied."


Qiqi and Sanyuan Shenlong heard Liu Qianlang's order at this time, and with a quick thought, the phantom suddenly turned into a reality.

"Oh my God!"

"Ah Yo!"

"Father Lang'er, is this the Dark Yuan Realm? Why is the air of time and space as strong as diamond and iron? We can't move forward!"

After Shunyuan Shenlong, Qiqi and Sanyuan Shenlong suddenly found that they were frozen in a solid steel body, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move forward an inch, they couldn't help shouting angrily one after another.


At this time, Liu Qianlang also regained his light body, and suffered the same thing. He was frozen in the dense realm, unable to fly, oppressed and tormented.

However, Liu Qianlang instantly understood the reason why the gods of the dark metaworld, such as the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor and Darkness Juesha, would instantly dissipate the instant original magic power.

"Don't panic, it turns out that the Shun San Shun Yuan Magic Art that we have successfully cultivated is the way to travel through this dark metaworld.

Listen to me, as long as we maintain the process of dispersing and dispersing, we will be able to fly freely! "

Liu Qianlang asserted confidently.

"I'll go, this dark metaverse is really the evil nature of its grandma!"

Sanyuan Shenlong muttered vulgarly because of his anger, and at the same time, like Qiqi, immediately did what Liu Qianlang said.

When they tried it, it was just as Liu Qianlang said, they couldn't help but feel a burst of relief instantly, they laughed together and said:

"Ha ha……"

"The Prodigal, Zu Ming!"

"Well, it seems that this is the reason why the evil gods of darkness, such as the Emperor of the Black Mandrill, Darkness Juesha, etc., entered and exited our great world of the Infinity Universe so quickly.

Dajie, don't fly too fast, we are not as proficient in using the instant magic power as they are.

We have just entered the Dark Metaverse, and after getting used to it gradually, we will find a way to contact the Nine Infants of the Stars, or find other ways, and then it will not be too late to pursue the Black Mandrill. "

Liu Qianlang's conjecture was confirmed, she knew it well, and was very happy.

He tried to practice the magical power of instant dispersion and instant origin at various frequencies, and said confidently.

"Yes! Father Lang'er. But, Father Lang'er, is Xingchen Jiuying also in the Dark Yuan Realm at this moment?"

"That's right, master! It took us 150,000,000 years of cultivation in the Great World of Promise to succeed in cultivating the Instant Dispersion Instant Yuan Divine Art.

Even if they cultivate faster than us, they may not have come here at this moment! "

Both Qiqi and Sanyuan Shenlong doubted whether Xingchen Jiuying was in the Dark Yuanjie, so they looked suspicious.

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