Nine Heavens

Chapter 2633 light wash material

Liu Qianlang, with white hair fluttering around, stood firmly in the chaotic disk. After chasing the forger in front of him for a while, he saw that the forger began to land on the top of another huge cylindrical building below.

This time, those forges were very careful, they didn't drop the fake Chaos Divine Disk abruptly, but lowered it slowly, obviously cherishing the material for creating the Holy Emperor's Sword from the Mountain of Chaos very much.

Next, Liu Qianlang saw twenty-one forgers, one after another, stop the pitch-black spoon-shaped flying artifacts above the material of the Chaos Mountain, and they jumped onto the material of the Chaos Mountain after a while of shouting.

"Father Langer, what are they trying to do?"

Qiqi never left the twenty-one creators. He was very puzzled when he saw their actions, and asked while hiding on Liu Qianlang's shoulder.

"Look and tell, I can't guess now."

Liu Qianlang said softly, and at the same time made Xiao Chaos invisible and flew over the material of Chaos Mountain, among the twenty-one dark flying discs.

At this time, Liu Qianlang continued to pay attention to the actions of the twenty-one creators. At the same time, Evil was distracted to observe the structure of the pitch-black god spoon.

After the twenty-one creators landed on the Chaos Mountain material, they walked around in circles for a while.

From time to time, the three eyes on their faces flashed, and a very strong rainbow shot out of the three eyes, like a chaotic mountain.

Because their three eyes are all blue pupils, the rainbows are also azure blue. When the twenty-one and sixty-two azure blue pupils penetrate into the body of the Chaos God Mountain material, the originally colorful Chaos God Mountain material appears Even brighter.

Seen from a distance, it looks like a piece of divine jade with blue inside and thousands of colors flowing outside in the dark, attractive and mysterious.

These creators walked around in circles on the material of the Chaos God Mountain, and after exploring for a while, they gathered together, laughed and shouted, and extended their hands to each other to high-five each other to exchange something.

"Father the prodigal, what are they talking about, and what do they mean?"

Qiqi couldn't understand their language, so he was confused seeing and hearing, so he had to ask Liu Qianlang again.

"Hehe, according to the language rules of the pitch-black metaverse mentioned by Yiying's pitch-black magic flower, they should mean that they are very satisfied with the material of this chaotic mountain, and are discussing how to further calcine it, and start to manufacture the holy emperor's sword .”

Liu Qianlang has roughly mastered the language of the Dark Metaverse, so he can understand the conversation of the twenty-one forgers.

"Hiss, the third-level forging god head, this piece of magic material is really hard and powerful, I am afraid that our third-level blacksmiths will not be able to completely complete the sword, you see?"

Liu Qianlang and Qiqi were talking, at this moment, they heard the twenty-one creators start discussing again, and one of them said.

"Well, what the head of the fire hammer said is true. Not only can we not complete the forging with the third-level forging, but also the third-level forging fire is not enough. We should not start blindly. We will visit the ninth-level forging shrine later. Let's talk about the ninth-level forger and the ninth-level forging Vulcan.

The God Emperor's sword to be forged this time is extraordinary. The God Emperor Palace directly skipped the first and second rank forgers, and directly gave the task to our third rank forgers. This is a rare thing in the past.

We should be careful in everything, once we make a mistake, it will be difficult to find such good sword forging materials. "

Said another black armor black Metaverse blacksmith standing among the twenty-one blacksmiths.

"Well, it's not too late. Please head forging and leave immediately. The master hammer will lead the brothers to wait here first. By the way, use the light of darkness to clean it."

"It's time for the head of the hammer and all the brothers. I will leave for a while."

The two of the twenty-one blacksmiths spoke a few more words, and the blacksmith known as the forging head walked in the void, walked into one of the dark god spoons in the sky, and controlled the god spoon to leave.

The remaining 20 blacksmiths formed a circle, with multiple hands on their bodies wielding the jet-black hammers, and the hammers swayed and swayed.

The jet-black evil rainbows seem to shoot randomly, but they are actually cutting and sweeping the materials of Chaos Mountain very regularly.

"Just washing the materials of the holy mountain, the way they forge the holy emperor's sword is really strange!"

Qiqi is extremely clever, after a careful analysis, combined with the actions of the twenty forgers, he gradually understood each other's every move, and sighed when he saw that they were only washing materials.

"It's strange to say that it's strange, and it's true to say that it's not strange. There are various methods of cleaning and forging sword materials, tempering and forging divine sword materials, etc. in the ancient gods' Canon.

Among them, there are seven methods for cleaning forging materials: water washing, wind washing, light sweeping, lightning strike, electric shooting, snow blowing, and ice grinding.

Among them, the light sweep material is subdivided into one divine light, two divine light, three divine light... at most ninety-nine and eighty-one divine light light sweeps.

In the specific operation process, not only the position of the light is different, but also the strength of the light energy, there are first-level divine light, second-level divine light... seventh-level divine light, and so on.

This light-washing material is just one of the methods of light-sweeping the material of the Excalibur. Because they are third-order blacksmiths, their light energy level should also be third-order divine light. "

When Liu Qianlang heard Qiqi's words, he smiled slightly, searched for his soul, and explained simply.


Qiqi heard the words and sighed softly.

"Father Langer, it seems that it will take a long time for them to create the Holy Emperor's Sword. Are we just waiting here?"

Kiki was silent for a while, then asked.

"No, we can't just be onlookers. We have to be like Xingchen Jiuying and mix among them. Otherwise, we will be close to the Heidrill Realm Emperor, and it will be nowhere in sight."

Liu Qianlang had thought about this question for a long time, and shook his head slightly.

"Infiltrating into their team, how is this possible, we are the gods of light, do we want to become like them and kill a few of them?"

Qiqi said with difficulty.

"Hehe, don't worry, Father Lang'er already has plans in his heart, but now is not the time, you will know when the time comes.

Ben Langyuan Renzu suddenly got a little tired, you see how good the Sanyuan Shenlong is in meditation, let's take a rest in peace, they need to be busy for a long time. "

Liu Qianlang stretched his waist while talking, and then really ignored the forgers outside the chaotic disk, sitting cross-legged and floating in the void, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Father Langer, you have a good rest. I don't have the mood to rest. I think they are very funny, so I just keep an eye on them. If there is any further development, I will let you know at any time."

"Hehe, then do as you please. If you are tired, don't force it. You can rest at any time."

"Well, I see, Father Lang'er, take a good rest. I haven't seen you adjust your breathing recently."


After Qiqi and Liu Qianlang exchanged a few words with each other, Liu Qianlang stopped talking and entered the resting place.

And Kiki, as he said, began to continue to watch those forgers lightly clean the materials with great interest.

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