Nine Heavens

Chapter 264 Treasure Appraisal Conference

The next morning, Qinggu, Bingling, Yangdu, Yue'an, and Tuifeng, the five guardians, woke up early to wake up Daifeng Master Liu Qianlang. When he looked up, Liu Qianlang was already standing there with a smile on his face. .

Qing Gu and the others nodded to Liu Qianlang, since what happened yesterday, the five of them have grown to like this young disciple more and more, and faintly feel that he may be Xiaotianfeng's future hope.

Seeing that the five people came out safely one after another, Liu Qianlang let go of the trace of worry from last night. The three people turned out to be the first to attack him, thankfully. So he floated in front of the five people, and said with a smile: "I don't know yesterday, did you hear some strange movements, seniors?"

"This," Qing Gu and the others thought for a while, then nodded slightly, and Yang Du, who had a yellow face and a medium build, said, "What Daifeng Master said reminded me of the fact that there were indeed a few huge spirits around midnight last night. The force appeared, but it disappeared quickly, and I thought it was some kind of expert passing by nearby, so I didn't take it too seriously."

"Hehe, so that's the case, and I think so too." Liu Qianlang said. I thought to myself, since they didn't see the appearance of Ouyang Langlong and Ling Luan Shuangjun, they still didn't tell the subtle things about last night.

"Why, did something happen last night?" Qing Gu wondered when he heard Liu Qianlang's doubts.

Liu Qianlang looked up at the red sun of Dongtian Pill, still smiling and said: "No." Then he changed the topic and asked: "Several seniors, can you briefly talk about the procedure of the Yibao Conference? one time."

Qing Gu heard the words and said: "The Yibao Conference is held every spring in early March for three days. At this time of the year, Taicang Peak is extremely lively. Most of them come for treasures, but some people come to target strange treasures. People who sell fairy wine, fairy food, fairy clothes, etc., to earn a lot of spirit stones.

The first day is the Appreciation Conference, held in the Appreciation Hall. The Jianbao Hall has three floors, and each floor is divided into four exhibition halls, namely the Hall of Pills, the Hall of Elixir, the Hall of Forging Materials, and the Hall of Weapons. The pill hall displayed all kinds of finished pills, and the elixir hall displayed all kinds of unrefined medicinal materials, as did the weapon forging material hall and the weapon hall.

But after entering the Jianbao Hall, you can go to any floor. There are three levels, which are mainly determined by the amount of Yibao deposit.

It was like this when I came here more than a hundred years ago. Those who pay a deposit of 500 spirit stones can choose what they need in the four exhibition halls on the first floor, and those who pay 500 to 2,000 spirit stones can choose anything on the first and second floors. , if the deposit exceeds two thousand spirit stones, you can enter any exhibition hall on the third floor at will.

In addition, there is a most advanced exhibition hall, which is located in the attic above the third floor. You need to pay at least 100,000 spirit stones before you can go in and visit it. I heard that there are not many medicinal materials and elixirs there, but All are very expensive.

These are the previous standards. As for the current standards, you can go to Jianbao Hall and look at the public announcement cloud wall in front of the hall. There are two main purposes for the participants of the Appreciation Conference. First, through your one-day viewing choices, you generally have a purchase goal for the second day of the Yibao Conference in your mind.

Second, if you have any rare medicinal materials whose medicinal properties or value you don’t know, a special appraiser will help you identify them for free, and if you want, you can also sell them to them or the buyers they introduce. "

Speaking of this, Qing Gu paused for a moment, reminding everyone to talk while walking, so everyone picked up the flying objects one after another, rowed into the morning mist, and flew towards the Jianbao Hall with the fragrance of flowers all the way.

While flying, Qing Gu went on to say: "The next day is the Yibao Conference, which is held in the Yibao Building. The design of the Yibao Building is exactly the same as that of the Jianbao Hall, except that the place has been changed. In this process, all buyers will be satisfied on the first day. Once you have your favorite target, you just need to bargain with the seller for a bargain. In addition, for some rare medicinal herbs, because there are too many people buying them, a separate auction hall is set up.

If you want to buy more precious medicines, you can go to the auction hall to try your luck, but the premise is that you need to have enough funds, the things there are extremely expensive, and ordinary disciples can't afford it. The most exciting thing is the treasure fighting meeting on the third day. The treasure fighting meeting is held in a very huge treasure fighting arena. As for how to fight, you will understand when the time comes. "

When he said this, Qing Gu didn't say any more, but smiled at Liu Qianlang, Liu Qianlang naturally understood what he meant, smiled slightly, and nodded. Before they knew it, the six of them had already arrived at the top of Jianbaotang building.

Looking down, I saw a mass of black figures rushing towards the gate of Jianbao Hall. Naturally, the six people also joined the flow of people quickly, but they didn't rush in, but floated to a cliff facing the gate in the distance. This cliff is the so-called public announcement cloud wall, and the section is very wide , and it has obviously been carefully polished, with many handwriting engraved on it. The six people glanced around for a while, and finally saw the deposit for this year's third-level exhibition hall. The first floor is eight thousand spirit stones, the second floor is 10,000 to 30,000 spirit stones, the third floor is more than thirty thousand spirit stones, and the most noble The exhibition hall needs more than 500,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

Qing Gu and other guardians took a look, and couldn't help but gasp. But Liu Qianlang just smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously at all.

"Hahaha, this year we can go to the most expensive exhibition hall to feast our eyes on. The Master Daifeng handed over 3 million high-quality spirit treasures! We can buy whatever we like!" Said.

"En!" The other five guardians nodded in agreement, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

When the five guardians were excited, they suddenly turned around and found that Daifeng Master suddenly disappeared for some reason. The five of them couldn't help you to look at me, and I looked at you, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

The five of them hesitated for a while, and at the same time let go of their spiritual senses and swept towards the crowd, but they never found any information about Liu Qianlang. Under the wall could not help but look a little anxious. Just at this time, Liu Qianlang appeared strangely again, and said with a smile: "Hehe, I have kept the five seniors waiting for a long time. I just suddenly found a beautiful bird on the public cloud wall, and I want to catch it and raise it." , unfortunately not caught."

When the five heard this, they couldn't help crying and laughing, and thought: "Hi! It's a child after all!" However, since they are back, everything is fine. So the five people followed the sparse figures in front of them.

The six people were still led by Qing Gu, and Liu Qianlang and others followed behind. After entering the Jianbao Hall, there is first a body examination hall with a square of several feet. All guests who enter the Jianbao Hall must pass through this body examination hall, check the deposit, and confirm their identity before entering.

Qing Gu and other guardians looked around and saw that there were so many people waiting for the body check. They couldn't help but think of the same queuing and tormenting scene more than a hundred years ago, so they had no choice but to prepare to wait. However, unexpectedly, seeing Liu Qianlang and others coming in, two disciples who were in charge of the physical examination took the initiative to come to the six people, respectfully leading the six people into the hall of Jianbao hall, the first floor even Without even looking at it, he passed the second floor and the third floor, and came directly to the stairs of the most prestigious exhibition hall on the top of the third floor, then turned around and backed out.

Seeing this, the five protectors deeply lamented that rich people are different!

The six people looked around at each other, then stepped up the steps back and forth and walked to the third floor. After a while, a strange fragrance came to the nostrils. Based on his knowledge of the thirteen dragon armor alchemy secrets, Liu Qianlang immediately sensed the existence of several rare elixir on the third floor. The six people turned around a few steps and entered the exhibition hall. The furnishings inside were simple but elegant. What they saw in front of them were three counter-like facilities, one in the middle and one on the left and right. Behind each counter stood a handsome young woman.

Seeing the six people coming in, one of the idle women immediately enthusiastically invited the six to sit at a round table on one side of the exhibition hall, and then handed them fragrant tea for Liu Qianlang and others to enjoy. Then, he returned to the counter with a smile, and looked at the six people quietly.

Liu Qianlang looked around the exhibition hall, besides the six people in his group, there were two other guests who were carefully analyzing the contents outside the counter. And the two handsome women introduced with smiles from time to time.

After taking a few sips of fragrant tea, Liu Qianlang also stood up smiling and walked towards the counter. There are not many items in the three counters, there are no more than ten items in total, but the prices are all ridiculously high.

There are three items in the counter on the left, a snowy dragon eye, a lava fire dragon scale, and a silver spar. There are also three things in the counter on the right side, a cloud piercing sword, a Kowloon flyer, and a strange miniature hill. There are four things in the counter in the middle, one hundred million year red blood ginseng, one eternal green pill, three sky ocean pearls, and one ten thousand year demon pill.

The previous two guests inspected the ten items for a full hour, and finally gritted their teeth and left. At this time, only Liu Qianlang, Qing Gu and others were left. Naturally, Qing Gu and the others just admired it quietly, for the sake of gaining insight, and had no intention of buying it at all, and Liu Qianlang's expression was always unpredictable.

Liu Qianlang looked at it for a while, then returned to his seat and drank the fragrant tea, with a smile on his face, very mysterious. Looking at the six people and the three beautiful women, I finally felt the real backbone of the six people. The three women exchanged glances, and then one of them entered the back door, and after a while, a man with bright eyebrows and handsome eyes came out. He was dressed in white and held a split-cloud fan, very chic.

Seeing Liu Qianlang drinking tea leisurely there, I felt happy for a while. People who usually feel this way are the real buyers. "Hahaha, my name is Wen Yangzi, and I come from Wenyang Palace. These are rare treasures in Wenyang Palace. If you have something you like, I can discuss it with you." Mr. Wenyang introduced.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang also stood up, and saluted and said: "Wenyang Palace is famous like thunder, it is an eye-opener to see the treasures of Wenyang Palace today, three lives are lucky! Knowing the young master is even more satisfying! Yes, let me say frankly, yes Zungong's Snowy Dragon Eye and that piece of silver spar are very envious, if Mr. Zun is willing to let go, don't wait for tomorrow, I will buy it today."

"Hahaha! Have fun! Seeing that your honor is full of Confucianism and looks dignified, he must be a noble person, which makes me feel ashamed." Gongzi Wenyang said modestly.

Liu Qianlang smiled and said: "Your honor is ridiculous. I am a disciple of Xuanlingmen in the New Realm. I have neither great virtue nor a prominent background. I am more noble than Wenyang Gongzi, and I act magnificently. I am simply an emperor. Her demeanor makes me envious!"

Seeing the two people boasting about each other, Qing Gu and the other five guardians looked at the Snowy Dragon Eye and the silver crystal, staring in shock. The Xueyu Longyan was priced at 10 million top-grade spiritual marrow, and although the silver crystal was a bit lower, it was actually a sky-high price of 5 million high-grade spiritual treasures.

I handed over the three million high-quality spirit treasures earlier, but I couldn't buy anything here. It's really appalling, but Master Dai actually wanted to buy it, not only did he buy it, he actually bought it for the same thing, my God, the five guardians thought they were knowledgeable people, but at this moment they felt like they were about to collapse.

Wenyang Gongzi seemed to appreciate Liu Qianlang's character very much, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, let's take a good look at things." As he said that, he walked into the counter in person, untied the ban on the counter, and put Xue Yulong The eyes and the piece of silver spar were placed on a large jade plate on the counter.

Liu Qianlang examined the clarity of the eyes of the snowy dragon, which was completely different from the eyes of the lava fire dragon, nodded in satisfaction, and then set his eyes on the silver crystal. I also discovered the existence of silver crystals in the realm of tomorrow, but it is not pure silver crystals, but silver crystal ore. It takes a lot of time to refine and purify to get pure silver crystals, and I don't know how to purify them yet method. But here, a piece of silver crystal was unexpectedly found, which was of excellent quality at first glance. With this piece of silver crystal, it is hopeful to restore the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Armor.

Seeing Liu Qianlang's satisfied expression, Gongzi Wenyang said with a smile: "The treasure should belong to a predestined person. Since your honor is so optimistic, you can make an offer. I will never bargain!"

"Haha, thank you son, it's a treasure. How can we slander its value and accept it in the next article, but don't feel bad, sir!" After finishing speaking, Liu Qianlang's eyes moved, ten million The top-grade spirit marrow and two million Gaoping spirit treasures floated in the void above their heads.

Immediately, the blue top-grade essence color and the high-grade Lingbao's luxurious purple color shone everywhere in the exhibition hall. The two colors complemented each other and were incomparably beautiful.

"Hahaha, Your Majesty is such a wise eye! You cherish treasures so much, they follow you, and you will eventually be able to condense the essence of heaven and earth, shrink the aura of all things, and find the right fate. Okay, I accept it." Wenyang Gongzi smiled heartily, comforted With a flick of his sleeve, those spiritual marrows and treasures instantly turned into flashes and got into his sleeves.

Then, the two looked at each other and smiled, and after greeting each other for a while, Liu Qianlang left with Qing Gu and others. Behind him, Gongzi Wenyang nodded approvingly, and said to himself: "Such a heroic person is actually just a disciple of Xuanling who has just started. It can be seen that Xuanling has a strong foundation and a wealth of talents! In the future, I will be with Xuanling. It's better to be careful with friction.

When going down the steps, Liu Qianlang looked at the puzzled and astonished expressions of Qing Gu and the five guardians, and said with a smile, "Are the five seniors surprised that I got so many spirit stones? Speaking of which, it's a bit of a mystery." Fate, I accidentally cracked a strange seal in a sea area, and within that seal was imprisoned countless wealth of spirit stones, so I collected them all. As for how many there are, I don’t know. It will take a while." Liu Qianlang made another nonsense in order to clear up the doubts of the five guardians.

When the five guardians heard the words, they all nodded their heads, which made Liu Qianlang secretly happy. Then, as he went down the steps, Liu Qianlang said, "We'll go down later, let's buy some pills and other supplies necessary for the disciples of the peak in the exhibition hall on the third floor, especially the clothes worn by fellow disciples are still in the style of more than a hundred years ago , and also find a place to customize a sufficient number of current disciples' clothing at all levels.

Let's do these things separately. After all, there is only one day for the Appreciation Conference, so I'm afraid there won't be enough time. These spirit stones are for you, and they all pointed towards the storage bags of the five, and then said: "Each of you will give you one million middle-grade spirit stones to collect resources for the peak. As for what to buy, the five guardians are discussing Just do it.

The other 200,000 high-grade spirit treasures are given to you personally. If you want to buy something tomorrow, you can volunteer it. If you don’t need it, then keep it for later use. It should be a bit of a family background. " After finishing speaking, Liu Qianlang smiled slightly.

The five of them felt the momentary heaviness around their waists, and couldn't help but stare at Liu Qianlang gratefully. They didn't know what to say. If they wanted to talk about spirit stones, they were not only needed by the peak, but also needed by every disciple, including high-level elders, Dharma protectors, and government assistants. In particular, spirit stones are needed to exchange for elixir, so as to increase one's own cultivation speed and cultivation base.

Liu Qianlang looked at the grateful gazes of the Dharma protectors, and said with a calm smile: "Dharma protectors, please, after we go back, when Master comes back, we will have a good celebration. Buy some. See you at Fengke Bieyuan tonight." After speaking, he was the first to get into the crowd of people in the lobby on the third floor.

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