Nine Heavens

Chapter 2649

"Don't you think it's strange why the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm doesn't forge his own shrine but lives in the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Palace?"

The Nine Demon Gods felt that Liu Qianlang was completely controlled by him, so instead of answering Liu Qianlang's question, he asked further questions.

"Of course, Tianjidi is really puzzled, but if Enshen doesn't mention it, Tianjidi will never dare to ask such a secret from the shrine!"

Liu Qianlang pondered for a while, and said phantom phantom.

"Hey! Speaking of it, this is the greatest pain in the Emperor's heart.

In the heart of the Emperor, of course he wanted to build a true dark palace that belonged to his own nature.

The evil place we are in now is the ruined palace and ruins that the God Emperor planned to build the Dark Yuanjie Shrine when he broke into the infinite universe from the infinite universe.

Almost all the evil powers of the dark metaworld are gathered here, and it can be said to be the most beloved place of the god emperor.

However, although a castle of the Dark Yuan Realm once rose from the ground, it failed to become the God Emperor's shrine. Instead, he chose the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, which was accidentally enlightened here, to become the Dark Yuan Realm. Shrine! "

The Nine Demon Gods said this and shook their heads repeatedly, sighing.


Liu Qianlang sighed lightly.

The Nine Demon Gods took a look at the phantom of Liu Qianlang's phantom, raised his claws to caress the edge of the Holy Emperor's sword, and then said:

"It is an incomparably miraculous and majestic pitch-black castle, inside which there are the dark metaworld wolf, the dark metaworld god lion, the dark metaworld eagle, and their guardian gods.

But it is a pity that the God Emperor had no choice but to abandon the Black Castle and everything in it, and the castle is still missing.

You must be wondering, why is this happening? There are many reasons for this, but there are two main ones.

One is that the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm was emotionally agitated at the beginning, and made the biggest wrong choice in his journey of divine destiny.

At that time, when he suddenly discovered that the Haoguyuanzhou Shande Shrine was actually hidden in an ancient profound formation at that time, he decided arbitrarily to abandon the newly completed pitch-black castle shrine and take Haoguyuanzhou Shande Shrine serves as his shrine in the infinite element world.

His reason is that the only goal and hope of the Dark Metaverse is to finally defeat the Great World of Infinite Universe and the newly invaded Infinite Metaverse.

Choosing Infinite Element Realm Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine as your own Dark Shrine is equivalent to occupying the foundation lair of Infinite Element Realm. Isn't this your greatest victory!

It was this kind of thinking that made the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm make a decision that he later realized was very absurd.

In addition, the reason why the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm chose Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande Shrine as his residence in the Infinite Yuan Realm Shrine was due to the situation in the Infinite Yuan Realm at that time.

You should roughly understand that the Infinite Element Realm used to be the only universe in the ancient universe.

It was only for inexplicable reasons later that the God of Duzhou changed infinitely, and the Haogu Yuanzhou fell apart to form the later Infinite Element Realm.

The reason why the Haogu Yuanyuan after the collapse is called the Infinite Yuanjie is naturally because the once unique universe has turned into countless sub-universes, and these sub-universes are all the existence of the God of Light without exception.

The God Emperor of the Dark Metaverse came to the Infinite Metaverse with his own darkness and was the only one from the Dark Metaverse at that time.

It shouldn't be difficult for you to imagine how difficult it was for the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm to take root in the Infinite Yuan Realm!

It can be said that it is almost impossible for the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm to exist in the form of the universe state of the Dark Yuan Realm itself.

Therefore, this kind of situation also discouraged the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm, and he had to self-destruct the Dark Castle Shrine that had been secretly built, and chose the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

In this way, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm has naturally succeeded in gaining a foothold in the Infinite Yuan Realm.

But also because of this, Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine became a pain in the cocoon of the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm.

On the surface, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm must always suppress any evil intentions in himself, break away from all the palace gods, and do bright, virtuous and good things in the Haoguyuanzhou Shande Shrine all day long, because Haoguyuanzhou Shande Shrine naturally requires this.

If any of the gods in it had the slightest evil thought, the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine would immediately gather the light that the Haoguyuan Zhoushande God could swallow and wash, and then the evil god would become a bright fairy.

Of course, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm would not accept such a cleansing, so he had no choice but to be himself in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

At the same time, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm is hypocritical and hypocritical, and acts godly in Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine. With this kind of boundary-crossing thinking and dealings with the infinite realms of the infinite element world, we have to pretend to be like this, otherwise we will definitely be besieged by countless infinite realms.

You say, alas! What's the matter! On the one hand, in his inner world, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm hated all the races of the Infinite Yuan Realm, and finally wanted to wipe them all out and become the sole master of the Infinite Meta Realm.

On the other hand, he is still making good friends with these Protoss of the infinite element world all day long, and even keeps helping them grow or solve many problems.

From this point of view, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm really belonged to the upright God Emperor Shande in Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine.

However, who knows the pain in the heart of the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm! "

Jiubu Demon God finally said what he most wanted to say to Liu Qianlang, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Grace God, for telling the great secrets of our dark metaworld to the extremes of heaven and earth.

However, the extremes of heaven and earth still don't understand that there are gods in the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, but aren't all the dark metaworlds outside the palace dark and terrifying? Doubt? "

Liu Qianlang followed the words of the nine demon gods and asked.

"Smart, good question. That's right, at first, those world gods of the infinite metaverse were indeed hostile to the dark metaverse because of this.

However, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm at that time quickly attributed this phenomenon to the problem of Haogu Yuanzhou becoming dark.

You should have seen it too, no matter what changes in the universe of immortals and gods, there must be phenomena of light flickering and darkness.

The God Emperor of the Dark Yuanjie placed Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine in the center of the Dark Yuanjie, and spread all the dark and evil energy of the Dark Yuanjie around it, and at the same time secretly set up a place to kill the bright and evil.

In this way, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuanjie cleverly constructed the Dark Yuanjie into an illusion of a cosmic state after the collapse of the vast ancient source universe.

After that, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm continued to implement the friendship between the world of great kindness and benevolence, and he must talk about this well-thought-out and well-designed truth every time he meets.

Gradually, all the gods of the infinite element world will no longer doubt the phenomenon you said.

Sometimes, they deliberately prevent the activities of the gods of the world, and come to Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine to participate in the activity of looking at the dark clouds outside the palace organized by the God Emperor of the Dark Yuanjie, so as to remember the suffering of Hao Guyuan Zhou's collapse... "

"The God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm is so powerful!"

Liu Qianlang sighed sincerely.

"Yeah, it's really not easy for the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm to come to this day with his divine wisdom.

Hehe... Soon his steps will leave Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine! "

After the Nine Parts Demon God spoke, he looked at the Holy Emperor's Sword held by Liu Qianlang's phantom figure, his ten eyes were shining, he looked very excited, and sighed.

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