Nine Heavens

Chapter 2652 Demon God Heeds His Call

"Meet the Divine Emperor! The Divine Emperor's age! The Divine Emperor's age is trillions of trillions, and his merits are boundless!"

While the Sanyuan Shenlong was complaining, suddenly, circles of demon gods from the Dark Yuan Realm suddenly appeared around the Black Mandrill Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm.

Liu Qianlang scanned the circle intently, and saw that the group of ghosts were divided into three concentric circles, inner and outer.

The innermost circle is the Twelve Absolute Shades, the middle circle is the twenty-four tone officials, and the outermost circle is the god of the dark Yuanjie that Liu Qianlang has never seen before.

After they quietly appeared, they were all bright and handsome when they settled down, but after they settled down, they turned into black demons in an instant, and then they fell to the ground with claws and bowed their heads and shouted.

"Hmm! Haha..."

"Thirty-three believers, go out of the palace immediately to the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Infinite Yuan Realm, and pass on my order of the Dark Yuan Realm God, and sincerely invite the emperors of the hundred thousand clans to come to participate in the sunning ceremony of the God Emperor." Sword God Association!"

Seeing his demon attributes falling around him, Hei Drill, the god emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm, laughed even more wildly. Hei Drill spun around and looked coldly at his subordinates three times while swinging his sword.

The rainbow in his cold eyes swept from the inside to the outside to the outermost circle of dark demon gods, he stopped laughing suddenly, and shouted coldly.


The evil god of darkness, called the Thirty-Three Believers by Hei Qi, never raised his head. Hearing the order of the gods, he disappeared in the next second.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Holy Emperor, the sword of the Holy Emperor is born, and the only dominance is eternal!"

After the thirty-three dark believers left, the twelve Juesha and the twenty-one tone officers shouted in unison.

"Well! Thanks to the Twelve Juesha and the Twenty-one Sound Officers, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm has finally found a bright way to destroy Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande Shrine.

The five elements of light are gathered together, and the sword of the Holy Emperor is in hand, as long as the spirit of Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande Shrine can accept the sword of the Holy Emperor.

hum! This Black Mandrill Realm Emperor no longer needs to suppress his vicious heart, and can no longer do evil happily! Ha ha……"

The Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm heard the compliments from the twenty-one tone officials and the twelve Juesha, and obviously enjoyed them very much. He nodded his head slightly, and then laughed maniacally again after he said coldly.

"The great cause of the God Emperor's domination of the Infinite Yuan Realm is about to be accomplished. I don't know the God Emperor's call, but for..."

Among the Twelve Absolute Shades, the Dark Slaughter slowly got up, bowed to salute, and howled wildly.

"No! We don't have such ability yet. This time, the Emperor of God summons you to gather in the land of killing Ming and evil. There are two things for you to do.

The first thing is that after the god emperor invited all the god emperors of the Infinite Element Realm to step out of their world god clan, the twenty-one-tone officer quickly stole the world-suppressing god treasure in their world god palace!

It would be best if all the treasures could be obtained, but if not, the original world would be destroyed.

In short, after the God Emperor holds the Sword Exposure Meeting, he needs to hear the news of the chaos in the 99,999 realms and god realms of the Infinite Element Realm.

But what needs to be reminded is that for this evil operation, you must not appear as twenty-one-tone officers, but as the Great Realm Wuji Zhoulangyuan Shenmen Ren Shenlangyuan Renzu who we left before. "

The Heidrill Realm Emperor shook his head on three sides slightly, and said after looking around coldly for a moment with his nine-eyed eyes.

"Oh! God Emperor Shengming, he is calm and orderly, and the Darkness Killer admires it very much. However, the Darkness Killer is very puzzled. There are thousands of ways for us to be invisible and put blame on us. Why do we have to set the blame sooner or later? What about the Dajie Wuji who is about to be destroyed, the heresy-born Lang Yuan Ren Dao Ren Zu?"

Darkness Kill Sha, expressed his incomprehension to the words of the Black Demon Realm Emperor.

"If the Great World of Wuji was really destroyed, of course the God Emperor would not care about it anymore. However, the God Emperor of Endless heard the report from the dark sorceress Zhou Zhan, saying that the Great World of Wuji that we took for the light five yuan suddenly came out of thin air. Disappeared outside the infinite element realm.

And all kinds of miracles show that the disappearing Great Realm Promise Universe's Great Realm Promise Light Divine Energy has actually soaked our dark Yuanjie time and space.

In other words, that Prodigal Ancestor might have used some means to mix in our dark metaworld with his door.

Because of this, the emperor was very annoyed, so he thought of using the power of the infinite gods in the infinite element world to isolate and destroy him.

And you can just take advantage of the opportunity of stealing the 99,999 realms of the Infinite Element Realm, the gods and towns of the gods, to do this. I wonder if the dark and evil think this method is good? "

The Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm paused for a long time, with serious expressions on three sides, he glared at Darkness Shasha!

"The Divine Emperor's Divine Wisdom! The subordinates are dull, and this evil spirit understands the Divine Emperor's great intentions!"

Hearing the words, the dark evil spirit nodded deeply, and burst out words of great respect from his mouth.

"Divine Emperor Divine Wisdom! Only Dominance is Unlimited!"

Hearing the words, the other Dark Juesha and the twenty-one tone officials immediately cheered their feet.

"Hmm! Be quiet, everyone. This is not the time for us to sing our praises. Time is running out. The twenty-tone officer will act immediately!"

The Emperor of Heidrill heard the shouts of the group of demons for a while, and when the voices of the group of demons were almost calm, Heidrill said in a deep voice.


The twenty-one-sound officer was also unambiguous. After getting the order, he also lost his place, leaving behind a strange sound of the evil snail.

"Just now the God Emperor said that we have two things to do, one is to steal the world-suppressing magic treasure of the 99,999 worlds of the Infinite Element Realm.

So the second thing is to let us go back to the palace to arrange for the emperor to expose the sword? "

Twenty-one just passed away, the darkness was killing, and I couldn't help asking again.

"However, you are right this time. However, you not only have to arrange all matters related to the God Emperor's Sun Sword God Association.

What's more, you have to be prepared, in case there are some god emperors from the world race who don't give face to the god emperor, you should know what to do, right?

This time, the Sword Showing God's Meeting is not only the emperor's revealing treasures to enter the palace, but also a test for all the gods of the Infinite Yuan Realm.

The Emperor of God wants to see clearly which gods from the world are following us sincerely and which are flattering us on the surface.

Do a good job of screening for our future actions, be close to each other, keep your guard up, and punish those who oppose us and promote obedience when necessary! "

The emperor of the black mandrill world shot Baihong with nine eyes, his appearance was infinitely strange, he bowed like a giant ape, but his words were sharp like a witch.

"Don't worry, the God Emperor! The dark metaworld is dominated by me. Those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish! The subordinates know what to do.

As long as there is any god clan emperor who does not appreciate the holy emperor's sword, we will definitely lure him to kill the evil, and get rid of the anger of the emperor of Jingshen. "

Hearing the words, Darkness Kill Sha, with eyes full of ruthlessness, replied in a fierce voice.

Hei Drill, the God Emperor of the Dark Yuan Realm, paused for a while, and then said in a thoughtful manner:

"Well, that's all my God Emperor said, so it's good for everyone to know.

However, you were wrong in your thinking just now. This time, the God of Sword Expose, the Emperor of God, was held at the Jushen Landing outside the gate of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

Once the god emperors are condescending, looking down at the sword appreciation field under the trillions of gods, let your eyes look up at the god emperors, and suppress their spirit as the emperors of the ancient gods!

Second, if there are any gods and clans who disrespect this god emperor, it will be convenient for you to bring them to this evil place! "


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