Nine Heavens

Chapter 2658 the Emperor of the First Realm

"Ha ha……"

"Yes, yes, you are not dead, you have been alive!"

Om - lang lang -

San Yuan Shenlong saw Hei Drill's headless body sitting on the armrest seat of the God of Owl, holding his head, with a strange mouth smirking like an idiot, he couldn't help laughing wildly, and then slammed the Nine Heavens Xian Yuan Divine Sword, Cut its body and head into bubbling black light smoke.

On Liu Qianlang's side, seeing that the Sanyuan Shenlong had already succeeded, he also shot the bright divine wave with his eyes, instantly devouring twenty-one sound officials, and thirty-three believers in each of the twelve absolute evil spirits.

And Qiqi, under the guidance of Xiao Meidie, contacted the Xingchen Jiuying who had been secretly acting outside the palace, and shot out of the Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine, and went to clean up all the dark primordial realms outside the palace with Xingchen Jiuying My minions are gone.

Tens of thousands of years later, Liu Qianlang's battle of chasing the light and five yuan and seizing the palace and the black mandrill realm emperor is completely over.

In the Infinite Yuan Realm, the Dark Yuan Realm and the Dark Yuan Realm, the first ring of the Dark Yuan Realm, finally won a foothold in the universe. Jian Zu, his mother Peixian, his uncle Zhong Sheng, and his younger brother Prince Jiebo have all been summoned.

For a while, Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine became a temporary shrine for Langyuan, which was very festive.

Liu Qianlang succeeded in chasing Guangming Wuyuan, and initially gained a foothold in the infinite element world, and then proceeded to restore the Guangming Wuyuan to Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

Because Liu Qianlang didn't know the origin of Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande Shrine and Guangming Wuyuan when he was in the Great Realm Wuji, the reset was not carried out quickly.

On this day, Liu Qianlang was sitting in the bright and new space of the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine. How to reset the palace.

"Third brother, don't think about it anymore, maybe the Emperor of the Black Mandrill Realm is talking nonsense, there is no connection between Guangming Wuyuan and Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine at all!

I just asked Empress Nuwa, Master, Master, and Uncle, but none of them knew about the existence of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine. "

Liu Qianlang was deep in thought, when Song Zhen, the supreme divination god, floated up on the stars and dragons, Song Zhen couldn't bear to see his third brother suffer, so he said so.

"Hehe, don't worry about me. Although I haven't moved, little Lian'er and the others visit me from time to time. They are very happy."

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang saw his fourth brother and second brother flying side by side chasing Yuan Zhou Buddha, temporarily stopped thinking and said with a smile.

"Amitabha, good! Good! The third brother is not only the god of blessing of the human race, but also the future of the infinite realm.

When the third younger brother first arrived in the Infinite Element Realm, he broke through the forces of the Dark Element Realm and the Dark Element Realm, and saved the gods of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine realms from the catastrophe of genocide.

At this moment, the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods, the new and the old gods, all kneel outside the palace, and sincerely let the third brother become the emperor ancestor of the first realm of the infinite element realm. Sincerity cannot be violated. In the opinion of the second brother, it is better for the third brother to accept it. "

Chasing Fate Zhou Buddha was still sitting on top of the Tai Chi bird, clasped his hands together, and persuaded Liu Qianlang.

"Thank you for the second brother's teaching. However, it is okay to lead the waves to save them, but it is not good to take the opportunity to seize the dominance of all realms. We are originally gods outside the infinite element realm."

Liu Qianlang leaned over Zhang Zhuyuan to salute Zhou Buddha, and then explained.

"Hehe, is the third brother still obsessed with the so-called high position and power? The second brother advised you to take the position, not because of your prominent status and power to shock the 99,999 world gods in the initial realm of the Dark Yuanjie.

The reason why the second brother said this is that at this moment, you are the only one who is the best choice to dominate the dark primary world of the dark metaworld.

Before that, there were ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods from the world, fighting each other for hegemony in the dark primary world, and those gods from the world were convinced by each other.

In such a situation, how can there be a god among them that can be recognized by all the gods in the world. If the third brother categorically refuses, they will have no choice but to continue their struggle for hegemony. After the death of the emperor of the Black Demon Realm, perhaps another evil emperor will emerge.

The second brother clearly remembers that there is a Shuai Zhan named Duoyan in Yanyuan Fantasy Realm, who is a hidden danger that the gods of the 99999th Realm may be uneasy in the future.

He was cheated by me for stealing the precious face magic pearl of his universe town, and fled outside the initial realm of the infinite element realm, and has not returned yet!

Similar to all kinds of things, so the second brother thinks that the third brother should accept the invitation of the gods from all realms, and it is better to be the ancestor of the emperor.

Furthermore, if the Sect of the Waves is to remain stable for a long time, we must face the overwhelming pressure of the middle circle of the dark metaverse. How can we do it without a stable dark metaverse barrier?

The third younger brother is a superior member of the imperial family, who sits in the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, and he can do two good things with one stone, one saves the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine early-world gods in the unnecessary battle for supremacy, and the other secures himself ! "

Zhuyuan Zhoufo heard Liu Qianlang's reason for his refusal, and couldn't help but smile and explain.

"That's right, the third brother, the second brother is right, the fourth brother recently divination about the situation of the initial realm of the dark metaworld, although there is no longer any dark evil energy out of the realm, the whole realm is clear.

But the fourth brother also divined that a considerable part of the dark forces and some traitors from other gods fled to the infinitely dark area in the direction of the center of the dark yuan world!

If the third brother doesn't act decisively, and the superior presides over the overall situation of the primary world, the consequences will be disastrous! "

Supreme Occupation God's black and white eyebrows twitched for a while, and also interjected.

"Hehe, you are familiar with it quickly, and it hasn't been long before you have mastered all the conditions in the initial realm of the dark metaverse.

Forget it, since you all think so, Qianlang should be the emperor of the first realm of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine!

There is a call from the fourth brother's soul to transmit the sound outside the palace, and I invite the emperor's palace of the 99,999 realms of the gods to complete this matter. "

Liu Qianlang saw that Zhuyuan Zhoufo and both thought that he should be the Human Sovereign of the First Realm, but in fact, he also thought it was so good, so he laughed.

"Haha... Congratulations to Ancestor Langyuan! Why do you need to summon, the emperor of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine realms of the gods is already not afraid of upsetting the ancestors of Langyuan, kneel down and move into the palace to ask the ancestors of Langyuan to take the throne.

The Thin-Winged Wingfly Emperor was worried that Langyuan Renzu would feel abrupt, so he came to inform first, and offended Langyuan Shenwei first! "

As soon as Liu Qianlang finished speaking, he heard a commotion outside Hao Guyuan's Zhoushande Shrine, and then saw the Thin-Winged Fly Emperor flying over in a panic, stepping on an emerald green divine leaf.

"Ha ha……"

"Why do you offend me, fourth brother, the thin-winged and winged emperor immediately waited for Ben Langyuan's ancestors to shout, please invite the emperor of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine worlds to stand up and stand in the palace with dignity!"

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he smiled instead of anger, and said loudly, and at the same time stepped on the Sanyuan Shenlong and stood up.

"Langyuan Renzu, good luck and prosperity! Breaking through the dark initial realm, the initial realm human emperor!"

Seeing Liu Qianlang nodding his head in agreement, Song Zhen and the Thin-Winged Wing Tinghuang couldn't help being elated, and they raised their voices and shouted.

But for a moment, the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine emperors of the world god race poured into the main hall of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, excitedly, raising their arms and shouting...

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