Nine Heavens

Chapter 2661 Exploring the Metaverse

"If it is said that Hei Mandrill, the god of the dark metaworld at the beginning of the infinite metaverse, has always been hostile to the great world of the infinite universe in order to destroy the realm of light.

However, the high-level dark Yuanjie realm seems to have no connection with the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor. Why is it that they manipulated the ancient dark Yuanjie out-of-boundary changes?

We all know that the black mandrill was born in the ancient light sky of the Great World of the Promise Universe, and it should have no connection with the high-level dark metaworld of the infinite metaworld! "

Regarding Liu Qianlang's reasoning, Sirius Zhoushen, Cheng Yuanfang expressed some incomprehension.

"Sirius Zhoushen's question is what the Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm thinks. The ancient Great Realm Promise Universe was originally the realm of the God of Light, that is, because ninety-nine or eighty-one Light Town Realm Beads appeared in the ancient Great Realm The Promise Universe was the birth of the ancient Great World Promise Universe.

Then, some primitive deities of the ancient Great World of the Promise Universe began to sprout and ruled the ancient Great World of the Promise Universe for countless years.

But later, an anti-Ming and dark force like the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor appeared inexplicably. Herein lies a problem. The ancient Great Realm Promise Universe is a time and space of pure light and divine energy, without any dark divine energy, so how could it suddenly change.

Even if it is a mutation, how can it be possible to give birth to a dark and evil god of fate by itself? This is obviously impossible.

Therefore, the Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm believes that the appearance of the Primordial Forces of the Dark Yuan Realm such as the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor must be the purpose of the high-level dark Yuan Realm forces. "

Liu Qianlang continued to follow his own thoughts to clear up doubts for Sirius Zhoushen.

"Well, if the high-level dark forces cultivated the forces of the initial realm of the dark Yuan Realm in the ancient great world of light and infinite universe for some purpose, then why did they manipulate the ancient Yuan universe and create the ancient great realm of infinite universe before that? Woolen cloth.

The dark metaworld created the ancient light world of the infinite universe, and then went to destroy him in turn. What happened in this, and why did they do this? "

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine divine diamonds sparkled brilliantly on the emerald green divine soul clothes outside Qixiang Zhou's body, and his eyes sparkled with emerald green waves, savoring Liu Qianlang's words, and asked.

"That's right!"

His Highness, the gods and emperors of all worlds heard Liu Juan's words, and they all echoed in low voices.

"Since there are high-level dark forces, why can't there be high-level light Yuanjie! We, Langyuan Shenmen, are constantly pursuing the Infinite God and Light, and perhaps our expectations are also the high-level light forces' hopes.

In the higher and mysterious Infinity Realm Shenkong, there is also a dispute between light and darkness. The birth of our germination domain, the Great World of the Promise Universe, and the emergence of dark forces there may be the result, or even the means, of their struggles with each other. And the appearance of our prodigal human race seems to be an accident. "

Liu Qianlang recently discovered that the nine soul gate gods in his soul universe, immortals, demons, demons, ghosts, spirits, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddha, have increasingly incredible things happening, and the boundaries between them are fading on their own. fusion trend.

The emergence of this trend is nothing more than the fact that he appeared after the infinite element world, and his own divine power was caused by strengthening his cultivation.

In this regard, Liu Qianlang repeatedly reflected his thoughts of immortal gods in the past, and began to think that there seemed to be some mistakes in the division of enemies and friends in the realm of gods.

I don't know, but Soul Mind has already entered the evolution of self-correction.

It is precisely based on the changes in his own soul, soul, mind, soul gate, and Liu Qianlang's fairy god thought realm has changed, that's why he came up with these views.

"Oh! According to the third brother, isn't the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor we just eliminated just a small character created by the high-level dark metaworld, then what we face in the future will be even more terrifying!"

Supreme Zhanshen gradually accepted Liu Qianlang's thinking, and said by the way.

"It's more than that, it may be even more complicated than this, the reason why this place is called Infinite Element World is enough to explain its complexity.

His Royal Highness has nearly a hundred thousand worlds of gods and emperors who are in the initial realm of the infinite element world, so they don't understand the high-level infinite element world, let alone us who are latecomers! "

Liu Qianlang activated the god-breaking eyes, and his holy eyes swept across the infinitely bright time and space outside the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, and sighed slightly.

"Hey! Brother Qianlang, let's think about things in the future, let's solve the things in front of us first!

Your poetry is so tiring. Brother Qianlang just mentioned the matter of Yangyuan in the first realm, and Shifeng was very interested.

How does Guangming Wuyuan connect with Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine under the Yangyuan of the first realm? Didn’t it say that the Yangyuan of the beginning realm is infinitely deep and has no foundation? Shifeng really wants to go down and have a look immediately oh. "

Although Cheng Shifeng, the moon god, is already a veteran Zhou God of Langyuan Shenmen, his words and thoughts are still lively and curious, and he said coquettishly.

As soon as Cheng Shifeng's words came out of his mouth, all the gods and emperors from the world who entered the palace one after another cast admiring glances.

At this moment, Cheng Shifeng is still wearing the same white orchid skirt, but the ordinary skirt has become a god's dress. The orchids on it are alive, and they are all orchids with shimmering halos, and a faint fragrance is wafting.

The moon is supported by slender palms, the crescent moon marks shine on the forehead, Wang Mou flows into the sea, and Gu Panwan smiles like a song.

"The Great Realm Promise, the God of the Waves, the God of the Sun and the Moon, the God of the Moon, the God of the Moon, the body of the six tribes of the human race, is indeed divine and beautiful!"

"What an amazing human race!"


After Cheng Shifeng finished speaking, His Highness's voice of praise came from his ears, his face was slightly dizzy, and he couldn't help adding a bit of mystery of human feelings.

"Hehe, what Fengmei said is true, then let's talk about Guangming Wuyuan and Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine first.

Frankly speaking, during this period of time, the Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm has been thinking about how to connect them.

But just now, after hearing the words of the gods, it suddenly dawned on me that the mysterious place of their connection must be in the central abyss of the initial realm.

Not only the five elements of light, but even the world-suppressing orbs in the hands of the emperors of the gods of the world are extremely closely related to this Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

Aren't you all curious before, why the power of the God of Light in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine suddenly increased greatly?

The reason for this is that everything that once belonged to Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine finally returned together strangely because of all factors such as us, the Emperor of the Black Demon Realm, and so on.

Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine's light energy suddenly became strong, and the gods were excited, which was the reaction of this phenomenon.

The Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm boldly speculates that if we successfully place the Five Yuan of Light and the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine world-suppressing gods behind the gods that originally belonged to the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, we will rely on The light and divine power of survival will be trillions and billions times stronger! "

Liu Qianlang's expression was full of temptation, and he spoke excitedly.


When the gods heard the words, they were all heartbroken and excited.

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