Nine Heavens

Chapter 2665 Color Bar God

"Uh, isn't this the first person who entered the infinite element world, the famous first person emperor? What's the matter, if you don't study and occupy the infinite element world in the middle world, you still have no ability?"

Liu Qianlang galloped on the Sanyuan Shenlong, led by Men Tiangang, and soon arrived at the Qixiang Shrine located in the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

Liu Qianlang looked at the sky above the Qixiang Palace where the fragrance was scattered everywhere, there was a pretty woman in a bright red dress, with a flaming bird on each foot, flying in a circle, with messy clouds and a strange expression beside her. Feibian shouted.

When he saw Liu Qianlang coming forward under the guidance of Men Tiangang, he stopped suddenly, with a sarcastic smile on his face from afar, and said with a voice transmission from his soul.

"Father Lang'er, look! What's wrong with Xiaohong, she wasn't like this before!"

Qiqi saw Xiaohong's a little crazy look, and was angry, angry, and distressed, tilted his head with a sad face, and looked up at Liu Qianlang.

Hearing Qi Qi's words, Liu Qianlang didn't answer in a hurry, but also stopped his figure, with white hair fluttering and divine robe fluttering, standing firmly on the head of the Sanyuan Shenlong, staring at the little red dot for a long time Children's blood refines red.

After more than ten thousand years, Liu Qianlang suddenly broke out into a terrified laugh, then stared at the little red spot that was still examining Liu Qianlang calmly at the moment, and said coldly:

"What a beauty! You can't show your body yet, but hiding in the body of a weak blood spirit woman, what kind of handsome man who once ruled the world of Yan Yuan, the first world of the Infinite Yuan Realm!"

"How do you know me!?"

As soon as Liu Qianlang said these words, in the sky above the Qixiang Palace, Xiao Xiaohong suddenly fell on a cloud platform with a whimper, and a colorful figure rose from his body, like a hairtail in the sea. The color bar god of the color structure.

The three-faced god with colorful stripes and many feet and claws was extremely shocked by Liu Qianlang's words.

Now that the camouflage was seen through, Duoyan simply revealed the original body immediately, and asked in amazement.


Liu Qianlang's face was calm, he looked at Duoyan quietly, and at the same time, with a thought, he transformed the little red spot that had fallen under him onto the Sanyuan Shenlong to protect him behind him.

Seeing this, Qiqi hurriedly flew towards the little red dot who was accused of soul with tears all over her face, naturally she was very distressed and comforted.

"Guess, why, did that wimpy Huanyan Realm Emperor mention in front of you that the god of war is handsome!?"

On top of the multi-faceted three faces, some eyes were filled with inconceivable flavors, and he asked again in a very evil and cold voice.

"Hehe, you are overthinking your beauty. In the eyes of the Emperor of the Illusory Face Realm, you have long been a traitor to the world. How could he be willing to mention such a humiliation.

The reason why the Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm knew of your existence was because the Buddha brother of the Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm told him about it. "

Liu Qianlang was not in a hurry, to be honest.

"That's right, it's that old bald donkey who tricked me into stealing my Magic Face Pearl! Pooh, damn it! You gods of light from other worlds are so disgusting, why don't you enjoy yourself in your own world and come to our infinite element world for what? It makes me so colorful that it's hard to show my mind!"

It's okay not to mention Chasing Yuan Zhou Buddha, but when Liu Qianlang mentioned Chasing Yuan Zhou Buddha, Duoyan immediately became extremely angry, stamped his feet and gritted his teeth, and shouted viciously.

Liu Qianlang's soul read the sound transmission door Tiangang to return to Qixiang Palace incognito, secretly sealed Duoyan outside the palace, and replied:

"Evil harms oneself and harms others. Why would the Emperor of the Primordial Realm and his own Wave Yuan Shenmen be willing to go through the toss of the universe, but the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.

We all seek eternal light, but we cannot find peace in the universe. It is the evil forces in the initial realm of the infinite metaverse where you are located who are evil and poisonous, which makes us have to go on the road of crusade against you in order to seek eternal peace and tranquility.

In other words, without filthy people like you, no matter the universe we live in or the universe you live in, there will be eternal peace and light, and each other will live in peace and beauty.

But in fact, whether it is the wish of the Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm or the beautiful ideal of the Huanyan Realm Emperor, they have all been destroyed by stupid and nasty people like you!

We want the universe to be peaceful, but we just want to see the inner beauty and eternity of the universe, and our wish is hard to pay! "

"Ha ha……"

"The emperor of the first realm speaks with certainty, you, a little human from another world, the god of the human race, why do you say these words that seem to be very familiar to us in the Yanyuan fantasy world!

What do you know, just relying on the useless and ineffective Huanyan Realm Emperor Yan Yuan from the Illusory Realm to maintain the peace and tranquility of the Eternal Realm?

It's a joke, it's really a joke. The primordial realm of the Infinite Metaverse has always been disintegrated and divided. Apart from suppressing each other and fighting for hegemony, the gods of the realm have never had a sincere friendship with each other.

If you are not strong, if you don't hunt and plunder, you will soon be besieged and wiped out by the gods from all over the world. The universe will no longer exist, how can there be peace, how can there be peace! ?

However, after a catastrophe of life and death in Yanyuan Fantasy Realm, the stupid Huanyan Realm Emperor chose to degenerate and do nothing, closing the world and searching for the universe instead of making progress.

The establishment of a great event, the strength of the military and the prestige, the conquests are getting stronger, and the battles of the gods are constant, so that the Yanyuan Fantasy Realm can remain eternal and indestructible. This is like the energy that the god of hunger is thirsty for. If you have the energy, you will live and be strong, otherwise you will die! "

At this moment, Duoyan is still brooding and annoyed at the Huanyan Realm Emperor's policy of governing the universe by doing nothing.

"Hehe, what you think about Duoyan seems to be correct, but you have ignored the most essential meaning of the existence of Yanyuan Illusory Realm."

After listening to Duoyan's long speech, Liu Qianlang just smiled so simply.

"Essential meaning, what is it!?"

Duoyan frowned but didn't understand Liu Qianlang's words.

"This essential meaning is the tranquility, tranquility and non-destructive existence of the Yan Yuan fantasy world! And the purpose of the struggle for hegemony among the worlds is also for these.

However, in all battles, how can there be an immortal life to consume the energy that is already lacking!

It is true that the Huanyan Realm Emperor understands this more deeply than you, and also paid more than you! "

Liu Qianlang then explained in detail how the Huanyan Realm Emperor risked his death to obtain the Fall of Light in Yangyuan, the first realm.

"Oh! There will be such a thing? Impossible, such a happy event in the Yan Yuan fantasy world, why didn't the Emperor of the Huan Yan Realm announce it to the trillion world gods?"

Duoyan was obviously shocked when he heard about the death of light, he called Huanyan Realm Emperor a little more civilized, his expression was full of suspicion, and he said in embarrassment.

"Hehe, why did the Emperor of the Huanyan Realm keep silent? The Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm thought Duoyan could understand it better than the Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm."

Liu Qianlang smiled.

"That's right, the terrifying situation at the beginning of the infinite element world at that time, if all the worlds knew about it, the Yanyuan fantasy world might be a blessing in disguise!"

At this moment, Duoyanyanyan no longer had a domineering posture. Although his body was ferocious and terrifying, he had a compassionate look on his face.

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