Nine Heavens

Chapter 2668 Body Demon God

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, blue ball Lang, you are really smart, how did you find out that the pure white god was thrown into the captive of the colorful and bright god by the magic ball?

Look at that family, they actually thought that they had escaped back to the dark primordial realm without anyone noticing it!

What happened to the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine? How did the Emperor of the Black Mandrill and his God of the Dark Beginning Realm be occupied by these Gods of Light in the Beginning Realm? "

When Liu Qianlang, Duoyan and Huanfeng Shenlong were drinking and enjoying themselves, they suddenly felt a strange laughter coming from the vault outside Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

The three gods of light were taken aback for a moment, and then they coincidentally appeared on the top of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine in phantom.

"He, they are the dark primordial spirits of the Central Dark Metaverse!"

The three gods of light shot their eyes into the sky, and saw a huge circle of one hundred thousand in the sky above Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

And forming the huge circle are dark demon gods with different colors and spherical gods. The multi-faced god handsome saw him, his eyes were startled, and he faltered and shouted.

"Oh, Qianqian, I'm afraid that the Heidiao Realm Emperor is dead, why is there light everywhere here, and there is no dark breath at all!"

"Cui Qiulang, aren't you talking nonsense? If the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor is alive, can this Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine be captured by the God of Light below!

Besides, if the Black Mandrill Realm Emperor hadn't died, wouldn't the Central Ring Realm Emperor have thought of capturing this annoying Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine! "

"Blue ball Lang is right, but I, Cui Qiulang, don't understand. What is the use of a Haogu defeated Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine? It seems that the emperors of all walks of life care about it very much!"

"Cut! It's not that I, Lan Qiulang, look down on you. I can't even see this. No wonder I can only be a Tier 3 ball god for hundreds of millions of lives!"

"Yo! You, Cui Qiulang, are better than me. If you are better than me, you will not be allowed to come to this garbage world with us, the third-order Zhou Gods, to slaughter these hateful Bright Zhou Gods, and bring them back to Haoguyuan From Zhou Shande Shrine!"

"Wow puff puff, you dirtbag gods, how long has it been, are you kidding me!

This script demon god, I thought that when our fifth-order dark demon god arrived, you would have already killed the bright things in the first realm.

I never thought that there are bright gods jumping around inside and outside Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine, you guys are here so early, what are you doing, come and play! ? "

In the huge circle of spherical demon gods, when Blue Ball Lang and Green Ball Lang were bickering, several rounds of dark demon god forces hovered over the spherical demon god circle one after another.

Among them, flying to the center of the nearest foot-shaped demon circle, a big foot was shaking, and this big foot shouted angrily.

"Oh! Dear Foot Demon Heart Venerable, it's not that our ball-shaped demon god doesn't want to kill. It's because we are worried about being rude. Without your consent or guidance from your foot demon god, it's not good if you break your mind.

Now that you are here, please tell us how to do it, and we will do it right away to ensure your satisfaction. "

Blue Ball Lang and Green Ball Lang floated in the center of the huge circle, scolded by the gods above, looked at each other, and flattered each other sweetly.

"Damn it, your cheeks are really invincible! Don't think that this demon god doesn't know anything. You spherical demon gods are really waiting for the leader of this script demon god. Can the God of Light in the palace hurt you!"

In the sky above Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, the foot demon head in the center of the huge foot demon god wheel formation floating in a higher space, said with a foolish smile.

"Oh, sure..."

"Let's do what the foot devil thinks. Let's not talk about it for now, foot devil, let's see what we're going to do next?"

"How to do this, do you still need this script demon to teach you?"

"If the foot demon had said that a long time ago, Ben Lanqiulang would have understood it long ago. However, Lanqiulang has a request. Since the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine was captured by our spherical demon god, then our triumphant Central Ring is infinite In the Dark Realm of the Yuan Realm, we must be asked to present the Central Ring Realm Emperor."

"Hmph! That won't work, the demon god of the foot, the demon god of the hand, the demon god of the head, the demon god of the ears, the demon god of the eyes... All the demon gods of the body are here to receive the battle results of your spherical demon god, not the front demon. I came to direct you how to fight, let alone fight for you!

We don't care how you destroy the God of Light in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, we only need one result, that is, you must successfully capture Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine. "

"Oh cut! Cui Qiulang, listen, since they are all so ruthless, why do we have to surrender.

We should seek common ground while reserving differences, and seize the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine together, and then work together to send it to the Central Dark Yuanjie Middle Realm Shrine, so as not to be looked down upon by them! "

"Okay! Although Ben Cuiqiulang is annoyed when he sees you, but what you said today is right, we will rush into Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine and have a good time.

When the insignificant Langyuan Human Dao and Human Race forces inside and outside Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine die, hehe, we will succeed, hehe..."

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

In the sky above Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine, the invading forces of the Dark Yuan Realm in the middle of the Dark Yuan Realm were sitting indifferently waiting for the spherical demon god to win, Liu Qianlang suddenly let out a burst of world-shaking laughter.

Then Liu Qianlang flew wildly with white hair, her white robes dangling, stepping on the three-element dragon that stretched trillions of gods in an instant, and the whole body was covered with blazing fire vortexes, soared into the sky, soared up to the sky above the dark demon wheel of all the bodies, and then coldly said:

"Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine is the treasure of great virtue in the Haogu Infinite Yuan Realm, the Light God Realm. Now that it is in the hands of the Human Sovereign of the Primordial Realm, how can you take it again? Stop dreaming!"


The gods of the Dark Demon Body Department had never seen the little Liu Qianlang, Huanfeng Shenlong and Duoyan on the top of the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine before, so they suddenly heard Liu Qianlang laughing wildly All of them were surprised.

They stared blankly at each other for a long time, but they couldn't believe that Liu Qianlang, the little God of Light, could make such a powerful voice.

But they were just stunned for a moment, no matter how powerful Liu Qianlang was, he was not much bigger than them.

"I'm so sure, child of light, if you're smart, go somewhere safe, this Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine is not suitable for you!

What you said is true, Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine is the divine treasure of Haogu's infinite light and great virtue realm.

Because of this, no matter what rank God Emperors are in the Infinite Yuan Realm, they regard it as the source of all evil. If the Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine is not destroyed, no realm in the Dark Yuan Realm will be peaceful.

The Emperor of the Central Realm got it to destroy it! The reason why we didn't come to interfere with the Emperor of the Black Mandrill before was because we had the same goal. He wanted to find ways to destroy the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine. Naturally, we wanted to see such a result. It would be better if we didn't reach out. .

But it’s different now, Hei Yao has fallen, and the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine has fallen into the hands of your God of Light again, this is something we cannot accept, so..."

The foot demon demon god has the appearance of a huge foot, and he doesn't know where his mouth is, but he heard his strange voice anyway.

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