Nine Heavens

Chapter 2673 Man and God alone

"Third brother, it seems that we guessed wrong, the God of Haogu is not only a little girl, but we are not in her belly either.

She is only in the small Yuanshen soul mirror. "

After looking at the lotus garden in the soul mirror of Yuanshen for a long time, Song Zhen shook his head after confirming that she was the so-called God of Haogu.

"Hehe, what you see is not what you see, and what you see is not what you see. The third brother has realized another truth. The infinite image of the ancient god, transforms you when you meet him, and transforms me when you meet me.

The fourth brother looked carefully, and maybe he understood what I said. We are not only in her womb, but very close to her baby ecology. "

Liu Qianlang also stared at Lian Yuan'er for a long time, but her expression became more and more relaxed, and he said with a smile.


Song Zhen nodded with half-belief, and then continued to watch Lian Yuan'er intently.

After a long time again, Song Zhendui's frowning black and white eyebrows regained their freedom of movement, and his expression became much calmer. He sighed:

"Infinite Elephant God! The third brother is right, the reason why she looks like this is because of the influence of meeting Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv for the first time.

I was enlightened by the third brother just now, and I did feel my own existence from the infinite rainbow on his body. "

"She is the god of life and illusory life in our entire infinite universe, and any of our fairy gods can find himself in her phantom. The same is true for the fourth brother, me, and sister Juan.

She is an infinite illusion, and the body of the universe is also an infinite illusion. What we see at this moment is only the image of her core, and there are countless layers of universes outside of us! "

Liu Qianlang further explained.

This time Song Zhen also deeply agreed with Liu Qianlang's words, he tried his best to think for a long time, and tried his best to appreciate the unreasonable truth.

However, Song Zhen was still a little entangled, whether he and the third elder brother Ren Huang of the first realm were actually inside or outside the body of Lian Yuan'er, the God of Haogu?

Now Guangming Wuyuan, 99,999 ancient Shenhao beads have all completed the homing process of the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine within the Yangyuan of the first realm.

However, on the surface, there is no change in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine. I and my third brother are standing on the main hall of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine at this moment. In the soul mirror of Yuanshen, there is only a little girl with infinite rainbow image transformation.

Confused, Song Zhen asked again:

"Is this Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine in the body of the God of Haogu, or is the God of Haogu in the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Qianlang blurted out the following words without thinking:

"Take each other!"

"Hi! Third brother, I need to meditate on the reason behind this, but I can't understand it now."

Song Zhen repeated Liu Qianlang's words over and over, shaking his head slightly in embarrassment.

"Hehe, it's actually not difficult to understand, we are all the body of the universe now, whether it is the realm of primordial spirit, soul, heart, wisdom and spirit, or the essence of the body, all exist in the vast universe.

The third brother said that the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine is in his body, which means that it is in the whole body of his infinite image.

When talking about the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine outside its body, it just means that it is outside the small phantom body of the God of Haogu before our eyes. On the contrary, the third brother said that the little girl is in the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine Inside, it will be because she is just an image of the God of Infinite Image Haogu..."

"Third brother explained it this way, and fourth brother understood a lot!"

After listening to Liu Qianlang's explanation this time, Song Zhen's entangled thoughts cleared up a lot, and his five-colored eyes focused on Lian Yuan'er again.

"Well, it seems that she doesn't like us disturbing her, Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv like her very much, so let them do as they please.

The five yuan of light and the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Haogu divine beads were reset, the god of Haogu was resurrected, and the divine power of light in Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine was greatly stabilized.

What we have to do next is to practice non-stop around her Shenmingzhen Lotus Garden.

As for the dark demon gods such as Zhonghuan coming to offend, she has her infinite image body to deal with it. Or her infinite image body has the behavior of traveling through the dark and bright infinite time and space in the infinite god realm.

We are not strong enough now, we just need to meditate and observe quietly. "

Liu Qianlang saw his beloved daughter Xiao Lian'er and Xiao Longnv leading Lian Yuan'er towards the edge of Yuanshen Soul Mirror, and said.

"Qianlang Shenhui, worthy of the magic of humanity, who has never experienced any process of the infinite element world, to be able to comprehend so many mysteries, should be the future blessing of the ancestor of humanity and gods.

However, there is one thing that Qianlang said is not accurate enough, that is, the emergence of the human race did not come from the true lotus of life.

Those born in the true lotus of life are all infinite elephant gods or gods who were later born due to insufficient light gods, or gods with single elephants or even insufficient elephants.

The God of Infinite Elephants, Go to the God of Haogu, I, your benefactor and mother, Uncle Zhong Death; Gods of lack of phenomena, such as the Madonna of Linhe, the Emperor of Darkness, the Seven-Color God Clan, the Nine-color God Clan, the God of Waves, the Dragon and the Phoenix, etc. family etc.

Those less than elephants did not transform into the infinite image of gods, but formed the simple images of scales, animals, and spirits. "

While Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen were discussing, the Empress Nuwa, Dumojian Zu, Peixian and Zhong Shi quietly floated into the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, and watched it with Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen. After staring at the soul mirror of Yuanshen for a long time, Empress Nuwa said.

"Oh! It turns out that the four Haogu gods have arrived, and you are being rude to Qianlang!"

Because Liu Qianlang thought too much about the problem, he heard the sound of the arrival of Nuwa Empress, mentor, mother, and uncle, and hurriedly apologized and saluted with Song Zhenqi.

"Hehe, Qianlang, Zhen'er doesn't need such politeness. Did you all understand the divine interpretation of Empress Nuwa just now?"

Sword Master Du Mojian smiled slightly, holding his sword-forging furnace with his right hand, still smiling handsomely with white hair, white beard and white robes.

"Thank you for reminding me, Empress Nuwa, who taught you every word of Qianlang's words with care. At this moment, I can understand a little bit. It will take time for Xiangwu to realize."

Liu Qianlang answered truthfully, and Song Zhen nodded in agreement.

"Okay, this is already very rare. The speed of your divine wisdom evolution has far exceeded our expectations.

Empress Nuwa mentioned just now that your human race was not created by Haogu's true life lotus, but was inspired by Empress Nuwa with the help of the factor of life energy whose real name is Shenlian, and you sprouted on your own!

The only gift that Empress Nuwa gave to you is the seven-colored kindness and destiny soul, and it was only the first soul at that time.

Your human body was not divine in the beginning, but because you four-spirit boys were born with intelligence, act against the sky, have a deep bond of love, and broke through the sky together, it is amazing that you have come to where you are today step by step.

Our original intention to introduce you was nothing more than to use your strong humane love to dilute the ruthlessness and indifference of the immortal and god world of the Great World Wuji Universe, and then let the Great World Wuji Universe return to the infinite light and beauty of the past is enough!

However, our original vision obviously has not become what you are after.

You have grown from weak to strong, and your relationship has become stronger day by day. Not only have you kept rising to become stronger, but you are actually walking step by step on the road of eliminating the God of Darkness in the universe and saving the light universe that was once free and beautiful!

We are so blessed with such divine wisdom! "

Sword Master Du Mojian flicked the golden rod with his left hand, looked deeply at Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen and said.

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