Nine Heavens

Chapter 2675 Shenhui landlord

"Oh! Qianlang means that the God Hui Jinlou, which has disappeared from Haogu Yuanzhou, is in your hands!?"

Hearing this, the Demon Sword Ancestor was overjoyed and asked anxiously.

"The junior did get a magical golden building by accident before ascending to the mortal realm of chaos, and it contained countless inexplicable scrolls.

Some of the scrolls of the innate gods can already be read with a sense of soul.

However, there are still some miraculous ancient scrolls, and Qianlang has not been able to sense the information in any of them so far!

I don't know if this Shenjuan Jinlou is the Shenhui Jinlou mentioned by the mentor, but the juniors don't know. "

Liu Qianlang looked at his teacher's expression of losing his composure, and replied.

"Hehe, I can't be wrong, my teacher has always been in Nahan, my teacher once asked you to go to the Yaoxing Shenhai Miaoyin Palace to interpret the first volume of the "Jietong Danya Sutra", but the second volume is missing, and I don't know its content.

It stands to reason that even if Qianlang, Zhen'er, and all Qianlang's wives and children are human beings in the lower realm with the body of Tianling and the seven-color fate soul, they shouldn't be so powerful.

Now, Master, I heard you talk about the Shenhui Jinlou, and finally found the reason.

The reason why Qianlang successfully humanized himself into a god and ascended to Qingmen, made the entire human race immortals great success, and penetrated into the infinite realm, is all because you have mastered the wisdom of the ancient god Huijinlou with low-level immortals!

Do you still remember the little pitch-black "Complete Book of Destroying Worlds" that your teacher gave you? As well as the later "Devil World Smoke Book", they also belong to the scrolls in the Huijin Tower of the ancient god Haogu.

"Complete Book of Destruction" is still for the teacher and your teacher's wife, uncle and mother-in-law before they were born, they were put into our bright sprouts by our ancient ancestors.

When we are born, we will naturally get it, and absorb its world-destroying divine power to support us in cultivating a powerful and eternal life.

However, "The Complete Book of Destroyer Worlds" is mysterious and unpredictable, and we can't fully appreciate it, and it is meaningless to store it later, so I will give it to you, hoping that you will be able to receive a little bit of it one day.

I really have no idea, Qianlang's good fortune is so miraculous, and he actually got the Huiyuan Golden Tower, the only god in Haogu Yuanzhou, no wonder it is so powerful.

Creation, fortune ear, haha..."

Du Mojianzu became more and more happy as he talked, and finally couldn't help laughing.

"As the teacher said, Qianlang has indeed benefited from the Golden Tower of Shenhui, and there are many mysteries in the universe that Qianlang only comprehended after reading the ancient scrolls in the Golden Tower of Shenhui.

However, it is obvious that the strength of leading waves is still not enough. Even now, it is only one trillionth of a millionth to truly understand the essence of divine wisdom! "

Liu Qianlang's expression was calm, and he seemed calmer than Du Mojianzu, but he said lightly, there was not much joy on his face.

"Qianlang, this is already your inexplicable and miraculous good fortune. Don't say that you were born in Renbao, Taoist and Renzu, but that in the Haogu Yuanzhou, countless Haogu gods were able to contact the Shenhui Jinlou by fate, and felt the soul for one or two volumes. How many are there?

Me, your benefactor, your mother, and Uncle Zhong Xing are the only ones who have come into contact with "The Complete Book of Destruction".

Only one "Complete Book of Destruction of the Realm" has achieved the divine achievement of our chaotic primordial deity, and you were lucky enough to get the entire Golden Tower of Divine Wisdom, and you have understood some of the divine wisdom with the weak wisdom of humanity, and you have not stopped using the mighty wisdom. Gu Jin Lou Hui can strengthen your primordial spirit and soul.

How lucky and what an incredible thing this is!

Qianlang's road of humanism and solo god is full of luck and magic, and incredible luck happens along the way. It can be said that the god of infinite fate in the world of immortals and gods. "

Empress Nuwa smiled when she saw Liu Qianlang's dissatisfaction.

"Qianlang, there is such a good thing, why didn't you say it earlier. If we enter the Haogu Shenhui Jinlou and interpret and decipher it for you, it will naturally make you understand countless truths of divine wisdom in a short time.

Of course, we will continue to grow stronger because of this. I don't know if Qianlang will let us go in and take a look? "

Zhong Zhan was also extremely excited, with his blue divine robe fluttering, his red head swaying, his red face blushing, his red beard raised, staring at Liu Qianlang with eyes of infinite expectation.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and said:

"Haogu God Hui Jinlou originally belonged to the treasure of the only god of Haogu Yuanzhou, Huiyuan, and did not belong to Qianlang.

The four Haogu sages are the god queens of Haogu Yuanzhou, and the younger generation should hand over the Haogu God Huijinlou to you.

Just as Uncle Zhong Dead said, if the four gods have some insights, if they cross a point or two, Qianlang will be grateful! "

Liu Qianlang wanted to be open and aboveboard, and never had a greedy heart, even for such a miraculous Shenhui Jinlou, so he said.


Liu Qianlang's words not only made Zhong Zhan elated, but also made Empress Nuwa, Dumojian Zu and Peixian nod their heads in relief.

"Hehe, Qianlang is not greedy or selfish, maybe this is the reason why Shenhui Jinlou recognizes you as the master.

We can decipher the countless magic scrolls in the Haogu God Huijin Tower for Qianlang, but if we want to own her, we must absolutely not.

Since she has recognized you as the master, it is impossible for her to recognize other masters.

In Haogu Yuanzhou, there have long been rumors that the mountains of Haogu are infinitely long, and there are goddesses of beauty and wisdom dancing among them.

Don't admire gods and warlords, don't love treasures, only rhyme loves bosom friends, clear and look for talents...

That is to say, Haogu God Huijinlou is not just any fairy god that can make her happy, and we are no exception.

Since you can get her, and she allows you to have her for such a long time, it means that you are her bosom friend's choice, and no one else can replace you as her master!

It is already a great fortune for us to get your promise to decipher its scroll. "

After Peixian nodded slightly, he smiled.

"That's right, what your teacher and Empress Nuwa said is exactly what you said."

The Demon Sword Ancestor also echoed.

"Oh! It will be like this. How can Qianlang He De be so valued by Shenhui Jinlou.

After leading the waves, she should be more diligent, fully observe the scrolls, guide the way with divine wisdom, go forward bravely, and open the situation of great virtue and prosperity in the Infinite Yuan Realm, so as to live up to her precious trust. "

Liu Qianlang sighed deeply and said.

"It's so good, the Shenhui Jinlou Conference is magical, the great virtues are far and wide, and the only one who loves justice is the ear!"

The Demon Sword Ancestor sighed.

"Okay, don't be sour, pull the waves, time is precious, the situation we are facing in the infinite metaworld is very critical, how about letting us enter the Haogu God Huijin Building, we are strong, naturally I wish you more profound Momo Measured?"

Zhong Sheng couldn't wait any longer, and interrupted the conversation between Liu Qianlang and Du Mojian Zu, shouting.

Upon hearing this, Liu Qianlang looked around at her benefactor Enniang and Nuwa Empress, then bowed to her uncle Zhong Sheng, and said:

"Thanks to the four Haoguyuanzhou sages!"

Liu Qianlang didn't say anything more, and with a thought of his soul, Dumojianzu, Peixian, Nuwa Empress and Zhong Sheng had already entered Liu Qianlang's mind.

"Oh ha ha..."

"The soul power of Qianlang is so rich, we are a little bit beyond our reach.

Hello! I said, dear nephew, where is the Shenhui Jinlou, please tell Qianlang! "

In the soul universe of Liu Qianlang's mind, Zhong Sheng shouted.

"Hehe, four Haogu sages, don't worry, I will send you in with the waves."

Liu Qianlang said with a smile as he read the sound transmission in his soul.

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