Nine Heavens

Chapter 2678 Beyond the Lotus Garden

"Oh! Who are the third brothers?"

Among the seven sons of Juying, Wu Ya and others have never seen Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv.

When they saw the two pretty little girls sitting in a small lotus leaf pavilion outside the garden in the shape of a huge pink lotus in the billions of gods, they all liked them very much, Cai Ling asked with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

"Seventh Sister, they, the one wearing the rainbow skirt and the colorful silk is the third brother's youngest daughter, named Xiao Xiao Lian'er.

Sitting opposite her is her own blue dress, and the waves floating above her head are the jewels in the palm of Huanfeng Shenlong and Princess Yinling, our dragon niece Xiaolongnu.

Do you want to talk about the two of them, hehe, you will like it in the future. "

Before the introduction, Song Zhen couldn't help raising his head and laughing.

" are so lucky, such handsome, lovely two babies, Cailing really likes them.

Third Brother, Wu Ya and I have no children, can they recognize us as adoptive parents, we will also share some blessings. "

The more Cailing looked at the two young immortals, the more she liked them, and couldn't help saying.

"Hehe, if you and your eldest brother like it, it's natural to make it. But, I'm afraid that it will disturb your peace in the future."

Liu Qianlang nodded in agreement, and then summoned Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv through sound transmission from his soul.

"Oh, Daddy of the Emperor of the Beginning Realm, it's not that we didn't think to tell you the news of the successful resurrection of the God of Haogu, Lian Yuan'er. We are really too busy."

"Just now, little sister Lian'er and I built the beautiful lotus garden behind for the God of Haogu in the lotus garden!"

"That's right, we only have time now, and we want to tell Daddy the Emperor of the Beginning Realm. Unexpectedly, you are in such a hurry, why did you come to us.

I can assure you that Sister Long'er and I have behaved very well recently, she didn't get into trouble, let alone me.

If Daddy the Emperor of the First Realm doesn't believe it, you can ask Uncle Huanfeng Dragon God and Aunt Yinling about it. They all praised me, saying that I am getting more and more beautiful and sensible! Isn't that right, Sister Long'er? "

"Yes, yes, Uncle Human Emperor of the First Realm, we really didn't tell lies!"

Without waiting for Liu Qianlang's questioning, Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv's eyes flickered, "You should be with me," said God for a while.

"Ha ha……"


The gods couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

"Third Brother, look at how your daughter and niece are so naughty and clever, Cai Ling is not used to it.

Brother Wuya, do you think they are cute? "

Amid the laughter of the gods, Cai Ling, carrying an emerald green water chestnut basket full of pitch-black god water chestnuts, floated in front of Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv, looked up and down at the two god nieces who were picking silk and treading waves, and asked Liu Qianlang's body. On the side, the husband Wu Ya is standing gracefully, holding a green bamboo flute.

"Hehe, it's really cute. But at first glance, it looks like two naughty ghosts. Listen to what they said just now, there must be some jokes that are not inferior to your childhood."

Stepping on a wisp of pure white wind, Wu Ya smiled.


"Sister, you are so beautiful. Is there something delicious in this basket?"

Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv suddenly saw a beautiful fairy with a water chestnut basket floating close to her.

Slightly stunned for a moment, he immediately noticed that the basket of Cai Ling was full of pitch-black water chestnuts, and smelled a strange fragrance.

So, Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv secretly exchanged a tacit look, and Little Lian'er happily asked with a smile.

"Huh? Little Lian'er, don't be presumptuous, they are all sworn brothers and sisters of your father, and they are all your elders.

The person talking to you is your Aunt Cailing, this is your Uncle Wuya, Uncle Zhuyuan Zhoufo, Uncle Kong Sheng, Uncle Wuhen! I haven't met my uncles and aunts yet! "

When Liu Qianlang saw his beloved daughter, Xiao Lian'er, and Long's niece, Xiao Longnv, he also liked it very much. But his face sank, and he said.


"You are Daddy's sworn sister, our Aunt Cailing! Little Lian'er has met Aunt Cailing and all the uncles.

You all look good-looking and handsome, Aunt Cailing, you look as young as my seven older sisters.

Hee hee, but he lost all his hair and beard! "

When little Lian'er heard her father's words, she looked very serious at first, and pulled Xiao Longnv to salute the elders one by one.

Then, with mischievous eyes flashing in his eyes, he looked up and down at the five unfamiliar Juying sons one by one, and then looked at Zhuyuan Zhoufo and smiled.

"Amitabha, good! Good! Hehe, Uncle Zhuyuan made you laugh.

Uncle Zhuyuan's hair did not fall out, but Uncle Zhuyuan shaved it himself. This is called taking refuge in Buddhism. "

Chasing Yuan Zhou Buddha Emperor Seven, he couldn't help being amused when he heard the words of Xiao Xiaolian's child.

"Hee hee! Uncles, Aunt Cai Ling, little Lian'er is just joking. Little Lian'er understands all of this.

Little Lian'er has seen your appearance in Daddy's cultivation space, and has overheard how Daddy misses you many times.

There is a painting called "The Seven Sons of Juying Worship" floating in the sky of Daddy's cultivation, and you are all painting it. "

Little Lian'er smiled mysteriously and said.


Hearing the words, the five sons of Juying couldn't help looking at Liu Qianlang with their red eyes, and sighed deeply.


"You really know how to see that the things in Aunt Cailing's water chestnut basket are called star water chestnuts, some are called three-star horns, some are called five-star horns, and some are called seven-star horns.

Not only are they beautiful, they are actually delicious. Aunt Cailing will peel a few for you so that you can taste them. "

Cai Ling took the words of Chasing Yuan Zhou Buddha, replied to what Little Lian'er said just now, and said.

"Okay, okay! I just heard that my father had heard about Aunt Cailing's God Xingling before, but I haven't eaten it yet.

Aunt Cailing is alright, why don't you peel some for us to taste? "

Xiaolong Cailing clapped his hands, jumped and cheered happily.

Boo! Boo!

Cai Ling smiled, reached into the basket with her slender hands, and picked out two pitch-black God Star Ling at random, but with a slight movement of her divine sense, the two pitch-black God Star Ling split from the middle along the center line of each corner.

Then the God Star water chestnut revealed the white water chestnut meat inside, and it was full of fragrance.

Cai Ling gently took out half of the pure white water chestnut meat from the black water chestnut shell, and gave a part to Little Lian'er and Xiao Longnv respectively.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

Cailing looked at the two pretty goddesses who were careful to finish the water chestnut meat, and then tasted it seriously, and asked with a smile.

"Wow! Aunt Cailing, this is too delicious, can you give us the whole basket of Shenxing Ling?

We want to eat enough, if possible, little Lianer wants to bring it to all mothers, sisters and brothers! "

With an exaggerated expression, Little Lian'er praised.

"Hehe, third brother, listen, although your precious daughter is naughty, she is very filial."

Little Lian'er's last words made all the gods feel relieved. Song Zhen couldn't help looking at Liu Qianlang, and said with a smile.


"Don't listen to their sweet mouths. It doesn't matter what they are good. The key is to uphold kindness."

Liu Qianlang was naturally happy when he heard that his beloved daughter was praised, but he was happy in his heart, and he was still humble in his mouth.

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