Nine Heavens

Chapter 2692 sudden change of situation

"Hmph! All the emperors of the infinite realm, you are all god emperors of one realm, and you are so weak and ridiculous.

Don't you think about it, you are both in the realm of the Infinite Yuan Realm, why the Divine Light Yuan Realm has the divine power of the vast ancient source universe countless times more than yours!

And why did Shenguang Yuanjie maintain a more stable situation than you after Haoguyuan Zhou collapsed?

Let God Venerable Benminglian tell you, because Haoguyuan Zhou Bengyuan was planned by him, Emperor Shenguang.

And the divine power of Haoguyuanzhou that he said he wanted to give to you was the one that plundered your share of Haoguyuanzhou when Haoguyuanzhou collapsed.

If you don’t believe me, you can recall that since Haoguyuan Zhou Bengyuan, Shenguang Yuanjie has never participated in the battle for the hegemony of Infinite Yuanjie, but how can it be peaceful all the time?

The dignified Emperor of the Light Realm and the Emperor of the Dark Realm are willing to be his dogs again!

The reason couldn’t be simpler, it’s because before the Shenguang Yuanjie deceived you, they had already bribed them with Haogu Yuanzhou Shenneng…”

Just when Emperor Shenguang thought he was the leader of the God Realm by resorting to some tricks, he suddenly saw the dying God Venerable Minglian, and suddenly raised his head and chest, and directly exposed his old background.

Emperor Shenguang, Emperor Dark Realm and Emperor Luoxiang Realm were all inexplicable when they saw this. Because Minglian God Venerable will soon be bitten by evil dragons, pecked by poisonous phoenixes, and die with exhaustion of divine energy.

However, what they saw now was that the countless evil dragons and poisonous phoenixes that had roared evilly above the God of Minglian and the Emperor of the Light Realm suddenly turned into corpses in the sky and were falling one after another.

Not only Minglian God Venerable God Alliance Dasheng, but even the Emperor Guangming Realm laughed wildly inexplicably.

"Ha ha……"

"Minglian God Venerable really has you, the Emperor of the Light Realm thought that as soon as we met, you would leave my old friend first!

Swear well, scold well. But old friend, you didn't scold hard enough! Dirty people like them! Let's just say they are not fun!

Look at that black beast, even his virtue is worthy of being a fairy! Pooh, no matter Infinity Element Realm or Hao Gu Yuan Zhou has his existence, it is simply a shame and shame to us!

There is also that Luoxiang Realm Emperor, who has a naturally flattering and humble face, and has no other skills other than crawling at the feet of some Guangdi, a natural soft bone!

That world emperor was even more hypocritical. I was almost moved when I yelled out so many impassioned words just now.

Fortunately, the Emperor of the Light Realm suddenly heard a reminder from Liu Qianlang, the god of humanity and human race that sprouted in your body, and learned that they were the culprits of the collapse of Hao Guyuan Zhou Yuan!

well! This Emperor of the Light Realm has seen shameless people before, but this is the first time he has seen such shameless people like them! "

"Cut! Emperor of the Light Realm, you are so rare and heavy! Let's forget it, even if we Dashan Immortal God scolds others, it is nothing if they are thick-faced and dark-hearted.

Ignore them for now, I don't know if the Emperor of the Light Realm can destroy the chains of infinite energy outside of me, being chained by them like this is so shameless! "

"Haha... If you don't tell me, I'd forget. Don't I have them outside me? If I have the ability to destroy them, who would want to wear these things!

Why! Don't you say that your core spiritual body has ascended to a new cute god of humanism and human race. Since he can heal and revitalize your outermost body, his divine power is simply superior to that of Haogu Yuanzhou, why don't you ask him if he can help us? "

"How is this good? How can we say that we are also the gods of Haogu. If we ask for help from the cute god in my body, the face of the natal lotus god will be difficult!"

"I'm going, Minglian God Venerable, we almost died just now, so don't be smug, we are not in Haogu Yuanzhou, who has the time to appreciate your stinky beauty!"

"Emperor of the Light Realm! Don't talk too much. When it comes to the gods of the natal lotus and the beauty of the sisters, who is not praised by the god of the ancient universe.

Don’t you, the Emperor of the Light Realm, always enjoy the singing and dancing of the many flower fairies in our God’s Flower Life Realm during the Hao Guyuan Zhou Immortal God Conference, and you are mesmerized? "

"Okay, okay, you Minglian God Venerable is the most beautiful fairy god in Haogu Yuanzhou! But we are tied up now, please let us be free again?"

"Forget it, wait and see, maybe he will take the initiative to help us when he sees that we are dying."

"My God, how could you say such a thing?"


The Emperor of the Light Realm and the Divine Venerable of Minglian are still locked on the wall of the Shenfeng Peak by countless chains of the infinite power of the Yuan Realm.

But they were swearing and quarreling with each other indifferently.


However, the words they scolded the three realm emperors before were heard by the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine realm emperors who were kneeling on the top of the god peak. Scold Emperor Shenguang, Emperor Dark Realm and Emperor Luoxiang Realm.

"shut up!"

Emperor Shenguang was stunned by the sudden change of God Minglian. When he came back to his senses, he found that the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine emperors around him who were kneeling on the top of Shenfeng were looking at him coldly, yelling at him. Absolutely.

"Oh ha ha..."

"The emperors of the world don't want to listen to the absurd words that they are about to die. You have just seen how sincere this Emperor Shenguang is.

Please see, the God Realm Covenant is now on the head of the God Realm leader, and it has just been announced. I also ask the emperors of the God Realm to calm down, and don't be deceived by their malicious intentions to sow discord between our alliance.

If you believe in their dying words of sowing discord, wouldn’t it make the unification of the God Realm that our Infinite Element Realm is about to achieve come to naught! "

To say that Emperor Shenguang is really extremely cunning, he explained with a maniacal laugh as the Dark Realm Emperor and Luoxiang Realm Emperor immediately went to the Prisoner Peak in Zhaoyishenli and outside to slaughter the Minglian God Venerable and the Bright Realm Emperor.


Emperor Shenguang's calmness and such words made the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine God Realm emperors confused for a while.

Their yelling and cursing kept getting smaller and gradually subsided.

Seeing that the situation had improved, Emperor Shenguang was extremely majestic and cold. After scanning the surrounding gods for a long time, he suddenly roared:

"The Emperor of the Dark Realm, the Emperor of the Luoxiang Realm listened to the decree, and immediately slaughtered the two poisonous gods who first died in the ancient source universe, and then ruined the unity of our Infinite Yuan Realm. They have ulterior motives!"

After hearing the words, the gods hesitated and remained silent for a while, and finally believed in Emperor Shenguang again, and then they all shouted with infinite resentment:

"Kill! Kill them!"


In the midst of the shouts of more than 99,990 people from the Infinite Realm, when Emperor Shenguang laughed wildly, the Emperor of the Dark Realm and the Emperor of the Luoxiang Realm flew secretly and turned bright, madly slaughtering the demon elephants, instantly killing hundreds of millions of vicious and deadly methods They all worked out.

"I'm going! Minglian God Venerable, you remember, it's your stinky beauty that killed the Emperor of the Light Realm!"

The Emperor of the Bright Realm suddenly saw the Emperor of the Dark Realm and the Emperor of the Luo Xiang Realm pouring down the sky, coming with infinite attacking elephants. Knowing that the catastrophe of desperation could not be avoided, so he died silently and laughed.

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