Nine Heavens

Chapter 2709 Misty God Realm

In the water of Dongmeng, the waves are surging, without the wind swirling, but the waves of the sky are splashing and splashing down.

Clear and white.

Misty cloud pool, divine cloud bubbling, is exactly the cloud spring in the waves.

There are six huge holy white flowers in the center of the cloud pool, which are crystal clear, like white jade surpassing Lixue, and the divine fragrance is wafting, tempting and strong.

Originally, the Wanyu Realm Emperor who was sent by Emperor Shenguang to travel to the Canglong Realm stopped here and devoted himself to cultivation, and never wanted to leave again.

In the blink of an eye, they have been floating around Misty Cloud Pool for hundreds of thousands of years.

They were originally worried that all the nine gods would come to patrol the world's primordial spirit Hua'er. However, what they didn't expect was that the area around Misty Cloud Pool, and even the area around Dongmeng Water had always been miraculously quiet, without any fluctuations in divine aura.

This surprised them and made them secretly happy. Hundreds of thousands of years of practice have allowed them and the gods and people in their bodies to absorb enough ancient divine energy, making them all powerful and heroic.

"Emperors of the God Realm, since there are no gods from the Nine Great God Realms, then these six primordial spirit flowers are naturally ours.

However, we have too many god realms, and our Jieyuanshen flowers are limited, so what should we do? "

Emperor Liang Dian said.

"The flower of Jieyuanshen is a flower of great compassion and compassion for life. It can allow us to absorb its vast ancient divine power. Obviously, it cannot bear to see us perish in the infinite sky.

Since we have already received their kindness and grace, we should not regenerate the heart of killing each other in order to get them! "

Another world emperor said sincerely.

"Well, what the Qunxingjiedidi said is true, we naturally cannot violate the Fangde beauty soul of Jieyuanshen Hua'er, but due to the situation, how should we distribute it?"

Emperor Liang Dian said again.

"Since it can't be distributed, it's better to share. We divide the ten thousand realms. Although Haogu's divine power is now abundant, compared with the nine god realms, they are all weak and weak realms.

Ben Heyang Realm Emperor thought that if we give up the madness of fighting for hegemony and just live freely for the sake of survival, all problems will be of no avail! "

"What does Heyang Realm Emperor mean?"

Liang Dian Realm Emperor looked shocked and asked.

"One realm is not strong, but ten thousand realms unite. Because flowers establish a new realm, how about we unite as one family and call it Misty Realm?"

Heyang Realm Emperor looked around the Myriad Realm Realm Emperor around Misty Cloud Pool, and tried to test it cautiously.

"Well, going alone is annihilation, nothing like a republic!"

"So what if you dominate the Infinite Element Realm? In the Immortal God Realm, it's best to be free and unrestrained!"

"This Zhushan Realm Emperor supports!"

"The Emperor of the Drunken Music World is the same!"


As soon as Heyang Jiedi said this, Wanjie Jiedi was silent for a while, and then expressed his willingness.

Realm Emperor Liang Dian and Qunxing Realm Emperor nodded happily when they saw the general trend.

Liang Dian Realm Emperor smiled and said:

"Unexpectedly, there will be many battles for hegemony in the infinite metaverse, and cooperation is the right way. Let go of selfish thoughts and enjoy peace right now!

good! Such great thoughts and wisdom were proposed by Heyang Realm Emperor, then we will respect you as Misty Realm Emperor, and we are willing to degrade the status of Realm Minister. The emperor and his ministers are dedicated to the misty peace! "

"This is the most wonderful thing. Heyang Realm Emperor is naturally warm and open-minded. He is the choice of Dahe Eternal Venerable!"

After Liang Dian Realm Emperor said, the Star Realm Emperor, with stars shining all over his body, was also happy to agree.

"Meet the Misty Realm Emperor!"

When the emperors of the ten thousand realms around Misty Cloud Pool heard the words, they all discussed happily, and then all the people returned to their hearts and bowed in unison to congratulate.

"Ha ha……"

"Thank you for the trust of the gods and emperors of all realms, but if one god is respected, it is the source of evil thoughts.

Therefore, Emperor Heyang Realm thinks that it is not appropriate for the Emperor Ben Heyang Realm to dominate the Misty God Realm alone. Could it be possible that the Star Realm Emperor, Liang Dian Realm Emperor and Ben Heyang Realm Emperor jointly control the Misty God Realm? "

Emperor Heyang Jie didn't refuse, but laughed loudly.

When the World Emperors heard the words, there was another discussion, because along the way, these three World Emperors took the initiative to organize the route, so they naturally had high prestige and virtue, and no emperor objected.

So, the Infinite Element Realm was like this, and suddenly there was another powerful God Realm, the Misty God Realm.


"Human Sovereign, brother Zhuyuan, what should we do! They have newly established the Misty God Realm and sing about their virtues. How can we start to seize their Boundary Primordial Spirit Flower?"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang, Huanyan Realm Emperor and Chasing Yuan Zhou Buddha have long been invisible and floating in the water of Eastern Mongolia, above the sky of the ethereal God Realm.

The Huanyan Realm Emperor thought that, taking advantage of the chaotic opportunity when the nine great gods were vying for the flowers of the Jieyuan God, he helped the emperor Liu Qianlang to capture the flowers of the Jieyuan God, and then entered the water of Eastern Mongolia to wash and return to his clan, and even swallowed the river into his body. .

But what I never expected was that I didn't see any gods from the Nine Great God Realms coming, but I saw the scene where more than ten thousand Ruo Realms joined forces to build a strong world. I couldn't help being a little disappointed, shaking my head and sighing.

"Hehe, Amitabha, good! Good!

Why should the Huanyan Realm Emperor be sorry? It is not the point that the third brother came to fetch the flowers of Jie Yuanshen, the point is that we saw the scene that we most wanted to see in our hearts.

We didn't have the power to blow the dust, but we saw the great convergence of the infinite element world, surrounded by good virtues, this is a good thing! "

Chasing Fate Zhou Buddha saw the scene of the unity of all worlds in the misty God Realm below, his expression was completely opposite to that of Huanyan Realm Emperor, his face was full of joy, he clasped his hands together, and said with a smile.

"That's right! The second brother knows the heart of leading the waves. The purpose of the trillions of twists and turns that the waves have traveled through the Shenmen is nothing more than to seek peace in the great world.

Now seeing the Misty Cloud Pond, where the flowers of Jieyuanshen sprouted a world of goodness, I am really happy and fascinated! "

Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered slightly, her eyes bright and handsome, she nodded in relief.

"However, I'm worried that they won't be able to protect the six Jieyuanshen flowers, and sooner or later they will be snatched away by the Nine God Realms!"

Huanyan Jiedi couldn't understand the attitudes of Human Sovereign and Zhuyuan Zhoufo, looked at the two of them, and frowned.

"Hehe, Emperor Huanyan Realm, there is nothing more obsessive about any divine treasure. Gain and loss are all fate. Gain is your fate, and loss is his fate.

Going against Shenbao's own choice is the evil deed of Mieyuan. Chasing Fate Zhou Buddha is open to this, and Human Sovereign is even more so! "

Chasing Fate Zhou Buddha smiled again.

"Why should Huanyan Realm be worried that the Nine Great God Realms will snatch the flowers of Jie Yuanshen?

Among the nine god realms, the Huanyan Realm Emperor would not do this, but for the other eight god realms, we can secretly protect the Misty God Realm. "

Liu Qianlang also smiled, and continued.


"No way, we still have to secretly protect them!?"

Regarding Liu Qianlang's subsequent words, Huanyan Jiedi couldn't understand.

"We seek the harmony of the entire infinite element world. They are peaceful now, and we will be one family in the future. Don't you think we should help them?"

Seeing the inconceivable expression of the Huanyan Realm Emperor, Liu Qianlang laughed.

The Huanyan Realm Emperor pondered for a long time, and finally agreed:

"Okay, the Human Sovereign has a broad mind, chasing the great compassion of Zhou Buddha, although the Huanyan Realm Emperor you are talking about is difficult to understand for a while, but you know it well!"


When Liu Qianlang and Zhuyuan Zhoufo heard the words, they all laughed heartily.

"Since this is the case, let's go back. If we stay here, people won't invite us down for a meeting?"

The Huanyan Realm Emperor also shook his head and teased.

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