Nine Heavens

Chapter 2711 Yuntan surprise

"Why, it seems that you are a little overestimated. Don't think that you are very strong because you have colluded with the Empress of the Huanyan God Realm and have the backing of the Infinite Element Realm God Realm!"

Emperor You Canglong heard Zhuyuan Zhoufo's words, looked coldly at Zhuyuan Zhoufo, Liu Qianlang and Huanyan Jiedi from afar, and hummed.

"You Canglong Emperor, don't be arrogant! The reason why this Yanyuan Fantasy Realm has a good relationship with Nine Lotus Shrine is definitely not as you said, but because this Huanyan Realm Emperor has seen the future light and great goodness of Nine Lotus Shrine !

Human Sovereign and his divine sect, Human Dao Divine Gate, originally originated from the divine body of God Minglian, the god of goodness in Haogu Yuanzhou, and the Nine Lotus Shrine was also formed by the heart of God Minglian.

Regardless of the original intention of Shinto, or the future trend of the world of immortals and gods, the Human Emperor is the correct direction and guidance for the future of the infinite metaworld! "

Emperor Yan Yuan of the Illusory Realm immediately refuted Emperor You Canglong and shouted.


Emperor Huanyanjie's words surprised You Canglong Emperor, and he couldn't help but carefully examine Liu Qianlang for a while. Then he said:

"It is true that there is a shadow of God Venerable Minglian, but I am afraid that it is not useful.

You look around Misty Cloud Pool, apart from the Emperor of Light, the other eight emperors of the God Realm are all there, which one is not towering and majestic, but the other emperor is more than graceful, and his divine power is ridiculous, haha..."

""The Great Ancient Cosmic Eternal Theory" says: "The grand universe, how to maintain the eternal, one is able, it is the lower way; also.

Those who are capable, with their majestic divine body, intimidate and overpower, can shake the universe and seize the world for a while, but it is difficult to hold on.

The reason for this lies in the fact that one world gains power, another world may be strong, based on the struggle for hegemony, and the battle is endless.

Therefore, it is possible to dominate the universe, but it cannot be balanced!

Hui Ye, who can calculate the power of the universe, can get relatively long-term stability.

However, the divine wisdom also varies with the strength of the body, and the spiritual intelligence is shallow.

Only immortals and great benevolent gods have few desires because of kindness, love and harmony because of kindness, nourish rest because of kindness, share rewards because of kindness, and communicate with each other because of kindness. The upper gods have no contention, the lower gods are selfless, and the gods are harmonious!

Therefore, Emperor You Canglong, the majestic leader of the nine infinite metaworld gods, upholds the way of governing the universe, but it is a low way!

In this way, compared with the heart of great virtue and virtue that I have inherited, I said bluntly, you Canglong Emperor is already a loser. "

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang looked at You Canglong Emperor, all the emperors around Misty Cloud Pond were staring at him with contempt, and he was no longer polite, and said coldly and forcefully.


"The human life body germinated in the body of the little life lotus god, it is nothing more than a new god, but it is strange that he is familiar with the theory of the god emperor Haoguyuan Zhou's governance of the universe.

Emperor Shenguang, when you Shenguang, Darkness, and Luoxiang Three Realms launched the magic transformation of the ancient source Zhou Shande Shrine, didn't you kill the Emperor of the Universe and destroy the gods and roll the Golden Tower!

Now, the little aliens and gods can actually see and learn from them. What did you do back then! ? "

In Xiangqiongfeng Realm, Emperor Xiangqiongfeng savored Liu Qianlang's love, and was secretly horrified in his heart.

Such a theory of the universe, even if the emperors of the nine gods rarely have the opportunity to read it, but Liu Qianlang can say it from his heart, and obviously understands it very shallowly. Emperor Shenguang, who was sitting in the west of Yuntan, asked.


"Should I tell you what Emperor Shenguang did back then? You all know what you are all about.

But having said that, this Emperor Shenguang really wants to thank all of you for your cooperation, so that this Emperor Shenguang successfully realized the Shenting coup.

The only pity is that although the Shenting coup was completed, the old guy Haoguyuan Zhou Shande God Emperor actually collapsed the Haoguyuan Zhou Haogu Continent regardless of the dispersal of the primordial spirit, causing countless supernatural beings to collapse and lose them! "

Emperor Shenguang naturally expected that someone would definitely come from Nine Lotus Shrine. When he was concentrating on studying Liu Qianlang, he suddenly heard Xiangqiong Fengdi's words, turned his eyes coldly, and raised his hand in a hypocritical salute.

"Bah! Emperor Shenguang don't want to talk nonsense, when and when did Ben Yunlin Realm cooperate with you, Emperor Shenguang, Emperor Darkness Realm and Emperor Luoxiang Realm launched a coup d'état!"

"Hmph! My mouth is full of nonsense, so dirty!"

"Unjust is doomed to destruction!"

"It's dark and filthy, the Luoxiang is transformed into a demon, and the divine light is colluding. How pitiful is the God Emperor Haoguyuan Zhou Shande!"

"If hypocrisy is the most, it should be number one!"


As soon as Emperor Shenguang uttered these words, the emperors of the eight directions outside the Nine Lotus Shrine immediately became dissatisfied. They spit, raised their fingers, and cursed Emperor Shenguang.

"Uh ha ha ha..."

However, Emperor Shenguang laughed wildly when he heard the words:

"You are all the guardian gods of the gods of the Haogu Continent, and also have the responsibility of protecting the Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine.

Just when Emperor Shenguang started to launch the Shenting Coup, Hao Guyuan, Zhou Shande, God Emperor, sent out letters of rescue from the sky.

Although most of the Heaven's Rescue Books were intercepted by this Emperor Shenguang, there must be more than one God Emperor among you who received the Divine Emperor's call for help.

But what about you, do you have one who rushed back to the Haogu Shande Shrine to rescue the God Emperor? No, that's why the Emperor Shenguang succeeded in the Shenting coup so easily.

This Emperor Shenguang clearly remembers that you Xiangqiong Fengdi led the Xiangqiong Liefeng Divine Army, which is three trillion miles away from the Haoguyuan Zhou Shande Shrine. If you return to Zhou, you are only a few years old, but you Xiangqiongfeng Has God come back to save you?

And you You Canglong Emperor, but you have just set out to fight, so you should know what this Emperor Shenguang does, but what about you, you clearly know that this Emperor Shenguang is launching a coup in Shenting, but you choose to go straight forward without losing your head? Go back!

And you Ben Yunlin Emperor, you have received three letters of salvation from the sky, what is your reaction...

Haha... and you, Emperor Kong Huahua, Emperor of Shenmu, Emperor of Creation God...

Without your tacit understanding and ignoring, no matter how well-planned this Emperor Shenguang is, he would not have killed Emperor Hao Guyuan Zhou Shande so smoothly.

You guys don't know that the Shenting coup was so easy, the God Emperor Haogu Yuanzhou hardly resisted, so he chose to burst into the gods!

You guys are the cutest, oh ha ha..."

Emperor Shenguang seemed to be insane, pointing and laughing at the Eight Great Realm Emperors around Misty Cloud Pool.

"What!? The sky saves the book!"

Emperor You Canglong was very surprised when he heard the words, repeated the word softly, and looked around with the surrounding emperors for a long time.

Not only You Canglong Emperor's eyes were full of astonishment, but also the other seven world emperors.

The Eight Great Realm Emperors were silent for a while, and You Canglong Emperor looked dignified, and said:

"Could it be that there is a third force secretly manipulating the original Cosmic God Bureau.

Dissatisfied with Emperor Shenguang, our eight god realms have all received the divine book of the sky from Emperor Haoguyuan Zhou Shande.

However, it is definitely not the court asking for help, but a decree issued for us to guard the frontier land of Shenzhou, let us guard the eight places in the four directions of the vast ancient Yuanzhou continent as quickly as possible, and force them to be loyal to their duties forever and have orders Not return! "

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