Nine Heavens

Chapter 2714 Heyang Temple

"Ha ha……"

"The ancestor of Langhua'er, this nickname is good. However, I only know that I am the body of Langhua'er in a heavenly spirit river in the divine body of God Minglian. This has nothing to do with the water of Dongmeng."

Liu Qianlang felt more and more that the words of the three-scaled god Gun were absurd, and laughed.

"Of course it has something to do with it. Minglian Godzun's body, Minglian, sprouted from the water of Haogu Dongmeng. After the owner of the river collapsed in the Yuanyuan of Haoguyuan, Godzun Minglian disappeared after the water of Dongmeng. disappeared.

Maybe the river master appeared in the divine body of Minglian God at that time.

Since the disappearance of the river lord and Minglian god, the water god of the entire Eastern Mongolia was once extremely regretful and lifeless.

Knowing that later we discovered that in the waves created by the Lord of the Water of Eastern Mongolia, Misty Cloud Pond suddenly appeared one day, and contained the spirit of the world element.

We, the god of the river, were overjoyed, and we sealed the water of Dongmeng with one heart, and waited for the flowers of Jieyuanshen to bloom, and we have waited until now. "

The Bronze Scale God Gun has been examining Liu Qianlang, seeing that Liu Qianlang still refuses to admit his identity as Haogu, he said very displeased.

"Third brother Tongyun, don't be rude, once Hezhu Hao Gushenyi returns to his body, he will naturally know everything about the past.

Don't blame the Emperor, Tong Yun has always had such a temper, you knew it in the past and always accommodated him.

Let's talk about the matter between us later, Heyang Realm Emperor is waiting for us, we should enter the palace as soon as possible. "

Seeing that his third brother, Tongyun Shenlong, was displeased with Gun and Jinyun Shenlong, the Golden Scale God, he hurriedly smoothed things over.

"Amitabha, after a good fate, the three gods, Gun, don't be upset. Now that the fate has come, it is only a matter of time before we get to know each other.

If Ben Zhuyuan Zhoufo heard correctly, Emperor Heyangjie just now seemed to say that you sometimes ask for the God of Human Sovereign, can you tell me a thing or two? "

Chasing Fate Zhou Buddha also deliberately changed the topic for both parties and asked.


The Golden Scaled God Gun shook his head and sighed, then looked at Liu Qianlang with hope in his eyes and said:

"It's a long story, we really need the help of the emperor to restore our real body of the cloud world dragon.

After Haoguyuan Zhou collapsed, our three brothers and the Human Emperor were all cursed and sealed by three evil ministers, the current Emperor Shenguang, the Emperor of the Dark Realm, the Emperor of the Luoxiang Realm, and that hateful blood woman. The memory disappears, and the dragon body turns into a fish.

And the only way for us to restore our original body is to have the Jieyuanshen flowers bloom, smell the fragrance of the Jieyuanshen flowers, and restore our memories. Recast the soul and awaken the dragon body.

Although we have never been to the Nine Lotus Shrine, we have already sensed the little Shan Longtai here, and the Lord Dongmeng has returned.

He also heard that Empress Nuwa's Haogu Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons were actually in the hands of the Emperor.

Therefore, we hope day and night that the Human Emperor can come soon, firstly to restore his own memory, and secondly to help us!

However, the Infinite Yuan Realm is vast and boundless, so it is really impossible for you to sense the existence of the sealed water of Eastern Mongolia and Misty Cloud Pool.

Therefore, after our three brothers discussed, we deliberately unsealed the water of Dongmeng, and lit the nine Jieyuanshen flowers that had just bloomed. It was picked up by the Nascent Soul God of the Nine River Lords of the Lotus Shrine.

I hope they can dedicate it to the Human Sovereign, and then attract the Human Sovereign to come here! "

"Well, even if it's as you said. Although my emperor is here now, but my emperor's spirit has not been restored, and I don't know the past, so I can't help you!"

Seeing the seriousness of the three gods, Gun, Liu Qianlang couldn't help but believe it, and said with a smile.

"It's not difficult. Judging by the Emperor's expression, he has obviously devoured the three Jieyuanshen flowers. If he stays in the Misty God Realm for a while longer, Hao Gushenyi will be condensed by the fragrance of Jieyuanshen flowers. , it will recover naturally.

At that time, if the Lord of the River is willing to activate the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining and rebuild it for us, we will naturally be able to restore the Shenyun Dragon Body.

At the same time, Renhuang's Langhua'er body can also recover Yuanshui dragon body in the same way! "

Seeing that Liu Qianlang finally believed in himself and his two brothers, Silverscale God Gun couldn't help saying happily.

"Hehe, Amitabha, goodness, goodness. If you come, you will be at ease. I never thought that the third brother's visit turned out to be a long-awaited meeting in the dark. How about staying a little longer!"

Chasing fate, Zhou Buddha smiles and circles the field.


"The waters of Eastern Mongolia are vast and the waves are pouring, and the flowers of the Yuanyuan God are beautiful, all of which are great wonders of the Infinite Yuan Realm.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, if there is no group of friends raising wine, wouldn't it be a disappointment to the beautiful scenery. Emperor Heyang Jie invites the gods to quickly enter the palace to share the wine and watch the water of Eastern Mongolia together! "

Liu Qianlang, Chasing Yuan Zhou Buddha, Huanyan Realm Emperor, and Dongmeng Sangun were talking, when they suddenly heard the laughter of Heyang Realm Emperor from Heyang Temple again.

"Ha ha……"

After some conversation, the three holy gods and Dongmeng Sangun also became god friends. Hearing what Heyang Jiedi said, they stopped talking for a while, and together they quickly drifted towards the temple.

The Three Guns of Dongmeng restored the body of Jinlin fish, and wanted to carry the emperor, chasing Zhou Buddha and Huanyan Realm Emperor, but the three holy gods refused to accept what they said, so they had to return to human form and lead the way with laughter.

After a while.

The emperor Liu Qianlang and others had already entered the palace to see the ceremony, and sat in the upper seats under the temple. The time and space in the Heyang Temple are vast, and His Highness is on the left and right. Except for those who are working outside the hall, the rest of the previous ten thousand realm emperors are all there.

When they saw Liu Qianlang, Zhu Yuan Zhou Buddha and Huanyan Realm Emperor enter the palace, they were all very welcome.

"Hehe, the primordial water of the human emperor's god body is the foundation, and the spiritual quality has the grace of the life lotus god, coupled with the handsome appearance of the new cute human god, he is really the perfect person in the realm of immortals and gods!"

After Liu Qianlang and others sat down, Heyang Realm Emperor Furan looked at Liu Qianlang and smiled.

"Hehe, Heyang Realm Emperor is over the award. My emperor thought that my human form was the only appearance of our human race. I didn't expect that Heyang Realm Emperor and Mandian gods and friends are the same!"

In Liu Qianlang's imagination, there should be more than ten thousand world emperors with various expressions like the world emperors he had seen before.

I don't want to, Liu Qianlang's eyes are full of the appearance of a human god, and all the heroic and majestic appearances make him even more surprised that the emperors of more than ten thousand realms are more or less similar to him.

"Ha ha……"

"The Emperor of the Nine Lotus Temple misunderstood. What you see is not our Haogu body. The way we are now is because when we were in the Shenguang Yuanjie, Emperor Shenguang ordered us to All the gods of the Shenguang Yuanjie have changed according to your appearance."

Emperor Heyang Jie laughed.

"So that's it, Heyang Realm Emperor! You guys have confused this Huanyan Realm Emperor, and I can't tell who you are, haha..."

The Huanyan Realm Emperor couldn't help laughing.

"The Emperor of the Huanyan Realm is going to laugh at us, isn't your appearance now the same as the human emperor's human body.

Human Sovereign doesn't know if he has seen your Haogu real body, but we all know that you are just a mess! "

Emperor Heyang Realm and Emperor Huanyan Realm are no strangers, and they used to be ministers of the same temple in Haoguyuan Zhoushande Shrine, so there is quite an element of humor in the conversation.

"It's okay, it's okay, between us, who doesn't know who is who. Everyone is happy. Speaking of it, I admire you so much. I was still wandering the year before, and I was free in the temple in a blink of an eye!"

The Huanyan Realm Emperor also replied humorously.

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