Nine Heavens

Chapter 2745 Wipe Luna Cliff

"It's easy to protect Yun'er, but Feng'er is poisoned by the Yang God after a month, so how to protect her reasonably is really difficult.

After all, they are couples, and it is not easy for us to separate them, nor is it convenient for us to go to the Sun Moon God Cosmic Domain. "

Prince Jiebo mentioned Cheng Shifeng again.

"Junior Brother Jiebo also discovered that Fengmei was poisoned and manipulated by the Yang God?"

Liu Qianlang was just skeptical before, but he wasn't sure, but now that he heard Junior Brother Jiebo say the same, he couldn't help being a little more certain.

However, there is still a trace of luck in Renhuang Liu Qianlang's heart. Because not long ago, what Cheng Shifeng said to himself when he left after the month should not have been poisoned and manipulated by the Yang God.

"Actually, when you were discussing in the temple just now, Junior Brother Jiebo was already at the top of the temple, but he was invisible.

Brother Jiebo listened to the content of your conversation one by one, and at the same time Xiangjia analyzed every core soul present.

The other gods are normal, but the God of Heaven and the Queen of the Moon are obviously not stable.

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God, the mana in his body kept increasing rapidly, and his heart could no longer be autonomous after a month. They were obviously being manipulated by the Yang God, and they were constantly being demonized.

They are all the holy gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine. On the one hand, we must strengthen our defenses against the Yang God Ouyang Langlong, and at the same time, we should do a good job of retaining Sirius Zhoushen and Moon Queen.

Our overall Shenyin is stable and stable, even if the Yangshen makes troubles, we will not be afraid. "

Prince Jiebo explained.

"Junior Brother Jiebo is right. But, can Junior Brother Jiebo see how Yang God framed Sirius Zhou God?

If Fengmei is his god wife, we cannot guard against the opportunity of his attack. However, Junior Brother Jiebo also understands Sirius Zhou's temper, not to mention that the Yang God has poisoned him, it is difficult to get close to him.

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God has always held prejudices against Yang God and is unwilling to contact him. It is still possible for others to be poisoned by him, but he..."

Human Emperor Yun thought about it, but couldn't understand it.

"They don't get along well, but Moon Empress is the younger sister of Heavenly Wolf Zhou God, so I ask Senior Brother Renhuang to take care of that.

In addition, Heavenly Wolf Zhou God is obsessed with the cultivation of anti-Ming magic skills. This is our God of Light's advantage in defending against anti-Ming demons, and it has also become our weakness for anti-Ming demons to take advantage of us.

Just now, when Junior Brother Jiebo was analyzing the Divine Body and Divine Art of the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God, he clearly sensed that he was recently practicing a kind of miraculous and inexplicable anti-Ming Divine Art.

As a result, his divine body flew away, and when he came to escape, his divine body faintly leaked a layer of pitch-black evil light, just like the pitch-black specter that Senior Brother Renhuang saw.

For his phenomenon, Junior Brother Jiebo boldly speculates that maybe the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God is another target that the Yang God Ouyang Langlong wants to blame.

Yangshen is vicious with vicious intentions. He is creating internal conflicts among the gods of Langyuan Shenmen. He wants to sow discord and let us kill each other!

And his claws directly extended to the gods of our Human Palace, especially Senior Brother Human Emperor, Heavenly Wolf God, Qixiang God and Moon Queen, you four spirits, the source of human gods..."

Prince Jiebo's expression was calm, and according to the analysis, Renhuang Liu Qianlang listened to it, praised it in his heart, and nodded incessantly.

"Junior Brother Jiebo is indeed the God of War in Hao Guqiong, he can see all the gatherings in terms of potential energy, and can be meticulous in his attitude, I admire you brother.

Brother Wei suddenly realized what you said. It seems that paying more attention to Yuehou in the future is the key for us to control the state of Yangshen more.

For this reason, we need to find a way to secretly detoxify Fengmei and purify her soul, just in time..."

The next thing Renhuang Liu Qianlang said was to Prince Jiebo through sound transmission from his soul.

Upon hearing this, Prince Jiebo expressed his approval, but the two brothers chatted for a while, and each left the palace.

Outside the Yaoyue Temple, wipe the Moon God Cliff.

A slender goddess in a white orchid skirt, floating on the top of the cliff, is raising her head, carefully wiping the blue moon of the Nine Lotus Shrine.

This goddess, from a distance, although she can't see her face, but the beauty of her side face is enough to make people pleasing to the eye.

She has a graceful figure and long blue hair, like a rainbow. The eyelashes are long and the eyes are shimmering blue.

She was very focused and careful in wiping the moon, and just near the cliff of the moon, a white-haired man with fluttering white robes quietly appeared, holding a golden pagoda in his hand, and a majestic red dragon standing on his feet. God, she didn't seem to feel it, and continued to wipe the beautiful Shenyue.

Shenyuejuanjuan, the beauty is floating.

The kamikaze is blowing, and the dragon god has been looking forward to it for a long time.

They have been in such a situation for a long time, one is wiping the moon, and the other is quite emotionally admiring.

"Oh! Brother Qianlang, you've been here for a while, why didn't you call me.

Brother Qianlang knows that Feng'er loves the moon like a fool, so he didn't call me, but just stood there empty-handed, wouldn't it be Feng'er's fault. "

In the end, after a month, Cheng Shifeng accidentally caught sight of Huang Liu Qianlang, who came to meet the appointment, and immediately stopped wiping the Shenyue. Looking deeply at this respectable elder brother Renhuang, he smiled and said.

"No, brother Qianlang likes the way Fengmei wipes the moon, the moon is beautiful, and Fengmei is even more beautiful.

Seeing this scene, brother Qianlang returned to the Crescent Lake in the first world, which is the beginning of our admiration for the world and the beginning of being intoxicated with the wonders of the universe.

The moon is in the sky, the moon is in the water, and the shape of Crescent Lake is like the moon. Nights with a moon are always beautiful.

In the beautiful evening under the moon, Brother Qianlang and Brother Yuanfang accompanied Feng'er to play by the lake under the moon, which is even more incoherent beauty.

Brother Qianlang will never forget every happy evening we experienced on the shore of Crescent Lake.

Brother Qianlang's happiness is seeing Feng'er's sister Yuexia's happy smile and figure. "

The emperor's white hair and robe fluttered, and he stepped on a dragon. Looking at this younger sister who had been loved since childhood, his eyes were full of love.

"Brother Qianlang..."

A month later, Cheng Shifeng was quite moved when he heard Ren Huang's words, his eyes were full of tears, and he was speechless, only calling out so softly.

"Let's talk, Feng'er, when you and Langlong left Renhuang Palace, you hinted that Brother Qianlang came here to wipe the Moon God Cliff, but what do you have to say?"

Liu Qianlang was in a tender mood and asked quietly.

"This, actually..."

When Renhuang Liu Qianlang asked this question, Yuehou suddenly looked different, he faltered and faltered, and looked behind the moon with blue eyes.

"Ha ha……"

"A pair of brothers and sisters who moved God Benyang. God God Benyang has seen the Emperor!"

Then Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang saw the Yang God Ouyang Langlong who came out after Shenyue, wearing a scarlet robe.

The Yang God Ouyang Langlong had a strange look on his face, his blood red eyes rolled around a few times, and he bowed to greet the Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"Is it you who really asked me to come here?"

Liu Qianlang suddenly realized something in his heart, his expression suddenly became condensed, and he asked calmly.

"That's right, it's the God of the Sun. For countless years, the God of the Sun has had a wish unfulfilled, so he specifically asks the Queen of Love to invite you to come to visit the Moon God's Cliff. He intends to meet with Ben Yang under the witness of the moon. God's will!"

Yang God Ouyang Langlong sized Renhuang Liu Qianlang up and down, and said with a rather smug look.

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