Nine Heavens

Chapter 2756 Black Robe Young God


Howling at the full moon with sorrow, the three bloody eyes sprayed out, causing countless three-eyed wolves to howl for a long time, and took the lead to step on the peak and fly into the sky, with jet-black rainbow wings on their back, and rushed towards Liu Qianlang like a shooting star.

There are countless three-eyed wild wolves behind him, accompanying them like shadows, pawing and stomping with their mouths open, covering the sky and covering the sky like clouds, and they bullied Liu Qianlang.

"Man Cang!"

Liu Qianlang's dragon soul body, with white hair flying like a silver waterfall after countless hurricanes and vortexes brought by countless three-eyed wolves flying in, and the divine robe outside his body is like a hunting wind.

But Liu Qianlang didn't move. Seeing the God of Heavenly Wolf Zhou God riding Mancang Wolf King lead countless three-eyed mad wolves behind him to the sky, he suddenly shouted violently.

Man Cang Wen heard that Renhuang Liu Qianlang suddenly yelled, and was taken aback for a moment, and his figure, which was ejected like lightning, came to an abrupt stop, causing the countless three-eyed wolves behind him to suddenly stop, rolling wildly, There was a howling riot.

Mancang naturally recognized Renhuang Liu Qianlang, but it was the first time that Renhuang Liu Qianlang stopped drinking to him like this, and he couldn't help being startled by Renhuang's white hair flying wildly, majestic and immobile, and almost turned over.

Mancang Wolf King's three bloody eyes, with bright lights bursting into the red rainbow, snorting his nose frequently, opened his bloody mouth, grinned, looked at Liu Qianlang up and down, and hummed and asked:

"You are a human emperor, you first used the divine scroll to kill my lord, and now your brother's divine body has come to kill your master's heavenly wolf spirit!

With my Mancang Wolf King and countless wolf brothers here, we will never let you succeed! The fate of Yang God Ouyang being expelled from the Nine Lotus Shrine by you, we will not let you repeat it! "

"Bastard! Open your stupid eyes and see clearly who is your trustworthy god, my emperor or that demon blood woman.

I came here to save your master, not to harm him. And she is the chief culprit who framed your master!

She is the great mage of Shenguang Yuanjie, not only poisoned your master, but now she has used the Yang God Ouyang Langlong to poison the entire Nine Lotus Shrine.

You are our Nine Lotus Shrine, the high-level gods of Langyuan Shenmen, and your strength is comparable to the divine power of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine realm emperors. How can you be so inferior in your divine wisdom, and you will be caught by a demon who suddenly appeared in the demon world? cheating too! "

Liu Qianlang didn't know how Xue Po did it, but let the intelligent and intelligent Mancang Wolf King let her do her bidding, so she cursed angrily.


"Who is brother to you? Our master's true soul is the body of a heavenly wolf, so he is not a human race. It is you who lured our master into the human realm.

Then you deceive countless Haogu gods from the lower realms who are the same as your master, and assist you to step up to the peak of human gods step by step.

Now that you have entered the Infinite Yuan Realm, you are only one step away from reaching the wreckage of the Haogu Continent. You think that our master and fellow Taoists of the Waves of God are no longer useful, so all this is a trick you designed to force Yang God away first , kill my lord again!

Next, it is not difficult for the wolf king to speculate that you will attack all the gods of brothers and sisters around you, right!

If Yangshen hadn’t come to Dark Wolf Fort to kindly remind me before being forced away by you, and introduced me to Haogu Mohui Xuepo, wouldn’t we have all died in your design and still regarded you as a good god? ! "

The wolf king raised his head and howled at the moon, roaring in an aggressive posture.

Liu Qianlang heard the words of the Mancang Wolf King, and finally understood the reason why he was deceived. Knowing that at this moment, no matter what he said, the Mancang Wolf King would not believe him, so he simply smiled wryly:

"It's a pity that I have a good brother, but my good brother doesn't have a good god who can distinguish right from wrong!

Far away, can you hear it? Is this the divine favor that you love as much as your own life? When your bright body and soul were dying, he recognized the devil as benevolence, listened to the devil's command, and stopped Qianlang to save your life! Pain is also alas! "

"Hmph! The Emperor, don't be sad, let me deal with this stupid wolf with a simple mind and well-developed limbs!"

Just as the human emperor Liu Qianlang's dragon soul turned its body up to the sky and smiled wryly, a heroic young god wearing a pitch-black robe and an unusually fair complexion suddenly appeared beside him.

This young god held a blue sword in his hand. Liu Qianlang couldn't help being surprised after looking at it carefully, because he was holding the blue-ringed Hanmo sword in his hand.

This sword is Cheng Shifeng's humane fame sword after the moon.

"Who are you!?"

Renhuang Liu Qianlang roughly guessed the identity of the other party, but he was not sure for a while, so he asked.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, I am the White-faced Tiger King who rides under the feet of Moon Queen."

The white-faced Tiger King turned sideways to the Emperor Liu Qianlang, and replied very respectfully.

"It's really you. I never thought you would become a human body through cultivation. I don't know how you knew I was here, and how did you come in?"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang was very happy and asked.

"It's a long story, let the white-faced tiger queen tell you.

Let's rest easy for the emperor, there is a way in the world to kill a dog, how can you use a butcher's knife, to deal with these lip dogs, a white-faced tiger king is enough! "

The white-faced tiger king walked up to the three-eyed wolf that covered the sky as he spoke.



When tigers and wolves meet, howl and demonstrate!

The Mancang Wolf King led the pack of wolves, and did not attack immediately, but stepped on the clouds and gathered fog one after another, howling at the god moon.

The white-faced tiger king regained his gigantic body, even though he was alone facing the sky-covering wolf cloud, he had no fear at all, and he stepped on the cloud mountain with all four feet staggered up and down, picking up the mist sea, roaring endlessly.

When Ren Huang Liu Qianlang saw this, he didn't have the mood to watch the excitement, and when they were unprepared, he disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, his white hair was flying wildly, and his divine robe was flying, standing in front of the bloody woman Mohui.

Renhuang Liu Qianlang stood steadily on the top of the Shenfeng Peak, holding the Shenjuan Jinlou in his hand, leaning over and looking down on the bloody woman Mohui.

Mo Hui's bloody eyes have been gloatingly watching the scene where Liu Qianlang and Mancang Wolf King were fighting each other just now.

Later, a white-faced tiger king suddenly appeared, and the tigers and wolves howled together. The scene was shocking and spectacular.

This made her feel that the excitement was better, because she was focused on the excitement, and because she expected that Ren Huang Liu Qianlang would not die well this time, so she didn't care about Ren Huang Liu Qianlang who disappeared for a while under the cover of clouds and mists.

But suddenly, Renhuang Liu Qianlang suddenly appeared on his head, not only that, Renhuang Liu Qianlang didn't give himself any time to prepare in his heart, and suddenly activated the Shenhui Jinlou.

In an instant, the golden light of the surging Shenhui Jinlou swooped down like a waterfall on a cliff, and swallowed the blood woman of Mohui in the blink of an eye.


The blood demon's body is full of blood demon waves, and the blood energy of the poisonous demon is even more in the demon's body. What she fears most is the tempering of the light divine energy. Because of the pain, she jumps around and howls in pain!

"Boy! You are so playful, why did you come here all of a sudden!"

In panic and pain, Mohui Xuemao cursed, and then shot herself into the pack of wolves led by Mancang, seeking protection.

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