Nine Heavens

Chapter 2761 The Cataclysm Of The Shrine

"It's okay, Qianlang trust me, for Feng'er, the white-faced tiger king will be fine, I understand him!"

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God looked at the direction where the white-faced Tiger King left from a distance, and as the elder brother of Cheng Shifeng after the Moon, he said somewhat ashamedly.

The words of Heavenly Wolf Zhou God swirled with the night wind from Yaoyue Temple, each word beating on his heart, and also beating on the nerves of Human Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"Feng'er, brother Qianlang is sorry for you, it's brother Qianlang who didn't protect you well and caused you to suffer a lot.

I thought that I would purify your soul for you after I sent you to the outside areas of Yaoyue Divine Palace, such as Renhuang Palace or Qixiang Palace.

Unexpectedly, Fengmei is so staunch. In order not to be used by Yuan Poison Ouyang Langlong, she sealed her soul and frozen her body, which really made Brother Qianlang's heart ache! "

Renhuang Liu Qianlang burst into tears, looking at the mountain of Feng'er, his heart was washed away, and his soul was so sad, recalling the little things of Cheng Shifeng's childhood in the month later, he blamed himself and sighed.

"The heart is cold, what will happen, lead the waves, don't blame yourself too much in the distance. Fengmei's silence for some years may not be a bad thing for her.

She was so disappointed, not only for the safety of Nine Lotus Shrine, but also because of his unfortunate feelings.

She thought that her heart would end up where she wanted to be, but she didn't think that the Yang God Ouyang Langlong was also a fickle lover, Feng'er was such a god of strong emotions, how could he not be extremely sad!

Just let Jing Jing be silent, with no thoughts, no thoughts, for her at this moment, is it not a kind of happiness! ? "

Just when Renhuang Liu Qianlang and Sirius Zhoushen felt ashamed and sad, Qixiang Zhoushen came to spread incense on a pure white incense refining handkerchief.

Qixiang Zhoushen held the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal in his slender right palm. On the emerald green soul clothes, ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine brilliant diamonds gleamed.

"Sister Juan, do you know about Fengmei's situation?"

The words of Qixiang Zhoushen made people hear Huangliu Qianlang and Sirius Zhoushen. They were all shocked, and they couldn't help being a little dazed. After looking at each other, Sirius Zhoushen asked.

"I know, not only do I know, but I also know that Fengmei has already turned into a mountain!"

Liu Juan, God of Odd Fragrance, spoke calmly and calmly.

"Then sister Juan?"

Renhuang Liu Qianlang inquired.

"Why didn't Sister Juan stop it? No! Sister Juan told you just now, Sister Feng's best choice at this time, how can Sister Juan have the heart to stop it!

Sister Feng is too bitter, Sister Juan really hopes that we can go back to the past in the past, how happy the wind on the shore of Crescent Lake is!

So just a few days ago, when Fengmei told me that she was going to melt the mountain into silence, sister Juan, not only did I not stop her, but I was also very happy that she was able to do so..."

Qixiang Zhoushen said quietly.

"Then sister Juan must have a way to wake her up in the future?"

Sirius Zhou God asked.

"No! Before Fengmei fell silent, she once swore to the moon: If there is no eternal true love in the future, she will be like this forever!

So whether our Fengmei will wake up one day, everything can only depend on her own fortune. "

The God of Odd Fragrance, with long emerald green hair fluttering, emerald green eyes and piercing eyes, said with a cold expression.

"Sister Juan seems to be leaving the Nine Lotus Shrine?"

Ren Huang Liu Qianlang looked behind her sister Liu Juan, and saw the Nine Generals of the Men Clan, Long Yun Sixiang, and Xiao Li's gods all floating behind her, looking like the whole palace was in action, so she asked.

"Yes, Sister Juan heard from Sister Feng that Qianlang is hoping that Xingchen Jiuying will go to the water of Dongmeng and the Misty God Realm to obtain the water of Dongmeng.

At present, only the water of Dongmeng can save all the gods and gods in Nine Lotus Shrine from suffering from the evil poison. Therefore, Sister Juan decided that Longyun Sixiang and Xiao Li would temporarily stay in Yaoyue Shrine to guard Fenger Mountain day and night.

And Menshijiu and I will immediately go to Dongmeng Water to help Xingchen Jiuying complete the task of begging for water.

You all know that Sister Juan has two souls of yin and yang, and any soul poison of Yang God Ouyang Langlong is nothing to Sister Juan.

Therefore, when Sister Juan went there, she was not infected with any poison. Just rest assured about the matter of asking for water, and make sure that the poisoning situation of all the immortals in the Nine Lotus Shrine will not continue to expand! "

The emerald-colored soul-controlling vine on the forehead of Qixiang Zhoushen said with a decisive attitude.

"So, it's best. But Sister Juan and the Nine Generals of the Men's Family must be careful. The Mohui Blood Woman and Yuan Du must be doing their best to prevent the Xingchen Jiuying from approaching the water of Dongmeng, the Misty God Realm.

If you go there, you will inevitably confront them, and even have a fierce battle!

If it's really difficult, don't insist on it, just summon the Nine Infants of the Stars to come back. There is no end to Shinto, and Qianlang believes that the fourth brother of the Supreme Occupation God, and if we work hard, we will also find the way to detoxify and save the world! "

Seeing Fengmei turning into a mountain, Renhuang was really worried that something unexpected would happen to Qixiang Zhoushen's sister, so he reminded her.

"Don't say too much, everyone, take care, the Nine Generals of the Men Clan, let's go!"

Qixiang Zhoushen, for the sake of the safety of Emperor Renhuang's younger brother and Sirius Zhoushen, forced a smile, and then gave an order!


"Human Sovereign, Heavenly Wolf God, take care!"


The nine generals of the Men clan were still fully armed, with bronze armor added to their bodies, they all clenched their fists to say goodbye, and the armor around them rang.

Then, the nine generals of the Men's family had already stepped on the long pole to split the soul, and drew nine blue rainbows to protect the Qixiang Zhoushen, and shot towards the sky of the Nine Lotus Temple.

"Miss Juan, take care!"

"Men Family Nine Generals take care!"

Unspeakably concise, the two sides said goodbye in a hurry, and then, looking at the mountain of wind together, they gradually drifted away from each other.

"Here are the four Gods of Fragrance and God, Shuai and God of Xiao Li, who will take care of you. I am the Emperor and God of Heaven, so I will go to the Star Palace to find the God of God!"

Sending away Qixiang Zhoushen and his party, Renhuang Liu Qianlang bid farewell to Longyun Sixiang and Xiaoli.

"The safety of the Nine Lotus Shrine is the most important thing. Human Sovereign and Heavenly Wolf Zhou God are welcome. There is no need to worry here. After a while, Qi Qi and Xiao Hong Dian'er will also come!"

Xiao Li's appearance is emerald green all over his body, he wears a purple crown of divine cranes on his head, has a heroic posture, has a straight face, nods deeply, and sends gifts, as well as the four fragrances of dragons and clouds on the left and right.

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang and Sirius Zhoushen took a last deep look at Feng'er Mountain, nodded at each other, and immediately flew away hand in hand.

Talk about the Star Palace.

The Supreme Divination God is trying his best to predict all the good and bad of the Nine Lotus Shrine.

I saw the supreme divination god sitting cross-legged in the void of stars, the five-color gods flying wildly, the stars screaming swords, and the Luo Xiang Wuji disk spinning around, such crazy divination, the vast universe is difficult to watch.

Song Zhen's expression was condensed and heavy, and the eyes of the five-color gods kept refreshing the frightened look. His black and white eyebrows twisted frequently, and he was dripping with sweat.

In the star sword that bursts with thousands of stars, almost all the lights of the stars are shining for divination. All the omens are rarely safe and auspicious.

The star sword is like this, and the rustling and flying Luoxiang Promise Disk also flashes black and white two-color divine lights randomly, showing a state of chaos and peace in the depths of the ocean.

In the Linhe Holy Palace, the lives of trillions of children are in danger!

There are eight dragons in all directions, the ocean tide rolls over the sky, the dragon jumps up and down, and the soul is lost!


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