Nine Heavens

Chapter 2768 Confusing Divine Light

"Ha ha……"

"Go back! Where are you going back? Why do you want to go back when you arrive at the door of my god's Guangyuan Realm? Why don't you go back? Why don't you give your god head to my god Guangyuan as a decoration when you return to the realm? "

Suddenly, there was a burst of wild laughter from the sky above Renhuang Liu Qianlang.

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang had actually sensed the fluctuations of the divine breath in the space-time of the sky, so he acted very calmly. He slowly looked up and saw that it was a god of light and illusion, and he couldn't help but smiled and said:

"Speaking of which, my emperor's aura is quite popular, even Emperor Shenguang has taken a fancy to it? .

However, does Emperor Shenguang know the price of whoever wants to get his head? "

"Oh! This Emperor Shenguang really wants to hear about the immortality of an emperor of the dead world!"

The Divine Light Emperor, the divine light demon body with infinite illusions, is like a mess of rainbows intricately intertwined and entangled. It was carried by the divine light magic boat and landed on the opposite side of the human emperor, facing thousands of gods. He said in a rather contemptuous tone.

"Emperor of the Dead!? Haha..."

"Is Emperor Shenguang boasting or praising Ben Nine Lotus Palace Renhuang?"

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, he knew that the other party did not know that the Nine Lotus Shrine was rescued by the two envoys of Yunwu from the Misty God Realm, so he asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm talking about you, the Emperor of the Nine Lotus God Palace. Don't you know that your own gods are surrounded by three powerful gods in the Light Yuan Realm, and you can't go to the Misty God Realm to obtain the water of Dongmeng? You Nine Lotus Gods! Is it that the palace is about to destroy the world!

pitiful! Pitiful! The majestic emperors of the world were forced out of the palace to ask for help! However, it's too late. At this moment, if my guess is correct, the immortals and gods in the Langyuan Shenmen of the Nine Lotus Shrine have probably become demons!

It's ridiculous that you still think you are good here, and you are unexpectedly proud. I really can't think of any words to describe you, Emperor Shenguang, I can only say that you are so big-hearted! Ha ha……"

Emperor Shenguang took pleasure in other people's misfortunes. Although he did not dare to make up his mind to lead the army of Shenguang and Demon Gods to the Nine Lotus Shrine to destroy the world, he had no doubts about the state of chaos and poison in the Nine Lotus Shrine, so he was full of confidence to sarcasm Huangliu leads the waves.

"Oh? Our Nine Lotus Shrine has been poisoned. When did this happen and who did it? My emperor doesn't know anything about it.

My emperor just came from Nine Lotus Shrine, Nine Lotus Shrine is well!

This is going to Misty God Realm, preparing to participate in the Misty God Realm Emperor Misty Realm's Eastern Mongolian Water, Misty Cloud Feast!

Could it be that, while my emperor and a few gods of prodigal fate came to the banquet, what wicked thing did your Emperor Shenguang secretly send poisonous demons to my Nine Lotus Shrine? "

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang pretended to be surprised, and sighed with an inexplicable expression on his face.


"What did you say, when you left Nine Lotus Shrine, everything in Nine Lotus Shrine was normal!?"

Emperor Shenguang had never personally seen the situation of the evil and poisonous chaos in the Nine Lotus Temple mentioned by the bloody woman Shenguang, and he was a little confused by being fooled by the emperor Liu Qianlang, so he couldn't help muttering in his heart and asked.

"Of course, what do you think? If something happens in the realm of the Nine Lotus Shrine, how can I, as the emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine, and the few friends who are going forward, have the intention to come to the Misty God Realm to travel and have a banquet!

Not only that, our Nine Lotus Shrine has set up countless self-defense circles, always waiting for a certain god who does not know how to live or die to offend, so that he can show him color! "

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang, with flying white hair, solemn expression, correct speech, deep rainbow eyes, and an unquestionable expression on his face.

Emperor Shenguang saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help becoming more suspicious of the poisoning and chaos of the Nine Lotus Shrine. He secretly thanked himself for his divine wisdom and decisiveness, and did not rush to besiege the Nine Lotus Shrine and was ambushed.

"Oh! That's right!"

"Unfortunately, my emperor suddenly bumped into you, Emperor Shenguang, here. May I ask you about the realms of the Infinite Primordial God?"

Renhuang Liu Qianlang secretly observed the changes in Shenguang Great Emperor's demeanor, and found that the other party was a little confused, and did not wait for the other party to speak, Renhuang Liu Qianlang said again.

"Woo ha ha..."

"Coincidental, what a coincidence, this Emperor Shenguang happened to be invited by the Dragon Emperor of You Canglong Realm, and he is also on his way to attend the wedding banquet of You Canglong Emperor's new cutest dragon!

Just now, I saw Renhuang again from a distance, so I came here to have a few words to amuse me, it was an extra acquaintance.

If you have any questions from the Human Sovereign, feel free to ask, although I, Shenguang Yuanjie, and your Nine Lotus Shrine have never interacted in the world, but the God Realm is good luck, and we may become friends in the future. "

Emperor Shenguang's words changed faster than Yun Huan, and suddenly he made these few sentences again.

"Emperor Shenguang is bold! Then I will ask the question. Recently, outside our Nine Lotus Temple, skeletons and remnants appeared in the northwest of the nine trillion gods.

There was a crooked blood woman curled up there, who looked like a difficult person, with a bloody body, a crippled face and one pupil, as thin as a dry bone, and an ugly holy skeleton!

Strange to say, she seems to be very interested in our Nine Lotus Shrine, and she is often found around our Nine Lotus Shrine by the guardian priests of our Nine Lotus Shrine.

He always sits on a blue and gold snake-headed crutch, holding a broken black sun in his hand, and flies around the Nine Lotus Shrine from time to time.

Sometimes she yelled wildly, always clamoring to destroy the top ten gods of the Infinite Element Realm, to unify the Infinite Element Realm, and she is the only one!

She was so crazy that she disturbed the peace of the northwest border of my Nine Lotus Shrine, and was later blasted away by our guardian priest.

According to her own words, what kind of great mage is she from the devil world? Dare I ask if Emperor Shenguang knows about this rickety woman? Which dirty devil world mage is she from the infinite element world? "

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang asked knowingly, the purpose was to see the reaction of Emperor Shenguang, and also intentionally sowed a wedge between Emperor Shenguang and the bloody woman of Shenguang.

"Here, the Human Sovereign asked the wrong god. What a majestic god Shenguang the Great is, how can he know all the messy wandering gods of the infinite element world.

I have no idea I have no idea. What the Emperor of Human Beings said about the witch was something that Emperor Shenguang had never heard or heard. It must be the mad god left by the skeleton and the dead world. "

Emperor Shenguang paused for a moment, then hurriedly said.

"Hey! Emperor Jiulian Shenguang doesn't know the true background of this bloody woman, which really makes me anxious.

Although you and I met by chance by chance, looking at the majestic and domineering power of Emperor Shenguang, you can be seen as a bold and bold person.

My emperor has a characteristic, that is, when he sees the God of Heroes, he speaks outright, speaks clearly, and expresses what is in his heart.

Why did the emperor ask about the skeleton blood woman just now? The main reason is that Ouyang Langlong, the Yang God of Nine Lotus Shrine, was bewitched by her for some reason. Ever since I left the palace and saw her, I followed him and never returned to Nine Lotus Shrine!

Unknown to Emperor Shenguang, the Yang God is one of the great holy gods in the palace realm of my Nine Lotus Shrine. His contribution to our Nine Lotus Shrine cannot be exhausted at all.

Just after he left the palace and the skeleton blood woman, he did a great deed for the Nine Lotus Shrine. He did not know where to get an antidote to the poisonous poison. Before leaving, he sprinkled it all over the universe, and all the immortals and gods who had been poisoned in the Nine Lotus Shrine quickly recovered.

My emperor accepted the invitation of the Misty Realm Emperor because of the great joy of the rebirth of all the gods and gods in the Nine Lotus Shrine.

In fact, the main purpose is to find the brother Yang God Ouyang Langlong who pretended to be close to the skeleton blood woman, and does not want him to take risks outside the Nine Lotus Temple. Like what he said, go to the enemy territory of Nine Lotus Shrine to be an undercover agent!

By the way, Emperor Shenguang didn't know himself, the brother of the Yang God. He always believed that the skeleton blood woman was a magician from some demon world, and she appeared outside the Nine Lotus Temple, so she must have been appointed by the God Realm where she was. They probably use each other..."

Ren Huang Liu Qianlang seemed to be very frank on the surface, but in fact, he was secretive and said these things in a cloud of mist.

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