Nine Heavens

Chapter 277 Strange Alchemy

Qing Gu and the other five guardians were even more anxious for Liu Qianlang. You looked at me and I looked at you, and they all looked helpless. Before that, I was secretly happy, Xindao Xiaotianfeng finally had an outstanding person, I really hope that Xiaotianfeng will be proud and famous from now on, but now...

Qing Gu and the others sighed in pain.

At this moment, Yun Qianmeng changed from her usual indifference, and stared at Liu Qianlang non-stop with a pale face, feeling infinitely melancholy.

Because of anxiety, the Tears and Blood Alchemy Sword held in slender hands trembled and moaned. Seeing this, Master Xukong didn't know how to comfort him, but just shook his head silently in distress.

The other people who were nervous about Liu Qianlang were Fang Tianyingfang and Ye Xiang. They clasped their hands tightly and prayed silently for Liu Qianlang while holding their breath.

In Liu Qianlang's current situation, apart from Mr. Wenyang's happy face, there is another person in the Xuanling Sect who is secretly happy. This person is Ouyang Lang, who is outstanding as a newcomer to Tai Cang Peak and is listed as one of the Seven Immortals of Tai Cang dragon.

He stood proudly with his head held high, staring at Liu Qianlang who did nothing with a look of disdain. Occasionally, seeing Song Zhen's anxious appearance made him feel even more happy, and most of the long-standing hatred disappeared in an instant.

Both eyes are wide open, without blinking, afraid of missing the good show. He secretly thought in his heart, today he must see with his own eyes how Liu Qianlang suffered such a crushing defeat and what happened to him. It would be strange if he lost the Xuanling Treasure and was listed as the peak master.

It seems that what the masters of the peak said is correct, what is born with a body of yin veins, one looks like a short-lived ghost! While watching Liu Qianlang, Ouyang Langlong felt ruthless in his heart. But staring at it, he found that Liu Qianlang suddenly floated into the void of more than ten feet without warning, and sat there cross-legged without warning.

Such a change, just as Master Ciyuan who felt sorry for Liu Qianlang, Taoist Qingxin naturally also noticed it. However, Liu Qianlang's changes were really unexpected. One second, he was smiling and enjoying the wonderful performance of dozens of alchemists around him, and the next second he sat cross-legged in the void. The changes before and after were too fast, except No one in Bingpo Daoist or Shanhai scholar could see clearly how he did it, Master Ciyuan and Taoist Qingxin couldn't help being surprised by this.

At the moment when Liu Qianlang was sitting in the void without a sound, the five alchemy furnaces of Xuanlingmen suddenly and miraculously ignited bright red flames, and the flames were like waves, rolling and dancing, like Like a gust of wind, it hovered at high speed, and at the same time, bursts of golden light burst out, making everyone present as if they were in a golden dream, and they were astonished.

"Heavenly thunder and real fire!" Master Ciyuan and Taoist Qingxin said in amazement. That's right, Master Bingpo and Shanhai scholar saw the astonished expressions of Master Ciyuan and Taoist Qingxin, stared at the alchemy furnace and inspected it again and again, and confirmed that the furnace was the real fire of heavenly thunder created by the magical skill of Xiaotianfeng Tianlei Jue.

It's really terrifying for young people. A New Territory disciple who has only been a newcomer for only a few months has successfully cultivated the supreme magic skill of Xuanlingmen, and has reached the level of proficiency and acme. Applied to the matter of alchemy, the subtlety can be called wonderful. Looking away at Liu Qianlang, the two nodded approvingly.

All alchemists who are proficient in alchemy understand that in order to refine high-quality elixir, in addition to first-class medicine, excellent formula, excellent alchemy furnace, and the necessary heat for alchemy.

The fire of alchemy can be roughly divided into ordinary fire, hell lava fire, spirit injection real fire, faling real fire, mysterious spirit real fire, fairy real fire, god god real fire, heavenly thunder real fire, and nine heaven real fire. And all kinds of alchemy fires are also divided into attributes, which are the attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, five elements, and some variant attributes. Each attribute has a high and a low grade, which is very complicated.

And what Liu Qianlang injected into the five alchemy furnaces was the top-quality alchemy fire that countless alchemists dreamed of, and it was the legendary sky thunder real fire, thunder attribute. This kind of alchemy fire, except for some sect dignitaries, the other juniors have no chance or even heard of it.

However, that was not the only thing that caused the people present to be uproarious. They saw Liu Qianlang in the void with twinkling eyes, flipping his wrist lightly, and the five strangely scented elixir on the five alchemy furnaces rose up, three times above the alchemy furnace. At the height of a foot, the various elixirs in each serving are flowing with gorgeous colors, intertwined and matched with each other, and at the same time burst out a little bit of gorgeous starlight, which is extremely mysterious.

Then suddenly he got into the alchemy furnace, and the elixir entered the furnace, shining in the golden red flames, like getting into the dragons with colorful hues, it was a magical scene, really beautiful.

When other alchemists were alchemy, they all looked solemn and cautious, but Liu Qianlang was in the void, with a calm face and light movements, occasionally raising his eyes to look at the flowing clouds in the sky, looking chic and leisurely, like a pill furnace. The alchemy in it has nothing to do with him.

It made many alchemists very puzzled. For alchemy, just refining one batch of pills already consumes a lot of spiritual power, heart and soul. Since ancient times, I have never heard of any alchemist refining five batches of pills at the same time. As for medicine, all the alchemists, including the Zhuanhun Pill King, looked at Liu Qianlang dumbfounded, just like looking at a visitor from outside the sky, unable to believe it but had to believe it.

However, although everyone present saw Liu Qianlang's strangeness, they were still full of doubts about whether he could refine the elixir. The reason is that his method of alchemy is against common sense, and the second is because the master of Xuanlingmen announced that the moonrise is the limit, and if the time limit is exceeded, even if the alchemy is refined, it will be considered a failure.

It's almost noon now, and there are only two hours before the moon rises, and Liu Qianlang has only just started less than half an hour.

Everyone looked at Liu Qianlang with curiosity, and stared at the five alchemy furnaces shining with brilliance, the training field of tens of thousands of people became completely silent at this moment. Even Mr. Wenyang forgot about the bet, staring at Danfeng's eyes, staring at Liu Qianlang's every move in amazement.

Liu Qianlang in the void stared at the flowing clouds in the sky for a while, and then returned his gaze to the five alchemy furnaces. His figure rose a few feet, and bright silver lights suddenly shot out from his eyes, which suddenly shot into the alchemy furnace. furnace. The fire of thunder in the pill furnace was suddenly boosted by the powerful spiritual power of the silver light, and it looked extremely cheerful. The crackling sound was like excited cheers, and it spun and moved more quickly, and the speed of the beautiful pills winding and shuttling inside also increased. Fast and violent.

Jinhua, which was originally bursting, turned into a rainbow of light, constantly bulging and shrinking, making it dizzying. And at Liu Qianlang's front and back, five long silver dragons suddenly appeared at an unknown time, swaying around Liu Qianlang, the dragon's eyes flashed, and after muttering silently, they suddenly flew towards the five alchemy furnaces, and each silver dragon entwined Holding an alchemy furnace, it hovered endlessly, and at the same time, its huge mouth kept spewing more strange flames into the alchemy furnace. This process lasted for about an hour.

In the void, Liu Qianlang stood up quietly, his eyes returned to the clear and deep before alchemy, his hands crossed his chest, and he admired the five silver dragons moving around for a while, then his eyes sparkled with excitement, and he waved his silver sleeves lightly. After pondering for a while, Long shot into Liu Qianlang's cuff one after another. Just at this time, the five alchemy furnaces flashing with golden light flashed back into the alchemy furnace one after another, and then the bright red sky thunder fire was also extinguished.

At this time, Liu Qianlang looked down at the astonished crowd, and floated to the position among the five alchemy furnaces, and said loudly: "Xuanlingmen Xiaotian Peak's alchemy has been completed!" Then he smiled Looking at those unfinished alchemists who are still nervously refining the elixir and Young Master Wenyang opposite.

Young Master Wenyang woke up from the astonishment, shook his head, and Liu Qianlang's words were still echoing in his ears: "Xuanlingmen Xiaotian Peak has completed alchemy on behalf of the peak master Liu Qianlang!" How is this possible! ? Mr. Wenyang mechanically shook the cracking cloud fan, stared at Liu Qianlang, saw the smile on his face, and felt goosebumps in his heart.

In just one and a half hours, the elixir was refined, and five furnaces were refined at once, which is really an anecdote in the fairy world. Among the alchemists around, except for some alchemists who have completed the alchemy, there are also some who are amazed by Liu Qianlang's strange alchemy method, and the speed is much slower. Those who have finished refining one after another are just silently standing behind the furnace, ashamed to declare. However, not only did these alchemists have no regrets, but they looked up to Liu Qianlang with infinite admiration. Seeing this, Mr. Wenyang was very annoyed, and his heart couldn't help beating. He stared at the five alchemy furnaces, for fear that the elixir would really be refined inside, and he would lose the bet.

Seeing Liu Qianlang floating down, Master Bingpo and Shanhai Scholar couldn't hold back for a long time, and they released their spiritual senses to explore and analyze the five alchemy furnaces. Success is beyond doubt. As for the bet with Mr. Wenyang, who will win and who will lose is already clear. So far, the indifferent and serious expressions on the faces of the two people suddenly relaxed, and they looked at each other with rare smiles, and their eyes showed uncontrollable excitement.

The changes before and after the alchemy of the two were seen by Xu Kong and other peak masters. They all released their spiritual consciousness, secretly probed and analyzed, and then also showed a look of relief, and at the same time stared at Liu Qianlang and nodded slightly. At the same time, I also deeply appreciate the great wisdom, wisdom and courage of the leader of the sect, and feel ashamed of myself.

Yun Qianmeng, who was in front of Xukong, had been biting her vermilion lips, which were faintly bleeding, and a few drops of bright red blood dripped down on the pure white skirt, which was glowing bright red in the setting sun. Hearing that familiar voice suddenly, and seeing Master Xukong's expression again, he just let go of his tight heart, and looked at the shy figure last night with blushing and excited eyes again.

Not far away, Liu Qianlang's good brother Song Zhen was even more excited, and he didn't care about the rules. He ran to Lanshuang, Fang Tianyingfang and Ye Xiang, bragging loudly for his buddies, completely Forgot to go out and fix my buddy's stubble. Seeing that the person he likes once again created a miracle, Fang Tianyingfang's eyes pulsed, wishing to fly to Liu Qianlang's side and stand side by side with him. Noticing Fang Tianyingfang's expression, Yexiang lost no time in making fun of it again, which made Song Zhen burst into hearty laughter.

Master Ciyuan and Taoist Qingxin who were at the table of Jiandan case woke up like a dream, lamenting that they have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, and that they are the elders of a generation, so they underestimated Liu Qianlang, a disciple from the New Territories. She already cherishes talents, but at this time she has even more admiration, and on the contrary, she has a little more hatred for the mighty Mr. Wenyang. Of course, the two just thought so in their hearts, but as witnesses, they didn't show it on their faces.

When the last ray of the setting sun shone on the eighty-sixty-four alchemy furnaces on the alchemy field, the last alchemist also announced that the alchemy was completed.

Then every alchemist stood neatly behind the alchemy furnace, waiting for Master Ciyuan, Taoist Qingxin, and representatives of various factions to jointly inspect the success of the alchemy, the quality and level of the alchemy, What kind of elixir is it, and then announce the result on the spot.

As the host and the host of this Jingbao Conference, Bingpo Daoist, although his heart was infinitely happy, he still sat there quietly, seeing that the last alchemist also completed alchemy within the stipulated time. Just now he got up and said in a loud voice: "Congratulations to all the alchemists who have successfully completed the alchemy according to the rules and time of the competition. Next, Master Ciyuan, Taoist Qingxin, Master Yabo will lead all the appraisers into the arena to open the furnace to test the alchemy!" Sitting down, he Shanhai scholar and other peak masters looked at Master Ciyuan and others to identify 8864 batches of pills one by one. Every time a furnace was appraised, Master Ci Yuan would hear the name of the alchemist in that furnace, the school it represented, and the situation of the elixir.

According to the previous rules, the identification of elixirs is carried out sequentially from the outside to the inside, that is to say, the elixirs of the Sixteen Immortal Sects are identified first, then the elixirs of the three major families, and finally the four out of the center of the alchemy field. The elixir refined by the four sects of Xuanlingmen, Wenyanggong, Qingxindao and Shuluo Temple alchemists.

Thunderous applause erupted from the crowd from the outside to the inside. The grade and quality of the pills refined by each faction this year were very high, and unexpected surprises came from time to time in the field.

"Peach Blossom Gate, refine three scented body pills, high-grade fine-grade. Two bottles of sweet flower dew, high-grade high-grade."

"Shenmumen, refining two foundation building pills, top grade. Two Shenmu Buyuan pills, excellent grade."


"Yunshanchangshui, refining fairyland firework lotus golden pills, two Dacheng pills, three marrow-clearing pills, and two invisibility pastes, all of which are top grade."

"Xianjuan Island, refine three Juling Pills, two Changsheng Pills, one Shengxian Pill, and two bottles of Sanye Linghua Fruit Jelly, all of which are excellent products."

"Liufeng Ouyang, two refining spirit pills, three Vajra Dayuan pills, one bottle of Shouhun San, and three marrow-returning pills, all of which are top grade."

With the passage of time, Master Ciyuan finally led the appraisers into the location where the alchemy furnaces of the four sects were located. The first thing I came to was the alchemy furnace of the five alchemists of the five immortal civilizations in Wenyang Palace. Master Ciyuan, Taoist Qingxin and others all invited the five alchemists to open the furnace to test the alchemy after giving gifts to the five alchemists. They respect these five people very much.

The first one to open the furnace was the pill furnace of the strong pulse medicine Xianle Tianjun. Master Ci Yuan hadn't opened it yet, but he smelled a faint fragrance from the pill furnace, and couldn't help praising: "As expected of the Immortal of Qiangmai Medicine, such a grade of medicine is really rare!"

"Haha, the master is over the prize." Le Tianjun said with a smile. Then he saluted and said: "Please!" After speaking, the seal of the pill furnace was released, and four blue pills, the size of pigeon eggs, and shining blue flowers immediately appeared in the palm of Le Tianjun. The fragrance is radiant, and the faint fragrance of this elixir can be smelled from far away, which is refreshing. From a distance, it seems that four groups of faint blue flames are dancing in the palm of Le Tianjun.

Master Ciyuan and the others nodded their heads one after another, and said with a clear heart: "The last time the Immortal Qiangmai Medicine Immortal refined the pill of Tongmai Medicine, Liufang Pill Realm, and today it is even more shocking to the fairy world. Dan, I really admire you."

What, "Jiutian Juemai Buyuan Pill," Liu Qianlang, who was more than ten feet away, heard it clearly, and couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. He couldn't help but look at this strong pulse medicine fairy a few more times, secretly thinking of making friends.

Next, Master Ciyuan and others strengthened Yao Sanniang, the fairy girl of Zhenyao, revived the king of pills, Tong Lier, the king of Xiangyan, and the pill that rushed to the top of the god old man Yuefei layer. These four refiners are the most Elemi, Wujiangsan, Yongqingdan, and Changxiulu. All caused people from all walks of life to sigh and uproar.

Liu Qianlang looked at the five of them, and the five of them were very curious about this wonderful alchemist from the Xiaotian Peak of the Xuanlingmen who had become the master of the generation peak, and who broke into the alchemy world inexplicably, and each had their own ideas. Consciously or unintentionally, he looked at it. There seems to be an invisible line pulling each other in the dark, getting closer and closer.

After inspecting the pills of the five alchemists of Wenyang Palace, and then inspecting the pills of Qingxin Dao and Shuluo Temple, they also won applause. Finally, Master Ciyuan and others came to Liu Qianlang. Ci Yuan clasped his hands together, nodded and said, "Peak Master Liu Dai, please unseal and get the medicine!"

Liu Qianlang hurriedly saluted the seniors one by one, then floated back a few steps, and then said: "Please look at it, seniors." Before he finished speaking, the five alchemy furnaces were quietly and automatically opened, and five mysterious and beautiful gods were shot out one after another. Light, each circled around the alchemy furnace for several times, then lined up, and stopped at a distance of about three feet above Liu Qianlang's head, which could be seen in a radius of ten miles.

Master Ciyuan, Taoist Qingxin, and others, as well as Daoist Bingpo not far away, Shanhai scholar, peak masters, and other sects looked intently, and saw five furnaces of elixir flashing five colors, in order from left to right There are five colors of blue, emerald, gold, red, and purple, and the elixir of each color is condensed, shining, and each emits a delicate fragrance. Strength.

After watching for a while, Master Ciyuan and Taoist Qingxin shook their heads ashamedly despite their extensive knowledge: "Peak Master Liu Dai, his alchemy skills are unrivaled, and his medicine is even more unprecedented. Please personally explain one or two for the people present." Wan took the lead and stood aside, leaving Liu Qianlang in the middle.

Liu Qianlang saluted and said: "Junior obey!" Then the two fingers of Zhongshi pointed towards the high place in the middle of the field, and a huge light blue fairy light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky above the practice field, and then the two fingers moved frequently, waving it eloquently . Everyone in the field looked intently, and saw a group of five-color elixirs floating on the light curtain, evenly distributed from top to bottom, and under each group of elixirs was a chic and solemn interpretation of fairy text.

In the distance, Song Zhen smiled excitedly: "Haha, the third brother is a bull. Although those alchemists are powerful, they can only refine one furnace of pills at a time. Look at the third brother, he can refine five furnaces at a time, and You see, there are five pieces in each furnace."

"Okay, you, stop shouting, and watch Xianwenmu quickly!" Ye Xiang interrupted Song Zhen.

"Cut! Do you understand?" Song Zhen asked with his black and white eyebrows slanted at Ye Xiang.

"Here," asked by Song Zhen, Ye Xiang rubbed her eyes, then turned to Lan Shuang and said, "Senior Sister Lan Shuang, what kind of fairy text is on it, why don't I know it!"

Lan Shuang said with a smile: "Again, are you in a hurry now? It's a fairy script, which is more difficult than the Earth fairy script you learned. When I was in Xianxue City, I always advised you not to have fun all the time. There are many I have the opportunity to study it, but you..."

"Hey! Don't talk about it, what does it mean?" Song Zhen said anxiously.

Lan Shuang couldn't help but blushed when she heard the words, and said, "I don't quite understand either!"

"Haha, haha!" Song Zhen laughed and said, "So you don't understand, so you're still training us!" Ye Xiang couldn't help laughing out loud, and smiled at Song Zhen, clapped their hands, and then looked at Lan Wei strangely. pair.

In the field, Master Ci Yuan browsed through the light curtain, and he was already familiar with these pills. Then he glanced at Liu Qianlang, nodded slightly, and secretly admired Liu Qianlang's character in his heart, this was to save face for himself.

Then loudly announced: "Xuanlingmen refines five furnaces of pills, five pills in each furnace, namely Yongqing Pill, Zhuixian Pill, Qianxin San, Exotic Land Traveling Pill and Mohun Pill, all of which are of the highest grade! "

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