Nine Heavens

Chapter 2785 Fire Palace Alliance

"Emperor Xuanyang only needs dedicated supporters, they are not the demon gods that Emperor Xuanyang needs, so what's the point of keeping them if you don't kill them!

Besides, the Great Emperor Xuanyang wanted to make the Demon Soul Sacrifice go smoothly, wouldn't the demon souls of the three demon emperors be better!

The matter here is over, thank you Master Xuanyang to continue summoning demons, Lanjin Poison King, let's go! We need to go to the Shenguang Yuanjie immediately to kill the demons and stand up! "

"The Lanjin Poison King respectfully obeys the decree of Emperor Xuanyang!"

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Xuanyang Great Emperor Ouyang Langlong waved his sword, and the blood demon dragon roared up under his feet. He left these words in a cold voice, and greeted the blue gold poison king and disappeared in an instant.

"Emperor Xuanyang is safe all the way!"

The bloody woman Mohui looked at Emperor Xuanyang and Lanjin Poison King Dunying from a distance, with a strange smile on her pale and wrinkled face, and she screamed from a distance.

Then, the Great Master Xuanyang continued to dance the dark magic sun, with phantoms intertwined in his hands, his spirit was frantic, and he muttered curses.

The remnant world of skeletons began to howl and circle above the ocean of skeleton blood that became more boiling and majestic...

Outside the skeleton remnant world.

"I don't know how Emperor Xuanyang will deal with those Shenguang old gods who were originally unable to be subdued by the golden poison king?"

The blue gold poison king turned into the form of the snake demon in the sky, Pan Fei followed Xuanyang Emperor Ouyang Langlong, hesitantly asked.

"Destroy all the Gods of Light and Demon God, and from now on there will be no more God of Light and Demon God, and the God Realm will be renamed the Xuanyang God Realm!"

Ouyang Langlong, the great emperor of Xuanyang, with a nine-dragon smile on his head, and a vast and fluttering red blood robe, stands firmly on the head of the flying blood demon dragon, with his head held high, his hands behind his back, and the blood demon sword in front of him stabs Qiong opened the way and said lightly.

"Emperor Xuanyang is decisive, but in this way, apart from you and Master Xuanyang, the Divine Light Yuan Realm will become an empty realm. How can Emperor Xuanyang's divine power face any god?"

Lanjin Poison King secretly thought that Emperor Xuanyang was ruthless enough, but he was even more ruthless than imagined. Before, he ordered himself to spread poison all over the world, to control the gods of light in all domains with poison, thinking that this miraculous God of Xuanyang was just to make an example to others, and it would be nothing more than to establish his prestige.

What Lanjin Poison King didn't expect was that Emperor Xuanyang would go so far, so he asked puzzledly.

"If the old gods don't go, there will be no new demons! The Great Master Xuanyang will soon summon all the powerful demon gods behind Haogu to come out, and those demon gods are the real subordinates of the Great Emperor Xuanyang!

Frankly speaking, if you hadn't sincerely surrendered to me, this Emperor Xuanyang would not even let you go, including Master Xuanyang! "

Ouyang Langlong, the great emperor of Xuanyang, spoke with a confused voice, sometimes male and sometimes female.

"It turns out that Emperor Xuanyang arranged it this way. However, as far as Lanjin Poison King knows, the Dead Emperor Shenguang is negotiating with You Canglong Realm, trying to ally with them to deal with Xiangtian Phoenix Realm and Nine Lotus Shrine.

With his death, God Shenguang will also be killed by us, so how can we continue to communicate with You Canglong Realm? "

Lanjin Poison King suddenly thought of this question, so he said.

"Hmph! Xuanyang God Realm, I am the only one! Why should we form an alliance with them.

Once the Great Master Xuanyang succeeds in summoning demons, and countless dead demons are alive, all we in the Xuanyang God Realm have to do is attack and devour them. What's the use of alliances! "

Ouyang Lang, Emperor Xuanyang, snorted coldly.


Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm, Divine Fire Palace.

Xiangtian Fengdi, refreshed and refined, Duanwan Tingting, sitting on the Fengdi throne, Jinyinzhang ordered a temporary set up to give up his seat to accompany him.

Your Highness, on the right is the God of Nine Lotus Shrine, and on the left is the God of Misty God Realm.

The gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine from the top to the bottom are the Madonna of Linhe, Liu Juan, the god of the fragrant universe, Liu Qianlang, the emperor of heaven, Song Zhen, the supreme divinity god, the queen of the gods, and the nine infants of the stars.

The Misty God Realm is simple, with only the Misty Realm Emperor and the Cloud and Mist Envoy.

"Ben Xiangtian Emperor Feng is quite disturbed. He doesn't know whether the gods of the two worlds are resting well. Today he hastily invited the gods to the temple to discuss matters."

Xiangtian Fengdi's golden eyes were shining, he nodded and looked around, and said apologetically.

"Emperor Xiangtian Feng, don't be polite. He has entertained you for many days. The emperor of Nine Lotus Shrine is here to thank you on behalf of the gods of Nine Lotus Shrine."

Upon hearing the words, Renhuang Liu Qianlang stood up and saluted, and said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Misty Realm also thank you, Emperor Xiangtian Feng and the two Commanders have something to say, just say it, Senior Mother of the Linhe River is here, we are old and new friends!"

On the opposite side, the Misty Realm Emperor also got up and said with a smile.

"The two realm emperors, please sit down, since this is the case, it will be too much for Emperor Feng Xiangtian to speak too much.

Frankly speaking, it was not the original intention of Ben Xiangtian Fengdi to invite the gods of the two worlds so rudely, but it was explained by Lijie's mother before leaving.

The mother emperor said that looking at the nine great god realms of the Infinite Yuan Realm, only the Nine Lotus Shrine and the Emperor Xiang of the Ethereal Realm are right, so she left a message asking Ben Xiangtian Fengdi to make friends with the two realms no matter what.

However, as Emperor Xiangtianfeng is new to the throne, he is not very familiar with the situation in the Infinite Element Realm outside the Xiangtianfeng Realm. It is only thanks to the two Goddesses who are in charge of the world that they have made many inspections outside the realm to understand some of the situation outside the realm.

Therefore, Emperor Feng Xiangtian has no good strategy on how to quickly make friends with the two worlds, and he does not dare to take the risk of visiting the two worlds, so..."

Emperor Xiangtian Feng couldn't help but blushed when he said this, and he was embarrassed to continue.

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang and Misty Realm Emperor heard the words, knowing the main intention of the other party's invitation, they were all overjoyed, and nodded at each other from afar.

"Xiangtian Phoenix Realm has formed a sincere friendship, and Nine Lotus Shrine is deeply honored. Now Infinite Yuan Realm, there are many god realms, and even the Nine God Realms are full of evil spirits.

The new and old emperors of the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm, adhering to the righteousness and enlightenment, are the future that the Nine Lotus Shrine and the Misty God Realm seek together.

If we are a friendly alliance of the Three Realms, both the Nine Lotus Shrine and the Misty God Realm will be powerful and bright! "

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang said happily, Misty God Realm repeatedly said yes.

"Thank you to the two world emperors, Hailiang, for moving forward and agreeing to wait for our alliance. Ben Xiangtian Fengdi is very grateful, and Dangdang apologizes to the Supreme Divination God of the Nine Lotus Shrine and the Misty God Realm Yunwu God!"

After Xiangtian Fengjie said, he got up and looked at the three gods, and saluted them with all blessings.

Seeing this, the three gods were all ashamed and ashamed, and felt quite sorry, they almost said in unison:

"Feng Emperor Xiangtian, don't do this!"

Then Wushang Zhanshen's black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, and then said apologetically:

"Although Xiangtian Fengjie kidnapped us, it's called breaking the rules, and then we were blessed by misfortune!"

"Why is this, please sit down and speak slowly."

After hearing Song Zhen's words, Xiangtian Fengjie and the left and right Jinyin Zhangming all had strange eyes. Xiangtian Fengjie sat down and motioned for the three gods to sit down and talk.


Song Zhen's words also surprised Huang Liu Qianlang and other gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine and Misty God who were present.

"Presumably Xiangtian Fengjie and the two Zhang Ming still remember that when our three gods were taken captive by you to the Shenhuo Palace, we were full of nonsense.

In fact, that is not what we Qinghun said, just when we were stunned by your bewitching laughter, we suddenly sensed that the Dark Realm Emperor and Luoxiang Realm Emperor were around us at that time.

Moreover, they used poison together, which poisoned my primordial soul, as well as the two god brothers Yunwu. That's why we talk nonsense in the Soul Palace.

Fortunately, the two commanders threw us into the Tianbo River because they hated our nonsense.

Due to the poison of the soul, we crazily swallowed the divine cattails in the Tianbo River, coupled with the effect of the green body and soul purification of the water of the Tianbo River, the evil poison in our soul was cured by a combination of circumstances.

Otherwise, if we hadn't been taken captive by the two leaders, not only would we have turned into demons due to poisoning, but we would definitely return to the world and cause great chaos.

Therefore, when we say apology, our three gods are not only insulting, but also grateful! "

The Supreme Occupation God, the five-colored eyes were full of gratitude and shame, and he tilted his head and clenched his fists to salute.


"It turns out that this is what happened. Why worry too much about the past. It should be because our three realms are predestined."

Hearing the words of Supreme Zhanshen, Xiangtian Fengjie thought of the ridiculousness of the three gods that day, not only laughed.

Jinyin Zhangming behind him was originally very unhappy when Emperor Xiangtian Feng stood up and apologized, his expression was cold and arrogant, and he didn't bother to look at the Supreme God of Divination and the Second Envoy of Yunwu.

But after hearing Song Zhen's explanation, his expression immediately eased, from disgust to respect.

"I didn't expect Shenguang Yuanjie to be so active, and he never stopped monitoring the Nine Lotus Shrine.

Now the line of sight is turned from the Middle Vault Realm to the Upper Vault Realm, Xiangtianfeng Realm. From this point of view, our coming to the Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm is also under their control! "

Misty Realm Emperor Wushen Miaomiao said after pondering.

"Maybe it's not just them, the major god realms in the upper, middle and lower three vaults are all in the middle of a tense layout. It's just that it's open or dark.

We are freshmen and don't have a deep grasp of the situation in the Infinite Metaverse. The Emperor Xiangtianfeng left a message to make friends with us, presumably the choice must be made after evaluating the complex situation in the Infinite Metaverse. "

Renhuang Liu Qianlang asserted so.

"Ben Xiangtian Fengdi and the two sisters in charge of life also guessed the same way. When the mother emperor left the world, we three sisters actually asked the reason for the two worlds.

But the mother emperor refused to explain for some reason, but just told us that if the Xiangtian Phoenix Realm has a long-term future, the two realms must be united. "

Xiangtian Fengjie nodded slightly and continued.

"Emperor Xiangtian Feng, please allow the Emperor of the Misty Realm to offend me. Dare I ask why Emperor Zunmu left the realm and where did she go?"

The Misty Realm Emperor got up and asked with a salute.

"Emperor Misty Realm, please sit down, you are welcome. Regarding the matter of Mother Emperor's departure from the realm, the senior Linhe Holy Mother has already talked about it with Ben Xiangtian Fengdi in private.

In fact, why the mother emperor suddenly passed on the position of Fengdi to me, and why she left the world, is not Ben Xiangtian Fengdi, I really don't know.

We don't know what happened. After returning from this trip to the infinite universe, the mother emperor was restless for a long time. A few days ago, she suddenly announced that I would be appointed as Emperor Xiangtian Fengdi, and she would go out to travel.

Every time she travels out of the world, we don't allow us to ask her where she goes, and we don't know why she travels out of the world.

However, every time I came back before, I didn't see any abnormal reactions from her and me, but this time, not only as I said before, she actually passed on the position of Emperor Feng to me.

Seeing her dignified expression, although we dare not ask, we can feel that her trip is going to be dangerous and unpredictable, otherwise she would not need to pass on the position of Emperor Feng to Ben Xiangtian! "

Emperor Xiangtian Fengfeng looked gloomy, and his words were full of worries.

"Maybe she went to look for your father, Golden Phoenix, and it is very likely that she has already found his trace."

The Holy Mother of Linhe, with deep eyes, interjected.

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