Nine Heavens

Chapter 2791 Blood Flower Bee Formation

"Old haha, I'm crying too much! You wait for the god of death, why don't you gather your breath and guard your soul, and come here to make troubles, why?"

Not long after, with the Holy Mother of Linhe as the leader, Xiangtian Fengdi, Xiangtian Zhangming, Qixiang Zhoushen and other Goddesses of Waves and Fate protected the left and right, a shadow of a god floated over the edge of the vast divine fire in the Xiangtianfeng Realm.

The Holy Mother of Linhe watched intently, and soon saw the figure of Crying Sect and Laughing Ancestor.

I saw the two of them, Crying Zongtai Crying God's figure is like a stooped old woman in the world, wearing a cloud-draping white light robe, the upper body and the lower body are vertically at ninety degrees, but the neck and head are bent at sixty degrees, and the complexion Pale and square.

There are two mouths in the center of the face, two mouths, four symmetrical eyes, red like blood, and protruding teeth in the mouth.

His head was bald and hairless, and he grinned and howled, with red tears flying around, crying so sadly.

Its tears are as red as blood, and when the clouds touch the fog, flowers of dark red tears of blood will be born. The Virgin of Linhe saw the area where it swayed erratically, and the blood flowers were like a sea, dazzling and strange.

Xiaozu Laohaha is as thin and tall as a hemp pole, with a black and strange rainbow robe, a pointed head, and a mouthful at the front and back of the head, which looks like a trumpet, and he is laughing wildly with his head up.

Along with his incessant laughter, the jet-black bees were like waterfalls, and the bees buzzed like waves, forming countless vast whirlpools of evil bees, circling nearly one-third of the boundary of the Xiangtianfeng Realm.

The Crying Ancestor and the Laughing Ancestor were not alone, but were born with their legs together. From a distance, they fell into a chair with a backrest in the world, but their spirits were floating in the sky, which was extremely weird.

Our Lady of Linhe is no stranger to their appearance, with a gleaming divine crown and a rainbow-scale robe floating around her in the divine fire, looking at the vast sea of ​​blood flowers around the Crying Zongxiaozu, her complexion is frosty, cold ask.


"Isn't this the Holy Mother of Linhe River? You're so happy that you didn't die. You don't care about us. We cry and laugh at our ancestors, woo woo...we're resurrected again, woo woo..."

"Ha ha……"

"We are resurrected again... Haha... We can laugh happily again, and cry hard. It's too crying, don't you think?"

"woo woo woo woo……"


The Crying Zong Xiaozu bowed down and cried, and the other stood up and laughed wildly. The Holy Mother of Linhe and the God behind him felt goose bumps on their hairs.

"Why is she similar to the first crying woman and laughing old man in the world?"

God Qixiang Zhou looked at the strange divine body of Crying Zongxiaozu, and suddenly thought of some monsters that the world once knew, and said.

"How can it be different? They are the same demon god. They were resurrected in the human world, but they were killed at that time. Now, for some reason, they are resurrected!"

The Holy Mother of Linhe was very calm, while guessing the other party's motives for coming here, she responded to Liu Juan.

"Oh! No wonder they look like this. How should we deal with them? What are their weaknesses?"

Liu Juan looked at Crying Zongxiaozu's constantly erratic demon body from a distance, and felt that the blood flower demon bee evil poison that was still spreading around it was extremely powerful, and she should not attack rashly, so she asked.

"Hey! Old monster, Xiangtianfengjie is a place for you to run wild, get out of here quickly."

The Holy Mother of Linhe was about to answer Liu Juan's words when she heard the words, but before she could say it, she saw the sound of the divine phoenix's crisp sound coming from behind her.

Then the Sacred Mother of Linhe and Liu Juan saw dozens of phoenix officials in the Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm Youlan Guarding the Realm, without the permission of Emperor Xiangtian Phoenix, they shot angrily into the vast sea of ​​blood flowers of the Crying Zong Xiaozu.

"Ninety-nine and eighty-one northern boundary officials, come back quickly—"

Xiangtian Fengjie was concentrating on analyzing how to break the Crying Zongxiaozu's Blood Flower Bee Ocean Formation. Hearing Liu Juan's question, she couldn't help but look at Our Lady of Linhe, and also wanted to hear her advice.

Therefore, I didn't pay much attention to the Nine Nine Eighty-One Blue Fire Guardian Phoenix Crown behind me. I didn't expect them to be unable to suppress their anger and attack suddenly.

When she was startled and shouted again, the ninety-nine-eighty-one blue fire-guarding gods and phoenixes had already shot towards Wang Yang's blood flower bee array.

"woo woo woo woo……"

"Feng'er in the Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm, you are doing well, I know my flowers are greedy, and I specially sent us incense today, you can eat to your heart's content!"

At this time, the four bloody eyes of the Crying Sect flicked their blood and tears, and the four bright red blood flowers all swam towards the ninety-nine and eighty-one blue fire phoenix that shot into the blood flower phoenix array, crying and screaming, with a poisonous sound .


"Okay, bees, you're welcome too, blood flowers eat energy, let's swallow flowers to make honey!"

Xiaozu also straightened his waist and divided his eyes, looking up at the ninety-nine eighty-one soaring phoenix, giggling nonsense.

In an instant, the vast sea of ​​blood flower phoenix formation around Crying Zong Xiaozu suddenly rose up, and countless blood flower evil bees intertwined, like a huge wave of the ocean, whirled towards the 9981 soaring sky god phoenix.

The waves are higher than the waves, and the red waves are frightening.

The Holy Mother of Linhe, Liu Juan, Emperor Xiangtian Fengdi and other dozens of gods and gods watched as ninety-nine or eighty-one divine phoenixes were swallowed up by bloody black bees in an instant.

"Everyone, Sister Lanfeng!"

Seeing this, Xiangtian Fengdi screamed, his body suddenly turned into a silver and white crystal phoenix, and he was about to go to save his fellow disciples.

"Emperor Feng!"

The Holy Mother of Linhe suddenly panicked, instinctively stretched out her hand, and grabbed Xiangtian Fengdi with a loud cry.

Emperor Xiangtian Feng was suddenly grabbed by the Holy Mother of Linhe, and instantly regained his human body, Wang Lei choked up and said:

"Jingfeng's new position hurts my sister without contributing a single bit to Emperor Xiangtian Feng. How can senior Linhe Holy Mother stop me!?"

Xiangtian Fengdi struggled and wanted to go.

"Blood flower bee formation, blood flower devour energy, mysterious poison bee alienation. Hao Gu's ancestors are all frightened by the news!

Jingfeng is the God Emperor of the Soaring Heaven Phoenix Realm, if he goes there, even if he is not eliminated by the swallow energy body, he will turn into a Xuanfeng poisonous demon.

If he went back to the Xiangtianfengjie like that, wouldn't the whole world suffer! "

The Holy Mother of Linhe also had wet eyes, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and her red lips were stained with blood, looking sadly at the ninety-nine or eighty-one flying phoenix girls who were being attacked by countless bloody black magic bees.

"Sister Lanfeng—"

When Emperor Xiangtian Feng heard the words, seeing ninety-nine or eighty-one fresh fellow disciples trapped, their lives would soon be lost, and they couldn't go to rescue them, crying out in grief and indignation.

Will! Will……

Ninety-nine and eighty-one, the azure blue guarding the sky and flying god phoenix, heard the mournful cry of Emperor Feng, shot the blue fire rainbow frantically, the phoenix claws cracked electricity, fought hard to kill the poisonous bee that deceived the blood flower, and responded with a crisp sound With Xiangtian Fengdi and other sisters.

"Good job! Sisters defending the world, Lanfeng, you will always be the torment of our Soaring Phoenix Realm!"

"Think of a way to escape, run away and come back—"

As the two commanders of the Soaring Sky Phoenix Realm, they wanted to stop and go to rescue their fellow disciples, but after hearing the words of the Holy Mother of Linhe River, they had no choice but to endure the pain, weeping silently, and shouting non-stop!

Will! Will……

However, Lanfeng, the Ninety-Nine Eighty-One Sky Guard, didn't have any intention of retreating, just like moths flying to the flame, regardless of life and death, and continued to fly desperately towards the position where Crying Zong Xiaozu was.

The only response to the fate of the gold and silver is the unyielding crisp cry.

"Sister Juan!?"

Seeing this, Miao Yan, the God of Waves and Fate behind Jinyin Zhangming, became anxious, thinking of her misery when she was in the world, she almost wanted to shoot away to save the God of Allies.

However, the words of the Holy Mother of Linhe were shocking, and she dared not move, and her soul sent a sound transmission to ask Liu Juan, the God of the Odd Fragrance.

"Yan'er is kind by nature, she is worried about the alliance god, so sister Juan is also anxious.

However, the crying ancestor and the laughing ancestor are the dead gods of the ancient times. Seeing its powerful and frightening magic power, it would be useless even if all of us present gods stepped forward.

Not only that, as senior Linhe said, if we transform into demons, we cannot control ourselves and shoot back to the Sky Phoenix Realm or the Nine Lotus Shrine, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Spread the word that the waves are in the same family, do a good job of self-protection, and don't make mistakes. We are always ready to return to the gate of the Xiangtianfeng Realm! "

After hearing Miao Yan's words, Liu Juan was worried about the safety of her fellow disciples, so she reminded her through voice transmission.

"Yes, Sister Juan! Yan'er knows."

Although Liu Juan is not the Renhuang of the Nine Lotus Shrine, Langyuan Shenmen, but in the minds of the gods of Langyuan, she is respected by the gods as much as the Renhuang.

In addition, Liu Juan is the Goddess of the Emperor, so naturally she is also the Goddess of Miao Yan and the Empress of the Emperor, and she will obey everything she says.

When Miaoyan heard the words, she quickly responded, and immediately transmitted her thoughts through voice transmission, conveying Liu Juan's meaning to her fellow disciples.

will, will...

In the wave of blood flower bees turning the sky, ninety-nine and eighty-one flying divine phoenixes, at this moment, the whole body is already covered with blood and tears demon flowers, and the blue phoenix has become a blood phoenix, but they still scream crisply, without fear, It has already flown close to the crying ancestor and the laughing ancestor.


"woo woo woo woo……"

Regarding this, Crying Zong Xiaozu didn't even think about it. They cried and laughed evilly, and instantly centered on them, and the more violent wave of blood flower bees roared and swept towards the ninety-nine eighty-one soaring sky god phoenix.

However, after a few surges, the ninety-nine and eighty-one Celestial Phoenixes who struggled to get close to the Crying Zong Xiaozu were pushed back to the brink of breaking into the Blood Flower Bee Formation.

The magic energy of the Blood Flower Bee Formation is too powerful, and the magic energy of the ninety-nine and eighty-one flying gods has gradually weakened.

The faint blue phoenix and rainbow light that shot out through the gaps in the layers of blood flowers outside their bodies also kept fading.

Their brittle voices are still the same, but much weaker.

When Emperor Xiangtian Feng saw this, he really couldn't bear to see the end of ninety-nine and eighty-one fellow guards finally died, so he gave an order in grief:

"Gold and Silver Palm Command, all guest gods, immediately return to the Soaring Phoenix Realm, and the Gold and Silver Palm Command orders the realm to be closed!"

"Emperor Feng... yes!"

The Lanfeng sisters who were struggling in the blood flower bee formation with tears in their eyes, and still muttering resistance, couldn't bear to go back to the world. However, they knew the reason for Xiangtian Fengdi's order in their hearts, and there was a burst of grief. Pharynx, tears should be said.


"Bees, are blood flowers sweet?"

"woo woo woo woo……"

"Flowers, is the supernatural power of the soaring phoenix of the Infinite Element Realm still easy to say?"


Crying Zongxiao Zuxie looked at the decline of the ninety-nine and eighty-one flying gods and phoenixes, and smiled viciously.

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