Nine Heavens

Chapter 288: Xinrui Orchid

"You old fool, you are so stupid, how do you talk? Didn't you tell her all about it! Didn't the ancestors of Xiaoxiao Feihua forbid us to tell Grandma Yaoyun about her visit? She said that as long as we listen to her Tuer Yaoyun's grandma's words are fine, now it's over, the Ganshen Xianlu has been ruined again, woo woo" One arm cried while counting one ear, looking as sad as you want.

"Cut! Let me say, old and immortal, you guys have something to offer, won't the old ancestor smile at Feihua and give us a few bottles of Ganshen Xianlu? With this little thing, he wants to bribe us to protect his disciples, bah Good idea. Look at how grand Xinrui Lanniang is. He said that as long as we listen to her in the future and lure all these people into her shop, we will have everything we want from now on." The one-eyed immortal Liao said.

"Little bastard, what do you know! That Ganshen Xianlu can increase the cultivation base of our grandparents and grandchildren for nine thousand years at once, besides, can you afford to offend our ancestors?" They said angrily together.

For a moment, the three skinny old men seemed to have forgotten the existence of the crowd, and each of them gave another whip, and then the three woke up. It turned out that the aunt hadn't left yet.

As soon as Yaoyun heard it, he understood, it turned out that the master was afraid that he would be in danger by going to Mitianshayu alone, so he ordered the three old tree demons to obey him, and he always thought that he had deceived them by pretending to be Mitianshayu. thing.

Then who is Xinrui Lanniang they mentioned, and what does it have to do with them pretending to be themselves and others? What exactly is going on? Thinking of this, he continued to forcefully ask: "Why Xinrui Lan Nianghe tricked her into her shop, explain to me more clearly! Otherwise" Yaoyun raised the Sorrow Demon Whip that Liu Qianlang repaired for him.

Looking at the Sorrow Demon Whip shaking in Yaoyun's hand, the three trembled for a while, and the old man tentatively asked with one ear: "Then, let me tell you, can you give me another inch skull clam? We are hungry !" When everyone heard this, these three monsters were so greedy that they couldn't do without food for a moment. Each is angry and funny.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang pushed Yaoyun's Yaoshou whip away and said, "Hehe, as long as you explain clearly why you pretend to be us and do bad things, let alone one, I will give you as much as before, how about it?" ?” As he spoke, another white jade box containing inch skull clams appeared strangely in his palm.

The eyes of the three lit up, they drooled together and muttered for a long time, then they all nodded in agreement. The old man glanced at the crowd with one ear, lowered his head a little guilty and said: "The three of us, grandparents and grandchildren, are responsible for the patrol and security at the entrance of Huangshayu, the first of the seven realms of Mitianshayu. The proprietress of one of the hotels is also the owner of Huangsha Valley. She wanted us to pretend to be some of you, and then cause you to kill each other, so that you can rob your treasures and your blood.

He promised to share some of the treasures with us, and gave us a lot of delicious food, so we." Having said that, the old immortal raised his eyes and glanced at the crowd cleverly, and found that no one stepped forward to show his power, so he retreated in peace After a few steps, he squatted there without moving, but kept staring at the white jade box in Liu Qianlang's hand. .

"Mitiansha Valley Seven Realms? Which Seven Realms are they?" Liu Qianlang asked.

Hearing this, he could not die with one arm and squatted on the ground and replied: "We only know that from the outside to the inside, there are Huangshayu, Baishayu, Chishayu, Cuishayu, Lanshayu, Bingshayu and Xuanshayu, you guys The illusionary microscope you are looking for is within the Xuansha domain.

The Qichongsha Valley goes from the ground to the ground layer by layer. The layers are deeper and harder to enter. We have never even entered the first layer, just guarding the gate, so we only know so much, don’t worry. We don't know anything about it. "

"Then what does Xinrui Orchid want our blood for!?" Liu Qianlang asked inexplicably.

"I, I don't know about this." The three faltered with blinking eyes.

Papapapa, Yaoyun at the side saw them evasive, obviously concealing something, stepped forward with three whips, and said angrily: "I don't know how to praise, say or say!" The whip didn't stop, and the wrist was about to be pulled away again.

The three opinions quickly covered their heads, and begged: "Grandma Yaoyun is not that we don't say it, Xinrui Lanhua said it, if we tell you, Hunshamen will use your blood to hold a blood sacrifice for refining poison, summon eight core artifacts, and cultivate If the Nine Nether Nine Heavens Destroy Soul Formation, let us live or die!"

Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, smiled secretly in his heart, threw the white jade box to the three, and said with a smile: "Since you don't want to say it, we won't force it, go, remember, don't do evil in the future, otherwise I won't Forgive you!"

Old Immortal, Immortal and Immortal received the white jade box, jumped up and down for a while, then slipped into the sand and disappeared. A voice came from a distance saying: "If you want to enter Huangsha Valley, you can see the moon when you move the clouds!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help feeling cold. The sky was full of flying sand and rocks, let alone the moon, and even the sunlight could not be seen at all. Moreover, there were hundreds of millions of hectares of clouds covering the flying sand and rocks. It was obvious that they couldn't get in. ?, I can't help but sigh.

Liu Qianlang was excited about what he had just learned about Mitiansha Valley, especially the area where the microscopic illusion was located. But upon hearing this, my heart couldn't help but tense.

Moreover, Mitian Shayu Peeping Gate Sansao mentioned that Hunshamen used his own blood and others to perform blood poisoning rituals, summoning the core artifact of the Eight Directions Immortal Formation to cultivate the Nine Nether Nine Heavens Extinguishing Soul Formation, this news is not trivial, Liu Qianlang looked at it Looking at the crowd, I found that they had the same dignified expressions as myself, and faintly felt that this trip was full of dangers, and everyone seemed to be stepping into the trap designed by the other side step by step.

However, knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, I have no choice but to go to the tiger mountain. I asked myself, how could I abandon the master in order to protect myself, I couldn't do it no matter what, and I believed that none of the people present would do this. Everyone was worried because they heard the insane words of the peeping man, the mention of the Bafang core artifact, and the inability to enter Huangshayu.

Liu Qianlang suddenly heard a rustling sound that he was familiar with but didn't want to hear. Although it seemed faint and extremely weak in the howling wind, Liu Qianlang still listened to it with his extraordinary spiritual power. It's here, because this kind of voice is related to the life of Master Fufeng.

Liu Qianlang strengthened the power of his consciousness again, carefully analyzed and searched within a hundred miles, and finally found the source of that sound in a void sand whirl a few miles away.

At the same time, Liu Qianlang activated the white light diamond. With the support of strong spiritual power, the white light diamond has already reached the highest level of vision of tens of millions of breaths. When Liu Qianlang only activated the level of 200,000 breaths, he found that specific location of the target.

In sight, it was the two messengers of the Soul Shaling. At this moment, the four icy eyes under the terrifying mask are staring at the third man peeping at the door who has just left.

The three peeping men knelt on the ground and shivered into a ball. Beside them, there was another beautiful woman in emerald gauze, who also stared at the evil spirit envoy in amazement!

However, the Soul Demon Envoy seemed very dissatisfied with them. One of them, a strange magic weapon formed by the overlapping of three crescent moons, suddenly drew a cold and beautiful blue arc above them with a cold light The thread, and then suddenly returned to her hand. The whole process was completed in an instant, and neither of the two Soul Demon Commanders moved.

At the moment when the three-fold crescent moon magic weapon returned to the hands of the evil spirit envoy, the withered heads of the old, the undead, and the undead had already fallen to the ground, and a gust of wind passed by, rolling into the depths of the yellow sand with the wind. place. And the skinny body suddenly turned into short, hard-dry rotten branches, which also drifted away with the wind. There was no sound, no tears, no mourning, no one cared, this time it was really all dead.

"Do you see it? This is the fate of betraying Hunshamen! I hope that the owner of Huangshayu will take this as a warning and be loyal to Hunshamen, otherwise today will be your tomorrow! Here, eat it!" Another A soul-shaking envoy said coldly. At the same time, without moving, a pure white jade medicine bottle appeared strangely among the three, with a brown and blackened pill clearly rolling inside.

Seeing the pill, the beautiful woman in the emerald green gauze dress had excited eyes, kowtowed repeatedly, and said, "Thank you two Holy Envoys of the Blue Moon, Xinrui Orchid will be loyal to the Soul Shamen for life, and will never change until death!" After speaking, she couldn't wait to open it. Bai Yuping took out the pill and swallowed it with his head raised, with a very relaxed expression on his face.

"Well! This rotten heart pill antidote can last for six months. If you can complete the task assigned by Hunshamen as scheduled, the next antidote will be given to you at that time. Otherwise, you only have Gege." After finishing speaking, the two Hun Sha Lingshi made a sneer and left.

Liu Qianlang watched the two soul demon envoys leave, and suddenly raised his eyesight to a level of one million breaths. He watched them fly out of Mitiansha Valley and headed northwest all the way, before he gave up, and then fell into thought.

Xinrui Lanhua, who was kneeling on the sand, didn't get up until she could no longer see the two soul demon envoys. He glanced at the remaining branches of the old man peeping at the door in the dust, silently picked them up, gathered together, dug a sand pit on the spot and buried them, and bowed three more times. Then he took out a small blue medicine bottle from his bosom, raised his head and took a sip of the contents, and then an orange hole appeared in front of his eyes. The hole disappeared.

Seeing these, Liu Qianlang could probably draw the following conclusions. One is that the Hunsha Gate Hunsha ordered the envoy to go northwest. If it was Huihunshamen, then the Hunshamen should be in the northwest direction of Mitiansha Valley. The second is that entering Huangshayu may not necessarily be to see the moon through the clouds. Looking at the appearance of Xinrui Orchid, it seems that she drank some kind of strange potion, and then entered the entrance of Huangshayu.

From this point of view, as long as you have this potion, you can enter. Thinking of this, Liu Qianlang didn't have time to explain to everyone what he saw in detail, and with a flick of his body, he raised his Xianyuan sword and shot at the place where those people were just now. Although the people behind didn't understand what it meant, but seeing Liu Qianlang's careful examination just now, they must have discovered something, so they didn't doubt much, and they also manipulated the treasures one after another to follow.

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