Nine Heavens

Chapter 290 Breaking Up Unhappily

After hearing the words, everyone nodded after thinking for a while, thinking that Mr. Wenyang's words made sense.

But at the same time, they are even more worried about the core artifact of the Eight Directions Immortal Formation that their respective sects have been protecting for tens of thousands of years.

Because of the always weird Hunshamen, it's really hard to find its motives and various conspiracies, and it might come to harass it at any time.

Everyone present knew in their hearts that the three major omens of the Eight Vaults, which signaled the return of the monsters from the Demon Realm, had already appeared, although the other omens had not yet fully manifested.

But everything has changed, and at this time, the Divine Sword of Calling Souls came out as a sign, which made everyone feel uneasy.

Even though Xuanling Thirteen Islets had already refined this sword, the legacy of tens of thousands of years had already been deeply ingrained, how could it be eliminated in a short while.

Especially the Sixteen Immortal Sect, which was hit hard by the Hunshamen Sect this time, how can they still have the ability to continue to protect the core artifacts of the Western Qiankun Domain, the astrological ruler and the 361 Qiankun Chess.

What's more, the core artifact, the astrological ruler, was hit by an inexplicable sky fire a few years ago, and its whereabouts have been unknown since then. Only the auxiliary artifact, Qiankunqi, is barely maintained.

Without strong skills and spiritual deterrence, it will collapse at any time.

Considering this pain, the Sixteen Immortals communicated with each other and exchanged ideas, hoping to find a solution.

While the representatives of the Sixteen Immortals were discussing, Liufeng Ouyangyang and Yun Ding Tiankuang said:

"Unexpectedly, the Soul Demon Sect is so rampant, treating decent people like us like ants.

We were thrown into such an embarrassing situation overnight. If there is another disturbance in the Eight Directions Immortal Formation, the consequences will be disastrous.

The old man thought over and over again, and felt that at this moment, we decent people should unite as one, put aside the views of sects, and think about the common people of the world.

Give the eight-party core artifact and auxiliary artifact to the most powerful Xuanlingmen in the fairy world for centralized protection, and we will assist you from the side.

In this way, there will be no chance for the Soul Shamen to attack secretly, and the chances of winning will increase a lot.

I just don't know if the head of the Xuanling Sect and the various factions are willing? "

After Yun Dian Tiankuang finished speaking, he turned his gaze to the real Bing Po, the head of the Xuanling Sect, who was dozens of feet away.

With a sincere look on his face, all the people present admired his majesty and righteousness.

Since the Liufeng Ouyang family, which is one of the three major families, has such thoughts, the Sixteen Immortals seem to be grasping at straws in distress.

Therefore, there was no reason for the sixteen old and new leaders not to agree, so they responded in unison.

However, upon hearing this, Taoist Qingxin Taoist of Qingxin Dao and Wanxiang Shura, the head of Shura Temple, were both shocked, and at the same time, there were extremely dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

Taoist Qingxin glanced at Tiankuang Yunding, then looked at people from different factions and said:

"Liufeng's Ouyang family can think about the common people in the world, which everyone admires, but the eight core artifacts of the Eight Great Immortal Formation are related to the safety of the entire fairy world and countless people, how can they be easily unsealed and summoned.

Everyone present, who doesn't know the eight core artifacts, only the master is recognized, only the fate is recognized, and only the person who communicates with it is recognized.

A sudden change of owner, in case of a change, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss.

Even if they are summoned successfully and gather at the Xuanling Sect, wouldn't the Xuanling Sect become a target of public criticism, wouldn't the safety of the Xuanling Sect be worrying! "

"That's right, the old monk also thinks that the proposal of the Ouyang family in the Tongyun Palace is ill-considered. At this moment, the Eight Directions Immortal Formation is already in jeopardy, and if you are not careful, it will be damaged.

Therefore, I also think that it is better not to unblock the eight-party core artifact and the auxiliary artifact that summons the eight-direction artifact.

The old man thinks that the most important thing now is not to summon the core artifacts of the Eight Directions, but to do everything possible to strengthen the Eight Directions Immortal Formation and protect the comprehensiveness of the people who summon the major artifacts and psychic blood sacrifices.

If it is true as Mr. Wenyang said before, the Soul Demon Sect is patrolling the eight core artifacts and auxiliary artifacts of the Eight Directions Immortal Formation, looking for people who refine blood and poison sacrifices.

Then the top priority is to do everything possible to rescue the twenty-three soul-shattering suffering masters.

You should know that among the twenty-three, there are several psychics with great artifacts. "

In fact, the deeper thoughts of Taoist Qingxin and Wanxiang Shura are far from being as simple as the Bafang core artifact.

As far as Taoist Qingxin is concerned, since he came to Kongfeng Mountain, he has never stopped divination about the eight directions of southeast, northwest, and southeast, northeast, southwest and northwest.

Astronomical phenomena show that apart from the gathering of the four stars in the north, the fire cloud sky in the south and the three signs of the immortal Changhong in the west have already appeared, while the other five directions have the full moon, disaster star rain, day and night, Xuanyang wheel and flying sky. Although there are fluctuations in the several ominous omens of Xuanfeng.

But it's not very obvious, so such a big movement of the Mopai Hunshamen this time is really counterintuitive.

In addition, if you easily hand over the core artifacts and auxiliary artifacts that the faction has been protecting, you will inevitably lose a lot of spiritual energy.

At the same time, the power of the tyrannical magic circle of the artifact itself will also disappear, and that time will definitely be the time when the strength of the sect is weakest.

Once the devil faction or people with ulterior motives come to attack, wouldn't it mean losing his wife and breaking the army!

Besides, as one of the four righteous sects, Qingxindao couldn't even protect the core artifact of the Eight Directions Immortal Formation that he had passed down from generation to generation.

As for the head of the Shura Temple, Wanxiang Shura, apart from having the same thoughts as Taoist Qingxin, he is also a cultivator himself.

Among other things, just handing over the core artifact, and losing a technique that dominates the immortal world is unnecessary.

However, not everyone in the four major sects can know this, and I have also heard the legacy of my previous mentor.

In the future, if you are destined to practice the miraculous skills sealed in the Eight Directions Divine Artifact, if you gather all the Eight Directions Divine Artifacts and auxiliary artifacts, and practice a kind of prehistoric magical skill sealed inside, you will master the power of chaos, split the sky and the earth, and recreate the universe.

I really hated that Yaotian Jian was lost in the sect, and I couldn't reach the sky with one fell swoop, so there was no reason to hand over the auxiliary artifact again.

After hearing what they said, Master Bing Po couldn't help laughing and said:

"Thank you Ouyang Family for your trust in Xuanlingmen, but as Taoist Qingxin and Master Wanxiang Shura said, the current situation is better not to be impatient.

Unsealing the Eight Directions Artifact is no small matter. If it is not done properly, the robbed people and soul demons have not yet been rescued, but there will be another disturbance. At that time, all factions will be in a hurry and overwhelmed!

Therefore, the peak master believes that regarding the core artifact of the Eight Directions Immortal Formation, let's be content with the status quo. As for the future, we will work together and discuss it later.

This time, all of you are traveling thousands of miles away to gather at Kongfeng Mountain. The main purpose is to rescue the hostages kidnapped by the Soul Demon Sect and the suffering master of the Soul Demon Commander.

Our sect has already sent some disciples to support, and hope that the various factions present will also send some appropriate personnel, so that the support personnel of each faction can take care of each other, and rescue the hostages and soul-shattering sufferers as soon as possible. "

"Hmm! Amitabha, the head of Ice Soul is right. I think it's wise to do so."

Wanxiang Shura folded his hands together.

Taoist Qingxin also nodded in agreement, and said:

"In the current situation, the Sixteen Immortals have suffered the most losses. As a fellow, I feel ashamed for not being able to help in time.

If you have no objections, we will send some other people from each faction to support the Sixteen Immortal Sect factions to revive their homeland, and at the same time protect the safety of the three hundred and sixty-one Qiankun Chess. "

Hearing that the four major sects and the three major families had no objection, and the Sixteen Immortals naturally couldn't ask for it, and they all saluted to express their gratitude.

While Liufeng Ouyang, Ouyang, and Yunding Tiankuang agreed, he was very dissatisfied with the rebuttals of Taoist Qingxin and Wanxiang Shura.

However, such a result is naturally clear to the chest, and the reason for such a proposal is probably only clear in his heart.

While everyone was talking, Bingpo Daoist suddenly discovered that in the direction of Mitiansha Valley at the end of the southern sky, among the layers of clouds and mists, the spiritual birds, flying swans and fishes of our sect were flying lightly.

A moment later, the spirit bird landed on the shoulder of the Bing Po real person, and gently pecked at the collar of the Bing Po real person with a very intimate look.

Immortal Bingpo saw the pure white and flawless, cute and cute flying swan fish with golden mouth, red eyes and red claws, Immediately in his mind, real Bingpo sensed the message from Liu Qianlang in Mitianshayu.

There was a shock in my heart, but I still showed a relaxed expression on my face. I glanced at everyone's curious eyes and said:

"Haha, look at your chubby body, it's all because Junior Brother Fufeng let you carefree. Your body was originally less than three inches, but now it's fat into a ball. It's been an hour since the letter was delivered. You just arrive."

Flying Swan Fish blinked its two red eyes, seemed very displeased with Bing Po's criticism, swung its neck and quacked a few times, got up and was about to fly away.

Seeing Bing Po, he quickly took out a few pills from his bosom and put them in its mouth, only to see it munching delicious food, squatting on the real Bing Po's shoulder and not moving.

Seeing Yuntian's eel fish stabilized, Bingpo Daoist Fang said to everyone:

"Just now I received the information from my disciple Liu Qianlang, what I said is the same as what you have received, so I won't repeat it here.

It's an eventful season now, and the sects are busy with their affairs. If there are no other matters for the time being, it's better for us to return to the sect immediately. "

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in saluting the Tai Cang sword and turned into a long rainbow and left.

When people from other sects saw each other, they all bid farewell one after another, each of them controlled their treasures and rushed away.

Liufeng Ouyang Yunding Tiankuang watched everyone leave one after another, thinking about the flying swan fish on Bing Po's shoulder all the time, always feeling uneasy, but judging from the other party's expression, it seemed that there was no one on Long'er's side. What an accident.

However, one must be careful in everything. Over the years, Tiankuang Yunding has already developed the habit of doing things foolproof.

Therefore, when everyone disappeared in the sky, they quietly released another ice soul bird.

Watching the Ice Soul Bird get into the layers of clouds, Yun Dian Tiankuan inspected the countless icicle-like diamond cliffs in the Kongfeng Mountains and the huge waves formed by the confluence of the South Sky Ocean and the West Sky Ocean. The next step in the grand scheme of things.

As the huge waves rolled, they scattered clouds in the sky.

Among them, a young man in Chinese clothes stepped on a meteor-flickering cracked cloud fan, went back and forth, and shot forward.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then shot towards the northwest in a tacit understanding.

Behind another cloud, I saw the two leaving mysteriously.

Suddenly, the three walked out hand in hand, the three said something to each other, and then they also separated and disappeared into the clouds.

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