Nine Heavens

Chapter 3160 Taiyuan Three Emperors

"Show weakness, cry poor!"

Renhuang Liu Qianlang lifted his white hair slightly, pondered for a while, and said.

"Well, Yuanfang also thinks it's best to alienate them. If they come here, if they want to unite with us, they will use us as their helper. In the end, they won't do us much good. Maybe they will tear down the bridge."

Cheng Yuanfang, the God of Heaven and Wolf, nodded in agreement with the decision of Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, third brother, the true primordial spirits of our Nine Lotus Shrine can be seen at a glance, how can we cry to death?"

The Supreme Divination God Song Zhen also agreed with the decision of the third brother of the Emperor, but smiled.

"It's simple. One hundred thousand palace gods will use the method of restraining their breath, and their strength will be reduced by 30,000 times. However, our strength can only be 30% of our strength."

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang said with a smile.

"It's just, are they so easy to deceive, won't they be seen through?"

Song Zhen was a little skeptical.

"No, firstly, they would not overestimate our Nine Lotus Shrine, and secondly, they won't stay longer when they see that our Nine Lotus Shrine's 100,000 gods are weak."

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang was very confident about this, and signaled that Supreme Occupation God sent the head Yaya to arrange this matter.

"All right."

Supreme Zhanshen didn't refute anything anymore, and with a thought, he told Yaya, the head of Zhongqiong's sect, about the meaning of the Third Brother Renhuang in just a moment.

"Hehe, let's go, let's pick up old friends."

Afterwards, Ren Huang Liu Qianlang laughed.


Outside the east vault of the Nine Lotus Shrine, there are three Taiyuanyuan gods floating side by side in the void.

A rosy hair is fluttering, and she is also wearing a rosy cloud robe.

The one in the middle is surrounded by rainbows, with rainbow hair and rainbow eyes,

On the right side of his body is Zhu Di, a blue light soul, whose whole body is as blue as ice and jade.

They are all based on nothingness, and each has a god-responsive artifact in their hands. They are Xiadao, Hongjue and Lightsaber respectively.

"Ha ha……"

"I didn't expect that the little Wave Fate Sect in the chaotic world would be promoted to the universe of immortal gods. The universe of Nine Lotuses is really dazzling, but I don't know how the gods are at the level of gods in the universe?"

"I guess no matter how bad it is, we won't be disappointed. Since the Emperor of the Nine Lotus God Palace has the strength to go deep into the Qiongpen God Realm to wake up our Shenzhou, the strength of their Shenzhou God should not be too weak."

"Not necessarily, after all, they are descendants of the human race created by Empress Nuwa, and it is already a miracle that they can ascend to the universe of immortals and gods.

It stands to reason that their gods can't be too powerful, after all, they are too young! "

The three Taiyuanyuan gods watched the Nine Lotus Shrine from a distance, discussing while watching.

"The three war emperors, Sheng'an, the emperor of our world and the three saints have arrived. The younger generation is busy with divine affairs, so excuse me for the time being!"

When the three Taiyuanyuan gods were discussing the Jiulian Shrine, the stars, the nine infants, the nine cauldrons and the rainbow had been silently accompanying Gao Qiong.

At this moment, Liu Chao sensed the Four Sages coming from afar, and after the four Sages transmitted their soul thoughts, they bid farewell to the three Tai Yuanyuan Gods.

"Well, haha..."

"Nine young gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine, please go ahead. We are old friends with you Nine Lotus Shrine Emperors. We have had a new relationship before. We are no strangers. You should be busy."

The three Tai Yuanyuan gods were very satisfied with the strength shown by Xingchen Jiuying, so they were very polite to Xingchen Jiuying, and they all smiled goodbye.

"Ha ha……"

"It really is Fangzheng, three old friends Xianyuan and Bai Ning, I am very happy to welcome you three godly guests today, no! Old friends come to listen!"

Xingchen Jiuying had just left for a moment when Renhuang Liu Qianlang led Qixiang Zhoushen, followed by Sirius Zhoushen and Supreme Zhanshen.

The Supreme Occupation God's five-color eyes spit out rainbows, covering the three Taiyuanyuan Gods. At first glance, it was indeed as the third brother said.

Although the other party is the powerful God of Taiyuan, the charm of the chaotic world has not changed, especially Ting Xianyuan and Bai Ning, Song Zhen recognized it at a glance.

Song Zhen had always been unrestrained in front of Ren Huang's third brother, so he didn't wait for Ren Huang Liu Qianlang to speak, so he shouted with a loud voice and laughed.

"Junior Brother Song, this is called a fateful reunion, bosom friends are once again divine! We are brothers in the same family in the human world, and now we are like family in the God Realm."

Donghong, Dongxi, and Dongguang, the three war emperors, watched the four sages of the Nine Lotus Shrine float from a distance, and their powers were flowing, obviously not weak. They looked at each other and nodded instantly, very happy.

Donghong Zhanhuang Fangzheng laughed loudly and said with a pun.

"That's right, the old people are destined to get together, and Jiulian is home. The emperor Liu Qianlang of Jiulian Shrine is late to greet you, and I hope the three war emperors will forgive me."

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang naturally heard the implication of Donghong Zhanhuang, and smiled.

"The Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine, unexpectedly we met again. Eight hundred years ago, the Emperor of the Nine Lotus Shrine became more and more energetic. Fangzheng met Queen Qixiang!"

After Donghong Zhanhuang and Renhuang Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, the Supreme Divination God, spoke, they immediately saluted Liu Juan, the God of Wonderful Fragrance, and said.

"Don't be too polite, Donghong Zhanhuang, now it's not the Qingliu Kingdom in the chaotic world, I'm no longer the Qixiang Queen of the Qingliu Kingdom, and you're no longer a direct minister of His Highness.

We should address each other as we are at this time. I am now a God of the Sky in the Nine Lotus Shrine, and my name is still Qixiang. "

Donghong Zhanhuang took the initiative to speak, and Liu Juan, the god of Qixiang Zhou, would naturally not be rude, and said back.

"That's fine, but Qixiang Zhoushen's majesty is more infinite than before. When Fangzheng saw Qixiang Zhoushen, all the majesty of Queen Qixiang in the past is vivid in his eyes and ears!"

Donghong Battle Emperor Fangzheng sighed.

"Donghong War Emperor has won the prize. By the way, this is the Heavenly Wolf Eternal God of the Nine Lotus Shrine. You should not be familiar with him. Back then, he was not in the Primordial Spirit Sect."

Qixiang Zhoushen didn't want to overwhelm the host, so at the end of the sentence, he introduced Sirius Zhoushen to the three Taiyuan War Emperors.

"I've met the Heavenly Wolf God, the Three-Eyed Dragon Wolf Lord!"

Hearing the words, the three Taiyuanyuan gods turned their gazes to Sirius Zhoushen together. After looking deeply, they immediately sensed the identity of Sirius Zhoushen Cheng Yuanfang's Taiyuanyuanshen, and shouted in surprise.

"I have seen the three war emperors. In the past, they are all fleeting, so let's not mention them."

Heavenly Wolf Zhou God returned to his former taciturnity, and responded indifferently to the three Taiyuanyuan Gods, War Emperor.

"Three old friends, quickly follow us into the world and talk about it again. Staying outside the God Realm for a long time is a sin and a sin!"

At this time, while talking, the Four Sages of Nine Lotus Shrine had come to the three Taiyuan War Emperors, and after exchanging pleasantries, Liu Qianlang said with a smile.

"Hehe, is this the universe of the Dharma Body of God Venerable Minglian?"

A group of people were speeding towards the Nine Lotus Shrine, Donghong Zhanhuang looked at the pale pink and fantasy Nine Lotus Shrine from afar and asked.

"Donghong Zhanhuang has good eyesight and ears! That's right, the Nine Lotus Shrine is the 99,999th layer of the universe's dharma body of the god Minglian, the god from which the Taiyuan originates.

At that time, for self-protection, the universe of her holy body was used as the boundary. But now, the God of Enchantment has fallen for the Nine Lotus Shrine, and we cherish it even more, and we still use the universe body of our predecessors as the boundary. "

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang didn't hide anything about this, and said truthfully.

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