Nine Heavens

Chapter 3207 Empress of Self-improvement


"The disgusting thing is just a bunch of vain thoughts, and it dares to destroy the good deeds of the ancient god emperor Benhao!"


The Nine-Life God Demon was furious, took aim at the rainbow cloud, raised his palm to surge red energy, and suddenly blasted towards the rainbow cloud.


"You and the big idiot, since you know that I'm just delusional, why bother to deal with me!

Well, I am actually sending a message for someone else, my news has been brought, goodbye! "

The rainbow clouds did not dodge or dodge, and were scattered by the red energy of the Nine Lives God Demon, but immediately regrouped as before, and the girl within it sarcastically laughed, and quietly disappeared into nothingness.


Outside You Cang Sun Moon Demon Realm's Palace, a dark cloud of demons shrouded it, looking from a distance, it was filthy and evil.

However, there is another cave in it, and all the caves and blessings of the Nine Lotus Shrine are contained in it.

In Yaoyue Shrine, Cheng Shifeng returned to Nine Lotus Shrine after a month, and also experienced loneliness again.

It has been a long time since I returned to Yaoyue Palace from the soul universe of Brother Qianlang's mind. Still feeling pain in her heart, she knew in her heart that You Cang Sun Moon Demon Realm no longer existed.

With the disappearance of You Cang Sun Moon Demon Realm, her husband Ouyang Langlong also became You Cang Demon God...

If this kind of pain was in the past, Cheng Shifeng would definitely wash his face with tears all day long, in pain.

However, this time she didn't see sadness on her haggard face, and even smiled from time to time.

"Sister Feng, if you are suffering in your heart, you can cry to your heart's content. You will make Sister Juan worry about you."

For a long time, after the month, Cheng Shifeng just wandered alone in the Yaoyue Temple, occasionally staring at the high dome of the Nine Lotus Temple, the blue Shenyue, in a trance, with a smile on his face, even if he didn't leave the palace, he didn't pay attention to coming and going to visit relatives.

God Qixiang Zhou came to visit Cheng Shifeng again after the moon, and has been following her for a long time. Seeing Fengmei in the blue and white orchid skirt floating in front of her, God Qixiang Zhou was very worried and said in a warm voice.

"Why are you crying, brother Langlong is a great hero, he did not hesitate to gather demons with his body for the Nine Lotus Shrine, and his divine body was taken away, Feng'er should be proud of him!

Sister Juan, Nine Lotus Shrine is busy with divine affairs, so you can concentrate on your affairs, Feng'er is fine.

Brother Langlong tried his best to save me with the soul-purifying pearl because he hoped that I would live well, for me and for him.

Sister Juan, although Langlong can no longer accompany me, our baby is still with me. "

After the month, Cheng Shifeng, with long blue hair fluttering, messages flickering in his sapphire-like eyes, his hands stroking his belly, and a sweet smile on his face.

"Feng'er, is this true!?"

Hearing the words, the God of Wonderful Fragrance, with sparkling green eyes, floated to the front of Yuehou Cheng Shifeng, deeply happy for Yuehou Cheng Shifeng, and asked in surprise.

After a month, Cheng Shifeng said nothing, but nodded heavily.

"After a few eons of suffering, you finally have the holy fruit of love, but I don't know if Langlong knew it before his soul fell silent.

If he knew it too, he would be consoling himself for his silence! "

Liu Juan gently embraced Yuehou Cheng Shifeng in her arms, and sighed slightly.

"Yes, I have already told him. He said that after he leaves, our child can accompany me instead of him."

After a month, Cheng Shifeng smiled.

Liu Juan, God of Wonderful Fragrance, raised her hand to straighten Cheng Shifeng's hair after the moon, and encouraged her:

"Although Langlong's divine body was taken by Youcang Demon God, as long as Langlong's soul is not completely swallowed by You Cang Demon God, we still have a chance to make Langlong return again, but..."

Seeing Cheng Shifeng's demeanor after Yue Hou, Liu Juan felt a little relieved, but she still felt very distressed when thinking about Cheng Shifeng's life after Yue Hou, so she was lucky enough to comfort her.

"Brother Qianlang also said that brother Qianlang actually copied the soul of Brother Langlong's primordial spirit before. As long as Brother Langlong's divine body is not broken, there will be a trace of Brother Qianlang's soul left, and the soul of Youcang Demon in it will be eliminated. If you can, you can let Brother Langlong come back.

How is it possible, once the powerful soul of the dark realm of death like You Cang Demon God turns back to the guest, he will definitely not leave any chance for the existence of the remnant soul to Brother Langlong. My brother Langlong will never come back.

However, Feng'er is not afraid, I will miss Brother Langlong in the future, so I will talk to our baby.

Sister Juan, go ahead, Feng'er is really fine! "

When Cheng Shifeng said this a month later, he deliberately quickened his pace and left quickly.

God Qixiang Zhou knew how to keep up, but he didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only let her figure drift away.


Qixiang Zhoushen clearly saw the blue tears flashing in front of Cheng Shifeng after the moon, shook his head and sighed.

"Sister Juan, sister Feng?"

Renhuang Liu Qianlang is very worried about Cheng Shifeng after the moon, and he will come to Yaoyue Shrine to have a look if he has some spare time. Just now when he arrived, he happened to see the scene of Cheng Shifeng drifting away after the moon, so Renhuang Liu Qianlang asked his sister Liu Juan.

"Naturally, she can't forget Langlong, but she has a divine pregnancy, so she finally has something to rely on."

Sister Juan heard what Renhuang Liu Qianlang said, and said.

"Hope it's a girl!"

After hearing the words, Renhuang Liu Qianlang was quite happy for Cheng Shifeng after the month, and said sincerely.

Qixiang Zhoushen was taken aback, and asked:

"Why, why does Qianlang want their baby to be a girl?"

"I can't see Langlong's shadow, maybe it will make him happy slowly!"

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang explained.

"So what, Langlong looks almost the same as you and the nine-bit baby. Even if their baby is a girl, she will suddenly feel sad when she sees you."

Liu Juan shook her head, looked at Ren Huang's younger brother and said.

"This, Qianlang naturally thought of it. It would be much better to let Feng'er participate in divine affairs as little as possible in the future, and let her enjoy a quiet life in Yaoyue Temple and other beautiful places as much as possible."

Renhuang Liu Qianlang thinks so.

"I'm afraid this is just Qianlang's wishful thinking, and Qianlang also underestimated Fengmei.

Love can make a strong woman as gentle as water, and it can also make a gentle woman as strong as steel.

Just now I clearly saw the extremely tough look on Fengmei's face and eyes. Sister Juan thought, all we need to do in the future is to keep her from feeling lonely, and we don’t need to worry too much about her pain. She has already figured everything out and turned her grief into strength. "

Liu Juan recalled the feeling of talking with Yuehou Cheng Shifeng just now, and said quite confidently.

"If this is the case, Qianlang and everyone can finally let go of their hanging hearts. What we are most worried about is that she will be entangled in grief and lose her strength, confidence and hope of life!"

Ren Huang Liu Qianlang sighed after hearing sister Juan's words, feeling relieved.

"By the way, it's less than a year since the resumption of the Fengba Conference. Is there any new situation outside the palace recently?"

After talking about Cheng Shifeng after the month, Liu Juan asked by the way.

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