Nine Heavens

Chapter 3213 Exploring Gu Spirit Vine


"Unexpectedly, the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight Zhou of the God of War escaped the danger of the collapse of the vast ancient source universe, and the mysterious tomb survived, but it could not escape this catastrophe!"

Sensing the return of the Third Brother of the Human Emperor, Supreme Zhanshen sighed as he looked around at the chaotic scene of hundreds of thousands of gods of war in the sky.

"The battle for supremacy among the Hundred Thousand Gods of War is inevitable, but I didn't expect it to be such a prelude.

Although this is cruel, it is not a bad thing for the Taiyuan Continent. Originally, the Taiyuan Continent was short of Haoguyuan energy, but in such a chaotic fight, a large number of Warlords and Gods of War fell. The lack of taiyuan energy in the mainland.

At the same time, it provides an opportunity for us to replenish the physical fitness of the gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine. Now is not the time, let's wait for more than half of the 100,000 universes to fall, and then we will collect tens of thousands of energy for strengthening our bodies. "

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang nodded in agreement with the words of the Supreme Divination God Song Zhen, but said.


"That's right, why did I forget the most important thing? Although the soul energy of our Hundred Thousand Palace Gods of the Nine Lotus Shrine has been strengthened, the energy of the body can no longer keep up with the level of soul energy, and we urgently need to replenish the source of taiyuan energy."

Song Zhen suddenly exclaimed when he heard the words, and at the same time, the five-color eyes showed excitement.

"Presumably, Qianlang has rescued most of his old friends and fellow disciples just now, and the remaining war emperors and war gods are just demons or fallen demons. It would be better for them to fight each other and hurt each other, so as to prevent our Nine Lotus Shrine It took a lot of effort.

However, the rest of God of War Zhou will be difficult to deal with! "

Qixiang Zhoushen cast his eyes towards the direction of Haoguyuan Zhoushande Cloud Palace, and sighed slightly.

"Human Sovereign, seeing how proud the Nine-Life God Demon is, how about the Human Sovereign ordering me and Brother Sirius to take his dog's life secretly?"

Dragon God Huanfeng saw the image of the Nine-Life God Demon who was a good scholar before, and he thought he was elegant and handsome, but after knowing that he turned out to be the Nine-Life God Demon, he looked awkward again.

At this moment, Huanfeng Dragon God found that the energy of Nine Lives God Demon was focused on laughing wildly, so he suggested to Human Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"No! Not only will I not kill him, but I will also find a way to let him continue to be the first war emperor of the New Territory War Emperor order. The Taiyuan Continent still needs him to preside over the overall situation for the time being."

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang shook his head slightly, refuting Huanfeng Dragon God's suggestion.

"Huh? Human Emperor, kill him. Wouldn't it be good for us Nine Lotus Shrine to be the boss of Taiyuan Continent? Didn't Human Emperor always hope that Nine Lotus Shrine would rule Taiyuan Continent!

The opportunity is right in front of us, why doesn't the Human Sovereign act quickly, and why does he still help him? "

Huanfeng Dragon God couldn't understand what Renhuang Liu Qianlang said.

"Hehe, the Nine-Life God Demon is easy to destroy, and the situation in the Taiyuan Continent is difficult to control! Brother Huanfeng, Ningshan Zhanhuang, Buxue Zhanhuang, Tuan Xingzhanhuang, the backgrounds are not simple.

I, the emperor, never wanted to quickly unify the Taiyuan Continent and realize the first big step of the infinite and majestic universe. However, it is not as simple as killing the Nine-Life God Demon!

Brother Huanfeng, please be patient, the time is not yet ripe, it is more beneficial to be the first bird for the time being than the phoenix in trouble. "

Renhuang Liu Qianlang smiled.

"Huanfeng, what Qianlang said is that we can't be in a hurry for now. You are in a hurry for the Nine Lotus Shrine, sister Juan understands, but we should be careful!"

Qixiang Zhoushen also persuaded Huanfeng Dragonshen.


When Huanfeng Dragon God heard that the heavenly god Liu Juan also supported the human emperor Liu Qianlang, he couldn't help but look at the sky wolf, the god of the universe, Cheng Yuanfang, etc., and all the gods nodded slightly.

Huanfeng Dragon God then said:

"Well, since everyone thinks that being careful is the best thing, Huanfeng respects everyone.

However, that guy's complacent look is really annoying, so I'll go stealth and deal with him, so everyone won't object. "

"Ha ha……"

"Since Brother Huanfeng is so interested, why don't I go with you, the Haoguyuan Zhoushandeyun Palace must be empty and empty, why don't we go into the transpiration, maybe we will find some treasures."

Human Emperor Liu Qianlang heard Huanfeng Dragon God's words, and knew that it would be difficult to balance his heart not to let him vent, so he secretly transmitted a few words to Sirius Zhoushen Cheng Yuanfang, so Sirius Zhoushen said.

"Hey, that's a good idea, Human Sovereign, what do you think?"

Although Human Emperor Liu Qianlang usually respects Huanfeng Dragon God as his elder brother, Human Emperor Liu Qianlang is the Lord of the Universe after all. Although Huanfeng Dragon God agrees with Sirius Zhou God's proposal, he still needs Human Emperor Liu Qianlang Lang nodded, so he smiled and looked at Renhuang Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, brother Huanfeng is itchy and unbearable, and Heavenly Wolf Zhou God has suggested so, if the emperor does not agree, I am afraid that brother Huanfeng will ignore me in the future.

However, no matter how much you go to Haoguyuan Zhoushandeyun Palace, you must not reveal the slightest trace of our Nine Lotus Temple's deeds. I don't need to say why. "

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang secretly laughed in his heart, but said very seriously on his face.

"Ha ha……"

"Human Sovereign, don't worry, we'll just blame Ningshan Zhanzhou!"

The Dragon God Huanfeng laughed loudly, pulled the Heavenly Wolf Zhou God, and the two of them waved in front of the gods, leaving the phantom body behind, and the real body quietly left.

"Qianlang, is there anything you want in Haoguyuan Zhoushandeyun Palace?"

After Huanfeng Dragon God and Sirius Zhou God left, Qixiang Zhou God Liu Juan asked the emperor Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, you can't hide anything from Sister Juan, yes, there is a record of the magic scroll in the Golden Tower of the Divine Scroll, and there is a magic tree called Gu Lingvine in the Poison Gu Chaotic Domain.

This Gu spirit vine is a kind of poison that can only grow in the poisonous gu turbid domain. It feeds on devouring the aura of righteous spirits, but what it exudes is the aura of poisonous and turbid evil spirits.

All the descendants of the Taiyuan Continent, that is, all the evil factors in the universe of the fairy gods that we have experienced, are all caused by this poisonous and evil spirit.

Qianlang speculates that there may also be Gu spirit vines in Haoguyuan Zhou Shande cloud, so let Yuanfang and Brother Huanfeng search for it, maybe it will be rewarding. "

Human Sovereign Liu Qianlang said with a smile.

"Oh! That's right!"

"Sister Guling Tengjuan has also heard about Haogu God, Emperor and God Empress. It is said that there were only three trees in the entire Poison Gu Turbid Domain at first, and later because of the majestic Cosmic Light, Cosmic Energy, Qionghao, it was drowned by the Light Divine Energy and died. a tree.

The remaining two became the Poison Demon Supreme Treasure that exists in the Poison Gu Turbid Demon Universe, and it is said that they were planted in the heart of the Poison Gu Turbid Demon Universe.

However, later one of the Gu spirit vines was stolen and lost by an inexplicable poisonous demon in the cloud domain.

In this way, could it be that the Nine Lives God Demon is the inexplicable poisonous demon in the poisonous gu turbid domain who stole the Gu spirit vine! ? "

Hearing Renhuang Liu Qianlang's words, Qixiang Zhoushen thought about it for a while, and sighed in surprise.

"On the surface, this may be the case, but how can such an important magic treasure as the Gu Lingvine be stolen casually, maybe there is a deeper reason for this."

Renhuang Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, and after a moment of silence, said thoughtfully.

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