Nine Heavens

Chapter 3252 Demon God Complains

The three eye-wave demons gathered together, outside the Sun Moon God Emperor's body guard, heard the words of the Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang, they were stunned for a while, then turned their heads to meet their eyes, and exchanged eye waves. .

Then, they looked at the Sun Moon God Emperor with all six eyes, and instantly sent out six frequent eye waves, two black, two red and two green, sparkling, and threw them at the Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang.

Because of the Sun Moon God Emperor's Body Protector, when Liu Dao's eye wave made contact with the surface of the Body Protector, it was immediately counterattacked.

Immediately, six bright flowers of the pupil light bloomed outside the body-protecting god:

"How did you know about our past?"

At the same time as the six radiant eyes bloomed, the Sun Moon God Emperor sensed such a divine breath in his soul.

The Sun Moon God Emperor was shocked, and after thinking about it in his heart, he said truthfully:

"The Emperor of the Sun and Moon God, Liu Qianlang, is a small and cute life form in the Taiyuan Continent's descendant Zhou. The reason why I know of your existence is just a little bit of knowledge through some sporadic records of the infinite and majestic scrolls.

The knowledge of the gods is really limited, the sudden appearance of the god of the moon today is definitely not intentional to disturb the purity of the gods, and naturally he has no malice towards you.

Now that we can communicate with each other, I would like to ask all the gods to grant a passage to the Sun Moon God Emperor, so that the Sun Moon God Emperor can go deep into the outer diameter of the Divine Flower, and go to the Formation of Five Nothings to find the evil scroll of life..."

"Hmph! Those majestic scrolls, the descriptions about us must be full of slander!"

Before the Sun and Moon God Emperor finished speaking, the jet-black demon eyes shot at the body-protecting god outside the Sun and Moon God Emperor's body, and hit the jet-black eyes again, carrying the above unpleasant words.


Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang sighed, and then asked tentatively:

"I also ask the gods to forgive me, the God Emperor Sun Moon has limited understanding, and really doesn't know how true the records in the infinite majestic universe are, he just knows it.

Why, after hearing the words of the gods, I seem to be very dissatisfied with those records. "

"Ha ha……"

"If your Divine Land is invaded by aliens, then the gods of this land will be slaughtered in large numbers, and in the end all but the dead will be imprisoned.

We are the gods of fate in the ancient land of the Zhenyuan Continent, and now we are imprisoned in what they call the outer diameter of the divine flower. In fact, we have gathered all our ancient energy in one place and imprisoned them. It is also known as the outer diameter of the flower of the gods.

In fact, it is the tomb of the ancient local god of the Zhenyuan Continent, or the Prison of Eternal Prisoner.

And they, the hateful intruders, sit back and enjoy the magic power of our 99,999 land of divine flowers. "

When the other party heard Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang's words, they all sneered and sneered angrily.

"What do you mean by the three honored gods? Could it be that there are bad people among our gods of light?"

Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang felt more and more that the other party had a lot of unspoken things in his heart, so he deliberately reminded him.

"Yes! Not only are there, but there are many, many, the so-called immortals in the world of light, but they are all dressed in bright clothes, and they are actually filthy and hypocritical in their bones.

The reason why the immortal gods of our Yanbo God Race finally perished is because of the bright immortal gods. It was they who were extremely dirty, they first entered the Zhenyuan Continent, tried every means to curry favor with us, and gained a firm foothold in the Zhenyuan Continent.

Then, they suddenly attacked us, nearly exterminating all of our eye-wave protoss, and then they monopolized and occupied our Shenhua Land world.

They finally enjoyed it, and sealed our surviving Eyebrow clan here..."

"The three ancient gods may have misunderstood it. The Zhenyuan Flower God of the Zhenyuan Continent can be said to be completely clear and clear. How can there be any slaughtering thoughts!"

Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang spoke to the other party through voice transmission.

"Misunderstanding! Haha..."

"They are really powerful. Not only have they captured our homeland, but they have the ability to convince a naive and stupid descendant god like you that they are the messengers of justice!"

Among the three Gods of Eye Waves, the one with red complexion was staring at Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang with eyes that sparkled with a strong aura.

"The three eye wave demon gods misunderstood before, it's not because this junior doesn't believe your words, it's really because this junior doesn't know anything about your past.

The only information this junior knows is the few words in those majestic scrolls. When it is impossible to tell whether it is true or false, it is natural not to know its mystery.

Now the junior suddenly heard the different words of the three eye-catching seniors, and he didn't believe it, and he didn't believe it. This makes it impossible for the younger generation to prove to themselves whether your words are right or wrong for a while.

However, no matter what the real situation is, the Sun Moon God Emperor actually doesn't want to disturb both of you. No matter which side you are on, you are all equally unfamiliar to the Sun Moon God Emperor.

The reason why the Sun and Moon God Emperor appeared here was only for his relatives in the God Realm. To be specific, the Moon God Emperor only needed the Demonic Fate Scroll today, and would not bother with anything else. "

"It's really nice to say, if you guessed right, it must be that old Dongxi who hinted at your coming.

Do you know why he let you break into the outer diameter of Shenhua? "

"I know, his purpose is, if I don't die, use my light power to strike the ancient eye-wave demon power on the outer diameter of the divine flower, preventing you from rushing out of the outer diameter of the divine flower.

But if I die, it is very suitable for him, and he can just take my dead body, soul, spirit and soul by the way. "

"It seems that you are not stupid, but what you know is very superficial, and its deeper meaning is beyond your imagination!"

"The deeper intention, what is it?"

"It's to cover up their ugliness. They are afraid that if you, the Sun Moon God Emperor, become stronger, you will expose all their origins and their old background, so they want you to die!

If you die, the only budding god who threatens him in the infinite and majestic universe will no longer exist. What follows is their almost eternal world. "

"Hehe, the three demon gods were joking, the Moon God Emperor has ordinary intelligence and limited divine power, how can I make them care so much about me.

Until now, my Sun Moon God Realm is only hidden in the east and west double domes of the Taiyuan Continent. I am not as powerful as Nine Lives, and in the future I am not as good as any God of Divine Flower in the True Yuan Continent.

How could the Sun Moon God Emperor become the fateful opponent of the eye-catching gods, a tool used by Emperor Zhenyuan? "

"It seems that the Jiuyue God Emperor doesn't believe our words. It's no wonder that a small god descended from the Taiyuan Continent who has been bewitched by their hypocritical remarks has no ability to understand us.

For the sake of your words being fair, we don't want to embarrass you anymore, you'd better leave, the Five-No-Magic Formation where the Demonic Fate Scroll is located is not something you can break through. "

The three eye-wave demon gods agreed, their six eyes flashed together, and they warned the Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"No! Absolutely not!"

However, the Sun Moon God Emperor sternly refused.

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