Nine Heavens

Chapter 3267 The Mother of the Divine Scroll


How could the six demon gods let Liu Qianlang and Mo Ming Xiejuan go, looked at each other, and then began to attack.

Their figures were not close to Liu Qianlang, but they suddenly shot out a powerful magic rainbow between each other, front and back, left and right, up and down.

There are six demon gods, six colors of the magic rainbow, which are horrible red, horrible green, earthy yellow, evil black, magic white and deep blue.

At the same time, the six kinds of magic rainbows quickly extended to the left, right, up and down, forming solitary shadows, and their respective magic rainbows quickly connected to each other, and then the colors of the magic rainbows continued to intensify.

Seen from a distance, the six magic rainbows are intertwined with each other, forming a huge closed space like a grid surface, just like the texture on the surface of a football.

Liu Qianlang was locked in the middle of the "football" space.

This closed space is not silent, each segment of the magic rainbow is burning fiercely, and thunder and lightning flash on it, and all kinds of magic energy are continuously filled with powerful, soon Liu Qianlang is in a gorgeous and terrifying huge fireball with six colors. among.

However, because the six demon gods wanted the demonic fate, they were cautious and did not gather the violent demonic energy to the center of the huge fireball.

"This is the Six Demon Soul Fire Formation of our six brothers. Now that you are sealed in it, you are doomed to escape. The Cang Demon God of this tour will say it again, and immediately hand over the Demonic Fate Scroll, otherwise, hehe..."


Demon God You Cang and the other five demons let out bursts of smug dry laughs.

However, Liu Qianlang did not have the slightest change in his expression and movements because of this. He still had a resolute and condensed expression, a firm attitude in his eyes, white hair fluttering around, sister in a white robe, the back of her left hand, and her right hand once again holding her habitually. wearing something.

This time, what Liu Qianlang is holding in his right hand is not the Divine Scroll Golden Tower, but the pitch-black Demon Scroll.

Liu Qianlang maintained such a posture, standing upright on the dragon, majestic and domineering, his eyes flickered, he had no fear of the six demons, only his eyebrows were cold.

Facing the dry laughter of the Six Demons and another threat from You Cang Demon God, Liu Qianlang just said lightly:

"The Six Demon Fire Formation just wants to trap the Moon God Emperor today, you guys are too overestimating yourselves.

However, the Devil Emperor Sun Moon suddenly became interested and wanted to just close his eyes and rest for a while. If you want to seize the evil scroll of evil life, just come in. For the time being, I am too lazy to go out. "

Liu Qianlang, speaking so lightly, actually closed his eyes slightly in front of the six demons around him.

However, he still maintained his unrestrained and proud posture.


"What does he want, is he willing to die?"



Such an abnormal behavior of Liu Qianlang made the six demons greatly unexpected, because their soul communication was very careful and calculated. If Liu Qianlang was fleeing towards the fire formation of the six demons, no matter where they were, they could Taking the opportunity to change form and snatch the evil scroll of life in Liu Qianlang's hand.

And because of the cover of the magic fire, when they transformed into shapes and approached Liu Qianlang, they would be stealthy and swift without anyone noticing.

However, Sun Moon Demon Emperor Liu Qianlang saw through their thoughts at a glance. Liu Qianlang could think of it with his feet, and braking quietly was his best choice at the moment.

However, Liu Qianlang didn't want to waste time because he was besieged by the fire array of the six demons, so he closed his eyes slightly, released most of his consciousness, and paid close attention to the continued movements of the six demons, while using a small part of his consciousness to secretly explore Fate evil scroll.

In the magic life evil scroll, there are generally three parts of the atmosphere: soul refining, body refining, and body-soul integration. This is similar to the general idea of ​​using the soul refining nine tripods to refine the soul, yin and yang to cultivate the divine body, and using the sun, moon, yin and yang primordial spirit to cultivate the sun, moon, yin and yang primordial spirit. The only difference is that it is creating a demon life.

Liu Qianlang was not surprised by the contents of the Demonic Fate Scroll, but Liu Qianlang was shocked by a passage at the beginning of the scroll:

In the infinite and majestic universe, the infinite chaos is far away, and suddenly there is a thousand-year storm, the chaos becomes clear, the sky and the earth begin to divide, the sky above is the sky, and the earth below.

The world of tranquility in the upper sky and the lower earth is transformed naturally, and two divine scrolls are born, both of which are formed by the condensation of the sky and the earth.

The other one, Nenghua Youlan, is shaped like the moon in the back world, so the fairy gods in the back world are called Yinmeng Good Fortune Scroll.

The bright yang rolls to give birth to bright immortals and gods, and the yin sprouts good fortune to refine the life of demons. This is the origin of the Sun Moon Scroll.

Yangjuan God Theory, successful cultivation, can be used to refine the soul-refining cauldron, the body-refining furnace, and the god-refining altar for the life body of the bright immortal.

Yuejuan Demon thought, if you are successful in cultivation, you can refine the Yin Ding, Yin Furnace, Yin Altar, and then refine your soul and body, and then combine with the magic life...

It turns out that the life of the immortal god Zhou came from the two energy volumes of the infinitely distant time of the infinitely majestic universe!

After receiving such information, Liu Qianlang was shocked and completely overturned his previous understanding.

In the past, Liu Qianlang thought that at the beginning of the infinite and majestic universe, there must be a group of Yuanmeng gods, and then the immortals, gods, monsters and demons in the descendant universe are naturally their descendants.

However, according to the records in the preface of the Demonic Fate and Evil Scroll, this is obviously not the case. The common mother of all life bodies in the infinite and majestic universe is actually two scrolls of gods and demons that sprouted naturally.

Liu Qianlang was shocked by such a conclusion or fact, but at the same time fell into endless puzzlement.

The evil moon scroll is here, so where is the light scroll and the sun scroll?

If the Sun Moon Divine Scroll is the infinitely majestic mother of life, then the strange characters on the Moon Demon Scroll were written by various life forms.

If there is a life form of gods and demons beyond the moon demon scroll, then the conclusion of the sun and moon scroll life mother will not hold.

There are many other questions that Liu Qianlang can't understand. For example, why did the Sun Moon God Scroll germinate in the infinite and majestic universe, and how did it change after the Sun Moon God Scroll sprouted, so that life forms sprouted from the Sun Moon God Scroll?

After the birth of the most primitive life form, why is it divided into bright fairy gods and evil spirits?


Just because of the sudden subversion of knowledge, the Sun Moon God Emperor had finally managed to sort out his understanding of the world of immortals and gods, which was completely disrupted, and it was almost impossible to understand the new logic.

Liu Qianlang continued to explore and analyze the contents of the Demonic Fate Scroll, while his thoughts were racing, trying to find a plausible source explanation for his self-knowledge.

Of course, the logic is still chaotic, the more Liu Qianlang thinks, the more incredible he feels everything, as if he is walking on a circular road, surrounded by eternity, with no beginning and no end.

"God Emperor Sun Moon, don't insist anymore, don't think that if you don't come out, we won't deal with you.

No matter how strong you are, you won't be able to hold on for too long. The magic fire of our Six Demon Fire Formation is the real magic fire that originated from the life demon evil scroll.

Just relying on you, a small god descended from the Taiyuan Continent, you won't be able to resist for long, and you will be done playing. If you are smart, quickly hand over the evil scroll to us, and we promise to let you live..."

Just when Liu Qianlang was in confusion, the voice of You Cang Demon God came from Liu Qianlang's ear again.

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