Nine Heavens

Chapter 3277 Vientiane pressure

"Hey, Red Spirit King, why are you in a daze, the Sun Moon God Emperor can't see it anymore?"

Just as the red elf emperor was staring at the Sun Moon God Emperor's leaving back in a daze, the other elf gods shouted one after another.

"It's nothing, I just remembered the scene when we first met him. At that time, he was not very powerful, but his fortitude and majesty at that time were unmatched."

The red elf god, his words are full of envy.


Sun Moon God Realm, Dongyang God Realm, Star God Palace.

The Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang left the Sun Moon God Realm for nearly a million years, and the Supreme Divination God Song Zhen also practiced the Supreme Divination Technique in seclusion for nearly a million years.

On this day, in the cultivation space, the third elder brother of the god emperor returned to the realm and rescued Yangshen. He just flew back from the West Moon God Realm, and he was really happy.

Originally, I thought that the third brother Shendi should rest for a while before disturbing, but because I missed him so much, I couldn't help but go out of the palace to respond on the road.

Song Zhen thought in his mind that it would be better not to be disturbed, but to hide from a distance and take a look first.

With such a calculation in his mind, Song Zhen drew a starry meteor to dazzle the sky, and instantly appeared in front of the third brother of the god emperor flying, but he disappeared after freezing.

Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang quickly flew to Song Zhen's vicinity on the Immortal Fate Stegosaurus that was surrounded by a bright red rainbow.

With the current cultivation level of the Sun Moon God Emperor, although the invisibility magic of the Supreme Occupation God Song Zhen is already at the pinnacle, but the Sun Moon God Emperor can see through it at a glance.

God Emperor Sun Moon looked at the fourth younger brother with fluttering five-colored hair, five-colored eyes looking at him excitedly, wanting to call out but forcibly holding back, black and white two eyebrows wrinkled frequently, he was both happy and funny in his heart.

The Sun and Moon God Emperor clearly saw the truth, pretending not to see his brother, with white hair flying around, solemn expression, hands behind his back, head held high, and he stepped on the dragon as he passed by, but he secretly laughed in his heart.

"Third brother God Emperor, you have worked hard this time, let's rest for the time being, and the fourth brother will visit you."

Song Zhen originally had a happy expression on his face, but when he saw the third brother of the God Emperor passing by his side with such a high-spirited look, he suddenly felt a little disappointed, and he said in his heart.

"Well, don't forget to bring the brother's true love wine brewed by Yexiang."

The Sun Moon God Emperor followed Song Zhen's words.

"Understood Third Brother, Xiang'er has already prepared."

The Supreme Divination God Song Zhen was used to receiving the sound transmission from the soul of the third elder brother of the God Emperor, so he replied after hearing the words.

Then he turned around and wanted to go away, but suddenly his face was full of joy again, his black and white eyebrows twisted frequently, he turned around suddenly, and shouted:

"Third Brother God Emperor, you found me!?"

"Ha ha……"

"With your little invisibility skills, how can you fool Tianling and the other sisters to fool the third brother? I saw you just now as soon as you came out of the Sun Moon God Palace."

God Emperor Sun Moon turned the faucet, stared at the rough-faced fourth younger brother with his warm eyes, and laughed loudly.

"Ha ha……"

Song Zhen also laughed heartily when he heard the words, and then angrily said:

"Then why did you pretend not to see it just now!"

"Why, can't you tease the fourth brother?"

Although Liu Qianlang was exhausted, seeing his brother appearing, because he was so happy, he instantly rejuvenated, and smiled aloud.

"Hehe, the third brother of the God Emperor has failed in his studies!"

Song Zhen also made a joke.

"It's okay, I'm not always around those naughty dolls in the Sun Moon God Realm, but you, aren't you full of childlike innocence, why are you so serious now?"

Liu Qianlang's greatest experience when he came back to the Sun Moon God Realm this time is that no matter the Dongyang God Realm or the West Moon God Realm, there is a strict atmosphere everywhere.

The appearance and disappearance of the same sects that I saw all came and went in a hurry, and I didn't see any scenes of the same sect's fairy gods playing freely in the past.

Therefore, Liu Qianlang asked something else.

"Third brother, we have to be serious. Although we are hidden in the Taiyuan Continent, we can't just sit back and ignore the crisis in the Taiyuan Continent."

Hearing this, Song Zhen's originally relaxed expression suddenly twitched his black and white eyebrows, and said solemnly.

"Could it be that the Dark Realm of Death and the Poison Gu Turbid Realm have broken through the two infinitely majestic Eternal Demon Continents and invaded the Taiyuan Continent?"

The Sun Moon God Emperor was surprised, because he flew all the way back, and he hadn't found any bigger changes in the Death Dark Realm Land and the Poison Gu Chaotic Domain Demon Surge.

"It's not Third Brother, it's Wanxiang Minglu!"

Song Zhen shook his head and said helplessly.

"Wanxiang Minglu, they actually discovered the existence of our Sun Moon God Realm, and..."

Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang couldn't help being even more puzzled, with a dazed look on his face.

"Not only did they discover us, but they also threatened us with annihilation, threatening to destroy Taiyuan if we don't hand over the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining, Yinyang Sports Arena, Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace, and Ninety-Nine Eighty-One Menghun Cave. Continent, let our Sun Moon God Realm have nowhere to hide!"

Song Zhen seemed quite puzzled by this, and shook his head.

"Wanxiang Minglu is the Godland controlled by the second prince of the infinitely majestic emperor. Now there are bright and auspicious beasts on it. How can he suddenly care about the affairs of the outside world, and can target a small hidden world of us!

They seized the soul-refining Jiuding, what did the Yin-Yang Sports Arena and Yuanshen Sun and Moon Furnace do, what did the 9981 Menghun Cave do, their Vientiane Minglu itself belonged to the Mengming Shenlu! ? "

Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang seemed to be talking to himself, his words were nah nah.

"They not only asked for the four artifacts of the God of Light Creation held by the third brother, but also the magic life evil scroll that the third brother brought back this time, and the fairy scroll.

The fourth younger brother naturally knows about the above gods, but the fourth younger brother has never heard of the fairy scroll. "

Song Zhen said helplessly.

"According to what they said, they seem to be saying that there are two scrolls of fate in the infinite and majestic universe, one immortal and one demon.

The Destiny Demon Scroll is the Destiny Demon Scroll in my hands now, and the Destiny Scroll is what they call the Destiny Scroll.

It's just that the third brother has never heard of the fairy scroll. "

Liu Qianlang was also a little dazed, but then Liu Qianlang said again:

"But that's not the point. The point is that we won't give up anything. I don't know how they threatened us. What's your opinion?"

Liu Qianlang asked.

"Third brother, do you remember Hongxian's parents, Hezu and Sanlao?"

Song Zhen looked serious but relaxed a little and asked Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"Of course I remember. The fourth brother said that Wanxiang Minglu sent them to search for our Sun Moon God Realm, and then deliver threats?"

"Exactly, it's just that the three elders of Hezu volunteered to come here because they thought of our kindness to Hongxian. They are concerned about Hongxian, so naturally they will not speak arrogantly, but they also clearly told us that if we don't ask for help from Vientiane Provide the above fetishes, and it is possible to attack the Taiyuan Continent on a large scale at any time."

"They are threatening the safety of Taiyuan Continent. It seems that Taiyuan Emperor probably doesn't know about this situation."

"Yes, the third brother, the fourth brother and the saints have discussed many times whether to go to the Taiyuan Temple and explain everything to the Taiyuan Emperor Nine Fate.

But we have not made up our minds. Now that the third brother is back, it is up to the third brother to make a decision. "

Song Zhen originally didn't intend to say this temporarily, but the situation was urgent, so he had no choice but to say it regardless of the third brother's physical fatigue.

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