Nine Heavens

Chapter 3294 Wolf Shepherd Lord

After the demon soul's memory swept through August, Liu Qianlang's soul memory suddenly burst out of the demon country of the heavenly wolf Zhou God Cheng Yuanfang and the army of Qi demon wolves.

I don't know what he thought of, and he kept chanting:

"Wolf Lord"


Cheng Yuanfang caressed the celestial Moyun,

The gurgling heat flowed continuously from the wrist into the Heavenly Demon Divine Vein cultivated many years ago.

The heat quickly flowed all over the body, and then flowed into the sea of ​​souls.

Suddenly, his mind became hot, and a mysterious soul thought appeared in the sea of ​​souls. Cheng Yuanfang sensed it for a while, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Devil Meteor Divine Art!"

After Cheng Yuanfang was overjoyed, he immediately concentrated his magic consciousness to sense this inexplicable magic formula carefully, and found that this formula is not only the place to establish the relationship between himself and the celestial demon, but also a magical technique.

I don't know the name of this skill, but this magical skill comes from the celestial magic meteor, so two characters are taken from it, and Cheng Yuanfang calls it "the magic meteor magic skill."

And happily said to himself.

Then he said to Wolf Castle:

"Four virtuous wives, two brothers and nine sisters-in-law, you must not leave Wolf Fort, I discovered a magical skill in the Demon Fall of the Heaven Realm.

Please protect the law for me, I will practice now, maybe it can help us break through the strange array of Zhanxie and Shuangsha! "

Then, without waiting for the fifteen people behind him to answer, he was already floating cross-legged on the top of the city, and began to practice according to the Heavenly Demon God Kung Fu formula in the Heavenly Realm Moyun.

Siying Meihu and the others took a look and looked around at each other, feeling very worried in their hearts.

In such a horrific situation, to practice magical skills and be exposed to the opponent's attack, when the breakthrough is weak, wouldn't it be to give the opponent a chance to slaughter! ?

They all wanted to dissuade him, but it was too late. Seeing that Cheng Yuanfang was covered in a burst of wonderful and gorgeous flames, he had already entered the realm of cultivation.

Fifteen people looked at each other, and immediately floated to Cheng Yuanfang's gate guard position, paying close attention to the situation outside Wolf Castle.

At the same time, Cheng Yuanfang also folded his arms for a while, spreading a layer of wonderful and colorful strange light outside the entire Wolf Castle to protect the fifteen people and everything in the Wolf Castle.

"Hmph! Haha!"

Zhan Xie Song Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw that Fang Yuan Fang was not frightened by his own chaotic Luoxiang, Wuji Pan, heaven and earth, and combined into big bursts, and actually practiced magical skills with a calm face.

Immediately, he speeded up the action of closing the seal again, secretly laughing in his heart:

"It won't be long before Wolf Castle will melt, and the so-called Sirius Cult will become history!"

"Hoo! Hoo!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The Four Shadows Meihu, the Nine Blood Sea Profound Girls, the Eagle Demon and the Lion Demon heard the hurricane outside the Wolf Castle becoming more raging through the layer of colorful light, and the extremely powerful divine power kept impacting on the Wolf Castle, sending out Deafening sound.


But half an hour later, the layer of colored light laid by Cheng Yuanfang was instantly broken through, making a dull and frightening sound.

Then, Siying Meihu, the nine Xuannv of the Blood Sea, the Eagle Demon and the Lion Demon were all swept into the depths of Wolf Castle without exception, and could no longer move half a step outward.

"Protect the child!"

Just when Siying Meihu and other fifteen people were blown into the depths of Wolf Castle by the hurricane that poured into Wolf Castle, Cheng Yuanfang roared loudly.

Then he didn't move at all, and continued to practice all over his body with colorful divine fire, his red hair flying wildly, his whole body glowing with strange light, and he continued to practice.

"Husband, don't worry!"

Siying Meihu was afraid that Cheng Yuanfang would be distracted, so he hurriedly responded with difficulty, and then the fifteen people rushed towards the depths of the wolf palace with all their strength, but at this moment the terrifying hurricane had already filled the wolf castle.

There is a son and a daughter from Cheng Yuanfang in the palace, as well as a son from the Eagle Demon and a Lion Demon, and a daughter from the Xuannv of the Nine Realms.

Five eleven or twelve-year-old children were being tightly protected by the wives of the Eagle Demon and the Lion Demon, and were reeling from the hurricane.

Seeing this, the fifteen people immediately helped each other to survive. Hand in hand to forcibly protect the five children. However, the hurricane was getting bigger and bigger, and countless gusts of wind, like a raging dragon, roared and rushed towards them.

Suddenly, an even more terrifying hurricane swept in, and everyone was immediately sucked into a position tens of thousands of feet high in the air, and the next moment they were about to be swept out of the space of Wolf Castle.


However, at this moment, a pitch-black demonic wolf suddenly flew into the sky from the Wolf Castle, raised its head to the sky and howled for a while, and then tens of thousands of huge demonic wolves flew out.

They quickly surrounded Siying Meihu and the others, spitting out blue wolf pills from their mouths.

An incomparably blue brilliance emanated from the wolf core, and these brilliance quickly fused around Siying Meihu and the others, forming a huge blue light ball that enveloped them, and then all the magic wolves immediately jumped onto the blue light ball, He forced the blue ball of light back into Wolf Castle.

Then the eyes of the three wolves were all shining with bright red iris, and they gritted their teeth and crouched tightly under the blue light ball, resisting the more powerful hurricane that kept blowing.

But the hurricane is getting stronger and stronger, and many demon wolves have already been swept away by the hurricane and flew out of Wolf Castle, torn apart by the hurricane while whimpering, and turned into powder.


However, the wolf king who was the first to fly out of the wolf castle raised his head to the moon and howled for a long time, and suddenly a large number of huge three-eyed pitch-black wolves flew out from the depths of the wolf castle.

After these wild wolves and wolf kings looked at each other deeply for a while, they flew onto the huge blue light ball without hesitation, and then spit out wolf pills, so that the huge light ball kept the blue color.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

"Woo! Woo!"

The howling wind was raging and ruthless, and the three-eyed black demon wolf was blown away by the hurricane like snowflakes. The sky was filled with the sound of howling wind and the wailing of the demon wolf unwilling to die.

But they didn't back down because of death, one batch died, and another batch flew onto the blue light ball.

The azure blue light ball was continuously blown up inside the Wolf Castle, and was repeatedly pushed down by countless demon wolves.

Always firmly protect his master from being harmed by the hurricane.

Such a tragic situation did not last for a few hours or a few days, but lasted for more than half a year.


The army of billions of demon wolves, known as Wolf Fort, was the last batch of young and strong demon wolves flying into the hurricane Fenggang, which had reached an unimaginable level.

While tearing away the fur of each demon wolf, the tens of feet long demon wolf wolf king and Cheng Yuanfang's spirit cavalry had already changed beyond recognition, but they still howled clearly.

It has been howling for more than half a year, and its body has already been covered with cuts and bruises, but it is not afraid at all, because it is the wolf king, and as a wolf king, it can only stand and die, but it cannot make the clear howling sound of the wolves have the slightest cowardice. meaning.

Suddenly, the wolf king saw his own wolf son's weak body, which was no more than a foot long, and more than ten thousand other wolf cubs.

It stood inside the blue giant ball, looking at itself with horror in its eyes, with tears in its eyes. It made a whimpering cry.

"Children! Don't cry! All we wolf clan have is toughness and fighting! Life and death!

Unchanging loyalty! Remember, the father is gone, from now on you will be the master's wolf king, protect the brothers and sisters behind you, understand! "

The wolf king's eyes were burning, and he stared at the furry wolf king's child, feeling as if he was being cut by a knife in his heart, said Vicissitudes.

"Father! My son understands! My son will definitely protect the master and the star brothers and sisters, but my son is reluctant to part with my father and queen mother. Will you leave us like countless uncles?"

The wolf king's youngest son was beyond the wolf king's expectation, and he said very happy words in a childish voice.

"Haha! Good job, yes, the father will leave you soon, and those uncles who leave need the father to go to another world to lead.

Don't worry about the father and queen, you must keep practicing to make yourself and your brothers and sisters stronger. Only when you are strong can you protect yourself and your brothers and sisters. "

"Remember, child, you are a proud wolf king! When you grow up, you must become strong and heroic. You must not disappoint your master. You must make your master proud of you, you know?"

The wolf king felt that the opponent's attack had reached the limit level. Although the army of hundreds of millions of wolf demons had fallen except for the weak cubs and himself, the last ten thousand demon wolves, he was finally able to protect his master until he died. Nor did he insult the majesty of the wolf king.

The master's magic skill is about to be successfully practiced, and the wolf king and his master Cheng Yuanfang have an inexplicable connection. It believes that after its last effort, it will definitely create a quarter of an hour of peace and tranquility for the master to break through the last entrance of the magic skill.

And then completed the mission of protecting the master all his life. So he laughed loudly and told the child to say.

"Yes! The child has remembered what the father said! The father must have a chance to come back and visit us!"

The little wolf king was still ignorant of many things, he didn't know that those demon wolves would never come back, and he said hopefully when he heard his father go to accompany them.

Hearing this, the wolf king was heartbroken for a while, and almost shed tears that he thought were extremely humiliating, and then looked at the more than ten thousand demon wolves struggling in the hurricane one by one.

More than ten thousand demon wolves nodded deeply to each other, then looked at the baby wolf in the azure blue light ball below in unison, and then burst into deep red tears.

"Look at you, what a disgrace to the wolf king!"

Seeing this, the wolf king said in a concentrated voice, but he didn't even defend the dignity of the wolf king not to shed tears in the end, and each dark red tear fell on the blue light ball below, hitting the dark red tears one after another.

The Four Shadows Meihu, the Nine Blood Sea Profound Girls, the Eagle Demon and the Lion Demon have seen countless demon wolves under the call of the wolf king use their lives to call for their own peace in the past six months.

Their hearts were already filled with infinite shock and reverence, and at this moment they all knelt down on their knees, staring at the dark red and deep eyes of the wolf king.

Everyone knew what the wolf king and the last ten thousand demon wolves were going to do, and there was no way to repay them. They could only hold the baby wolf in their arms and tell them that the great kindness is great, and only the queen who treats the wolf king well in the future!

When the wolf king saw his master hugging the baby wolf, he understood what he meant and nodded his head to express his gratitude.

The red tears of tens of thousands of magic wolves fell on the blue light ball, and thousands of blood-red tears bloomed, which was absolutely amazing. The beauty that cannot be reproduced flashed through the eyes of everyone and every baby wolf, but it was eternal. engraved in their hearts.


Finally, the wolf king was the first to raise the majestic head of the demon wolf, and let out a distant wolf howl. Then more than ten thousand demon wolves shook their bodies, put on the most majestic posture of the wolf clan, raised their heads and howled.


The wolf king and the tens of thousands of wolf kings suddenly collapsed, and the tens of thousands and the demonic wolf primordial spirit burst out an incomparably terrifying demonic power in an instant, pushing the countless hurricane vortices in the wolf castle out of the wolf castle in an instant, making the wolf castle In a short period of time, there was no wind at all.


Just a moment after the wolf king and tens of thousands of demon wolves destroyed their primordial spirits to save their master, within the azure blue light sphere, led by the little wolf king, more than ten thousand little demon wolves in the azure blue light sphere also raised their heads and let out The sound of the immature howl of wolves!

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