Nine Heavens

Chapter 343 The Trip to the Northwest

Eighty-one strange peaks in the vast land of Shenzhou, among which the nine largest mountains are Longyun Mountain, Xiuluo Mountain, Cangshan Mountain, Wanjian Mountain, Tiangang Mountain, Zhushan Mountain, Heming Mountain, Qiongshan Mountain and Jiuxian Mountain. Strange changes are taking place in all directions and directions of the city.

Standing on the emerald green dragon, Liu Qianlang went all the way to the northwest of the vast land of Shenzhou from the weird arctic sky where the four stars gathered.

Cuigan Shenlong frowned, red eyes focused forward, let go of the nine dragon claws, and scratched wildly in the clouds, moving forward like a flying shuttle, Liu Qianlang held his head high, his silver hair fluttering , flashing eyes to analyze the changes in all directions of the world. The Xianyuan Sword and the Xuanhei Excalibur follow their shapes, one on the left and the other on the right, drawing two black and red long rainbows on the head of Liu Qianlang. Breaking through the void, there were bursts of whistles.

Seeing the seven red moons in the east, the dark night in the northeast, the falling catastrophe in the southeast, the immortal rainbow in the west, the black sun in the southwest, the gathering of four stars in the north, the sea of ​​fire in the south, and the countless mountains in the northwest spinning in the void, All the ominous omens of the Eight Firmaments appeared. While Liu Qianlang was astonished, he was also full of pride. A good man should not waste his life if he is proud of the sky and dominates the universe. Therefore, seeing such a disaster in Mortal Realm, Liu Qianlang not only did not have the slightest fear, but was extremely A majestic heart like never before!

At this moment, one person, one dragon and two swords are flying with all their strength in the direction of the Qiongzhaofei Hanging Peak in the northwest of the Ouyang family in Liufeng.

Two days later, Liu Qianlang gradually approached the area where the Ouyang family of Liufeng was located, and saw countless large and small mountain peaks in the sky in the sky, among the layers of clouds, floating and rotating everywhere, high and low, There are faint layers of forest undulating with the wind, or the figures of some animals jumping up and down. On the other hand, there are rivers and rivers running everywhere on the land, and only a very small part of the land is above the water, forming some extremely low islands.

Liu Qianlang let go of his powerful spiritual sense, and at the same time raised his eyesight to tens of millions of breaths, and carefully explored and analyzed the land and countless floating peaks, looking for the location of Liufeng Ouyang Tongyun Peak.

After some analysis, it was found that there were flood victims everywhere on the ground, but there was no Tongyun Palace at all. Liu Qianlang first waved his sleeves and shot a very strong spirit force towards a low island, and then activated the magical art of shrinking the pulse, abruptly raising the low island by tens of feet, and then shaking the surrounding chaos. The escaped victims came here, seeing that they had climbed onto the island one after another and were safe, Liu Qianlang moved his gaze to the countless floating peaks in front of him again.

After probing for a long time, joy gradually appeared in his eyes. Just as the sound-transmitting Cuigan Shenlong was heading towards a floating mountain peak thousands of miles away, he suddenly felt a wave of air waves thousands of feet away behind him. Soon after, he saw three Three beautiful women of different shapes and colors came hand in hand.

The leading woman was dressed in dan powder, her face was like a peach blossom, her eyes were embroidered and her eyebrows were embroidered, her mouth was like red dandelion, her face was full of fragrance, and she was wearing a white embroidered handkerchief under her feet. On the left is a slender woman in Tsing Yi, with a dignified face, cold and serious, and a sword that is also cold. On the right is a charming woman with twinkling eyes and infinitely unrestrained demeanor, leaning on a fragrant chair with rustling flowers. The three women were all full of spiritual power, and covered their bodies with a faint but extremely hard spirit gang, carrying a fierce aura from afar.

The three women saw a white-clothed and silver-haired man suddenly appearing in front of him, stepping on a majestic emerald-colored long dragon, and two unworldly swords trembling and moaning on their shoulders, they were all surprised. When they got closer, they turned out to be regretful. Liu Qianlang, who Xin Bingkuo made a living again, couldn't help but flashes of joy in his eyes.

Liu Qianlang saw that it was the Empress Moqing, the master of Cuihe Peak, Fairy Suifeng, the master of Xialang Peak, and Master Sukong of Peacock Cliff. Your Majesty the Peak Master!"

Empress Moqing, Fairy Suifeng and Master Xukong nodded one after another. Seeing that the other party is already a powerful late-stage alchemist, even better than himself, and now they have captured such a heavenly beast as a mount to protect them. The future is really limitless .

There was a strange thought in her heart. No matter how she looked at it now, Empress Mo Qing felt that the young man in front of her was much stronger than that invincible Mr. Wenyang. It was a pity that Fang Tianying, the apprentice, missed this young man because of his xinxing power, otherwise the future would definitely be brighter.

Because Master Xukong knew that his disciple Yun Qianmeng liked the young man in front of him, he married Ouyang Langlong, the son of Yun Dian Tiankuang, who is now the most evil man. Now he is missing again, and his life and death are uncertain. It is really heartbreaking. Among the three, Fairy Suifeng didn't have any deep feelings for Liu Qianlang, but she had a lot of good feelings for Liu Qianlang out of thin air when she saw the other party's unrestrained atmosphere.

Empress Moqing stared at Liu Qianlang for a while, and asked tentatively: "Dare to ask why Liu Shaoxian came here?"

"Senior calls you that, and this junior is ashamed. The main purpose of this junior is to slaughter the countless monsters in Tongyun Palace, so as to prevent them from escaping and endangering all directions!" Liu Qianlang said without reservation.

The three peak masters nodded their heads one after another to express their approval, and Fairy Suifeng praised: "At such a young age, my cultivation base is so high, and I think about everything for the common people in the world, and I can endure humiliation, even though I was wronged and turned into a judgement." Gu, who suffered countless tortures, even repaid kindness with hatred, and still treated us with courtesy, this peak lord admires me so much!"

"Peak Masters! Please!" Liu Qianlang said politely after hearing the words.

"En! Liu Shaoxian is welcome too!" After the three peak masters finished speaking, they took the lead in shooting towards the countless floating peaks in front of them. When Liu Qianlang saw her, she couldn't stop her. When he saw the figures of the three peak masters condensed into a point in the layer of clouds, Liu Qianlang once again drove the Cuigan Shenlong to fly towards the mountain thousands of miles away.

About an hour later, the mountain peak finally appeared in Liu Qianlang's sight, and there was a huge man in a black cloak standing on top of the mountain, holding a black flag in his hand, and a soft and beautiful woman in front of him Leaning in his arms, looking up at his face with infinite tenderness. And behind them, there are ten tall monsters with different expressions, lying down, squatting, or standing up and down! Some raised their necks and neighed, some roared, and some scrambled four questions!

This person is Ouyang Langlong, and Liu Qianlang recognized it at a glance, but to his great surprise, the woman in her arms turned out to be Ye Xiang, a die-hard fan of his buddy Song Zhen. Looking at their intimacy, it was beyond Liu Qianlang's expectation. In his impression, Liu Qianlang remembered that this junior sister Yexiang didn't seem to have a good impression of this Ouyang Langlong, why they don't care about this kind of thing now, Liu Qianlang is not very concerned about it, what they care about is how to deal with the relationship between Liu Qianlang and the mountain in front of them All the demonic things in Shangtongyun Palace.

The other party stood here at this time, obviously expecting that he would definitely come back, so he intentionally waited here. Looking at the black flag in Ouyang Long's hand and the ten divine beasts behind him, Liu Qianlang suddenly remembered the introduction of the immortal formation in all directions in the vast land of Shenzhou in the ancient scriptures of the Coconut Kingdom. Among them, the immortal formation in the northwest direction is Jiuyang Divine Beast Formation. The black banner held by Ouyang Langlong should be the core artifact of this formation, the Jiuyang Banner, and the ten divine beasts behind him should also be the auxiliary artifacts of this formation.

These ten prehistoric beasts are Huang Yan, Liang Yu, Chi Li, Hua Dun, Ba Jia, Li An, Ya Liao, Ang Ji, Kai Su and Kong Rong.

Huangyan looks similar to a unicorn, with a red body, a lion head and a horse face, a crocodile mouth and fangs, with fire attributes, a violent temper, and the ability to breathe out fiery flames.

Liangyu, with the body of an ox and the head of a tiger, has two wings and is metallic. He is good at emitting powerful light. When flying, he can bring bright light to the world. He is worshiped by the world and is revered as the God of Light.

Chili, a five-clawed dragon, water attribute, aloof and perverse, capable of causing great floods, has mixed praise and criticism in the eyes of the world, and is called the god of water by the mortal world.

Hua Dun, the ice-winged snake, has the wind attribute and is good at creating hurricanes. Indifferent and ruthless temperament, quick action, the world called Fengshen.

Overlord Armor, crocodile body and dragon head, metal, can make thunderbolts, extremely irritable, moody, and is revered as the god of thunder by the world.

Lie An, with a fish body and female head, wood attribute, good at making all kinds of lightning, splitting the sky and splitting the earth, has a cold and arrogant personality.

Ya Liao, turtle body, fire wings, two songs, one front and one back, looking forward to the future, looking back to the past, ice attribute, stubborn personality, meticulous, good at spitting ice, respected as the god of time in the world.

Angji, with a wooden body and the head of an eagle, has countless feet and feet, which change indefinitely. Wood attribute, high-pitched personality, easily excited, good at coloring all things in the world, revered as the god of agriculture and mulberry.

Open breath, like a turtle head, with two horns on the head, wings, complete five elements, peaceful and generous personality, good at insight into the good and evil of the world, and the World Honored One is the god of space.

Empty, like the sea, vast and boundless, only hear its sound, not see its shape, no attribute, everything can be condensed.

When Ouyang Langlong saw Liu Qianlang shot by Yulong from afar, he just took a relentless glance, then lowered his head and kissed Ye Xiang's messy strands of hair in the wind, and said softly: "Beauty! Hehe, leave it to These monsters are gone, let's go." After finishing speaking, he waved the Nine Sun Banner in his hand towards Liu Qianlang, and then flew towards the clouds deep in the mountain with Ye Xiang in his arms, without looking back.

When the ten prehistoric beasts behind him saw the order from the Nine Sun Banners, they suddenly became agitated, straightened up one after another, raised their heads and stared at a dragon, a man and two swords flying towards them.

After a while, Liu Qianlang drove the Cuigan Shenlong to a position hundreds of feet away from the mountain peak and stopped, and began to carefully look at the ten sacred beasts standing up and roaring at different heights on the cliff of the opposite mountain peak.

Standing closest to Liu Qianlang is a crimson wild flame, his body is full of flames, his huge lion-like head has a long mouth like a crocodile, and there are rows of gleaming fangs around it. With a big scarlet tongue, the saliva dripped continuously.

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