Nine Heavens

Chapter 3591 perfect ending

Death Dark Realm Land.

When the Sun Moon God Realm Emperor and Guangming Dongjun came to the edge, they no longer saw the darkness before, the magic smoke billowing, and the smell of death everywhere.

In the sky above it, there was a beautiful woman floating in Pingting.

This beautiful woman is dressed in pure white, with a fluttering skirt, fair and moist face, and a skirt like pear blossoms. Her eyes are clear and elegant, and her hair is tied in a bun. She is beautiful and proud.

She quietly watched the Sun Moon God Emperor and others who came tens of thousands of miles away, floating in the void, without the slightest surprise in their eyes.

However, the Sun Moon God Emperor and others all had expressions of extreme astonishment.

The magic phoenix pill?

When the Sun and Moon God Emperor saw the other party, he asked himself in his soul, and then looked around at the completely immortalized and beautiful world of immortals around the other party, and he was actually full of gratitude for the other party.

"Aren't you here to kill me, You Yuan, Emperor of the Dark Realm of Death! Then do it!"

This exquisite woman has a clear and trembling voice, such a beautiful voice is unique.

"No need, you have killed your former self, and now the Demon Phoenix Pill is a supremely holy and beautiful existence, so we don't have any reason to kill you?"

Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang saluted respectfully and said.

"I've seen the magic phoenix pill!"

Guangming Dongjun, Supreme Zhanshen, Tianlang Zhoushen, Qixiang Zhoushen, Yangshen Yuehou, etc. saw the actions of Sun and Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang, and they all saluted and greeted them.

"The fate of the emperors of the nine directions has come, and the goddess of the tenth direction is missing. This day was my expectation, and I was also afraid of it.

I tried my best to prevent this day from coming, but it came, and it came.

I, Youyuan, can't even understand myself. My last move has changed from slaughtering and devouring the infinite and majestic universe to protecting the infinite and majestic universe.

Seeing the Dafa body that is within easy reach, You Yuan also suddenly felt that he didn't want it anymore. So what if I, You Yuan, a powerful Wuji possessed a Dharma body. It would be better to watch the eternal gods and immortals floating in the sky in the infinite and majestic universe, and the universe is beautiful. "

"Youyuan, you finally figured it out, you really decided not to return to the infinite soul universe?"

"What do you do when you go back? You were despised and exiled by the gods, and you only came back to prove that you are strong, but you still continue to live under the power you hate!

No! I suddenly understood that the idea of ​​the Sun Moon God Emperor, the Hundred Thousand Palace Gods of the Sun Moon God Realm, and your Demon Dragon Ball was right from the start.

All the beauty in this world does not come from desires, but more from inaction! "

Youyuan seems to be talking to himself, and it seems to be confessing and asking Guangming Dongjun.

"Then you mean that you don't want to leave the infinite and majestic universe, and you will live in the infinite and majestic universe in the future?"

Guangming Dongjun asked tentatively.

"I'm not leaving, why did I leave such a beautiful world, there are countless miracles I have created here, this is what I should really be nostalgic for!"

Because of these words, a faint smile appeared on You Yuan's haughty face, an infinitely touching smile, and his eyes flickered for a moment, making him even more astonishingly beautiful.

"The death energy of those mysterious demons in the Dark Realm of Death?"

"That's not easy, you forget, I am the pill of the magic phoenix, devouring the magic energy, purifying the gods, that's my free skill, I swallow and digest all the magic energy in the Dark Realm of Death!"

You Yuan said softly.

"Thank you, Magic Phoenix Pill!"

Hearing this, the Sun Moon God Emperor thanked him very much.

"You don't have to thank me, but Youyuan thinks you are more respectable, you are my creation and wonder, but I fall behind in your pursuit of good wishes.

But fortunately, it was you who insisted on my original intention of creating you, let me have a greedy dream, and the wrong trip finally returned to the original point.

From now on, you don't have to worry about me, Youyuan, hurting you any more. If you are still worried, just kill me, and the Phoenix Pill will never fight back! "

You Yuan spoke calmly and looked calm.

"No! We have hated, vendetta, and anger towards you in the past, but that is the past, at least you are the devil!

Now, the magic phoenix pill takes the initiative to abandon the devil and return to immortality, which is exactly what we wish for. Our wish is that all the immortals in the infinite and majestic universe will be beautiful, including you naturally.

The magic phoenix pill, as the creator of everything in the infinite and majestic universe, will eventually return to the simple jade soul, which is the ultimate perfection of the infinite and majestic universe.

Such an unexpected and happy ending is exactly what we are pursuing after going through untold hardships and going through layers of universes.

Just when we are at the most dangerous, difficult, and likely to fall short, facing you, the greatest enemy, you suddenly look back and become our benefactor, which creates a perfect future for the infinite and majestic universe! "

Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang saluted for the third time and said sincerely.


All the gods speak together.

"Since you can still accept my abyss, then I will stay and enjoy the beauty of the infinite and majestic universe like you.

But I don't like the trip to the divine body anymore, er, the matter of flying in the sky and floating in the sky, I just want to quietly watch your beautiful day and night life every day.

So I want to become the god of the infinite and majestic universe, the moon, and command all the responsibilities of the infinite and majestic universe, the universe, the bright moon, and the sky. "

You Yuan looked at the Sun Moon God Emperor, and asked after a while.

"Very good! Very good! Senior Youyuan is willing to do this, and commanding all the gods and moons in the infinite and majestic universe is your original divine duty. This is the best. It's just that I have wronged you!"

Sun Moon God Emperor Liu Qianlang naturally accepted it happily.

"Ha ha……"

"Since the magic phoenix pill is the moon in the sky, my magic dragon ball will be the sun in the sky. You lead all the gods and moons, and I will protect the gods of the universe.

Originally, you and I came together, but now we are in the same space, calm and not lonely, always looking at the beauty of the infinite and majestic universe, and we are also contributing to it, how about it? "

Guangming Dongjun heard the words and said with a smile.


"Your Magic Dragon Ball hasn't got rid of my Magic Phoenix Pill's plot against you, and you are still more beautiful than me in the end. That's good, my Magic Phoenix Pill is very willing."

You Yuan let out a crisp, heartfelt laugh.

"Guangming Dongjun calls Yang, what if the beautiful Goddess is Xiyue?"

The Sun Moon God Emperor suggested.

"Bright and beautiful, um! It's very appropriate to call the two of us that way, so let's call them Dragon Ball Guangming Dongjun, and I'll be called Meimei Shenji.

In the future, you will be responsible for the affairs of the gods, sun, and moon in the infinite and majestic universe, so you can boldly create a more expansive beauty in the infinite and majestic universe. "

Meimei Shenji savored it for a while, then nodded slightly, expressing her satisfaction.

Ha ha……

Seeing that the two infinite and majestic Zhouyuan gods, the magic phoenix pill and the magic dragon ball, the gods were satisfied, they naturally laughed happily.

"So, we're all happy, and there's one big thing left. We'll go back to the Sun Moon God Realm together. Together with the hundred thousand palace gods, we'll be enshrined in the gods' court, and the feast is over!"

The Sun and Moon God Emperor, with white hair flying in the rainbow, and a white robe hunting, stepped on a dragon in the air, said with a loud smile.

"It is also!"

Ha ha……

The gods looked around at each other, and the beautiful Goddess approached. The gods turned around and joined hands, and together they drifted towards the Sun Moon God Realm...

(End of the book)

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