Nine Heavens

Chapter 373 Reappearance of Kindness

Thinking of this, Liu Qianlang's eyes showed a faint killing intent, and a coldness instantly hit Fang Tianyingfang. Fang Tianyingfang stared at Liu Qianlang's fluttering white hair, and suddenly shuddered, but then there was a burst of charm on her face, and the charming and charming feeling in her eyes, as always with affection. Liu Qianlang looked at this woman, and was honest in his heart. This woman has a charming figure and a soft face, and she is indeed a beauty. Yuan Jian. However, at this moment, a colorful brilliance flashed in front of his eyes, and Fang Tianyingfang disappeared. When Liu Qianlang saw her again, the woman was already standing by the side of Palace Master Qinghua.

Forget it, she's just a snobbish woman, and besides, she's from the Xuanling sect. Liu Qianlang glanced at Fang Tianyingfang and Palace Master Qinghua and didn't say anything. To the twelve peak masters on the altar, he said loudly: "Disciple Liu Qianlang pays homage to all the peak masters!" and bowed deeply.

Seeing Liu Qianlang who appeared in the last few seconds when the full moon reached Zhongtian, the twelve peak masters were all overjoyed, and then they saw that this son instantly cut Mr. Wenyang into a blood mist, seriously injured Shura Temple hosts Vientiane update! Except for Bing Po Daoist, the faces of the twelve peak masters couldn't help but change instantly, they were all horrified!

Secretly surprised in my heart, this son has not seen him for five years, and his strength has reached such an astonishing level, and judging from his state, he has not yet used his true strength. If it is a few years later, it is really hard to imagine what his future will be. It was terrible!

However, while the peak masters were shocked for a while, they were all comforted in their hearts. No matter how domineering this kid is, he is a member of the Xuanling sect after all. His domineering is the majesty of the Xuanling sect!

Among the eleven peak masters, especially Master Huolong, Master Zixiao and Master Aoyu, seeing Lou Qianlang chopping Young Master Wenyang into a bloody mist with a few swords, felt so comfortable, then there is no one else!

Next to him, Master Fufeng saw that this apprentice, who was only driven by his own pity, had achieved such an amazing fortune in five years, he was so lucky and emotional that he couldn't express it in his heart.

The peak masters next to you looked enviously, and the feeling of being despised that I had suffered for more than a thousand years was instantly swept away, and the once chic and arrogant mood washed away my heart again. Daoist Fufeng didn't say a word, he stared at his lover in white with infinite love, handsome eyes, and silver hair, with a thousand words in his heart.

However, facing such a sudden change, Bing Po still had a calm expression on his face. The huge green robe outside his body wrapped his stalwart figure, and he sat majestically in the majestic position that the head of the peak should sit.

Liu Qianlang didn't seem to care about the scene of Liu Qianlang slaughtering Young Master Wenyang and severely injuring the host of the Shura Temple, Lingbo looked up and down Liu Qianlang with flickering eyes, and nodded with a slight smile.

After Liu Qianlang saluted, he raised his eyes to meet Bing Po's clear and bright gaze, especially when he saw the giant green robe outside his body, his heart couldn't help but a shock, and a doubt in his heart was instantly solved.

It turns out that the person who guided me to the Bingkuo of Regret in the Cave of Amnesia turned out to be the Master Bingpo, the head of the Xuanling Sect, above! Liu Qianlang had doubts about this before, but he really had no reason to support his guess, and it was easily overturned. But seeing the other party's eyes at this moment, and the familiar blue giant robe, Liu Qianlang had to believe that his previous guess was right! But why the other party took such care of him is really puzzling.

Before I entered the Xuanling Sect, I should say that I had nothing to do with the Xuanling Sect. After entering the door, I joined Xiaotian Peak and had nothing to do with the leader who had been extremely cold before. What is the reason for this? Liu Qianlang met Bing Po's gaze again thoughtfully.

However, Bing Po Daoist just stared at him and nodded slightly, and then his gaze swept to the people from other sects of His Highness.

With such a sudden change, the people around couldn't help being shocked when they looked at the silver-clothed and white-haired Liu Qianlang who was leaking spiritual power frequently. Even Taoist Qingxin, who had been absent-minded all this time, couldn't help being moved.

If the incomparable Mr. Wenyang slashed him with a sword, I have no objection, but Wanxiang Shura, who is the host of Shura Temple, did not say anything inappropriate, just because he left the meeting place a few seconds early It's a bit too much to be attacked by the other party in such a short period of time!

Taoist Qingxin frowned, stood up and looked at Liu Qianlang and scolded: "Liu Shaoxian has suffered five years of injustice, and I have some resentment. I feel the same, but this must not be a reason to kill innocent people in vain! Isn't it too much for someone who is famous in the world and is a well-known supporter of Shura Temple to be seriously injured by Liu Shaoxian like this! This old man is not talented, so I need to ask for advice!"

Taoist Qingxin, after finishing speaking, his white-haired and childlike face became cold for a while, his eyes flashed, and his slender and thin figure appeared strangely in front of Wanxiang Shura, who was staring blankly. A layer of cyan-colored Linggang, with a glow between the palms, is about to make a move.

At this moment, an empty Buddha's chant came: "Amitabha! So good! Wait a minute, Taoist with a pure heart! Lao Nalai!" As soon as the words fell, everyone followed the reputation, and outside the gate of the temple, a golden Buddha flew over. The thin monk in the robe, his face was flushed and his eyes were like torches, he glanced at the twelve peaks on the altar and said: "Ping Mingte, the abbot of the Law Court of Shura Temple, came to capture the traitor Wanxiang Shura, and disturbed the twelve peaks. I am really ashamed of the quietness of the peak master and the Zhengdao friends who were present! I have no face to stop here, and I will let Ai Tuciyuan explain the reason for it!" After finishing speaking, Chao Liu Qianlang put his hands together and said: " Liu Shaoxian is benevolent! I still saved this traitor's Dharma body for me, thank you so much!" Then he twisted his body and carried the Vientiane Shura with him, and disappeared with a flash of golden divine light.

The people around were puzzled for a while, and they all wondered in their hearts, what happened to this Vientiane Shura, unexpectedly alarmed the rare monk Pingming of the Shura Temple to appear in person to arrest people!

Taoist Qingxin's flashing blue spirit gang submerged into his body again in a short while, he couldn't help being embarrassed by what he had done, and stayed where he was, not knowing what to do.

Just at this moment, another Buddha's call came: "Amitabha, Master Ci Yuan, please excuse me!" After speaking, I saw a monk in a red cassock floating up outside the temple door, followed by a monk in a purple robe and white gauze. A slim woman with face coverings.

Everyone looked intently, and they were all taken aback, because it was widely rumored that Master Ciyuan had died at the hands of Liu Qianlang five years ago. Afterwards, Master Ci Yuan stood in front of everyone intact again!

What is even more unexpected is that the woman behind her saw the mountains and rivers above the hundreds of millions of hectares of clouds on the right, and flew towards them, and before she could reach her body, she yelled softly: "Father! "

Everyone was stunned, and thousands of miles away couldn't help being surprised, took the girl into his arms, took off the veil, and saw that it was his beloved daughter Yaoyun, for a moment, his hands trembled, and the old man said with tears: "Yaoyun!" ! You are not dead! Hahaha!"

Thousands of miles away, my beloved daughter has been lost for five years and has been found again. She has long forgotten the people around her, caressing her beautiful hair, crying until she is confused, completely devoid of elegance.

Hehe, today is really evil, what is going on here, the people around are shocked, and they can't help being at a loss, you look at me, I look at you, shaking their heads.

Master Ci Yuan saw that Yao Wanli had calmed down a little, turned around and stared at Liu Qianlang, his four eyes met, and they all nodded slightly. Then, Master Ciyuan faced the twelve peak masters on the altar and said loudly: "This time, I have come here to fulfill the entrustment of the Supreme Master of the Mountain Gate, to clarify the fact that I was killed five years ago, so as to return Liu Shaoxian's innocence! Thank you, all peak masters." And Daoist Qingxin and all righteous people present as witnesses! What I said next is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood!" Thousands of people counted money inside and outside the Sixteen Immortal Gate and the Palace Gate, and thousands of people saluted.

Then he went on to say: "It is indeed true that Liu Shaoxian gave the most precious treasure of the old monk's family back then. After the old Nadebao, he knew that the responsibility was heavy, so he traveled day and night, and rushed back to Shura Temple in less than three days, because he was afraid of causing an uproar. , Lao Na just secretly handed Yaotianjian to the host Vientiane Shura, hoping that he would tell the high-level officials to seal the treasure in the Treasure Pavilion! The matter of the most precious treasure. When I was anxious, I suddenly received a sly word from Liu Shaoxian, telling me to beware of Wanxiang Shura who has the intention of killing people with hidden treasures and telling me a kind of illusion technique! Ask me to create a virtual prosthesis , to seal a little awareness in it, just in case. Although I did this at the time, I didn’t really believe that hosting Vientiane Shura would be like Liu Shaoxian guessed. However, what I didn’t expect was that in a hidden place, Vientiane Shura actually destroyed the old monk's phantom body with a bang! At that time, maybe it was a guilty conscience, and Wanxiang Shura didn't check the old monk's phantom body, so he ordered someone to burn it! At that time, all thoughts of the old monk were lost, and he never expected to be worshiped by the old monk. The host turned out to be such a cruel, greedy and unrighteous person! In desperation, according to Liu Shaoxian's reminder, he rescued the girl Yaoyun in the same way, and then hid together in a secret place. This stay lasted for five years. When Liu Shaoxian sent someone to summon him, we knew he was out of disaster, so I dared to show up again."

Master Ciyuan finished the outline of what happened in one breath, and then his eyes fell on Yaoyun who was beside him thousands of miles away.

Yaoyun wiped away the tears all over his face, and then said: "Back then, I was leaving Mitiansha Valley and flying over billions of hectares, when I suddenly received a letter from Master Ciyuan, telling me the art of illusion, and asked me to I quickly hid. I don't know why, just when I hid properly, I saw Mr. Wenyang and Yun Dian Tiankuang, the master of Tongyun Palace of Liufeng Ouyang family, sneaking around for a while, and appeared strangely behind my phantom body, and then Under the attack, my phantom body was injured beyond recognition, and then Mr. Wenyang sneered, and put a shining white bead into my phantom body's arms, and then the two of them laughed wildly and left! But I was shocked , didn’t dare to show up rashly, until a few days later, Master Ci Yuan found us, and we disappeared together!”

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