Nine Heavens

Chapter 403 Blood Coagulation Formation

Xiao Qiaolang's body is changing, starting from his arms, as the bright red dots enter his palm, his body instantly becomes transparent, those red dots are clearly visible, like countless tadpoles swimming from his palm to his arms inside, into the chest, and down the length of the legs and feet.

His eyes were particularly strange, with red spots flickering, as if they were about to explode.

In the darkness, an almost completely transparent blood-colored person, with dark red dots all over his body, looked shocking and terrifying.

The red dot gradually became blurred, and countless bloodshots radiated out, connected to each other, and merged with each other non-stop. After a while, Xiao Qiaolang's body was no longer transparent, but it was darker red, at least tens of times thicker than before. times.

He still had a smile on his face, but the five bloody red swords on his head were stacked together at some point and became one handle. After the five blood coagulation swords became one handle, they were bigger than before and the color was thicker. Stinging and flowing, sparkling, also full of weirdness.

The blood coagulation sword hasn't killed yet, but it's dripping blood. It's not blood, it's real blood, it's Xiao Qiaolang's own blood, and it's the blood of the other four people who turned into blood mist.

Xiao Qiaolang didn't know why he was so happy, he was still smiling, when the blood coagulation sword pierced his finger, he stared at the sword light and smiled knowingly.

This smile is very evil, Liu Qianlang doesn't understand, but he knows that a smile doesn't necessarily have a good meaning. Especially at this moment, the other party will never show any friendly behavior, because he can even kill his own senior brother at will!

After killing someone, he is still smiling there, looking at his brother's blood and smiling!

Blood coagulation sword dripping with vicissitudes of life, shocking! It was covered in flames, dripping with blood, and flew to the sky, the blood color wandering the sky, appearing and disappearing in the dark clouds with a radius of thousands of miles, and shuttled mysteriously.

Shocked, confused, and depressed, Liu Qianlang watched intently and curiously.

Xiao Qiaolang was still smiling, laughing non-stop, an evil smile.

But his face was pale, without a trace of life. The eyes are ice-cold, and the deep red is full of darkness!

Xiao Qiaolang's blood coagulation sword turned into a bloody red rainbow, like a strange python, like a blood dragon, crazily undulating and circling in the sky.

It is devouring, it is destroying, and he wants to turn everything around him into an evil crimson blood.

During the teacup time, Liu Qianlang saw that the sky was suddenly filled with colorful clouds, like the night receding, followed by the rising of the fiery red sun, and the sky was full of fiery red, forming a blood fog all over the sky.

The blood mist is so beautiful! But at the same time as it is beautiful, the powerful breath of death is quickly coming from all directions!

The red is thorough, the red is perfect, the red is getting thicker and thicker, and the blood mist merges to form thick red clouds.

From the horizon to Liu Qianlang and Xiao Qiaolang quickly bridged.

The breath of death also became stronger and stronger, getting closer.

Seeing the darkness of the sky thousands of miles away turning red, Liu Qianlang was guessing the other party's intentions.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them were in the dark space of less than ten feet in the middle of this bright red world, as if they were in a dream, or submerged in the ocean of red sea water.

The red color became thicker and thicker, and the bloody cloud continued to close. After a while, Xiao Qiaolang passed by. Liu Qianlang saw that Xiao Qiaolang's figure began to become blurred, and his figure gradually disappeared, but he The evil smile on his face seemed to stay in Liu Qianlang's memory forever.

That smile is full of temptation, and the eyes are full of weirdness. How can those thick eyebrows and big eyes be so evil?

Blood coagulation array! This is definitely a blood coagulation formation!

Liu Qianlang suddenly realized that he had fallen into the evil formation set up by the opponent.

The Great Blood Coagulation Formation, an evil magic formation that can only be practiced by the ancient Coconut Kingdom shamans. It takes thousands of years to absorb the red brilliance of the scorching sun, cleanse the heart and soul, and devour countless souls and blood before it can be successfully cultivated.

This kind of formation can quickly turn anything wrapped in it into blood, and then become a part of it.

Those who are unfortunately trapped in this formation, no one can escape when the surrounding red clouds close in.

How could he have such a formation? Could it be that he has some connection with the ancient Coconut Kingdom? Liu Qianlang was a little confused.

Xiao Qiaolang has never tried this kind of evil formation. Ever since he learned it from the mysterious white gauze-masked slender woman covered in mist, he has been curious whether this blood coagulation formation is really as powerful as he said ?

Killing Liu Qianlang, this is the only purpose of the black-robed masked man giving him this technique, and his benefit is that he can get the seven dragon balls on Liu Qianlang's body.

If Liu Qianlang is killed, the other party promises himself that he will help him secretly, so that he can sit in the position of head master of Xuanlingmen!

Why she did this, she didn't ask herself, because she never cared about other people's boring questions. Naturally, she wouldn't say it, and felt that she seemed to hate Liu Qianlang very much! Every time he was mentioned, she would grit her silver teeth loudly! But she seemed to care about him very much, and she murmured his name to herself from time to time!

She is crazy, Xiao Qiaolang sometimes thinks so, because she said: "She will die with Liu Qianlang!"

The bloody thick cloud completely engulfed Liu Qianlang with the last few feet left, he was about to die! But to keep his primordial spirit, this is her confession.

The thick bloody cloud is about to close up, excited! Xiao Qiaolang was shaking with excitement!

The dragon ball will be his own soon, and the head of the peak master can only wait patiently for more than half a year. During this period of time, it will be safe to eliminate everyone who may become opponents one by one!

This is my most important action plan for the past six months, and of course I must not delay my cultivation, I never do things that I am not sure about!

Confidence is my most proud character, and having strong strength is the reason why I am confident!

Feeling the death breath of the blood coagulation array slowly rushing towards Liu Qianlang, Xiao Qiaolang stared intently at the thick cloud of dark red blood.

It seemed that Liu Qianlang was struggling in pain, his distorted face, and his body that turned into blood little by little.

The heart wave is cleansed, excited, and confident, so he smiles evilly.

Yes, in this case, you should smile as much as you want, no, this is too low-key, you should laugh, laugh wildly.


Liu Qianlang couldn't see the other party in the thick bloody cloud, but he could hear the other party's extremely evil laughter.

As the blood-colored thick clouds continue to close, the blood coagulation formation has also been shrinking since the sky began.

At the moment when Liu Qianlang was about to be completely submerged, the blood coagulation formation shrank into a large red blood cell with a diameter of several feet, bulging and shrinking in the dark night sky.

Like a big bright red heart, it is constantly bulging and beating, while dripping with blood.


Xiao Qiaolang was still laughing wildly, laughing wildly with complacency, because the other party was about to die, and the one who died was an elder who had mastered Heavenly Thunder Jue.

Killing such a powerful existence, and getting Dragon Balls, such a thing should be laughed at. I guess I am the only one who has done it in the history of Xuanlingmen.

Under the induction of spiritual consciousness, the thick cloud of blood color finally completely healed, and the dark red blood color became more mellow and thicker!

It's all quiet!

The thick bloody cloud continued to shrink, and Xiao Qiaolang's heart tightened every time it became smaller.

His heart tightened again and again, thumping, he stopped laughing, and returned to his smiling face, staring intently at the colorful blood cells that had shrunk to only about one meter.

Blood droplets the size of a fist fell on the ground several feet below, and the ground continued to burn, forming a fire that filled the sky and burned in all directions.

Xiao Qiaolang stepped on the flaming giant lion, looking forward to the scene where the seven bright dragon balls suddenly jumped out.

One minute, two minutes, half an hour, one hour.

Still did not see the shadow of the dragon ball, the smile on Xiao Qiaolang's face became a little stiff, and he murmured in his heart, could it be possible that even the dragon ball was melted by the blood coagulation formation? The blood triggers the soul fusion of the blood coagulation formation, only the melting effect of devouring all things in the mortal realm, should the existence of the heavens like Dragon Ball be undisturbed? However.

Xiao Qiaolang looked at the smaller and smaller blood clots shrinking into blood cells, and suddenly felt a little dazed.

He had forgotten to smile, and his face was covered with a layer of burnt color.

The next moment, his eyes showed an expression of disbelief, because he saw the outline of a figure.

The dark red blood cell was supposed to thicken into a fist-sized blood cell in the end, but suddenly the color faded.

It was a slender figure with fluttering long hair, a stern face, and two flashes of white light shot out from his eyes, covering Xiao Qiaolang directly.

Xiao Qiaolang couldn't help but tremble, what is that thing on his chest? It was as black as ink, and it was sucking the blood-colored thick cloud of blood clots in strands and strands.

When the last ray of blood-colored thick cloud was sucked in, Xiao Qiaolang saw clearly that there was a thumb-sized black jade skull on the chest of the other party!

An extremely evil black jade skeleton, it actually destroyed its own blood coagulation formation!

Moyu Skeleton was extremely excited after inhaling the thick blood-colored clouds all over the sky. Danmang circulated in the seven orifices, and strands of lightning-like light arcs bulged in the pitch black, entangled with it, and it was trembling.

The thick bloody cloud was sucked clean by the Moyu skeleton, except for the raging fire under his feet, darkness returned to the void.

In the darkness, Liu Qianlang smiled, withdrew his domineering eyes, and stared at Xiao Qiaolang with a bitter face.

The two were silent at the moment, but suddenly the sky began to be covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and howling wind.

This time it wasn't their fault, it was really pouring rain.

The raging fire on the ground was slowly extinguished by the torrential rain.

At this time, there was darkness between the sky and the earth, only darkness.

Xiao Qiaolang was still staring in disbelief at Liu Qianlang, who was dressed in silver and had fluttering white hair.

At this moment, the other party is smiling, but I am shocked!

In the pitch-black space, one cannot see the bright sky, the moon and cold stars, or the mountains and oceans above the earth, but one can clearly see two figures confronting each other in the darkness from afar.

A tall and straight figure covered in red stands on top of a mighty red giant lion.

On the opposite side was a handsome and slender white figure, with silver hair and white clothes blowing up in the wind.

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