Nine Heavens

Chapter 408 Flowing Light Tunnel

Liu Qianlang was caught off guard, he never expected that the Bing Po Peak Master would suddenly make such a move towards him.

When he woke up, he had already fallen into a strange space. Before he had time to see the surrounding environment clearly, the Ice Soul Peak Lord sealed off the world abruptly.

It was dark all around, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Liu Qianlang was at a loss for a while.

Could it be that the Bingpo Peak Master suspected that the death of the Fire Dragon Peak Master and others had something to do with him, so he couldn't imprison himself?

When Liu Qianlang was wondering in the dark, there was a voice transmission from the real Bingpo from far away: "Knock your head three times sincerely, the moon will appear in the sky, the streamer will guide the way, and travel nine thousand miles to the southeast!"

Hearing that Liu Qianlang was silent, after adapting to the darkness for a short time, in order to see the world around him clearly, Liu Qianlang hurriedly activated the white light diamond, directly improving his eyesight to a level close to tens of millions of breaths.

Under the powerful eyesight, he gradually saw the surrounding environment clearly.

It turns out that there is only a small space in front of me, not more than ten feet away, and the surroundings of the space are just ordinary stone walls, but there are some strange rocks that are awkward and uneven.

The ground is not very flat, and for some reason, there are bursts of coldness from the bottom to the top.

Looking up, it is infinitely dark, and this space feels like a cave dug from the bottom up.

Everything here is very normal, but what surprised Liu Qianlang was that although it was a closed space, he could clearly feel the air flowing, even the slightest sound of wind.

"Knock your head three times sincerely, a mysterious moon will appear on the sky, and the streamer will guide the way, traveling nine thousand miles to the southeast!"

Liu Qianlang repeated the words of Bingpo Peak Master in his heart, thought for a while, knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times in a proper manner, and then looked towards the darkness on the high place.

But after watching for a long time, there was no change in the high place, and the Xuanyue that the real Bingpo said did not appear.

Liu Qianlang couldn't help feeling puzzled, could it be that he had misunderstood, Liu Qianlang thought over and over again about the words of Peak Master Bingpo, and Liu Qianlang fell into deep thought.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Qianlang suddenly felt nine huge cold breaths coming from nine directions around him.

The body couldn't help turning around on the spot instinctively, and after sweeping his gaze, he couldn't help but take a breath.

I saw nine people all covered in golden light suddenly rushed around, all dressed in Taoist robes, there were men and women, the men's faces were cool and handsome, and the women's faces were beautiful.

The nine people were full of jewels, shining golden lights in the darkness, and they all held strange magic weapons in their hands. They are all the same golden color, but the movements and expressions of the nine people are different.

Or smile, or serenity, or look down, or overlook, or look back, or look up, or be indifferent.

Liu Qianlang originally thought that the nine people would attack him, but unexpectedly, after the nine people rushed towards him for a few steps, they stopped abruptly, stopped around him, and kept their original posture motionless!

It turned out that they were not real people, but nine golden elephants. Liu Qianlangkuang saw the situation clearly after the nine powerful auras passed.

He carefully examined the nine golden elephants and the magic weapons in their hands.

Looking at the nine golden statues, Liu Qianlang was very surprised, because the nine golden statues turned out to be the incumbent peak masters in our sect.

They are Tai Cang Peak's Ice Soul Master Peak Master, Tong Yun Peak's Imaginary Real Man Peak Master, and Piaoxia Peak's Spirit Fei Real Man Peak Master.

The peak master of Yuedi, the master of Zhaixing Peak, and the master of Fufeng, the mentor of Xiaotian Peak.

The peak owner of Fairy Suifeng of Xialang Peak, the peak owner of Master Xukong of Cuihe Peak, the peak owner of Silent Empress of Peacock Cliff, and the peak owner of Wuya Zhenren of Lianxiangbi.

Among the twelve peak masters, there are only three peak masters, the real Huolong peak master of Congealing Blood Peak, the real Aoyu peak master of Xiaoyang Peak, and the real Zixiao peak master of Zihua Peak.

And the magical weapons in the hands of the nine peak masters are in order, the peak master of the real person Bingpo is holding a silver scroll in his hand, the real person Huanmeng is holding a group of blue sand dunes in his hand, and the real person Lingfei is floating on the chest of the peak master. There is a delicate small bowl in the shape of a wave, the size of a fist.

The master of Yuedi Zhenren Peak holds a golden moon, and the teacher holds an exquisite ancient well in his hand.

On the slender palm of Fairy Suifeng, a delicate little pagoda gleamed with a golden light, and Master Xukong was holding a piece of golden tortoise shell in his hand.

The peak master of Moqing empress held a waterfall in both hands, and the peak master of Wuya real person held a beautifully shaped alchemy furnace with one hand.

Liu Qianlang carefully observed the objects in the hands of the nine peak masters, and after a while of pondering, he suddenly remembered that the magic weapons in the hands of the nine peak masters were the Xuanlingmen that Master Xukong's beloved disciple Mengxi had mentioned not long ago. The treasure hidden in the nine forbidden areas.

Among the nine forbidden places, I have already been to Guixin Bingkuo, Amnesia Cave, and Cuihe Peak's Lianxin River Chuanxin Forest.

Although I haven't been to the other six places, but according to what Senior Sister Mengxi said, it should be the same.

In the darkness, the nine golden statues of the peak masters shone brightly, making them extremely dazzling.

Looking at them, Liu Qianlang was very puzzled by three points.

One is, what is the purpose of placing such nine golden statues in this small space?

The second is why there are only nine of the twelve peak masters here.

The third is the strange expressions and eyes of the nine peak masters.

Is it just because of the nine forbidden areas of Xuanlingmen that there are only nine golden statues of the peak master here? Or is there another meaning? Liu Qianlang thought for a while, but still couldn't find a convincing reason.

However, he didn't spend too much energy on this issue. What made him more confused was the strange eyes of the twelve peak masters. He always felt that their eyes seemed to imply something, but Liu Qianlang suddenly It's hard to guess clearly.

Since it was difficult to understand clearly for a while, Liu Qianlang simply didn't think about it, floated up, and sat cross-legged in the void.

Slightly closing his eyes, he focused his attention into the realm of nothingness, and calmly recalled every detail of the nine bronze statues.

About a few days later, a flash of thought suddenly appeared in Liu Qianlang's mind, and then his eyes lit up, and Liu Qianlang clearly saw that the eyes of the nine peak masters all fell on a certain point on the stone wall in the surrounding darkness.

And there is a faint reflection at that point, and the nine beams of reflection all shoot in a common direction, which is the southeast direction of this space.

Thinking of this, Liu Qianlang's heart suddenly brightened, and he opened his eyes with a slight smile.

At this time, streaks of clear light suddenly shot from above his head.

Liu Qianlang looked up, feeling a burst of joy in his heart, the Xuanyue that Master Bingpo mentioned finally appeared at a height of hundreds of feet.

I saw the full moon as big as a pot cover, white and full, and the moonlight was like water. The clear light waves of the moonlight quietly sprinkled into the originally dark space, making everything in the space brighter.

Liu Qianlang carefully inspected the surrounding environment again, and found that behind each golden elephant was the entrance of a cave, and the shape of the entrance of the cave was the shape of the nine statues.

If the nine statues were returned to their original positions, the cave would not be visible at all.

The moonlight flowed gently on the nine golden elephants of the main peak, and under the moonlight, the nine golden elephants appeared more radiant and more lifelike.

Perhaps because of the light, Liu Qianlang felt that the air was not so cold anymore.

The moonlight above the head is getting thicker and thicker, and more and more moonlight is shining on the nine golden elephants. The moonlight on the golden elephants is a faint layer at first, like a thin layer of tulle, but soon fades away. Thickened, thickened, and then the moonlight began to flow.

Liu Qianlang looked at it in surprise, how could the moonlight move? But he did see the moonlight continuously flowing on the bodies of the nine golden elephants like flowing water.

The moonlight falls on the head, flows down from the head to the whole body, and then the moonlight is immersed in their bodies.

Then the moonlight shot out directly through their eyes, hit the surrounding stone walls, reflected, and then shot to the southeast direction of the space together.

The moonlight kept falling from the heights, getting thicker and faster, and the moonlight shot from the eyes of the nine golden elephants also became thicker and faster, and all the reflected moonlight gathered together to form a line light river.

The water of the River of Light continuously flows towards the southeast, which is in the cave behind the location of Lingfei Peak Lord.

Because of the inflow of the river of light, the entrance of the cave is slowly expanding, expanding, and Liu Qianlang feels the ever-expanding entrance of the cave is constantly approaching him.

About the effort of the teacup, I have been completely swallowed by the entrance of the cave.

I can no longer see the moon when I look up, but I am in a world full of white moonlight.

You can clearly see the rushing moonlight flying in front of you, like an arrow flowing forward, the brighter the farther you go, the more charming the moonlight seems to be.

The nine golden statues are still shining bright golden in the white world, which is extremely attractive.

But this alluring color is really incomparable with the infinitely bright world in the southeast.

Liu Qianlang couldn't hold on to himself anymore, and involuntarily slid towards the southeast direction of the long river of moonlight, and flew involuntarily along the direction of the moonlight flow, as if entering a strange time tunnel.

Bing Po Daoist stared at the lost corner where Liu Qianlang disappeared for a while, and then his figure turned into a ray of divine light and disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared on the towering roof of the Blood Coagulation Palace, looking around at the ominous situation of the Eight Vaults of Heaven.

His face was indifferent, his eyes flickered, and every time his gaze turned an angle, the dignified color on his face would increase.

After examining it several times, his face was already a little pale.

He glanced again at the direction where Liu Qianlang disappeared, and there was a hint of hope in his eyes, and when he lifted his giant palm, the Tianmang Divine Sword immediately appeared in his hand.

Under the moonlight, he quietly stared at the No. 1 Divine Sword of Xuanling Sect that had accompanied him for more than a thousand years. The past was like smoke, but everything was still vivid in his memory.

He was about to leave the Earth Immortal Realm and entered the third level world. Whether he would step into the fourth level alive or die here, the real Bing Po had a bitter look on his face, and he really didn't know what to do.

He deeply felt that the opponent in front of him was too powerful, and he couldn't grasp his own destiny in the future.

But in any case, the Xuanling Gate is the inheritance of the immortal ancestors of the past, so it must be considered first to let him continue to inherit it.

This child Liu Qianlang is born against the sky, has a broad mind, and is free and easy in dealing with things. Although he is not very clear about the boundaries between good and evil sects, he has a kind heart and will not do evil deeds that are against the common people in the world. Wan's disciple, he is the only one who is the most suitable when it comes to broad-mindedness and future prospects!

Bing Po Daoist stared at the Tianmang Divine Sword for a long time, and then glanced around the sky again at the Eight Vaults of Omens. With a sudden wave of his sleeve, the Tianmang Divine Sword slid into the sky with a dark blue rainbow.

After the Tianmang Divine Sword hovered over the head of the real Bingpo several times, it finally whizzed towards the direction of the Xuanlingmen Immortal Academy City.

Staring at the gradually leaving figure of Tianmang Excalibur, Master Bingpo's heart fluctuated, and his eyes couldn't help but feel wet.

However, after the tears rolled in his eyes several times, they finally did not fall.

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