Nine Heavens

Chapter 450: The Combination of Speed ​​Demons

This time, Liu Qianlang slept very comfortably. After waking up, he sat up and felt that all the contents of the fairy scrolls in the Huoyin River were deeply engraved in the realm of his mind and mind. I am very satisfied with the self-organization of knowledge. Then he stood up, briefly scanned the surrounding environment, counted the time outside Zidan's room with his fingers, and nodded slightly. After pondering for a while, he touched the black jade skull on his chest, and a trace of coolness fell into his palm, and Liu Qianlang's eyes shone with joy. Sitting upright on the rock again, his figure slowly floated up, and he quickly entered the realm of cultivation in the ten directions. This time he entered the second transformation.

Liu Qianlang slowly closed his eyes, gradually getting better, his chest heaved and heaved, and he continuously breathed out the powerful aura provided to him by the aura dragon transformed from the powerful aura of the ten directions around him.

As the aura outside the body continued to soak into the body, Liu Qianlang's face was filled with joy, and then there was a choking crisp sound in the air. Then he saw eighteen bright and cold rays suddenly shot out from the black jade skull on Liu Qianlang's chest.

Then the eighteen cold lights flashed and jumped onto Liu Qianlang's head one after another. When the cold lights stabilized, they turned out to be eighteen cold and dazzling giant swords.

Seeing the eighteen giant swords, the Xianyuan sword beside Liu Qianlang burst into joy, and couldn't help buzzing and groaning, and then jumped on Liu Qianlang's head.

These eighteen giant swords, together with the Xianyuan sword, are exactly nineteen of the eighty-one Dumo swords that are said to have been forged by Honghuang Jianzun Dumo. The Xianyuan Sword is the first of the eighty-one Dumoshen swords. These nineteen Dumo Shenjians are like good brothers who haven't seen each other for many years, and they look very close to each other. The Nine Swords of Xiaohan are on the left, lined up in a row, from left to right are the sword of cruel love, parting hatred, the sword of Cangju, the sword of accumulating injustice, the sword of only shadow and love, the sword of Jue Nian Bingxin, and the sword of slaughtering dragons and killing spirits , the sword of Thunderwind Refining Soul, the sword of Lonely Leng Piaomo, the sword of Yunpo Frostfly and the sword of Six Realms.

On the right side, the Xianyuan sword is closest to Liu Qianlang, and there are also nine Dumoshen swords lined up from near to far. In order from near to far, they are the Sword of Immortal Fate, the Sword of Youdu Xuanze, the Sword of Purple Shadow and Liuhua, the Sword of Che Baihua Darkness, the Sword of Yellow Ring Dispelling Dust, the Sword of Fenxia Hongmeng, and the Sword of Cuiyou Mianhun , the Sword of Blue Star Hanmo, the Sword of Golden Wheel Devouring Demons.

In the middle of the two rows of demon-speeding swords is an isolated magic-speeding sword, which is the soaring sky sword that Liu Qianlang obtained when he killed Mr. Wenyang.

Liu Qianlang felt that the nineteen Dumoshen swords were already trembling on his head, his eyes suddenly shone brightly, and at the same time, his hands were making frequent gestures. , In the four directions of the northwest, eight more dragons of the Linggang were impressively inspired, two in each direction. At the same time, there was a sudden shaking of the head, and a dragon of the spirit gang appeared in each of the three directions.

The nineteen dragons of the Linggang swallowed clouds and fog in their respective directions, tossed and turned, and already fully possessed the shape of a dragon, with dragon scales faintly forming outside their bodies. Liu Qianlang mobilized his powerful spiritual consciousness, split out nineteen wisps of spiritual consciousness and transformed them into divine lights and injected them into the bodies of nineteen spiritual dragons, and then swung the nineteen speed demon swords and quickly flew to Liu Qianlang's eyes At several feet high, sword lights flashed one after another, waiting for the master's dispatch.

Liu Qianlang stared at the nineteen Demon Speeding Swords for a while, and then looked around at the nineteen spiritual power dragons in all directions that had sealed his consciousness. Then Zhongshi Er pointed at the nineteen-handed Dumoshen sword, and the nineteen spiritual power dragons suddenly let out a deep roar, and then turned into a ray of light and entered the nineteen-handed Dushenshen sword.

The nineteen demon-speeding swords that had obtained Liu Qianlang's consciousness and the dragon of Linggang immediately merged with Liu Qianlang's mind power, cheering and jumping around Liu Qianlang, making bursts of buzzing whistles. Liu Qianlang saw the most miraculous swords in the nineteenth world jumping around him so intimately, and felt happy for a while, thinking, what would happen if ninety-nine eighty-one swords were gathered together Domineering and feel it.

If there is a chance, they must be brought together, Liu Qianlang faintly planted this idea in his heart. Little did he know how many misfortunes his thinking brought him, and how many miraculous experiences he had.

Liu Qianlang has always had a feeling that too many things are cumbersome, so he always has the idea of ​​combining all kinds of things into one. Facing the nineteen magic swords is no exception. In Liu Qianlang's sleep before, part of his consciousness has been thinking about this problem, and he probably has a solution. As for whether it will work, it depends on his own good fortune. up.

In order to concentrate, Liu Qianlang closed his eyes once again habitually, urging the powerful power of spiritual consciousness to slowly merge with the spiritual consciousness in the body of the nineteen swords, and then entered a very wonderful During the exchange.

At the beginning, the gray Zidan room was very quiet, Liu Qianlang sat calmly on the rock in the middle of the room, with a calm expression on his face, and the nineteen Dumoshen swords also came to a stillness one after another. Orderly suspended above Liu Qianlang's head, each of them shone with strange colors.

However, slowly, the colors of the nineteen Dumo Godly Swords began to become richer, and the original dull sword body suddenly became crystal clear, with an incomparably mysterious brilliance radiating from the inside out.

The rainbow outside the sword body also became stronger and stronger as the brilliance gradually became stronger. Soon after, the flickering 19-degree demon sword had turned into nineteen huge rainbows, leaning around the Zidan room. There is a possibility of piercing through the space of tens of feet at any time.

But the nineteen Dumoshen swords did not stop changing because of the small space in the Zidan room. The nineteen sword rainbows continued to extend, and the sword body also kept rising. The body of the sword is already several feet long, and the sharp blade reveals a chilling edge through the sword rainbow.

The Zidan room was extremely desolate, as if all living creatures would be slaughtered by nineteen huge sword rainbows and sword edges in an instant.

"Boom! Boom!"

Nineteen sword rainbows finally pierced the walls outside Zidan's room one after another. After the loud noise, the Zidan house began to shake like a mountain shaking, and at the same time, large pieces of broken rock fragments fell from the walls and roof.

Feeling this change, Liu Qianlang was not only not nervous at all, but also showed sincere pleasure on his face. Because this change is one of the results he wants to see.

Liu Qianlang listened intently for a while, feeling unsatisfied, suddenly opened his eyes, scanned the dark space where he was flying wildly at any time, and saw that the direction of the nineteen Demon God Swords was gradually pointing to one place, He nodded his head slightly, and then his eyes suddenly shot out two bright rays of light, which turned into nineteen rays of light and shot into the nineteen magic speed swords one after another.

Because of the injection of the divine light, the blades of the nineteen Dumoshen swords, which were already shining with brilliance, suddenly became brighter countless times, and they began to stab at the southeast wall of the Zidan room with even more cheers.

"Boom! Choking!"

All of a sudden, the crashing sound and the clear whistling sound of the nineteen Dumo Shenjians filled the entire Zidan room.

Liu Qianlang stared at the wall where the nineteen Demon Speeding Swords attacked again and again, his calm face gradually became a little stunned, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes revealed an expression of disbelief.

In astonishment, Liu Qianlang didn't stop moving. While his eyes continued to strengthen his powerful spiritual power, his hands also started to move, quickly urging the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Art to assist the attack of the nineteen demon-speeding swords.

With such power, the effect is really extraordinary.


After a roar that resounded through the sky, Liu Qianlang suddenly saw a big hole in the wall towards the east bank of Zidan's house, and the infinitely clear and beautiful world outside quickly flashed before his eyes.

That long-lost world is so beautiful, with green flowers and plants and bright sunshine.

However, in just that moment, the big hole was quickly and miraculously closed again. Then, no matter what kind of attack, the same thing happens. When a hole appeared, it was quickly healed, and when the hole was broken again, it was still inexplicably healed, and it could not be maintained even for a moment.

This is too evil, Liu Qianlang looked at the southeast corner of Zidan room fixedly, lost in thought.

However, during the attack, the nineteen Dumoshen swords cooperated more and more tacitly, the different colors gradually merged into one, and the blades of the nineteen Dumashen swords gradually joined together to form a huge sword cone, because they found In this way, their power is even more powerful and invincible.

The holes that appeared again and again in the southeast corner of Zidan's house were made in this way. The nineteen-handed Demon God Sword did not slacken in the slightest because of Liu Qianlang's astonishment, on the contrary, the more he attacked, the more excited he became. The flashing brilliance of various colors combined together, aroused the unprecedented power of being a huge rainbow. Every attack brought a violent shake of the Zidan house, and the walls and roof were like bouncing mountains, dancing wildly with rocks. It's just that they don't understand that such attacks will never stop.

This Zidan room is extremely weird, no matter how you destroy it, the outside is constantly repairing it automatically, in other words, you will not lose it even if you are exhausted.


A large boulder fell towards Liu Qianlang. Liu Qianlang felt a sharp wind blade appear on his head, stopped thinking, waved his giant sleeve, and the boulder was turned into powder.


Then Liu Qianlang heard a strange noise coming from under his feet, and then he saw the Zidan room expand instantly, and within a short while, it expanded to a space of about a hundred feet before stopping.

At this moment, Nineteen Demon Speeding Swords couldn't help but pause, and found that the attacking wall suddenly ran away, but it was only a pause, and then rushed up again.

Liu Qianlang couldn't help being shocked again for a while, then seemed to realize something, and nodded himself. Then he turned his eyes to more than a dozen Demon Speeding Swords, and a smile appeared on his face. Then he stretched out his palm, and a burst of black flames burst out and quickly covered the nineteen Dumoshen swords.

This group of Xuanqing flames is the fire of Xuanzhen. The main purpose of Liu Qianlang's actions is to integrate the nineteen Demon Swords into one, and they can be called out separately when needed, so that their power is even more infinite when used. The target is extremely small. As for whether he could break through the Zidan room, it was just a random idea of ​​his own, and it was not critical.

Liu Qianlang concentrated on refining for about an hour, and saw that the various brilliance of the nineteen Dumoshen swords gradually became monotonous, and finally turned into a Dumashen sword—Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword with a clang.

The Dumo Shenjian stopped attacking the Zidan room, and the space slowly became quiet. The nineteen Dumo Shenjian were joined behind the Jiutian Xianyuan sword, and the Xianyuan sword was quietly shining bright red in the southeast corner of the Zidan room. color.

The bright red sword rainbow occasionally shone with the color of the other eighteen Dumoshen swords, which seemed extremely mysterious.

Seeing that the nineteen Dumoshen swords had finally merged successfully, Liu Qian's eyes flashed with excitement, and he reached out to grab it, holding the Xianyuan sword in front of his eyes and staring at it with infinite joy for a long, long time. In order to get a feel for the effect, I repeatedly urged it several times. After the nineteen Dumoshen swords were extremely proficient, whether they were combined or re-cloned, I just turned the Xianyuan sword into a divine light and shot it into the palm.

This ability to transform the tangible into the intangible is also realized in the colorful streamer tunnel. This ability brings a lot of convenience to carrying weapons.

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