Nine Heavens

Chapter 481 Centipede Poison Gu

Chapter 481 Centipede Poison Gu


When Liu Qianlang was wearing cloud-turning boots and was happily dancing in what he thought was a ghost land, he suddenly heard screams of pain coming from a distance. Surprised, then follow the reputation.

After searching for a while, Liu Qianlang discovered that the sound came from near the huge stone platform where he was before. Could it be that there are people who died here like me? Liu Qianlang murmured in his heart, and then his figure drifted in that direction involuntarily.

After moving around for a while, Liu Qianlang quickly landed on the huge stone platform where Cheng Yuanfang was. stone platform. A few tens of feet away, Liu Qianlang saw a black figure covered in black smoke rising from the center of the stone platform where he was standing. This figure was still rolling and howling in pain, holding his head tightly with his hands, the voice he heard was exactly from him.

Surprised, Liu Qianlang drifted into some distance, but he didn't know the details of the other party, so he didn't dare to get too close rashly. When he was about ten feet away from this person, Liu Qianlang took a closer look, and found that this person was very strong, sometimes flying up while rolling, and the demonic aura bursting out of him was very strong, flickering, and unusually plump , is already the strength of the Five Demon Rings of the Demon Realm.

But for some reason, there are several soul-eating centipedes in the form of demon spirits entangled on his head. Those centipedes are very strange, half of the body is in this person's brain, and the other end that usually takes the lead is crawling on his head. , Countless sharp and cold feet pierced deeply into this person's head, and the huge mouthparts were constantly absorbing the person's demon energy.


The man in black was still crying and writhing in pain, his face was contorted, his face was purple and dark, his hair was loose, and he looked extremely hideous.

Liu Qianlang was terrified when he saw it, and thought to himself, it seems that being a ghost is not easy, and this person has to suffer this kind of suffering for no reason. When Liu Qianlang was watching this person. Suddenly he rolled and fell in front of him, and he suddenly raised his head to look at him, and then let out a miserable scream, which startled him.

The other party's face was really weird, besides a pair of pitch-black eyes, there was also a bright red eye standing on his forehead that was like blood. And above the distorted face, there was a layer of jet-black smoke. In particular, the nine equally pitch-black centipedes on its head are constantly twirling and tumbling, making people sick just looking at them.

Liu Qianlang pulled his legs and wanted to leave quickly, but before he could move, the other party suddenly let out a miserable howl, and then suddenly threw himself into the abyss under the huge stone platform.

When Liu Qianlang saw this, he was covered in cold sweat. He didn't expect that the other party would choose such a way to relieve the pain, it was too miserable.

"Thunderbolt Profound Demon! You are so ruthless!"

The man screamed miserably as he threw himself into the abyss.

"Hey!" Liu Qianlang suddenly felt something was wrong, this person is dead, why is he still jumping off the cliff? Do ghosts like this too?

Liu Qianlang was at a loss.

In the emerald sky, a few pieces of gray clouds drifted past, Liu Qianlang suddenly saw a strange flash of light in the crevices of that man's loose hair! Seeing this flash of light, Liu Qianlang couldn't help but feel all over for a while, because he saw that there was a wolf's fang in that strange flash of light, and that wolf's fang was exactly the same as the wolf's fang on his chest. Brothers who have been around for a long time, things from far away!

How could it be on him? Liu Qianlang was shocked and didn't have time to think about it. With a wave of his giant sleeve, after a huge whirlwind, he dragged the man in black to the stone platform again, and then suddenly pressed him into a cross-legged meditation position with great spiritual power , Then he sat cross-legged in front of the other party.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang has only one thought, he cannot let this man die, he must find the lost brother from him.

Immediately, Liu Qianlang's eyes shot two powerful bright rays of light into the dark eyes of many parties with powerful consciousness, and quickly analyzed the root cause of the centipede appearing in the opponent's brain. At the same time, a powerful Bailing Qi was quickly injected into the opponent's body, and quickly gathered in his mind along the eight extraordinary meridians to resist the persecution of the nine centipedes' huge poisonous spirits, thereby reducing some pain.

Sure enough, after a while, the other party's distorted face gradually returned to its original shape, and the bluish-purple complexion eased a little, and he stopped crying, and his frightened eyes calmed down. But the other party was still very uncomfortable, because his body was shaking uncontrollably, and his teeth were clenched!

"Big Brother! Second Brother!" When Liu Qianlang was extremely anxious, he suddenly heard two old voices shouting excitedly. Hearing the sound, Liu Qianlang quickly sensed that it was Senior Bai Guang in his own white light diamond talking to an old man in the other's dark eyes. After a little thought, he knew what was going on. If his guess was correct, the person who spoke in the other party's eyes should be the old man Xuanguang Cuizuan.

"Hurry up and save this young man, he is your lost brother Cheng Yuanfang! His eyes are my elder brother Xuanguang Cui Zuan, the god of psychic eyes!" Old Baiguang sensed the elder brothers of the four great psychic eyes in the heaven, Excitedly urged Liu Qianlang to say.

"What? He is from the distance!" Liu Qianlang was mixed with grief and joy, and looked intently. It is true that he is from the distance. He has maces on his chest, a dark complexion, and is used to dressing up as a short-clothed black hunter, especially those dark and piercing eyes. Eyes can prove it. Although his consciousness is now chaotic because of the nine centipedes, something deep in his eyes will never change.

"Thank you, Senior Bai Guang, for reminding me!" Liu Qianlang thanked him, and then ignored the chattering of the two vicissitude brothers, and began to carefully analyze the body of his brother Cheng Yuanfang.

After a long time of analysis, Liu Qianlang finally found out the reason why the brother's body was in such pain. It turned out that the brother had been poisoned by a voodoo poison called Duohun Pill in an ancient ghost voodoo curse.

Duohun Pill, as the name suggests, devours and seizes people's souls, extracts essence and marrow, until the source of Gu dries up and dies. The poison of this witchcraft is extremely overbearing, a dozen poisonous eggs that are almost invisible to the naked eye can kill a person within three days. The other party didn't seem to want the brother to die soon, but just laid nine of these witch bone eggs, otherwise the brother would have died a long time ago. This is the current situation. This is the first attack. After a few hours, it can suddenly return to the original state, and then it will reappear seven days later. After three consecutive attacks, if there is no antidote, it will be completely hopeless.

Liu Qianlang carefully checked the current situation in his brother Cheng Yuanfang's mind. The nine centipedes were still in the stage of dream congealing, and had not yet been born into reality. Now he saw the nine centipedes winding outside his head. A ghost phantom that is about to sprout from a centipede gu egg. However, the speed of devouring demon monks and demon spirits and destroying the body, soul, and primordial spirit in this state is also extremely astonishing! Therefore, once the attack occurs, the recipient is extremely painful and cannot control himself!

After understanding the situation of his brother, Liu Qianlang quickly searched for all the information on the realm of mind and the realm of mind, but after several times, Liu Qianlang's face was filled with helplessness. He couldn't think of the countless treasures he had collected Among them, even the spiritual flowers and herbs that can be found in the Black Jade Skull Profound Realm cannot detoxify the poison of this Soul Seizing Pill.

After Liu Qianlang thought for a while, there were only two ways to go in front of him. One was to find the person who poisoned him, that is, the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon that his brothers called him, to ask for or snatch the antidote, and the other was to prepare the antidote by himself as soon as possible. medicine. However, both of these seem to have little hope of achieving their wishes. Since the other party was so poisonous, it meant that the other party did not intend to let him live for too long. So to find the other party, to make the other party hand over the antidote willingly is simply wishful thinking! And to refine this antidote by yourself, at least you have to have the prescription for this kind of poison antidote, but I don't have it.

In anxiety, Liu Qianlang tried his best to seal the nine Gu eggs with the powerful Bai Ling Qi layer by layer, temporarily controlling the speed of their continued development, which can last for about ten days. Ten days later, the layers of seals may be destroyed at any time, and the consequences will be disastrous.

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