Nine Heavens

Chapter 594: Defeat in Front of the Cave

Chapter 594: Defeat in Front of the Hole

"No! They are too bullying, I want to beat them together with Sister Mei!" Xiao Hongzui'er stared suddenly, her chubby body stopped trembling, but puffed out her small chest, and said stubbornly.

Then Turu flew to Wugu Tianzun Shui'er's shoulder with a sound, cheering for him. Wugu Tianzun Shui'er glanced sideways at Xiaohongzuier, didn't say anything, turned back and continued to urge the dragon demon power to fight against the nine nine ice cold toads, while the other Bone Finger Grottoes and the Yin and Ming elders were around to assist .

From a high place, the Emperor of Hanchan Kingdom saw Wugu Tianzun and others shot out of the holy cave, and there were no large numbers of Bone Finger Cave saints behind them. Don't even try to escape!"

Then, with a cold snort, a more crazy attack started, and in just over half an hour, Wugu Tianzun and others were surrounded by nine ice toads and countless ice toads around them.

"Sister Mei, don't be afraid! I'll help you!" Xiao Hongzui'er didn't know why she suddenly became so brave, she kept spitting out small bright red fireballs, and frequently shot at the low-ranking people who bullied the Wugu Tianzun. Although the Frost Toad couldn't kill the opponent, it relieved some pressure for Wu Gu Tianzun Shui'er.

"Little Red Mouth! It's the same!" Wu Gu Tianzun Shui'er didn't expect that this little crane, whose breast hair had not faded, would have good magic power, and praised during the battle.

However, Emperor Hanchan controls countless ice toads to fight more and more bravely, especially the nine high-level nine ice toads with tens of rings are extremely crazy. Quickly turned everything around into a world of solid ice.

As Wugu Tianzun's dragon demon power was consumed, everyone's movements slowed down, watching layers of frost climb up the bodies of everyone in the Bone Finger Cave, quickly eroding from the feet to the height of the body.


A sorcerer's body was completely frozen, and after a crisp cracking sound, the body shattered into pieces of ice, and then drifted away with the wind.


Wugu Tianzun shouted mournfully. The eyes burst out with jet-black smoke, the teeth gnawed loudly, and suddenly, like an electric shot, shot towards Emperor Hanchan, and at the same time gathered almost all the power of the dragon demon, condensed in the holy bone of Wu Zun Inwardly, he slammed into the other party while shouting violently.


Wu Gu Tianzun Shui'er made such a fatal blow, the opponent obviously didn't expect it, he couldn't help being taken aback, then hurriedly dodged sideways, and flew hundreds of feet away. Even so, the chilling emperor Kong Sheng was hit a little bit by the huge dragon demon power.


Frightened, Kong Sheng, the emperor of Hanchan Kingdom, coughed violently and almost spat out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, seeing the huge divine rainbow of the Wu Zun's sacred bone smashed down, it instantly split a huge gap in the sea of ​​countless ice toads covering the entire Wanjian Mountain.

"Bang! Bang!"

Countless mountain peaks that had been knocked down cracked, and countless rocks clanged and smashed down the bottomless abyss.

"Beautiful sister! Beautiful sister! Woohoo——"

Mountains and rocks are flying everywhere between heaven and earth, and a childish cry and sob echo in the wind, snow and sand.

Wugu Tianzun Shui'er, after gathering almost all the power of the dragon and demon in one blow, the power of the demon spirit was almost exhausted, and he could no longer control his body. In the flying sand and rocks, the whole body was lying on its back, and fell floatingly.

"Boom!" Around Xiao Hongzui'er, the bodies of several witches were completely frozen and burst, and the ice and snow turned into powder scattered on Xiaohongzui'er.

Seeing Xiao Hongzui'er, tears flowed down his face, but he didn't care about it so much, he tried his best to shake his little wings and flew to a high place. Do your best to let Wugu Tianzun's body fall to the ground safely.

"Haha! Wugu Tianzun! You are finished! Haha."

Panting heavily, Xiaohong fell to the ground, and after getting out from under Wugu Tianzun, she heard the heart-piercing roar of Emperor Hanchan thousands of feet away.

"Master Toad! You are so cruel! You are really not human, you hurt sister Mei!" Xiao Hongzui angrily stretched out her little neck and shouted.

"Huh?" Seeing the red-mouthed, white body, and golden-tailed Crane, the nine Nine Frost Toads who were attacking wildly stopped suddenly, bowed their bodies more than ten feet high, and lowered their heads to examine Looking at the little one under his feet, staring at the blue eyes, he seemed to think that the little red dot was very funny, one of the Nine Frost Toads raised his sea-blue sharp claws and scratched the little red dot's head.

"Get away!" Xiao Hongzui'er had already forgotten her fear at this moment, and kept flapping her little wings and cursed angrily in disgust. At the same time, she kept stroking Wugu Tianzun's body with her fluffy feathers. She too was rapidly frozen.

"Little Hongzuier, run away and ignore my sister. My sister is dying. Go find her and tell her that Wu Gu Tianzun Shui'er has entrusted her to her!" Wu Gu Tianzun suddenly felt soft He breathed, opened his eyes, saw that Xiao Hongzui was protecting him, and was moved in his heart. He wiped Xiao Hongzui's bright red paw with his slender hand, and a black mass sank into his paw.

But knowing that no matter what, he couldn't escape the slaughter of the other party, so he urged Xiao Hongzui'er to say.

"Hee hee! Sister Mei is awake! No, Sister Mei, I want to stay with you and prevent these toads and their owners from hurting you!" Seeing Wu Gu Tianzun Shui'er sitting up with difficulty, Xiao Hongzuo The son broke through his tears and smiled happily.

"Haha! It's really exciting. I never thought that the majestic Bone Finger Cave Heavenly Lord would be protected by a broken bird at the end! Huh, haha." Seeing the scene below, Emperor Hanchan flew closer and sarcastically said.

"You are the broken bird, the master of the toad membrane! If you dare to bully me again, when you go home, tell your parents and aunts to pluck your hair off!" Xiao Hongzui jumped onto the shoulder of Wugu Tianzun , turning her black eyes and shouting in a childish voice.

"Oh! Haha, go home? Interesting, it's a pity that your parents are not here, otherwise, today I will pull out their hairs and yours together!" Kong Sheng, the emperor of the Han Cicada Kingdom, had a blue light in his eyes. Han Mang walked towards Xiao Hong's mouth coldly and said.

"Little Hongzuier, go quickly, don't forget what I told you!" Just as the emperor of the Hanchan Kingdom was pressing towards Xiaohongzuier step by step, Shui'er, the Wugu Tianzun beside him, suddenly turned over and stood up, his chest Something exploded suddenly, and then a dazzling bright white rainbow flashed out. This rainbow quickly wrapped Xiaohong's mouth, and then shot towards Tianyu at an incomparable speed.

"Huh?" Kong Sheng, the emperor of the Hanchan Kingdom, took a closer look, and it turned out that it was Wugu Tianzun Shui'er who finally used all the power of his true essence, cracked his Wuzun sacred bone, and then pushed Xiao Hongzui'er to Tianyu.

"Oh! What a pity. It is a pity that such a beautiful Wugu Tianzun died like this. If you are more sensible and cooperate with this emperor, the Hanchan Kingdom will annex all the countries of the Seven Voodoo Demons in the future, and then establish a The country of Wu Zun, at that time I named you the queen of the Wu country, how beautiful it would be. But if you have a way to heaven, you don’t go, and if you have no way to hell, you cast yourself, you are born with a low life!”

The emperor of the Hanchan Kingdom stared at the beautiful Wugu Tianzun Shui'er who was limp on the ground and said. Then the evil eyes searched for Shui'er, the Wugu Tianzun. Next, he reached out to touch the body of Wugu Tianzun Shui'er.

"Boom!" At this moment, there were bursts of loud noises in the distance.

"Crack! Crack!" Immediately afterwards, countless cold toads screamed inexplicably and pitifully from a hundred feet away.

"Not good! Someone is coming!" Kong Sheng, the emperor of the Han Toad Kingdom, suddenly sank in his heart. He couldn't help thinking, could it be that that mysterious silver-white man with a red crown and golden shoes and a childlike face came again when he besieged Longyun Mountain? !

Kong Sheng, the Emperor of the Cold Toad Kingdom, didn't care about the dying Wugu Tianzun, and quickly led nine Nine Ice Cold Toads to fly into the sky.

I saw the bright white light curtains on the sky continuously slashing towards the ice toads near Wanjian Mountain. Wherever the light curtains went, countless ice toads immediately turned into sea-blue ice flowers, and then burst into the air. .

Through the layers of gray-white clouds in the sky, Kong Sheng, the emperor of the Han Toad Kingdom, slowly saw the figure of that person clearly. The bones are waving vigorously.

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