Nine Heavens

Chapter 598 Tianyuan Duguo

Chapter 598: Tian Yuan Du Guo

"How does fifth brother know? In fact, before I came, I had already received a summoning post from Kongfeng Mountain, but I just didn't understand why the Millennium Conference was suddenly brought forward so many days! It seems that fifth brother knew the reason." Hearing this, Liu Qianlang was surprised for a while, and couldn't help asking.

"That's right, fifth brother does know, but third brother please forgive me, fifth brother has nothing to say, that's all I can say, third brother take care!" Kong Sheng, the emperor of Hanchan Kingdom, said, a wave of sea-blue smoke rose from under his feet, and then controlled The gigantic Nine Frost Toad roared away.

"Cough! Cough!" Kong Sheng stood on top of the Nine Ice Frost Toad, clutching his chest, still coughing violently, obviously seriously injured. His stature became much weaker. During the flight, Kong Sheng glanced back at Liu Qianlang, then continued to fly without looking back.

When he glanced back and met his four eyes, Liu Qianlang couldn't help but lose his mind for a while, that pale face completely lost the elegant and romantic taste of the past, his eyes were full of blue flashes, not clear anymore, full of melancholy and resentment .

Speechless, Liu Qianlang watched him gradually go away, and then got into the clouds. And he turned around, looked around, and immediately flew towards the Bone Finger Cave, because he was always thinking about Shui'er's situation.

At this moment, the entire snow-capped world before Wanjian Mountain has returned to its original appearance. There are many peaks, countless abysses, ravines, and great rivers. The night is over, and the dawn is coming. Let the strange and steep Wanjian Mountain, which is barren of grass, also have a bit of color.

A moment later, Liu Qianlang manipulated the Xianyuan sword and floated at the entrance of the huge holy cave of the Bone Finger Cave. The ice and snow at the entrance of the cave had already melted, but the water column formed by the melting ice and snow was still crazily heading towards the abyss below the entrance of the cave. torrent.

Liu Qianlang stopped at the entrance of the cave, because he saw that his beloved Shui'er had regained his body and was standing at the entrance of the cave, his eyes were staring at a piece of blue color, and weeping silently.

Her face was pale and her shoulders were trembling. Behind her, the elders of Yinming and other Bone Finger Cave masters, as well as the densely packed Bone Finger Cave saints in the cave, were all sobbing softly.

Palace Master Zhiqing stood beside Shui'er, supporting her with both hands, and his eyes were full of sadness. When he saw Liu Qianlang, he seemed to have a lot of unbearable, turned his head to one side, and his eyes were also full of sadness. bewildered.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Qianlang felt a torment in his heart, not knowing what happened. So he slid down quickly, stood on the other side of the water, and followed her line of sight.

I found that the faint blue color in Shui'er's hand was actually a mirror, in the shape of fish scales, inside the mirror was a vast mist, covered with ice and snow. A beautiful woman with bursting fragments of jet-black witch robes flying around her body.

She smiled sadly, and then her body burst apart in Shui'er's sight. Such a glance can be played back on this dark blue mirror as the mirror recedes.

"Brother! That's Master! I finally see what Master looks like!"

"Woooo—" Shui'er finally couldn't hold back, and threw herself into Liu Qianlang's arms and wept loudly.


Hearing Shui'er's cry, the surroundings quickly cried together.

Liu Qianlang and Palace Master Zhiqing looked at each other, silent and speechless.

The entrance of the Bone Finger Cave faces east. In the early morning, the eastern sky is full of rays of light, and this place is also full of bright colors. However, in the bright colors, all the faces with teary eyes are wrapped.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang didn't know what to do for Shui'er, but gently wiped away his tears while holding her cold hands tightly.

The blue fish-scale mirror was held by the master of the Passionate Palace, and then changed the sad scene to another angle, she didn't want Shui'er to see that scene that she couldn't accept.

The blue mirror is obliquely facing Liu Qianlang's line of sight, and a scene that shocks Liu Qianlang suddenly appears on Yantao's confused mirror.

Amidst the clouds and mists, Kong Sheng was galloping against the Nine Ice Frost Toad. Suddenly, an old man with white hair and a childlike face appeared in front of him, with a white feather whisk in his hand. Xianlu, he actually held a naive little crane in his arms.

That little crane, chubby, with red mouth, white body, red legs and golden tail, a pair of round black eyes, is very cute.

Seeing Kong Sheng flying towards him, the little crane was startled. It held its head up and said something to the old man with white hair and childlike face, and then saw the old man's eyes flashing with a clear spirit, and then flew towards Kong Sheng. With a slight flick, Kong Shenglian and the Nine Binghan Toad fell down towards Wanjian Mountain, which is thousands of meters below.


With a loud noise, Kong Sheng fell right into the mouth of the Holy Cave of the Bone Finger Cave. The huge Nine Ice Frost Toad had already been smashed into a huge meatloaf, but Kong Sheng only managed to stand up after rolling and crawling.

Immediately, the old man with white hair and childlike face floated over with the little crane in his arms.

"Two beautiful sisters, Xiao Hongzui'er went to Yunguoyuan to find this old man. I begged him to help. How are you? Sister Shui'er, why are you crying?" Xiao Hongzui'er saw Wugu Tianzun Shui'er Asked in puzzlement with the mournful faces of the Executioner Palace Master and everyone around.

"It's okay, as long as Xiao Hongzui'er is safe, thank you senior for saving Xiao Hongzui'er! It's a great honor to help you many times." The Master of the Palace of Passion saluted the old man with white hair and childlike face.

Seeing this old man, the Master of the Passionate Palace felt a sense of familiarity in his eyes, and suddenly remembered the siege of Longyun Mountain that day. Just when he and Shui'er were in an inextricable battle with the Kingdom of Five Poisons, a man with a dust whisk and silver in his hand suddenly appeared. The old man in the red crown and gold shoes saw that he just swiped the whisk casually a few times, and the five poison formations set up by the kingdom of five poisons collapsed in an instant. Fleeing without fighting.

And the old man Fuchen that day was standing in front of him, he was overjoyed to see this old man holding on to the Palace Master, and couldn't help but look sideways at Shui'er in Liu Qianlang's arms. At this moment, Shui'er had stopped crying when he heard the movement, and was shocked to see the old man with white hair and childlike face in front of him.

"Haha, you don't need to be polite, little baby. This crane cub is destined to be with me. It ran to my cloud orchard more than once to steal fruit to eat. This time it even asked me to help, saying that this scoundrel wanted to hurt the two beauties." Sister, I must come here, so I had no choice but to come, otherwise he said he would never steal my fruit again. How can he do that? If he doesn’t steal it, how can he prove that the fairy fruit in my cloud orchard is delicious? Haha, come, come, this is the fruit from Yunguoyuan that I brought here specially, you all have to try it and see if it tastes good after all!" said the old man with white hair and childlike face, stroking his beard that was three feet long.

While talking, he waved the dust, and at the entrance of the Holy Cave of the Bone Finger Cave, three fairy fruit trees grew from the ground. They germinated for a while, grew taller for a while, opened branches and leaves for a while, bloomed and bore fruit for a while, and finally bloomed for a while. Mature,. The three fairy fruit trees are all full of fruits shining with spiritual light.

A kind of egg-sized, heart-shaped, golden glittering, there are thousands of them, swaying eerily among the layers of green leaves.

A kind of apple-sized, bright red color, also heart-shaped, covered with branches, there are thousands of them, the whole tree is red, like a huge flame.

There is also a white and transparent fairy fruit, the size of a pear, or heart-shaped, bright and bright, and there are thousands of them, the trees are full of crystals, as bright as stars.

Three tall fruit trees, three kinds of strange fairy fruits, blown by the morning breeze, are fragrant.

"Wow! It smells so good, old man, you are lying. Didn't you say that the three-color Tianyuan fruit is gone? Why are there so many here?" When Xiao Hongzui'er saw the three fairy fruits full of trees, she forgot the surroundings for a moment. In everything, there is only food in his eyes, and his saliva keeps drooling.

"Haha! You've already eaten everything you should eat. The three-color Tianyuan fruit is only destined once in a lifetime. It doesn't matter whether you eat it or not. As long as you have seen it, even if it appears 10,000 times, you won't be able to pick it off." These are for your friends, please." The old man with white hair and childlike face, while speaking, lightly raised his whisk, and all the fruits on the tree immediately floated up, and then flew to everyone around him. There is a Tianyuan fruit floating. No more, no less, exactly one for each person, including Kong Sheng who fell outside the cave entrance.

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