Nine Heavens

Chapter 608 Sand Sea Wolf Castle

Chapter 608: Sand Sea Wolf Castle

The sky has the sea of ​​clouds, the water has the sea, and the mountains have the sea of ​​forests. It seems that on the vast land of Shenzhou, the area called the sea is as vast as smoke and clouds, and it is everywhere. In other words, in the west of the vast land of Shenzhou, there is also a sea in a barren land, a sea of ​​deserts-the sea of ​​sand.

Although this sea of ​​sand exists in the vast land of Shenzhou, no one has ever given it a name, even an evil name. Because this place is located in the extreme region of the western sky, no one comes here at all, maybe no one in the mortal world knows that there is such a place in the world.

The western sky is extremely cold everywhere. It stands to reason that it should be extremely cold here, but in fact it is right and wrong. Not only is it extremely cold here, it is also extremely hot. This seems contradictory, but this inexplicable sand sea does exist like this.

One-third of the area at the edge of the sand sea is extremely cold, and the violent sand all over the sky is filled with desert hurricanes from time to time, filling the sky, and every grain of sand is like a thorn of ice cone. Any living beings who came here accidentally or by mistake would be ruthlessly stabbed into a sieve.

But one-third of the central area of ​​the sand sea is actually a vast sea of ​​scorching heat, and the sea water in this sea is always in a state of boiling all day long. Not to mention the existence of life in the ocean, there is not even a single stone, and everything in the sea has been melted into an endless cloud of orange-yellow smog. No one knows exactly how big this boiling sea is, but the enormous heat it transfers spreads over a third of the way between the sandy sea and the outer one.

Although there are still no people living in this third of the sand sea area, there are inexplicably thick plants with thick stems and pointed leaves growing, dotted sporadically in the boundless sand sea.

In addition, there are some inexplicable birds and beasts living in this area. The birds here are seven big in size, and it is not uncommon for them to be over a meter tall, but they can hardly fly. They mainly rely on their strong legs that walk like flying.

Among the beasts, the wolf of the sand sea appears the most. In this boundless sand sea, if you look around, especially at the afterglow of the setting sun, if there is anything in your sight under the red sun, it is almost the sand sea wolf. At this moment, the red sun was sinking to the west, and countless desert wolves stood on the raised sand dunes one after another, waiting for the sunset and the moon to rise, and then howling at the moon.


Tianyu Haoyue rises, and on top of countless sand dunes in the sand sea, one after another, burly giant wolves suddenly float up. They are all shining green and cold eyes in the dark, looking up at Tianyu Haoyue, and start howling Call.


What they are doing and why they howl, no one has ever been able to explain clearly, it seems that howling at the moon is a hobby of all the giant wolves above this sea of ​​sand, and every wolf follows this characteristic.

Now, they are howling, and the sound of howling wolves resounds throughout the sand sea. Because of howling wolves, the frigid world outside the sand sea became even colder, while the boiling orange-yellow ocean water in the central area began to be choppy, with huge waves rushing into the sky. The huge waves can be seen clearly from thousands of miles away, like clouds and orange flames. Covering the entire central sky.

Tianyu Haoyue continued to rise, and the howls of countless giant wolves became louder and louder, but suddenly stopped. They all turned their heads to look at Tianyu in the central area thousands of miles away, their gazes fixed, and they sobbed softly in their throats.

In the central sky, after the orange-yellow clouds rolled up, the center of the cloud unexpectedly soared upwards, gradually revealing a huge castle, a castle as black as ink, with a magma-like crimson color in the pitch-black color.

Looking at it, I feel hot and thirsty.

Who built this castle, and why does it exist in a boiling sea that melts even its stones? What material is it made of? Still no one knows. Anyway, it exists in such a different way.

As soon as the castle appeared, it kept rising and getting bigger, and after only a moment, it seemed to cover almost half of the boiling sea in the central area. Under the group and the bright moon, it looked extremely dazzling and terrifying.

When the pitch-black castle rose to a certain height, it stopped suddenly, and then roared towards countless giant sand sea wolves.

Seeing the pitch-black castle roaring towards them, countless giant wolves were not only not afraid, but also seemed to be extremely excited, their eyes twinkled with stars, and at the same time, their mouths were drooling.

Countless giant sand sea wolves seemed to know where the dark castle was going to fall, hula dodged a large area with a radius of thousands of feet, and then gathered in the opposite direction of a dark castle, standing in a regular manner.

The pitch-black castle was getting closer and closer, and the gurgling heat waves flowed past countless giant wolves without stopping. Above the sand sea, bursts of violent sand immediately swirled up, filling the sky.

In the pitch-black castle, there are countless giant wolves, all of which are more than ten feet tall, and they are all pitch-black, but they are very strong. In the huge heat wave, the black and shiny wolf fur was blown up and floating, and all the huge black waves looked up to the west , mighty and incomparable.

Each of these giant wolves has three eyes, two are emerald green, and the other is dark red like blood. The blood-red eye stands on the forehead, shining with a strange light from time to time.

While the wolves were silently staring at the dark castle roaring from the west, there were actually roaring sounds from the far north and south directions. However, the countless giant wolves didn't take it seriously at all, but kept their eyes on the pitch-black castle which was only about a thousand feet away.

When the castle was close enough, suddenly there were five figures standing above the dark castle, one man and four women. The man was dressed in a dark short jacket, with a delicate blue bow and arrow on his shoulder. The bow is blue, but the arrows are golden, nine of them are stuck upside down in the quiver behind him.

The four women all have charming faces, twisting their waists, flickering eyebrows, and infinite charm in their eyes. The four women have four colors of eyes, one is red, one is blue, one is green and one is purple. They are all dressed in fluffy down robes, elegant and luxurious, two are pure white, and two are light blue.

The four women are divided into four directions, front, back, left, and right, surrounding the man in black, and their eyes always show a feeling of dependence and love for the man, as if their world is only the man in black, and they are not very concerned about everything else around them. care. Seeing that the dark castle was about to land on the sand sea, their eyes were only on the face of the man in black.

The man in black, on the other hand, had a calm, unmoving expression on his face, with two sharp lights shining in his pitch-black eyes, scanning the countless giant wolves above the sand sea.


The pitch-black castle finally smashed onto the sandy sea, immediately stirring up sand dunes, the hurricane roared, and the sky was completely dark.

About an hour later, the wind calmed and the sand fell, and the blue sky and the white moon appeared in sight again.

The pitch-black castle has long stood firmly on the sandy sea. It is magnificent and majestic. There are countless palaces and pavilions throughout the castle. From a distance, it looks like mountains.


Above the pitch-black castle, the man in black put his hands together in the shape of a trumpet, put his hands to his mouth, and scanned the black giant wolves on the dunes, howling several times in succession.

When the pack of wolves heard howls, they immediately erupted, and suddenly, bursts of wolves responded.

"Oh! I haven't come out for so long, and the strength of the demon wolf has grown again. Young master, look, those little wolves have five demon rings around them. This time, they must look good to the lion demon and eagle demon! Lest they always unite Get up, listen to that old Perak ghost and bully our Wolf Castle!" the charming woman with red eyes and white velvet robe beside the man in black said softly.

"Yes, yes! I am annoyed when I see the red hair on the head of the lion demon and the big hooked mouth of the eagle demon. How can our son be so handsome!" said another woman in a white velvet robe with blue eyes blinking.

"The most important thing is that the Thunderbolt Xuanmo has never let you go. We have to find a way to deal with that old ghost. Not only does he have the lion demon and eagle demon to help him, but I recently heard that he has surrendered to the newly established Blood Moon God Sect. The leader How powerful is the Tao? Now he has subdued many evil sects. The Perak old ghost now has his backing. He just took away the Blood Moon Demon Palace that the young master has worked so hard to manage for a long time. Who would have thought that everything was messed up by that man wearing the terrifying blood moon mask! Alas!" said the blue-eyed woman in a light blue velvet robe behind the man in black.

"So what, our young master just doesn't belong to the Blood Moon God Sect, and the strength of the five emperors and eighteen gods controlled by the old ghost of Perak, now that he lacks the army of wolf demons, one of the three gods under his direct control, life must be hard. It seems that you don't listen to him too much!" said the fourth woman with purple eyes.

"The four sisters Hongying, Yinying, Lanying, and Ziying are all right, but the most important thing right now is to deal with the repeated pressure from the old ghost of Perak. I will submit to the Blood Moon Sect together with him. But I will never agree, the Blood Moon Sect snatches my Demon Palace first, and then let me Lord Wolf be at his mercy, it's just a dream!" The man in black said with a frown.


The wolves were still howling excitedly.

"Hehe, don't even talk about it. You see, they are slanderous, drooling all over the place. Hurry up and throw the soul we captured in Tianliang City to them!" the man in black said suddenly. The four women laughed, and took out a strange gourd from their bosoms, then opened the seal, and immediately, countless egg-sized faint blue bubbles floated towards the countless giant wolves directly in front of the castle.

Seeing the faint blue soul bubbles, the pack of wolves immediately stopped howling, opened their huge mouths in an orderly manner, and devoured countless souls happily.

About half an hour later, when almost all the souls were devoured, countless giant wolves jumped onto the dark castle silently, and then one by one huge heads slowly appeared on the top of the city.

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