Nine Heavens

Chapter 619: Unification of Wenyang

Chapter 619: Unification of Wenyang

The mountains are closed.

"The time is up! I invite the heads of all sects in the world to announce the results of your discussions on Xianwenmu. For the sake of fairness, the heads of the four major sects of Xuanlingmen, Wenyang Palace, Qingxindao, and Shura Temple do not need to participate." It is also not allowed to influence the wishes of the heads of various sects, if any violators are found, this special envoy has to say sorry in advance, and will unceremoniously remove those violators from being eligible for the referendum!"

Under the bright moon, Hongxian, the special envoy summoned on the Lingfeng Stage, looked around at the scene where the various sects and sects were still discussing thousands of meters away, and announced in a concentrated voice.

As soon as these words came out, it was as if the sky was shocked, and the entire Kongfeng Mountain fell silent immediately, but all the sects in the east, west, north, south, and south of Lingfeng Terrace did not behave as envoy Hong Xian imagined. On the huge fairy curtain at the height of the closed platform.

All sects are watching, and no one wants to be the first to announce their own results. The special envoy of soul-calling, Hong Xian, murmured in his heart, and couldn't help looking at Mr. Wenyang in the east.

But Mr. Wenyang admired the pure white pear blossoms on his cracked cloud fan from beginning to end. He didn't even talk to the four girls about the referendum, even if he looked at the people around him, but he never did. Only he and the four girls exist. He smiled occasionally, how condensed and delicious the pear blossom petals were with the four girls.

However, the bearded man from all over the world, Goddess of Eight Seas, and the heads of hundreds of schools and sects who were standing in the same direction as Mr. Wenyang all had very strange expressions, looking at Mr. Wenyang from time to time.

The head of the Xuanling Sect and the head of the Shura Temple have noticed this kind of weirdness, especially the eyes of Master Zhuyuan, the head of the Shura Temple, has a strange look. Because he found that the behavior of today's Siyang bearded man and Bahai Goddess is quite different from the past. The twelve are well-known people who are free and unrestrained in the sky. It was expected that they accepted it.

In addition, with the personalities of the twelve people, they would never be willing to stand in the same position as someone like Mr. Wenyang. According to their past habits of participating in rallies, they should be floating independently in the clouds somewhere in the sky. style. But today, they have been standing on top of the peaks of the Eastern Kongfeng Mountain, and they have not made any major moves. What made Master Zhuyuan even more puzzled was that the twelve people seemed to be very afraid of the existence of Mr. Wenyang, and they kept following Mr. Wenyang's every move from the corner of their eyes.

In addition to the weirdness of the masters of the island and waterfalls such as the Siyang bearded man and the Goddess of the Eight Seas, the leaders of other sects and sects seem not to be too concerned about discussing the referendum, but just chatted a few symbols , this state obviously has a distinct feeling from the other three orientation sects.

Master Zhuyuan was surprised, and glanced sideways at Liu Qianlang, the head of the Xuanling Sect in the north, and found that Liu Qianlang was also standing on the dragon's head, looking in the direction of Young Master Wenyang, concentrating on something.

Wuhen of Qingxin Dao in the south has always been calm. Although all the disciples behind him are also discussing heatedly, but relatively speaking, Ruya is much calmer. Instead, the huge goshawk under their feet screamed from time to time.

"Please ask all sects to announce the results of the discussion!" At this time, the summoner of the Millennium Conference raised his head and glanced at Tianyu Haoyue and said without doubt. The sound is condensed and weighty.

Hearing this, the disciples of all sects and factions in the four directions of Lingfengtai were secretly commotioning, and then they moved after a while, and saw that in the north, south and west, apart from Qingxindao, Xuanlingmen and Shuluo Temple, there were countless mountain peaks in an instant. , Dazzling golden lights flickered, and thousands of swords shot at the huge blue fairy light curtain above the Lingfeng platform like a volley.

As the golden lights shot onto the Xianwen light curtain, the names of the four sects on the Xianwen light curtain quickly began to appear sparkling golden stars one after another.

Each golden starburst is about the size of a thumb belly. At the beginning, the three sects of Xuanlingmen, Shura Temple, and Qingxindao had a large number of golden stars gathered on the huge silver shimmering sect name Xianwen, and soon the pure and white name of the mountain gate Xianwen text became The alluring golden color, and there are still more golden lights flying towards the immortal titles of the three sects.

Looking at the three big characters of Wenyang Palace, they are ranked second from left to right, but there are obviously very few golden stars shining on them, and most of the silver and white colors of the three big characters are exposed, which is extremely abrupt.

"Haha!" Some of the heads of various sects in the world and the disciples of various sects who came with them, looked at the three tragic silver-white characters in Wenyang Palace, and made bursts of ridicule again.

But Mr. Wenyang didn't seem to hear these mocking laughter at all. He was still looking at the pure white pear flower on the floating stars and clouds with a smile on his face. His strands of hair trembled slightly, and under his long eyelashes, a pair of female-like eyebrows shone with gorgeous colors.

"Hehe, it's so perfect. I have been waiting for several hours, and finally it's you! Look, the green leaves, the pistils, the cockles, and the petals, how beautiful they are!" Mr. Wenyang stared at the white pear blossom. The round dewdrops said.

"Eh! That's right, it's glittering with gold!" Sihe said when she saw that the dewdrops were reflecting countless golden-colored dewdrops thousands of feet above the sky.

The glittering gold of those dewdrops became thicker and thicker, forming a golden rainbow above the white pear blossoms.

"Hehe!" Seeing the appearance of the golden rainbow, Mr. Wenyang smiled, his eyes shone like gold, and he was full of praise for the beautiful pear blossom.

A gust of night wind passed by, and the golden rainbow above the white pear blossoms was suddenly blown away with countless golden light spots, and these golden light spots quickly flew towards the countless peaks in the east of the entire Lingfengtai around it, and also strangely .

The halo of the golden rainbow is getting bigger and bigger, the gold is getting thicker and thicker, and there are more and more golden light spots being blown away by the night wind. In just a moment, countless pairs of eyes from the north, south and west are amazed to find the area in the east It is already a world of gold flow.

At this time, everyone noticed the pure white pear flower shrouded in golden light on Mr. Wenyang's cracked cloud fan. The pear flower looked extremely small from a distance, but such a tiny pear flower was miraculously floating out Countless golden spots of light continuously flow up and down the countless mountain peaks in the Dongtian area.

There are countless golden butterflies fluttering, like a huge golden river undulating and flowing, and like a huge golden cloud floating leisurely.

What is he doing? Surprised questions from people floated in the sky above Kongfeng Mountain, but after that, no one asked any more, and everyone was dumbfounded. Because they saw that those flowing golden light spots and stars suddenly changed direction like a whirlwind, and then suddenly flew into the sky, and then, like a violent storm, blew down from the sky, one after another towards the huge preface. Shoot the three words on the subtitles.

consternation! It is unbelievable that among the four sects, at the end, it turns out that Wenyang Palace is covered with the most golden stars.

When the surroundings were inexplicably surprised, Mr. Wenyang was still smiling, and he was smiling very happily. He still didn't lift his head, and was still gazing quietly at the beautiful pear blossoms that had recovered their whiteness like cream.

"Hehe! Beautiful! It's perfect! Isn't it time to announce the result of the summoning special envoy!?" Mr. Wenyang, although he didn't raise his head, said in his mind to send the sound transmission to the summoner Hongxian of the Millennium Conference on the Qianzhang Outer Spirit Sealing Stage.

"Haha! Well, it's true that people can't be judged by appearances, and sea water can't be measured. This summoner should say no to Mr. Wenyang. Unexpectedly, there are more than 3,000 sects and factions in the fairy world, and Wenyang Palace actually got 1,000. With the support of the Eight Hundred Gates, even the bearded guests from all over the world, the fairies from the eight seas, the owners of the thirty-six islands and the owners of the forty-nine waterfalls all support Wenyang Palace without exception! It seems that Wenyang Palace has been in the past three thousand years The power is huge and the influence is far-reaching, which is really impressive! Since all factions in the world have voted in a referendum, and the results are obvious to all, there is no need for this special envoy to say more. Now the special envoy of this millennium conference has officially announced that from today onwards, until the millennium in the lower realm At the meeting, Wenyang Palace is the largest righteous sect in the Earth Immortal Realm, and Mr. Wenyang of Wenyang Palace will be the leader of all the righteous sect alliances in the world. He will channel the entire Earth Immortal Realm and give orders to the world. The special envoy hereby summons Mr. Wenyang to punish the immortal with a sword, to kill the fallen immortal, to kill the betrayal, and to kill the unworthy! Haha, Mr. Wenyang, please accept the sword!"

The Millennium Conference summoned special envoys in one go, without giving Xuanlingmen, Shura Temple, Qingxindao, and all the three thousand orthodox sects in the world a chance to have any doubts. The sword roared and shot towards Mr. Wenyang.

"Haha! Thank you to the summoner of the Millennium Conference for presiding over this Millennium Conference fairly. Since Wenyang Palace is fortunate to be supported by many sects in the world, it is my duty to be the leader of the righteous sect in the world. Compassionate to the common people, and defend the Great Rule of Heaven together!"

Young Master Wenyang suddenly retracted the Cloud Splitting Fan, and then, like a whirlwind, stepped on the pear blossoms and clouds over the eastern region and flew towards the huge snow-white Immortal Punisher Sword. In the sky, pointing directly at the bright moon, he soared into the sky and screamed loudly: "Punishing the Immortal Sword, the world will be one! Wenyang is unified, and demons will not be tolerated!"

"Punishing Immortals Sword Scream! The world is united! Wenyang is unified, and demons are not tolerated!"

Immediately, on the countless peaks of Kongfeng Mountain, thousands of monks shouted in unison!

At this moment, exactly three o'clock had arrived, the Special Envoy of the Millennium Conference nodded slightly, and then raised the dust again, and all the sealing symbols of all the immortals and domains on the Lingfeng Stage were shot into the giant sleeve of Mr. Wenyang , and then said in a concentrated voice: "The three hours have come, and the Millennium Conference is over here. If you want to ask about the division of the world, I will look forward to the leader of the Righteous Way!"

"Will! Will!"

Just at this time, Youlan Tianyu suddenly heard the crisp cry of cranes in the mist, and then saw the special envoys summoned by the Millennium Conference to shoot at Tianyu, and immediately turned into a small crane and three big ones screaming from Tianyu. The cranes flew into the gap in the clouds together.

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