Nine Heavens

Chapter 654: The Danger of August

Chapter 654: The Crisis of August

"Bah! Just relying on your rebellious virtue, you say that people are not people, and ghosts are not ghosts. It's disgusting to lift the shoes of this goddess, and you still want to dream. You really want to eat swan meat! Really bad Knowing how you entered the fourth level realm, now you are thousands of years old, and you are still so shameless, no wonder Fairy Luo Ling would rather turn her back on the mountain gate, go to Wanjian Mountain to open up the heavenly spirit realm, and die alone than die alone. Marry you, a big brother who does all kinds of evil, and spend the fairy journey together!"

Goddess Xingyao showed no mercy at all, spoke very sharp words, and said sarcastically, then turned her eyes to the sixteen sisters of August Special Envoy who were trembling outside Nianyi Pavilion, and signaled them to enter the pavilion.

"Hmph! That's because she didn't know what to do. If she had followed the old man back then, she would have been the wife of Master Longyun now. Why is she still in the barren Wanjian Mountain or something like a heavenly spirit realm, spending all day with a lot of grass and tree elves?" It's a pity that people are neither humans nor ghosts!" Ni Batian suddenly slashed again, Huoyun Dazhen said angrily from embarrassment.


The special envoy of August felt that the tens of thousands of feet high fire cloud seal formation was in danger, and she couldn't help being scared out of her wits. They nestled next to the Goddess Xingyao, shaking like chaff.

"Hehe, look at your sister's promising future. After all, you are also the special envoy of Langyuanmen in the future. How could you be so embarrassed by such a disgusting old man!" laughed.

"He" the sixteen sisters faltered, probably explaining the reason for their fear.

"Well! That's right, but that was in the past. You were still children at that time, and it was inevitable to be afraid. Now that you have grown up, and you all have great strength, you don't have to be afraid of him anymore! Sisters are united, even if he is a yuan What about the old monster in infancy? Not to mention that there is still this goddess here. If you are afraid, it is better to fight with death, even if you are dead, you are still alive! Since you have become disciples of the future Langyuan sect, you should learn from your future master Liu Qianlang I believe you must have heard about the ups and downs of the road he traveled, and even experienced it together! What I admire most about him is not his cultivation, but his unyielding character!" Xing Yao The saintess spoke encouragingly to the sixteen girls.

"Hmm!" Hearing this, the August Special Envoy's mood gradually stabilized, his frowning brows gradually relaxed, and then they nodded in encouragement to each other, and their sluggish figures gradually stood up. Then they all stared at the tall sky with resolute indifference.

"The pear blossoms are so beautiful!" When the fear no longer occupied their hearts and souls, the sixteen girls returned to their innocent nature, looking at the white pear blossoms fluttering in the Nianyi Pavilion with their beautiful eyes, they couldn't help praising .

"Hehe, that's right. This beautiful pear blossom is always there, and that disgusting old man will die sooner or later, because he betrayed his conscience and committed all kinds of evil. He deceived the righteous world for a while, but he couldn't deceive him forever!"

Seeing that the special envoy of August had calmed down, Goddess Xingyao nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Tianjue Divine Art is indeed overbearing. The Huoyun Formation does not have the eight dragons guarding Cangshan, so it may not last for a few days. Listen clearly, from now on Fly 30,000 zhang to the west of the pavilion, and you will see a huge red disc above Tianyu in the center of Cangshan Mountain. After seeing the disc, you can stop within its outer halo and wait there Liu Qianlang, your future head of the Wave Fate Sect, when will he find you, and when will you be able to show up. But don't fly to the space under the disk, or you will be destroyed physically and mentally!"

"But you?" The special envoy of August naturally understood Goddess Xingyao's protection, and looked at Goddess Xingyao's beautiful face worriedly and said.

"Don't worry, this goddess may not be her opponent, but self-protection is still okay. Go ahead, before everything is too late! Maybe you will find the sword master and Yuncang mountain master by chance!" Goddess Xingyao comforted with a smile.

When the special envoys of August heard the words, they all saluted and bid farewell gratefully, and then bowed back and forth, Pingting floated in the direction of Shenlong Tiandial.

"Oh! My beauty, where are you running? Are you in a hurry to find the old man?" The sixteen sisters of August's special envoy had just flown out for less than a hundred feet, when a shocking voice came from above their heads, and then they saw a Ni Batian, dressed in purple Taoist robes and with a long beard, descended from the sky and stood right in front of Special Envoy August.

"Ah!" Seeing the vicious Ni Batian, the special envoy of August burst into panic, and fled back to Nian Yiting in an instant.


At the moment when Ni Batian was about to rush into Nian Yiting, the pear blossoms around Nian Yiting suddenly burst into bright white brilliance, and suddenly burst out a huge divine power, quickly pressing in all directions with Nian Yiting as the center .

In this regard, Ni Batian was not prepared at all, and did not expect at all, because the pounced action was too fierce, and under the force of the huge rebound, he was pushed out for more than a thousand feet, and then he stabilized in a very embarrassing situation out of shape.

"Pear flower seal! Bah! Unexpectedly, the dignified leader of Wenyang would be colluding with the righteous rebels. Thanks to the old man who ran into him today, otherwise I would have been confused. Why did the leader of the world's rightful factions not participate in the Xuanlingmen League? Come together to encircle and suppress Cangshan, wipe out the Langyuan faction, kill Liu Qianlang, and prove the righteousness of the world! It turns out that Mr. Wenyang has long been in collusion with the traitor Liu Qianlang!"

Ni Batian staggered for a while, and after standing still, he stared at Nian Yiting and said angrily. Immediately, he took a closer look, and read Yiting's famous poems, and couldn't help but look at the left and right pavilion pillars and said:

"Seeing the pavilion and thinking about the old man, the pear blossom path is fragrant. Shaking the world of mortals and being lonely, who would think about it for thousands of years."

"Innocence washes away the sun and the moon, and suddenly comes to the world. It is unrestrained and unrestrained, with a clear fragrance and soul!"

"Haha! It's ridiculous. Two dying people still want to drink and write poems. The old man has long been displeased with Mr. Wenyang's pretentiousness. Just let him and Liu Qianlang go on the road together, so as not to die alone Lonely. Haha." Ni Batian laughed wildly when he saw the two half-understandable poems. Then the evil eyes fixed on the eight pairs of twin sisters of the sixteen August special envoys.

Seeing Ni Batian's ferocious and terrifying face, the sixteen sisters, who had just recovered their courage for a while, fell into fear in an instant. It is even closer to the realm of transforming gods, and the strength of myself and the fifteen sisters at the alchemy stage is like ants in the eyes of the other party, and they can only be lambs to be slaughtered. At this moment, the sixteen sisters looked around at each other, with determination in their eyes.

Concentrating their whole body's mana with their hands, as soon as the other party broke into Nian Yiting, they would immediately explode to death. You will never give the other party any chance to insult yourself, let alone become a tool for the other party to practice.


A gust of wind blew up, and Ni Batian rushed over again, but this time, he flew a few meters away from Nian Yiting and stopped, because he was worried about hurting the special envoy of August, the sixteen Shui Lingling sisters, she was in a daze, reluctant to destroy the little Nian Yi Pavilion in front of her.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Aren't you Ni Batian the invincible hand of Hengbatian? Why can't even a small pavilion come in? I think it's called Ni Patian. Come on, children, it's fine if we are idle, how about we Try this Pear Blossom Bar, I heard it's delicious." Goddess Xingyao, seeing Ni Batian throwing a mouse, didn't dare to break the seal of Pear Blossom for a moment, and stood awkwardly outside the pavilion, drooling and looking at eight envoy of the month.

"Bah! It's not because I can't kill you, an old hag, it's really because I can't bear to hurt you wonderful people!" Ni Batian said, staring into his eyes.

In this way, Goddess Xingyao felt much more at ease. When the two sides faced each other, they were afraid that the other party would have no scruples. But right now, the other party coveted the beauty of a group of girls, so they were unwilling to attack with all their might. This is indeed a good way to delay time. Looking at the fairy world, there is really no one who can break into the Huoyun Great Formation, except for those who have successfully cultivated Tianjue Divine Art. No matter how much strength there is outside, they will not be able to enter Cangshan Mountain until the Fire Cloud Formation is destroyed.

Hehe, it's a good thing that Ni Batian is outside Nianyi Pavilion, he can't enter, and he can't bear to retreat to destroy the Huoyun formation. Such a dramatic situation couldn't be better for Fairy Xingyao and Special Envoy August.

Therefore, when the Goddess Xingyao saw this level, she even ignored the plan to deal with the enemy. She called the special envoy of August to sit on the same side as her, and while watching Ni Batian scratching her head, she talked with sixteen and sixteen The girl drank the wine and began to talk about Li Huaermei and Fang Xiang as if no one else was there.

At first, the special envoys of August couldn't let go. Gradually, they also realized the reason why Ni Batian didn't attack Nian Yiting by force, so they gradually relaxed and calmed down like Goddess Xingyao.

Because I have already planned in my heart, the big deal is that the world of mortals will form a dream and continue in the next life.

Such a strange situation lasted for more than an hour, and Ni Batian finally realized that there would be no result after all, the beauty is so close at hand, but as far away as the world. Either destroy all the people and abandon them, or go to the Huoyun formation first, let all the righteous sects in the world come in, and then look for an opportunity to take the August envoy. Besides, I haven't seen the shadow of Liu Qianlang and Yun Cang since I came in, and now there is another Goddess Xingyao, if the three join forces, I can't guarantee that I will win.

The current strength of Liu Qianlang and Mr. Wenyang must be no better than that of five years ago, and the old hag in front of him is also the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage. If I didn't have Tianjue Divine Art as capital, the difference in strength from hers is not very different.

Ni Batian rolled his eyes for a long time, finally let out a long sigh, and then whizzed away!

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