Nine Heavens

Chapter 669 Red Immortal Escapes

Chapter 669: Red Immortal Escapes

"Since that's the case, take care, Hongxian child. Daddy and your two mothers have returned to Tianlinghe to return to life! One day in the sky, and a thousand years in the ground. When I see you again, you must already be a heroic young man." We look forward to that day coming soon!" After Tianling Crane Ancestor finished speaking, he finally slowly glanced around the sea of ​​Lihai that had been hovering for 30,000 years below, then stared at the little red mouth for a long time, then turned around abruptly, Fly to a higher sky with the two fairy wives.

"Father, take care, both mothers!" Watching her three close relatives leave, Xiao Hong shouted over and over again until the three Heavenly Spirit Crane Ancestors were no longer in sight.

At this time, Lixiang Island, which was as bright as day below, fell into the boundless darkness again because of the loss of the mana of the Sky Spirit Crane Ancestor. In an instant, you can't see your fingers between the sky and the earth, only a group of small bright spots tens of thousands of feet high.

Suddenly without the protection of the three relatives, Xiao Hongzui felt a burst of loss and loneliness in his heart. He really wanted to cry, but he gritted his teeth and didn't cry out.

Where are you going now? I have lost contact with Mr. Wenyang for more than a year, and I can't find Lihuaer to drill the Moon Palace anyway, because the Xianqi Piaoxingyunyun Fan who controls the sixth palace of Wenyang is only owned by Mr. Wenyang in this world, there is no Piaoxingci With the guidance of the cloud fan, no one can enter the Sixth Palace of Wenyang.

In the darkness, Xiao Hongzui'er fell into a daze, as if there were roads everywhere in the pitch-black world, and it seemed that there were no roads at all.

"Oh! Isn't this the special envoy Red Immortal summoned by the Kongfeng Mountain of the Millennium Conference? I am so lucky that I have another coincidence!" When Xiao Hongzuier was in a dilemma, he suddenly heard a thick voice behind him. Xiao Hongzui'er couldn't help being surprised, and suddenly turned around.

Taking a closer look, I found a tall and burly figure standing hundreds of feet away. This person had a majestic and domineering face, with piercing eyes, and was wearing a golden cold toad imperial robe. There was a huge nine-ice cold toad under his feet, and the whole body was filled with cold smoke. Ice fluttering, very majestic and terrifying.

"It turned out to be Wen Yangbo. I don't know why Wen Yangbo appeared in the sky so high in the middle of the night?" Xiaohongzuier Hongxian asked with a concentrating expression.

"Haha! This old man came all the way after the soul of the real Red Immortal seven years ago. Unexpectedly, after the destruction of the Red Immortal's body, his soul actually cast itself on you, a fake Red Immortal, and was reincarnated. Now you have become the real one. You are the Red Immortal, it is a great honor for me to find you!" Wen Yangbo laughed.

"Hmph! Don't come here, looking at your attire, it is obvious that you are no longer a member of Wenyang Palace. Who are you? Why have you been hiding in Wenyang Palace for many years, and what are your plans?" Xiao Hongzui'er Hongxian looked Wenyangbo up and down, feeling disgusted in his heart, and said vigilantly.

"It seems that nothing can be hidden from the eyes of Kong Fengshan summoning the special envoy. Yes, the old man is actually not Wenyang Bo from Wenyang Palace at all. There is no such name as Wenyang Bo among the six palaces of Wenyang Palace. Yang Palace is now called Wuji Palace, and the original Wuji Palace is now the main palace of Wujimen. After that, the sect of Wenyang Palace has ceased to exist, and it is now called Wujimen. It is the same as Shuluo Temple in the west, Tianjuemen in the north and Qingxin Dao in the south. With the four-legged confrontation, there is also the newly emerging Cangshan Langyuanmen in the center. Now all the righteous ways in the world follow our five major sects as the leader, obey orders, and make the world prevail."

"Don't tell lies in front of real people. I, Kong Sheng, are descendants of the royal family of the ancient Coconut Kingdom Hantoad Kingdom 30,000 years ago. This royal family has never forgotten the great cause of restoring the country since ancient times, and it is even more so in the time of Kong Sheng. Now this cold Toad Emperor has subdued the Kingdom of Five Poisons and the Kingdom of Seven Demons and established the Holy Kingdom of Voodoo, using the Promise Sect as the state religion, dominating the eastern region of Shenzhou, and is still called the King of the Eastern Region for the time being."

When Wen Yangbo was speaking, he transformed into the mighty and domineering emperor of the Han Toad Kingdom, with the back of his left hand and his right hand in front of his chest, playing with a very familiar green bamboo pen.

"I see clearly, from now on, there will be no leader of Wenyang, Wenyang Palace and Wenyang Region King in the East, but only the Eastern Wuji Sect, the head of the Wuji Sect, and the Eastern Region King will be the emperor of the Hanchan Kingdom!"

Kong Sheng, the emperor of the Hanchan Kingdom, said smugly.

"Hmph! If Hongxian is right, the Kingdom of the Seven Demons of Voodoo has long been a monster of the evil sect Moku, and now it suddenly proclaims itself to be the right way in the world. Do you think anyone will believe it?" Hongxian is only about ten years old now. The little boy had a delicate appearance, but his expression was calm, absolutely beyond ordinary people, his bright red eyes flashed, and he snorted coldly.

"Haha! If the king of this domain doesn't say it, who in the world's righteous sects will know the true location of the Holy Kingdom of Voodoo. Outside we are just the Wuji sect who sympathizes with the world, and inside we are just living a happy life in Taohuayuan. It doesn’t matter if anyone believes it or not, as long as I believe it myself.”

"Moreover, the king of this domain is by no means a person who is satisfied casually. One day, the king of this domain will annex Qingxin Dao to the south, merge with Tianjue Gate to the north, then bypass Cangshan Mountain, annihilate Shuluo Temple, and finally attack Cangshan Mountain to realize Shenzhou Hanchan. A nation's dream!"

Standing on top of the sea-blue Nine Frost Toad, Kong Sheng said confidently. At this time, he didn't know when he was shaking a floating star and cloud fan in his hand. It was the floating star and cloud fan of Mr. Wenyang, and it was also the immortal enlightenment of the Sixth Palace of Wenyang.

"You? You imprisoned Mr. Wenyang?" Seeing the Fan of Floating Stars and Cracking Clouds, Xiao Hongzui'er Hongxian immediately knew the reason why Mr. Wenyang disappeared for more than a year.

"Well! You are right. Since the day I joined Wenyang Palace, I have always had a goal in my heart, that is, one day I will be the number one person in Wenyang Palace. What Wenyang Bo, Mr. Wenyang Let me get away with everything! So for more than ten years, the head of this sect has been exploring the mysteries of Wenyang Palace all the time. Until a year ago, Mr. Wenyang stayed in Cangshan for a whole year and did not return. I finally discovered Wenyang. The secret of the sixth house."

"It turns out that Wenyang Palace is not within the sea. That's just a statement to deceive all sects in the world. The real Wenyang Palace is actually within the six profound realms, and these six profound realms are actually within the sea. within, or in the sky, or anywhere. This is the reason why the world will never find the mysterious existence of Wenyang Palace. Even as a person of Wenyang Palace, they only know the mystery of entering and exiting, and never Know the true face of Mount Lu in Wenyang Palace."

"However, all of this was deciphered by my head during that year, so when Mr. Wenyang came back from Cangshan, he was placed under house arrest by this head's design. Naturally, Wenyang Sixth Palace, no! Now it is called Wuji Sixth Palace. The Xian Qi Piao Xingyun Fan is now in the hands of the master!"

"Haha! This sect leader is really smart, I don't even know how to praise myself, in short, it's just one word - obedience!" said the Emperor Hanchan Kingdom, the head of the Promise Sect, triumphantly.

While boasting, Kong Sheng shook the Floating Star and Splitting Cloud Fan lightly, and immediately six spiritual creatures shining with mysterious colors appeared in front of his eyes: a pure white pear flower, and an inch-long blue Blue-ringed infinite fish, a lingering emerald chasing wave grass, a section of clear and soft white coral, a sea-blue Tianlangqin, and five volumes of faint blue immortal scriptures that are no more than the size of a fist.

Kong Sheng narrowed his eyes into a slit, appreciatively appreciatively inspected every mysterious artifact in front of him, and gently shook the cloud splitting fan, which made Xiao Hongzui's eyes look unpleasant no matter what. Little Hongzui'er Hongxian looked at each other with contempt.

"Bah! How despicable! This is also called cleverness. I think it's not bad to call it wicked. You are called decent, but you are actually evil. This is deceiving the world, and it is called inhumanity! Imprisoning the former head, usurping power and taking the throne, is called unrighteousness." So what if you are so unkind and unrighteous as the head of the Wuji Sect? Sooner or later, everyone will betray their relatives, go against the world's great way, and sooner or later they will be a dead end!" Xiaohongzui'er Hongxian said angrily.

"Oh! I can't see that you are not weak at all when you speak at such a young age. You are very sophisticated. Do you know why I told you everything about me?" Said with the floating star cracking the cloud fan.

"Because I'm going to die and you're going to kill me, so it doesn't matter how many secrets you tell a dying person, it's like not telling, right?" said.

"Yes! You are also very smart, almost half as fast as me. Back then, I killed the real Red Immortal with my own hands, and now I will let you, who used to be a fake Red Immortal, help Mr. Wenyang complete the fake Millennium Conference Is it the Red Immortal? Besides, I told you so many secrets about the Wuji Palace!" When the emperor of the Hanchan Kingdom said this, the Floating Star Cracking Cloud Fan drew a circle above the entire Lihai area, and immediately took Lihai as the In the center, the sky within a radius of ten thousand miles is full of stars, and then the dots of cold stars shoot out gorgeous green lights, and then these green lights quickly flow to the center of the Lihai area to the highest point, and within a short time, a huge blue light mask of one hundred thousand is formed. Like an upside-down bowl, covering the entire Lihai area, Xiao Hongzui'er Hongxian and Kong Sheng, the head of the Promise Sect, were naturally among them.

Little Hongzui'er Hongxian looked up at the floating star seal that was gradually closing, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, but she didn't say anything. She looked at the countless sparkling cold stars on the upside-down bowl wall, and her bright red eyes flickered. There is an imperceptible change.

"Cut! Shameless, stealing other people's things, and even playing around here. If I did this, I would wish I could slap myself to death! How shameless a person must be to use other people's treasures in his face Put gold on it! Xiao Hongzui didn't even look at Kong Sheng, the emperor of the Han Toad Kingdom, but kept staring at the countless Han Xing'er above his head and said sarcastically.

"What?" The emperor of Hanchan Kingdom couldn't help becoming angry when he heard Xiao Hongzui'er Hongxian say this. He planned to use the Floating Star Seal to keep the opponent under his clutches, but then he shot him suddenly. But when he heard the other party's words, he was greatly stimulated, and suddenly received the floating star seal, ready to change it into his own emerald color soul lock array.

However, at the same time as he retracted the floating star seal, the little red-mouthed red fairy on the opposite side suddenly turned into a ray of white divine light and fled towards the infinitely high and distant pitch-black sky, disappearing immediately.

Only then did Kong Sheng, the emperor of the Cold Toad Kingdom, realize that he had been fooled by the opponent's aggressive general, and immediately controlled the Nine Ice Cold Toad to chase after him.

However, after chasing for three days and three nights, he failed to catch up, and finally Kong Sheng came back disgruntled, while the little red-mouthed Hongxian was already dizzy from exhaustion, her eyes were dazzled, and she was hiding in a cloud of mist, with her chest and abdomen rising and falling, Panting heavily, my heart pounded, fearing that the other party would continue to chase. But to Xiao Hongzui'er Hongxian's surprise, the other party stopped chasing him suddenly, and then flew towards Lihai the same way.

Xiao Hongzui'er was relieved at this moment, but she didn't dare to move. It was not until a day later that she was sure that the other party was indeed not hiding nearby, and then she quietly flew towards the west like lightning.

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