Nine Heavens

Chapter 697 Lord of Fate

Chapter 697: Lord of Fate

"The bull demon screams at the sky, the horn of the god blasts the mountain"

At the same time Qin Yue threw the dragon ball high into the sky with his hands, he suddenly saw a huge white bull more than ten feet high, with blue horns, red eyes and purple hooves.

As soon as the cow appeared, it immediately showed a burst of manic emotion, shaking its head, pawing its front hooves, and letting out low growls.

And Qin Yue stands on it, frowning tightly, showing her bright teeth, and chanting divine words, her eyes are fixed on every move of Liu Qianlang on the Shenlong Tiandial.

Liu Qianlang was surprised for a while, he didn't know what the other party wanted to do, but saw that the dragon ball that had ascended into Tianyu rapidly expanded, suspended at a height of thousands of feet between the two of them, standing still, like a huge full moon, emitting light frequently Clear blue light waves.


At this time, the giant white bull under Qin Yue suddenly raised its head and stared at the dragon ball in the sky, let out a deep roar, and then saw the blue horns of the bull suddenly burst into light, bursting out bursts of dark blue cold light, and then formed a handle A sharp ice sword filled with cold smoke, and clusters of faint blue flames spewed out from its mouth, attacked Liu Qianlang together.

At the same time, the huge dragon ball in the sky whistled and spun suddenly, and the dragon ball was even more overwhelming. After a loud bang, a huge wave surged out of the dragon ball, and it blew down from the sky, like Thousands of horses galloped down towards Liu Qianlang.

Seeing the situation, Liu Qianlang didn't feel much surprise. All kinds of big battle occasions have long been commonplace, especially he didn't pay much attention to that giant ox. However, he didn't dare to neglect the violent waves pouring down from the Dragon Ball, because the power of the dragon soul accumulated there was too powerful. Seeing the surging waves approaching, Liu Qianlang quickly mobilized the power of Xuanzhen in his body, and immediately roared up against the Shenlong Tiandial.

In the waves rushing down in Dragon Ball, like a shadow, it didn't continue to rush down in the void, but rolled up, forming a vast sea in the sky, submerging Liu Qianlang in the tumbling waves in a blink of an eye .

Seeing Liu Qianlang being swallowed by the waves, Qin Yue showed a look of disdain on her face, and snorted coldly. However, after a while, he realized that he was wrong.

"Haha! So uncomfortable!"

Not only did Liu Qianlang not be swept away by the huge flood in the Dragon Ball, but instead he controlled the Shenlong Tiandial to move through the vast sky and ocean constantly rushing out of the Dragon Ball, his figure appearing and disappearing from time to time , soaring freely, it is simply enjoying, and shouted excitedly.

Immediately, Moniu Shuyu Yuzun Qinyue discovered that the huge red disk was extraordinary. It could not only restrain the powerful dragon soul power of Dragon Ball, but also continuously consume the water of the Dragon River flowing down in Dragon Ball. .


Staring at the huge disc, Qin Yue murmured in her heart, secretly thinking that the owner of the dragon ball fate that the ancestor asked her to wait in this Mo Niushuyu is really him? The legacy of the family ancestors: the one who can subdue the dragon ball is the master of the dragon ball!

When Qin Yue was disturbed by the red and green horns and walked out of Moniushuyu with the dragon ball, she found that the dragon ball had inexplicable fluctuations, and it kept sending invisible and colorless waves of extreme excitement to the place where Liu Qianlang was hiding at that time. information wave.

This kind of invisible and colorless information fluctuation is something I have never felt before. This just shows that the relationship between Dragon Ball and this person is extremely close. Its closeness even exceeds the relationship between Dragon Ball and itself for thousands of years.

At the moment when Qin Yue was muttering in her heart, the blue-horned snow cow under her feet suddenly stopped attacking, and her staring eyes were full of tameness.

And that Liu Qianlang was already standing at a height of thousands of feet in the sky at this moment, with his foot on the huge red plate, and he was holding his own dragon ball in his hand. The billowing waves in the air are rushing towards the huge blood-red disc. It was as if the disc was a bottomless pit. But in fact, there is no space under the disc except for the bright red beam of light.

Qin Yue is no longer suspicious at this moment, because the other party has obviously subdued Dragon Ball. If you ask anyone in this world who can recover the Dragon Balls besides yourself, the only one who can recover the Dragon Balls is the fateful owner of the Dragon Balls except for the deceased ancestor.

"Hmm! Qin Yue said something beforehand, since Zun Xian has already been hit by Qin Yue's Dragon Ball, Qin Yue will naturally keep his promise, this Dragon Ball Zun Xian can take away!"

Qin Yue stood on top of the blue-horned snow ox. Although she failed, she still said in a neither humble nor overbearing way.

"Haha! Qin Yuzun, it's not that I, Liu Qianlang, dodged your dragon ball's blow, but that Liu Qianlang suddenly had a magical induction in his mind, and suddenly knew the way to summon this dragon ball. And the source of induction of this method is the Shenlong Tiandial under Liu Qianlang's feet! Therefore, Liu Qianlang is definitely invincible."

"It's true that Liu Qianlang needs dragon balls, but he's definitely not a person without virtue or righteousness. Liu Qianlang might as well say frankly that ten years ago, you may have known about the destruction of the Dragon Ball Demon Realm in Shahai. Liu Qianlang took it away. However, the seven dragon ball guardian spirit envoys have been following them all the time, respecting each other as close friends. As for the creatures of the same family in the seven realms, Liu Qianlang has placed them all in a proper mysterious realm. Although it is no longer the Dragon Ball Profound Realm, it is by no means inferior to the fairyland within the Dragon Ball Profound Realm."

"If Qin Yuzun is willing to condescend and continue to protect this Dragon Ball, Liu Qianlang is willing to take away all living things in your Dragon Ball Profound Realm."

As Liu Qianlang spoke, he suddenly pushed the dragon ball in his palm to Qin Yue again, with no intention of taking it by force on his face.

Hearing this, Qin Yue was grateful for a burst of gratitude, secretly praised the other party's uprightness, and said: "Once the Dragon Ball is gone, Mo Niu Shuyu will lose its spiritual power immediately, and will be swallowed up by the vile sky-filled sand in an instant. Qin Yue naturally has nowhere to go , if Venerable Immortal can really do what you said, as long as he brings the hundreds of millions of blue-horned snow cows that Qin Yue has domesticated over thousands of years, I will be very grateful."

"Haha! Definitely! To have such a handsome and powerful person like Qin Yuzun continue to protect the Dragon Ball and share weal and woe with Liu Qianlang, Liu Qianlang is really lucky for three lives. Qin Yuzun is the guardian of the Dragon Ball, and the family has passed it down from generation to generation. , it is never an exaggeration to have this dragon ball forever." Liu Qianlang laughed.

The other six Yuzun saw that Qin Yue had surrendered, and obviously decided that the other party was the destiny master of the seven dragon balls. When the six people saw Liu Qianlang before, they had strange feelings in their hearts. He secretly felt that the real owner of the dragon balls in his hands had arrived, and the lack of success in building beads this time seemed to indicate that the seven realms of the Soul Devouring Warcraft Domain were about to perish.

The six held the dragon balls in their hands, and planned to compete with Liu Qianlang respectively, but after listening to Liu Qianlang's words, it seems that everything is unnecessary now, no matter how much they attack, the end will be a failure, besides the six people The reason why the Dragon Ball Profound Realm has been guarded for generations has only one purpose, and that is to wait for the fate of the Dragon Ball to come and take the Dragon Ball.

Now that the fateful person in Dragon Ball is right in front of him, the mission of tens of thousands of years for himself and his ancestors has finally been completed.

The six people looked around at each other, and after exchanging thoughts for a while, they saluted one after another: "Welcome to the Lord of Dragon Ball Destiny!"

Then they all held up the Dragon Ball with both hands and offered it sincerely.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang couldn't help but put away the Shenlong Tiandial, floated down with Qin Yue, and came to the six Yu Zuns. Liu Qianlang stared at the seven handsome teenagers in front of him, his eyes were full of surprise, from their clear eyes, he vaguely saw the shadow of himself when he was a teenager.

However, the looks of the seven people were just an illusion to Liu Qianlang. These seven people are not children, they have lived for thousands of years. It is nourished by strong spiritual power, and it is also the result of practicing Yongqing Gong.

But these Liu Qianlang didn't know, they all agreed that the seven in front of them were all outstanding youngsters with excellent spiritual roots. And the seven of them are all young people who love youth and hope that the other party will think so, so naturally they don't talk about it, they are secretly beautiful in their hearts.

"Liu Qianlang is very grateful to the seven Yuzuns for their success, and even more so for the seven Yuzuns who care about the common people in the world and would rather sacrifice their own world of leisure and care about the good fortune in the world. Liu Qianlang is sincerely grateful and admired!" Liu Qianlang said. .

"Master, you don't need to be polite. It is our family's mission to protect the Dragon Ball and return it to the Lord. Fortunately, the Master is not giving up. Let us continue to protect the Dragon Ball. This is already a kindness from heaven, why sacrifice it?"

"Our family has already received the favor of the Dragon Ball and enjoyed the blessings of the fairyland for tens of thousands of years. It is already a great blessing. Now the Lord of Fate has come to take back the Dragon Ball. The power of the soul and the nourishment of the powerful dragon spirit have already made great progress, and since then they have returned to the world that belonged to them in Mitianshayu. Speaking of which, they have been lucky."

Qin Yue looked around at the infinitely magnificent beauty of the Mystic Realm and the immortal beauty of Mo Niushuyu, as well as the countless flying birds, said the beast on the earth.

"That's right! What Qin Yuzun said is true. The master just took back the dragon balls, so don't worry about it." said Wuzun Piaoying beside Yuezun Qinyue.

"Hehe, Liu Qianlang met you all by chance, and I don't know all of you's surnames and names, so please enlighten me a little bit!" Seeing Wu Zun Piaoying talking, Liu Qianlang didn't know how to address him, so he said.

The six people all laughed when they heard the words, and then reported their names one after another, and briefly introduced the situation in their area.

During the conversation, Liu Qianlang learned a lot of things, such as the ancient Coconut Kingdom era, the voodoo seven demon kingdom, all the monsters in the seven demon kingdom come from the seven domains and seven worlds demons in the ancient Mitiansha Valley territory.

In addition, there is a very strange wolf castle in Motianshayu that the seven Dragon Ball guardian angels have repeatedly mentioned, and the appearance of the owner of the wolf castle, after listening to their description, I can't help feeling very familiar in my heart, but I can't put it into words.

Next, Liu Qianlang and the seven Yuzun went to various domains of the Soul Devouring Warcraft Domain. According to the requirements of the Yuzun, Liu Qianlang collected a large number of monsters domesticated by them. Among them is Qin Yue's billions of blue-horned snow cows.

In addition, there are thousands of flying horses in Yaoma Caoyu, hundreds of millions of goshawks in Guiwuqinyu, whirlwinds and wild waves in Shenfengfengyu, and colorful thunderbolt tigers in Jindiandianyu. All kinds of rhinoceros beasts in Bilei Leiyu, green bamboo pythons in Feihuayuyu, etc., there are thousands of species and trillions in number.

Liu Qianlang looked inside at his black jade skeleton profound realm, feeling that it was about to become a zoo, thinking in his heart that after returning to Cangshan, he should refine some specialized profound realms, such as raising these monsters.

But at the moment, I have no choice but to do so for the time being. At most, I will find some time to place them in some ready-made mysterious realms in my ancient Coconut Country treasure. The most important thing now is to continue to search for the area where the next Dragon Ball is located - the twenty-one magic sound pool area. There are twenty-one dragon balls there.

For the convenience of action, after thinking about it again and again, Liu Qianlang still gave the seven dragon balls from the Soul Devouring Demonic Beast Realm to the seven Yu Zun, let them all enter the Moyu Skull Profound Realm, and temporarily sealed them in the Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm. A specific area, but the decision is still to continue on the road alone with the swan figure and white feathers of Fang Tianyingfang, the lord of the Love Flower Palace.

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