Nine Heavens

Chapter 792

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-two Shi Xia

When Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong flew away in the blue sky with two long rainbows, one white and one red, Qingcheng and Qingguo came in a flash. At this moment, they no longer covered their bodies with white clouds, because they Without such things as Chu Yixiang or divine things, I regained my previous aesthetic taste, knowing that I am actually really beautiful.

The two of them each stepped on an emerald green demon core bestowed by the queen a million years ago, and flew up to Lingyuan. They leaned over and saw the Qinghun spring reappeared in the world. The two sisters blushed happily and couldn't help jumping cheer.

"Hey! Sister Qingguo, you need to pay attention to your image. We are all beauties, so you have to smile without leaking your teeth! Like me! Hehe!" Qingcheng's clear eyes flashed, and she acted like a lady With a mischievous smile.

"Hehe! It's so ugly to smile without showing your teeth. I usually advise you to read more books. If you don't read, you should smile without showing your teeth!" If it is my son, I can't help laughing.

"Oh my god! I thought it was a dream, but it's really a colorful demon fruit!" When Qing Guo was laughing out of breath, she suddenly saw her younger sister Qing Cheng tilting her head, raising her eyes, pointing to the sky in surprise shouted.

"Colorful Heavenly Magic Fruit!?"

Qingguo was also pleasantly surprised and followed the direction of his sister's finger to look towards the sky, and then he really saw countless sparkling seven-colored heavenly magic fruits under the sky, which is the most sacred magic fruit in the country of America. Respected as the beauty fruit.

"Hehe! Sister! Close your eyes and make a wish. It is said that when you see the seven-colored sky magic fruit ripen and fill the sky, make a wish and your wish will come true!" Qingcheng reminded her sister mischievously.

"Okay, okay, my sister is right!"

Speaking of which, the young lady and the two stood on the emerald green demon core, clasped their hands together, closed their eyes, and fell silent for a while, then opened their eyes again, and drifted away laughing happily.

The two elder sisters were both dressed in pure white clouds and clouds, and stepped on the emerald green sky demon core, flying in the clear sky, gracefully, flying with the birds, leisurely and infinitely graceful.

Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong soared above the vast sky of the American country, setting up lights in every city, and Shixia when they met the pool. Every time they passed by, the dark and dilapidated castle would fade away in an instant, revealing an exquisite city.

Then I saw beautiful figures floating around the city, and these figures continued to do what they were going to do at the moment of freezing thousands of years ago, without knowing what happened in the outside world.

When Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong saw the last city glowing with its former glory, it was already noon seven days later. Although the two of them were exhausted and messy, they were very happy in their hearts.

Because of the endless flowers, plants and trees on the earth, seeing the ability of the two gods to pour water and save thousands of cities in the world, it took some pondering to realize it. The miracle of the two of you, this is obviously the behavior of a complete high-society successful person! So they flew up to the blue sky one after another, surrounded the three layers inside and outside the two, and admired them vigorously, and worshiped them to death.

Like the world-class protected animals in the weekend zoo, Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong enjoy the same treatment as the national treasure giant panda.

Especially Huanfeng Shenlong, every time a slim and beautiful woman flies up to offer him a magic fruit, or praise him a few words around him, he is so happy that he doesn't need to sleep in the future, so he doesn't feel tired. In the past, I only thought that Princess Yinling was the fragrant grass in my heart, but now I look at it, it turns out that there are fragrant grasses everywhere in the world! I don't feel a little mentally derailed.

Huanfeng Shenlong is so beautiful, even on the way the two of them flew to the palace, they both hummed a song that no one understood, which made Liu Qianlang's tooth ache. But the countless flowers, plants and trees flying all over the sky, as well as the birds in the sky, the white clouds and so on, are very fond of listening, and he is immediately regarded as the king of heaven, and he has become a fan of Huanfeng Shenlong.

There were a few beautiful girls from the American country who admired Huanfeng Shenlong so much that they insisted on marrying him. Huanfeng Shenlong repeatedly explained that he already had a wife, and those women left with tears of regret for thousands of years up.

But when Huanfeng Shenlong explained it like this, he thought in his heart that if possible, he could marry a few more. But when I thought about how Princess Yinling looked when she cleaned herself up, I might as well forget it.

Later, when the two of them saw it, they couldn't do it. There were still a large number of fans pouring in along the way. Later, Liu Qianlang had no choice but to resort to a unique trick. The two of them suddenly turned into a ray of light and got into the ghost boat, and then turned into a ray of light. Made a thin cloud and finally slipped away.

Countless fans looked at the flowers, plants and trees, and the two heavenly kings turned into divine lights and flew away. They were even more excited. They regretted for thousands of years. Damn, they all fainted.

Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong sat in the ghost week and fled desperately for about two hours, and finally saw a resplendent palace on a huge mountain in their sight.

After flying for a while, I saw that the entire imperial palace was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the auspicious clouds above the imperial city, the magnificent imperial city, and the grand gates of eight people in all directions were filled with guards of honor, and at the same time, the magic carpet of changing colors flew thousands of miles away. The purpose is to welcome the return of Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong, no matter which door they enter, they will be treated like heavenly kings.

Outside the gate of the main palace in front, the emperor Yuntianfeng, the queen Yuntian fairy, and the prince Yuntian Lingzhu are floating on the magic carpet. Among the nineteen people from the Seven Realms and the Seven Realms Gods, including Princess Jinling and Yudi Niang, and several Surrounded by the incomparably beautiful maids who look like fairies from the United States, they are looking at the direction in which Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng are flying.

Those eyes were full of excitement and excitement, especially the countless flowers, plants and trees flying in the air watching the excitement on both sides of the Seven Magic Carpet, each tree was full of enthusiasm, and they stretched out a leaf waiting for the two to sign.

"Boss! What should we do?" Huanfengshen saw that a large number of fans traveled thousands of miles and chased him to the imperial city. For the first time, the leader felt so much pressure to be a successful person, so he couldn't help asking Liu Qianlang.

Liu Qianlang frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Be low-key, you must be low-key! When we walk to the Seven Magic Carpet in a while, we must be calm and keep our eyes on the ground. Look, remember! Remember!"

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other seriously for a long time, and then resolutely appeared, floating on the colorful magic carpet.

"Wow! Here they come! Hurry up! Pull their hair as a souvenir!"

"It's okay to tear a piece of clothes!"

"Sign me a name!"

When the floating flowers, plants and trees around the colorful magic carpet saw the appearance of Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong, they immediately swarmed over, dizzy with excitement, kept wiping away their tears, and shouted wildly. Because there are too many flowers, plants and trees, those who can't squeeze in, beat their feet and chests, screamed again and again, and entrust the buddies and sisters in front to help pull a root of hair or a piece of clothing.

For a moment, the scene got out of control, and I saw countless branches unscrupulously reaching towards the heads of the two people, stretching out from the clothes, Liu Qianlang was fine, although the hair was long, the clothes were simple, but the material was really good, those flowers, grass trees , After busying for a long time, he tore away a strand of Liu Qianlang's hair.

However, the winner of that hair will be great in the future. With Liu Qianlang's silver hair, he has traversed Mitiansha Valley for nine thousand years, and after that, he has dominated the situation outside Mitiansha Valley for tens of thousands of years, and finally succeeded in being promoted. Fairy away, but that's something for later.

Liu Qianlang held his head high and walked forward steadily, with an impassioned expression on his face, walking step by step, ignoring the left and right. But his heart was broken, and he thought to himself: "I say the emperor of the United States! No matter how beautiful you are, you have to care about other people's life and death! There is no such thing as when you walk in broad daylight, someone will come forward to take off your clothes and pull out your hair of!"

"Hey! Fortunately, my clothes are Tianjin Chanpao, and my hair is full of mysterious power! They are all genuine and good materials. Otherwise, when I go back to Cangshan, everyone will see why I haven't seen you for a few years, and I have turned into duck eggs." ! Then how can you be the master!"

However, the Huanfeng Shenlong beside him was in a terrible situation. Under his chin, several dragon beards were pulled out, and his clothes were also ripped off. It just so happened that he had the Overlord's painted halberd in his hand. Looking at it coldly, he was definitely a member of the Beggar Gang!

Seeing the emperor in the distance, he hurriedly said: "You troublemakers, hurry up and go back to practice, or the emperor will deduct your points!" The flowers, plants and trees on both sides of the magic carpet heard that this is not going to happen, so they quickly looked helplessly. Fei San turned around and left.

Then I saw those flowers, plants and trees that were not tied to the cloth strips of Huanfeng Shenlong's clothes, looking at the flowers and trees that were tied to the strips, the envy of the dead was simply unprecedented, thinking about the long distance between heaven and earth, I was so sad that I burst into tears!

But even in such a miserable situation, Huanfeng Shenlong didn't frown, because he knew that to be a great man has to suffer, toil, to endure what ordinary people can't bear, and to do what mediocre people can't do. This is the minimum quality a successful person should have. I am now on the road to success admired by everyone, and I have to be patient in everything.

It’s nothing to pull out a few beards, you can grow them again if you pull them out, and it’s nothing to tear up a few clothes. If you have money, you can just buy a set of famous brands.

With such a strong inner support, Huanfeng Shenlong really didn't even turn his head, didn't look left and right, and even encouraged the grass that plucked his beard with his eyes when his beard was plucked.

"Haha! You two Enxians, you are finally back. I have heard everything from Lingzhu. You are really the great benefactors of our American country. Haha, go to the table quickly, we are waiting for the two of you to hold a national celebration together What!" Seeing Liu Qianlang and Huanfeng Shenlong approaching imposingly, the Emperor of the Beauty Country laughed.

Then, seeing Huanfeng Shenlong dressed in the beggar gang's attire, he couldn't help looking up and down, twirling his beard, smiling and nodding his head, and said, "I just sensed that you are Huanfeng Shenlong, Longzun descending today. It's a coincidence. There is a set of ancient silver diamond dragon clothes in America, which just fits Zunlong, so I will give it to Zunlong, and it can be regarded as a companion for those naughty children!"

After the King of the United States finished speaking, he raised his hand and brushed his giant sleeve slightly, and the beggar's outfit outside Huanfeng Shenlong's body instantly changed into a silver diamond dragon suit with sparkling diamond lights, let alone the spirit.

"Wow cool! So handsome!"

Immediately, all around were fairy-like maidservants from the United States, with clear eyes shining, boundless admiration, gazing at Huanfeng Shenlong affectionately, and surrounded them unknowingly. The voice was crisp and crisp, and every sentence was sweetly praised.

Princess Yinling behind the queen saw it, and it was fine, if I didn't show it again, there must be a little three and a little four, so he swirled to the side of Huanfeng Shenlong like the wind, looked at the maids and called sweetly: "Husband! !"

This meaning is too obvious, Princess Yinling is using actions to tell the beauties around her that this bug has already found its owner, so don't have dreams that shouldn't be. But, don't tell me, the fairy-like maids around saw that the object of their admiration was found, and immediately gave this handsome guy from Huanfeng Shenlong a zero point instead of a hundred points. Then Jiao hummed and looked away.

After Huanfeng Shenlong thanked the emperor Yun Tianfeng for a while, everyone exchanged greetings for a while, and then stood on the Seven Magic Carpet and flew into the palace surrounded by front and back, and sat in the banquet of the gods with all the officials and congratulations soon after. .

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